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State Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


NOVA - Discipline Performance, Scripting, and Record Selection Updates

Additional Reference: PSSR-338293, PSSR-337295

The following updates have been made to the NOVA - Discipline publishing logic.

  • Performance updates:

    • Removed students.dcid from Composite Key.

    • Script to remove the orphaned (duplicate) records.

    • Removed code which is not required as per the suggestion.

  • Discipline Log/Incident Record Selection Logic Updates

    • The logic for all discipline-related resources has been updated to the following:

      • Incident Management - Incidents will now only be published if there’s at least one student offender with a state-reportable behavior (infraction) and an associated state-reportable action (infraction response). Additionally, the student and student’s school cannot be excluded from state reporting.

        • If an incident has multiple offenders, any offenders that don’t meet the criteria above will not be published.

      • Log Entries - Log entries will now only be published if both the infraction is a valid PED code and the infraction response is a valid, PED code.

        • Note: A Staff Discipline record will be generated if the Log Entry meets the criteria noted above and an Administrator ID is noted in the Log Entry record.


NOVA - New Log Type/Subtype field for use with discipline publishing

A new Publish to Nova? field has been introduced for use with NOVA Student Discipline Publishing. Districts can now indicate which log types and subtypes are to be published by checking a checkbox . This feature allows end users to specify which logs should be published via Ed-Fi. The data related to this feature is stored in the Gen table in a column Value2.


  • Start Page> District Management> Behavior> Log Types> New/Edit

  • Start Page> District Management> Behavior> Log Types> Edit Subtypes> New/Edit


  • The Ed-Fi logic updates to honor this field will be in a future SR release.

  • These new fields are only to be used if your district is utilizing Log Entries for your NOVA discipline data reporting.


NOVA - ORA-01403: No Data Found - Diagnostic View Error

Some users experienced the following error in the Diagnostic View - Logged Messages (Errors Only) page:

“ORA-01403: No Data Found”

The above error was caused by another ORA error “(ORA-01427: single-row subquery returns more than one row) in the Student Transcript logic. The logic has been updated and the noted ORA errors will no longer trigger and the data will publish as expected.


NOVA - Student Special Education Program - No-Show Students Update

The Student Special Programs (studentSpecialEducationProgramAssociation) logic has been updated and now these records will now longer be generated (and published) for no-show students (Students.EntryDate = Students.ExitDate).


NOVA - T1A Record Logic Update

The Student Program (studentProgramAssociation) logic, pertaining to T1A record auto generation, has been updated to ensure T1A records are no longer be generated if the deprecated S_NM_STU_X.TitleIaParticipation field is set to S or T.

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