JSON Examples
Correct JSON
"_ext": {
"nmped": {
"nmpedClassPeriodDescriptor": "uri://nmped.org/NMPEDClassPeriodDescriptor#SP"
The ·namespace value is correct based on the downloaded values for this descriptor set.
The namespace can be seen (and verified) by searching for the appropriate descriptor set via the Ed-Fi dashboard.
Select Review next to Descriptors (Common Codes).
Select Downloaded Code Set Values.
Use filter functionality to find the specific descriptor set in question. Or manually look in the drop-down.
After the namespace value, a # and the saved/reported value are available.
Incorrect JSON
"_ext" : {
"NMPED" : {
"nmpedClassPeriodDescriptor" : "X"
The namespace value is incorrect based on the downloaded values for this descriptor set.
uri://nmped.org/NMPEDClassPeriodDescriptor is not present in the published json code