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New Mexico End of Course Test Subject Entry/Management

End of Course Test Subject Entry/Management allows New Mexico districts to create and modify EOC Test Subjects that are reported as the Item Description Code for EOC Assessment Fact records. Each entry is a record in the S_NM_EOCTESTSUBJMAP_S table. Once an EOC Test Subject record exists, it is assigned to a course or stored grade record

Navigate to the following page to find this functionality:

Start Page > Special Functions > New Mexico End of Course Test Subjects Grade Data Entry

EOC Test Subject records that appear in red are records that are no longer valid based on the effective end-date value. These records are selectable at the Course or StoredGrade level.


  • EOC Test Subjects that have been approved by PED for Local use must be entered before they can be used for reporting EOC Assessment Fact records.
  • EOC Test Subject records that have been approved for state-wide use by PED will be seeded and maintained by PowerSchool through State Reporting Updates.
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