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Student Discipline

This category carries information about student discipline incidents and disciplinary actions as published within the Student Discipline category. The Student Discipline category includes the following data views and resources:

Discipline Incident

This view captures information about discipline incidents occurring at each school as published in the DisciplineIncident resource within the Student Discipline category. The layout includes the School Name, Incident Identifier, Incident Date, Last Publish Date, and Publishing ID.


Students Discipline

This view captures details about student involvement in discipline incidents as published in the StudentDiscipline Association resource within the Student Discipline category. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, Incident Identifier, Incident Date, Incident Type, State Student Number, Last Publish Date, and Publishing ID.

studentDisciplineIncidentAssociations - Coming Soon

Discipline Action

This view captures information about the disciplinary actions associated with incidents and students as published in the DisciplineAction resource within the Student Discipline category. The layout includes the School Name, Student Number, Student Name, Incident Identifier, Incident Date, Action Taken, State Student Number, Last Publish Date, and Publishing ID.

disciplineAction - Coming Soon 

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