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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


20-21 - Student Award Fact Template Updates

The following updates have been made for 20-21 Award Fact reporting:

  • A new Code 98 - Latin has been added to Award Code Set.


20-21 Course Instructor Template Updates

The following updates have been made for 20-21 Course Instructor reporting:

  • A new 98 - Latin code has been added to the Alternate Instruction Language Code field.

  • The Class Period field (on the Edit Section page) has been updated and the following options have been retired:

    • PreK AM

    • PreK PM

    • PreK Full-Day

    • Kindergarten Full-Day

    • Pull Out


20-21 Program Services Fact Data Collection Updates

The following changes were made for Program Services Fact 20-21 reporting:

  • The Program Services Fact tab has been renamed from Program Fact Services.

  • When the tab is first displayed, records are now sorted by Start Date in descending order.

  • Sorting by Start Date now correctly sorts by date instead of text.

  • Sorting by End Date no longer causes a spinning icon to appear.

  • The Program Code field is renamed from Provider Type Code or Service Provider Type Code. The CSP - Community Schools Program is renamed from CSP - Community Service Provider. A new code EELTO - Expanded and Enriched Learning Time and Opportunities is added.

  • A new field, Service Provider Type Code, is added. It is to be used when Program Code is set to EELTO. It has the following codes:

    • Community-Based Organization

    • Community Recruit

    • Educational Assistant

    • Faith-Based Organization

    • Parent

    • Teacher

    • Volunteer

  • The Service Code field is renamed from Provided Type Code or Service Provided Type Code.

    • The following new Service Codes have been added:

      • Academic Enrichment

      • Civic Leadership

      • Experiential Learning

      • Family-Focused Enrichment Activities

      • Fine Arts Activities

      • Health and Fitness Activities

      • High-Yield Learning Activities

      • Language and Cultural Activities

      • Performing Arts Activities

      • Social and Emotional Skills Programs

      • Sports - Physical Activities

      • Work Skills

      • Youth Leadership Programs

    • The codes are sorted by category and then description.

    • Some codes were changed:

      • The Enrichment code is no longer allowed for Program Code ELTP.

      • The Early Childhood Education code no longer appears as Tutoring on the overview page.

      • The Tutoring code is no longer allowed for Program Code ELTP.

      • The Community-Service Learning code is no longer allowed for Program Code ELTP.

      • Social Work Services is renamed from Social Services-Social Work.

      • The Health Services code is removed.

      • The Vision and Hearing Services code is renamed from Vision and Hearing.

      • The Drop-Out Prevention Programs code is renamed from Drop-out Prevention Programs.

  • The Service Provider Name field is renamed from Provider Name. This field is required when the Program Code is CSP or EELTO.

  • The Service Setting Code is renamed from Setting Code.


20-21 Program Services Fact Template Report Updates

NM Programs Services Fact Template: Version 1.2

The following updates have been made to the Programs Services Fact for 20-21 reporting:

  • The report is renamed from Programs Fact Services to Programs Services Fact.

  • The report description includes mention of EELTO which is a new Program Code that will be reported.

  • New Service Code values will be reported based on the numeric value saved in PowerSchool.

  • Field 13 is now used by the new field Service Provider Type Code. It will be blank unless the Program Code field is EELTO.

  • When the reporting period is set to EOY, the end date of the date range that is used to determine which records are reported will be June 30 of the selected term school year.


20-21 Special Education Events Updates

The following Non-Compliance Reasons Codes have been added for 20-21 reporting:

  • 30 - No service provider available to complete evaluation

  • 31 - Evaluation scheduling issues/ Difficulty scheduling IEP with parent/ Evaluation delays

  • 32 - 60th day/3rd birthday on weekend, holiday or during other school closure

  • 33 - Parent request delay in IEP meeting

Event Reason code "10 (Graduated on Career Option)" has been updated to "10 ( Graduated with Diploma on Modified Option)"

All these new codes as well as the modified codes are extracted in their respective reports.


20-21 Student/Student Snapshot Template Report Updates

NM Student Template: Version 5.8
NM Student Snapshot Template: Version 5.1

The following updates have been made to the Student and Student Snapshot Templates:

  • A new column BEP Program Language Code has been added (column no 153).

  • The column Years in U.S. School (column no 125) has been update as to report saved values of 0-5 when a student's Current FEP Status is 1.

    • Note: If a student's Current FEP Status is 1 and the Years in US Schools is Y/N (the old values), the report will return a blank and the field will need to be updated to a valid 0-5 value.


Edit Attendance Code Screen Update for Percent-Time-to-Day/Percent-Period-to-Day

The Edit Attendance Code page has been updated and the Cultural Observance checkbox now displays on Edit Attendance Code screen when Percent-Time-to-Day / Percent-Period-to-Day attendance is the Default Attendance Conversion method.


New - Staff Development Fact Extract

NM Staff Development Fact: Version 1.0

New report Staff Development Fact added under Staff Domain category.

The report generates a record for each staff member that has a value in the applicable Activity Hours field (that matches the Report Period value selected when the report is run).

Staff Activity Hours fields can be found at the link below:

  • Start Page> [select staff]> Edit information> Staff Development


New- Staff Development Fact Data Collection

A new Staff Development Fact link has been added on a staff member's Edit Information page (link below) with the fields noted below.

  • Start page> [select staff]> Information> Staff Development Fact.

    • 40D Activity Hours

      • S_NM_USR_X.40DActHrs

    • 80D Activity Hours

      • S_NM_USR_X.80DActHrs

    • 120D Activity Hours

      • S_NM_USR_X.120DActHrs

    • EOY Activity Hours

      • S_NM_USR_X.EOYActHrs

    • Purpose Code

      • S_NM_USR_X.PurposeCode


STARS Reporting Date Verbaige Update

On the STARS Reporting Dates page (at the District level), the verbiage for the respective reporting dates has been corrected and now the description of each reporting period accurately reflects the PED documentation.


Student/Student Snapshot Template Data Collection

The following data collection changes have been made to support Student/Student Template changes

  • A new BEP Program Language Code field (S_NM_STU_X.BEPLanguageCode) has been added on the below pages.

    • Start Page > Student Selection > New Mexico State Information > Bilingual Education

    • Start Page > Student Selection > New Mexico State Information > Programs Fact

  • The Years in U.S. Schools has been updated with the following options:

    • 0 = 1st year a student attends US Schools (less than 12 months).

    • 1 = 2nd consecutive year a student attends US Schools.

    • 2 = 3rd consecutive year a student attends US Schools.

    • 3 = 4th consecutive year a student attends US Schools.

    • 4 = 5th consecutive year a student attends US Schools.

    • 5 = A student is more than 5 consecutive years in US Schools.

      • Note: This field used to be a Y/N field and it is imperative that districts update this field for any student with a "Current FEP Status" of 1.

      • Additional Note: Per PED, "Years in US Schools" is to be measured in school years and must be consecutive.

  • A new 98 - Latin code has been added to the Home Language Code field

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