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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


Diploma Missing for Secondary, ECPP, and Night- Student Exists in PAE File

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 18.5

OnSIS ECPP Submission: Version 4.8

OnSIS Night Submission: Verison 10.3

Students Day School report is generated with Diploma even if student earned diploma during or after summer enrollment and summer enrollment falls after day school enrollment.


OnSIS Secondary - Non Enrolment Diploma Segment Not Generated if Graduation School is Different

Additional Reference: PSSR_324193, PSSR-326206

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 18.5

Student Non Enrollment segment is generated if student has something to report like Diploma/Scholarship Date and has an enrollment in the school before the current submission period and not enrolled in current submission period. Note that if the student is enrolled in the current submission period then diploma is reported under Student School Enrollment segment.

For students with latest day school enrollment ending on current Submission period start date and has a diploma to report, report updated to generate Student Non Enrollment segment with Diploma.

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