Staff Assignment Extract
This extract generates a comma-delimited file containing all assignment records per staff member.
Note: The report uses the first and last day of the current school year as the start and end dates for the extract.
Selection Criteria
Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report.
Staff Member Selection
The report selects staff records from the [Users] table based on the following criteria:
- The staff member must not be excluded from state reporting.
- The staff member must be associated with a school included in the report.
- The staff member must be active at the school; i.e. the Active checkbox must be selected on the staff Information page.
- The staff member’s NM Staff Status must equal C (Certified Personnel), N (Non-Certified Personnel), S (Substitute Teacher, Long Term), or R (Contracted Related Service Provider).
Report Input
For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.
Field | Description |
Select Schools | Choose one of the following:
Reporting Period | Choose a reporting period from the pop-up menu:
Report Output
Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Tables for a definition of each column in the table.
Item # | Data Element | Description | [Table]FieldName | Begin / End Position |
1 | District Code | PED assigned three-digit district number. | [Prefs]Name=DistrictNumber [Prefs]Value | 1/8 |
2 | Staff ID | The social security number of the staff member. The value is extracted without dashes. | [Users]SSN | 9/20 |
3 | Assignment Code | The PED assigned code associated with the assignment. (Is Assignment "Number" on the staff New Assignment page) The extract reports one record per assignment. If the staff member has four assignments, the extract will report four records, each with the appropriate PositionCode field. See the STARS Manual Volume 2 document for a complete list of code values: | [S_NM_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C]AssignmentNumber | 21/28 |
4 | Location Code | The alternate school number is extracted, if populated. Note: For the summer submission location code field at the staff level will be looked at, on the summer school staff record first, then the staff record flagged as the primary record. If the field is blank on both records, the school number (and alternate school number if one exists) for the primary record will be extracted. | [S_NM_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C]Location [SchoolStaff]HomeSchoolID | 29/34 |
5 | School Year | This value is automatically extracted as June 30th. The report determines the year by referencing the school year selected for the report input. The value is extracted in the format YYYY-MM-DD. | [Terms]LastDay | 35/44 |
6 | Assignment Date | Indicates the report date, depending on the submission mode selected for the report input:
| N/A | 45/54 |
7 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 55/64 |
8 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 65/72 |
9 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 73/122 |
10 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 123/126 |
11 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 127/176 |
12 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 177/184 |
13 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 185/204 |
14 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 205/224 |
15 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 225/248 |
16 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 249/268 |
17 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 269/293 |
18 | Percent Time Assigned | The portion of the staff member’s time allocated to the assignment included in this record. The extract reports one record per assignment. If the staff member has four assignments, the extract will report four records, each with the appropriate NM_FTE field. | [S_NM_USR_ASSIGNMENTS_C]FTE | 294/297 |
19 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 298/300 |
20 | N/A | Not collected. | N/A | 301/302 |