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Enrolment Report (Legacy)

The Enrolment Report creates a PDF report containing day school registers (both detail and summary) as described in the ministry's instructions for enrolment registers for elementary and secondary schools. This report is only to be used for the 2013-14 school year or earlier.

Attendance Type Rules

The Attendance Type Rules determine if a Student is Full Time, Half Time or Part Time.
Attendance Type Override
If Attendance Type is entered on the Students Transfer Info > Current and Prior Enrollments or State/Province – ON page, the value is used in the report and overrides the calculated attendance type. The field is [Students]EnrollmentType or [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType.
Note: Attendance Type must be manually overridden to Full Time, Half Time or Part Time, whichever applies, when:

  • The student is in an Intensive Behavioral Intervention program

  • The student is enrolled in a "combined" Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten program

For enrolment rules related to these students please refer to the Enrolment Register Instructions for Elementary and Secondary Schools on the Ministry website.
When the attendance type is not manually overridden, it will be calculated. The following rules are used to calculate the attendance type.
Elementary Schools
Full Time Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Students (age-appropriate Grade 1)
When grade enrolled is Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten
[Students]grade_level or [ReEnrollments]grade_level = -1 or 0
AND Students is 6 years of age or older as of 12/31 of the current school year
AND the course enrolment minutes is greater than or equal to 210
Half Time Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Students
When grade enrolled is Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten

  • [Students]grade_level or [ReEnrollments]grade_level = -1 or 0

AND the course enrolment minutes is greater than or equal to 150
AND the Full Time Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten criteria is not met
AND the student is 5 years of age or younger as of 12/31 of the current school year
Part Time Junior Kindergarten and Kindergarten Students (age-appropriate Grade 1)
When grade enrolled is Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten

  • [Students]grade_level or [ReEnrollments]grade_level = -1 or 0

AND Students is 6 years of age or older as of 12/31 of the current school year
AND the course enrolment minutes is less than 210
Regular Full Time Students
When grade enrolled is NOT Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten

  • [Students]grade_level or [ReEnrollments]grade_level > 0

AND Board Residence Status is NOT Independent Study

  • [Students] ON_Brd_Res_Status or [ReEnrollments] ON_Brd_Res_Status NOT = '06'

AND the course enrollment minutes is greater than or equal to 210
Part Time Students
When the rest of the criteria for Full Time or Half Time is not met.

  • Minutes are less than 210 minutes for students in grade 1 or above.

  • If no course enrollments (cc records) are found, minutes will be zero and the student will be considered part time with an FTE of .04.

  • A Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten student enrolled for fewer than 150 minutes

Secondary Schools
Regular Full Time Students
Board Residence Status is NOT Independent Study

  • [Students] ON_Brd_Res_Status or [ReEnrollments] ON_Brd_Res_Status NOT = '06'

AND course enrollment minutes are greater than or equal to 210
OR when the student is age 14 to 17 and is enrolled in a special program designated as a Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) program with SAL Program Type 002 (at least 70 minutes of Day School instruction)
Half Time Students
When the student is age 14 to 17 and is enrolled in a special program designated as a Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) program with SAL Program Type 001 (less than 70 minutes of Day School instruction).
Part Time Students
When the criteria for Full Time or Half Time is not met:

  • Minutes are less than 210 minutes for students in Grade 1 or above.

  • When the student is age 14 to 17 and is enrolled in a special program designated as a Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) program with SAL Program Type 001 (less than 70 minutes of Day School instruction)

  • if no course enrollments (cc records) are found, minutes will be zero and the student will be considered part time with an FTE of .04.

FTE Rules

FTE is displayed on the reports for Part Time students only. FTE is calculated at runtime unless the student FTE has been manually overridden.
FTE Override
If FTE is manually entered on the Students Transfer Info > Current and Prior Enrollments or State/Province – ON pages, that FTE value will be used in the report. The FTE value entered on either of the above pages will override the calculated FTE. The field value is stored in [Students]ON_FTE or [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE.
Boards have the option of having the FTE and attendance type for students who have at least one in-session day where the number of minutes enrolled = 0 during a calendar week (students not scheduled to at least one class on each in-session day in the week) calculated by summing the number of minutes for each of the days and dividing by the number of in-session days. Enabling this option is via the "Average Partial Enrolment Minutes Weekly" checkbox on the Edit School data entry page (District Setup > Schools/Schools Info > Edit School). If checked, students NOT enrolled in at least one class on each in-session day of a calendar week will have their attendance type and FTE for that week calculated based on the daily number of minutes enrolled averaged over the week:
IF [S_ON_SCH_X]Avg_Minutes_Weekly_Flag is true,THEN determine the number of minutes enrolled for the student for each in-session day in the calendar week containing the effective date for which the function is called.IF the number of minutes enrolled on a day exceeds 300THEN use 300 as the number of minutes enrolled for that day ([PS_Membership_Defaults]).
IF at least one of the in-session days has number of minutes enrolled = 0THEN sum the number of minutes for each of the days and divide by the number of in-session days. Use this value in the calculation of FTE and attendance type.
FTE for Full Time
Calculated as minutes enrolled/300 when calculated attendance type is Full Time, unless the student is age 14 to 17 and is enrolled in a special program designated as a Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) program with SAL Program Type 002 (70 minutes or more of Day School instruction), in which case FTE is 1.0 regardless of number of minutes enrolled. (Does not display on the report).
FTE for Half Time
Set to 0.50 when calculated attendance type is Half Time, unless the student is age 14 to 17 and is enrolled in a special program designated as a Supervised Alternative Learning (SAL) program with SAL Program Type 001 (less than 70 minutes of Day School instruction), in which case FTE is 0.5 regardless of number of minutes enrolled. (Does not display on the report).
FTE for Part Time
Calculated as minutes enrolled/300 when calculated attendance type is Part Time. If the calculated value is less than 0.04 but greater than or equal to 0, the value is set to 0.04.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which student enrolments are included in the report. The report selects records from the [Students] and [ReEnrollments] tables based on the following:

  1. Active or Inactive students enrolled in the school at any time between the start of the school year and the effective date entered in the effective date parameter on the report run page. If the effective date is the last day of school, then any student enrolled in the school at any time during the school year will be processed.

  2. The Student must not be excluded from provincial reporting.

  3. Minutes enrolled are based on current and past course enrolments for the current school year. Minutes for courses taken at night schools ([Schools] ON_IsNightSchool is true) are excluded for determining minutes enrolled and FTE. Attendance must be setup to "Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school for students enrolled at this school" if cross-enrolled minutes are to be included in enrolled minutes.

  4. The student must not be an Independent Study Student.

  5. The student's attendance type is not overridden to Less Than Half Time (LH)

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Effective Date

Select the end date for the report. Data will be calculated from the beginning of the school year to this date.

Select Report Type

Choose whether you wish the Enrolment Report to include detailed information, summary information, or both.

Group Data By

Choose whether you wish the Enrolment Report to group students by grade or by homeroom. Homeroom grouping is only valid for elementary schools.

Sort Data By

Choose whether you wish the Enrolment Report to sort students by name only or by grade first and then by name.

Current Selection Students

Choose whether you wish to run the report for the current selection of students or have the report search for students based on school, entry date and exit date (All Students).

Report Output

When the Group Data By runtime parameter is set to Group by Grade, the report summaries will display for the following grade categories:

  1. Junior Kindergarten (Half Time, Part Time, Full Time for Junior Kindergarten - Grade 1 Age Appropriate)

  2. Kindergarten (Half Time, Part Time, Part Time Kindergarten – Grade 1 Age Appropriate, Full Time for Kindergarten - Grade 1 Age Appropriate)

  3. Grades 1 – 3 (Full Time and Part Time)

  4. Grade 4 – 8 (Full Time and Part Time)

  5. Grades 9 – 12, under age 21 (Full Time and Part Time)

  6. Grades 9 – 12, age 21 or over (Full Time and Part Time)

  7. Pupils age 14-17 with a Supervised Alternative Learning Program (SALP) of less than 70 minutes of Class Time Instruction (Half Time)

The report details will display students sorted either alphabetically by name or by grade level first and then by name, depending on the value of the Sort Data By runtime parameter.
When the Group Data By runtime parameter is set to Group by Home Room, the report details will display students grouped by Home Room Teacher (sorted alphabetically by teacher last name) and then sorted either alphabetically by name or by grade level first and then by name, depending on the value of the Sort Data By runtime parameter.
There are different types of report summaries. Each report type has a Page Header with School Name, Year Name and Run Date. The report details and summaries include:

  1. Enrolment Summary by Month for Full Time and Half Time pupils. This summary page displays by Month the following fields: Previous Student Counts, Internal and External Admission counts, Internal and External Transfer Counts, Retired Count, Net Change, Net Last, Pupils of Board and Other Pupils. The page also displays a summary recap for October, March and the Effective Date with the following fields: Net Last Day, Pupils of the Board, Other Pupils

  2. Enrolment Summary for Full Time Pupils Under 21. The page displays the following fields for each student: OP, Name, Student Number, October Regular Minutes, October Regular FTE, October High Credit Minutes, October High Credit FTE, March Regular Minutes, March Regular FTE, March High Credit Minutes, March High Credit FTE. In addition there is a section that recaps for October and March: Total Pupils of the Board, Total Other Pupils, Total Regular and High Credit FTEs for Pupils of the Board, Total Regular FTEs for Other Pupils. Note that if a student's board residence status is not "01" (pupil of the board) all high credit values are zero.

  3. Enrolment Summary for Part-Time Pupils. This page displays the following fields for each student: OP, Name, Student Number, October Regular Minutes, October Regular FTE, October High Credit Minutes, October High Credit FTE, March Regular Minutes, March Regular FTE, March High Credit Minutes, March High Credit FTE and Effective Date Total FTE. In addition there is a section that recaps for October, and March: Total Pupils of the Board, Total Other Pupils, Total Regular and High Credit FTEs for Pupils of the Board and Total Regular FTEs for Other Pupils. Note that if a student's board residence status is not "01" (pupil of the board) all high credit values are zero.

  4. Enrolment Details for Full Time, Half Time and Part Time pupils. This page contains the following fields per student: OP, OEN, Name, Student Number, Gender, Grade, Internal Admission Date, External Admission Date, Internal Transfer Date, External Transfer Date, Retirement Date and Minutes On Effective Date.

  5. Tuition Paid Details for Full Time, Half Time and Part Time. This page displays additional details for students who are not Pupils of the Board. It contains the following fields: OP, Tuition Paid By, OEN, Name, Student Number, Gender, and Grade and is sorted by last name.

  6. School Enrolment Summary. This summary displays at the end of the report and provides Full Time Equivalent totals broken down by grade (elementary schools) or by age (secondary schools).

Additional details are defined in the table below. Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Page Header

Data Element



School Name

This is the name of the school the Enrolment Report is printed for.


Report Page

The page number within the entire report as run.

Determined by SRP when the report is generated.

Register Name

This is the name of the register the page is for, such as Half Time Junior Kindergarten.

Derived based on the sort group, type of school and attendance type of the students.

Page Title

The title of the page within the register.

Derived based upon the detail data contained on the page

Year Name

This is the name of the school year the Enrolment Report is printed for.

[Terms]Name where [Terms]IsYearRec = 1

Run Date

The date the Enrolment Report is run.

Current Date

Effective Date

The date entered on the report input page. The report will reflect data from the beginning of the school year to this date.

Entered on the report input page.

Monthly Enrolment Summary for Full/Half Time students

Data Element




The name of the month that the student enrolment counts is for.

Derived from [Terms]FirstDay and [Terms]LastDay where [Terms]IsYearRec = 1


The number of students enrolled as of the last day of the previous month.
Note: This column is NOT summed in the Totals line.

Count of Internal Admissions plus External Admissions from Prior Month minus Internal Transfers minus External Transfers minus Retirements from Prior Month
Based on Attendance Type Rules – for Attendance Type FT or HT
Add Internal admissions and External admissions -

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the last day of the previous month

    Subtract Internal Transfers, External Transfers, Retirements -

  • [Students]ExitDate is on or before the last day of the previous month

Internal Admissions

The number students who started an enrolment via an internal admission in the month.
Note: This column is summed in the Totals line.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = IA or an unknown value where [Students]EntryDate is within the month

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = IA or an unknown value where [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is within the month and [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType or calculated attendance type = FT or HT.

  • [CC]DateEnrolled where the change in enrolment results in a different calculated attendance type, the date is within the month,

  • The last day in session prior to [CC]DateLeft where the change in enrolment results in a different calculated attendance type, the date is within the month

  • [CC]DateEnrolled where the associated [Courses]ON_Course_Type = H, the Group Data By report option is set to homeroom, the date is within the month.

External Admissions

The number of students who started an enrolment via an external admission in the month.
Note: This column is summed in the Totals line.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = RS, 34, 37, 36, 35, 41, 21, 22, 38, 50, 31, 05, 29, 09, 32, 27, 30, or 19 where [Students]EntryDate is within the month.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = RS, 34, 37, 36, 35, 41, 21, 22, 38, 50, 31, 05, 29, 09, 32, 27, 30, or 19 where [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is within the month.

Internal Transfers

The number of students who ended an enrolment via an internal transfer in the month.
Note: This column is summed in the Totals line.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = IT or an unknown value where the last day in session prior to [Students]ExitDate is within the month.

  • [ReEnrollments]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = IT or an unknown value where the last day in session prior to [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is within the month.

  • [CC]DateEnrolled where the change in enrolment results in a different calculated attendance type, the date is within the month.

  • The last day in session prior to [CC]DateLeft where the change in enrolment results in a different calculated attendance type, the date is within the month.

  • [CC]DateEnrolled where the associated [Courses]ON_Course_Type = H, the Group Data By report option is set to homeroom, the date is within the month.

External Transfers

The number of times a student ended an enrolment via an external transfer in the month.
Note: This column is summed in the Totals line.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and one of the following is true:
If school year is 2012/2013 or earlier

  • [Students]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 04, 01, 03, or 02 where the last day in session prior to [Students]ExitDate is within the month.

  • [ReEnrollments]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 04, 01, 03, or 02 where the last day in session prior to [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is within the month.

    If school year is 2013/2014 or later

  • [Students]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 64 or 72 where the last day in session prior to [Students]ExitDate is within the month.

  • [ReEnrollments]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 64 or 72 where the last day in session prior to [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is within the month.


The number of times a student ended an enrolment via a retirement in the month.
Note: This column is summed in the Totals line.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and one of the following is true:
If school year is 2012/2013 or earlier

  • [Students]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 24, 18, 14, 13, 15, 17, 16, 28, 23, 12, 25, 60, 33, 11, 10, 08, 42, 07, or 26 where the last day in session prior to [Students]ExitDate is within the month.

  • [ReEnrollments]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 24, 18, 14, 13, 15, 17, 16, 28, 23, 12, 25, 60, 33, 11, 10, 08, 42, 07, or 26 where the last day in session prior to [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is within the month.

    If school year is 2013/2014 or later

  • [Students]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 18, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 or 73 where the last day in session prior to [Students]ExitDate is within the month.

  • [ReEnrollments]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 18, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 or 73 where the last day in session prior to [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is within the month.

Net Change

The change in the number of students enrolled between the last day of the previous month and the last day of the current month.
Note: This column is summed in the Totals line.

Calculated as the sum of the Internal Admissions, External Admissions, Internal Transfers, External Transfers, and Retired columns for the month.

Net Last

The number of students enrolled as of the last day of the month.
Note: This column is NOT summed in the Totals line.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the last day of the month, [Students]ExitDate is after the last day of the month.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the last day of the month, [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the last day of the month.

Pupils of the Board

The number of students enrolled as of the last day of the month who is pupils of the board.
Note: This column is NOT summed in the Totals line.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the last day of the month, and [Students]ExitDate is after the last day of the month, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the last day of the month, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the last day of the month, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Other Pupils

The number of students enrolled as of the last day of the month who is not pupils of the board.
Note: This column is NOT summed in the Totals line.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the last day of the month, and [Students]ExitDate is after the last day of the month, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the last day of the month, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the last day of the month, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Net Last Day (October)

The number of students enrolled as of the last school day of October.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and the following is true:

  • [Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the last school day of October, and [Students]/ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the last day of October, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01, 02, 03, 05, 07, 08 or 09.

Net Last Day (March)

The number of students enrolled as of the last school day of March.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and the following is true:
[Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the last school day of March, and [Students]/ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the last school day of March, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01, 02, 03, 05, 07, 08 or 09.

Net Last Day (Effective Date)

The number of students enrolled as of the effective date chosen at run time.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and the following is true:
[Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the effective date, and [Students]/ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the effective date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01, 02, 03, 05, 07, 08 or 09.

Pupils of the Board (October)

The number of students enrolled as of the last school day of October who is pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and the following is true:
[Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the last school day of October, and [Students]/ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the last day of October, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Pupils of the Board (March)

The number of students enrolled as of the last school day of March who is pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and the following is true:
[Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the last school day of March, and [Students]/ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the last school day of March, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Pupils of the Board (Effective Date)

The number of students enrolled as of the effective date chosen at run times who are pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and the following is true:
[Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the effective date, and [Students]/ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the effective date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Other Pupils (October)

The number of students enrolled as of the last school day of October who is not pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and the following is true:
[Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the last school day of October, and [Students]/ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the last day of October, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07, or 09.

Other Pupils (March)

The number of students enrolled as of the last school day of March who is not pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and the following is true:
[Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the last school day of March, and [Students]/ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the last school day of March, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07, or 09.

Other Pupils (Effective Date)

The number of students enrolled as of the effective date chosen at run times who are not pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT and the following is true:
[Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the effective date, and [Students]/ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the effective date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07, or 09.

Enrolment Details (Full/Half/Part Time)
The Group Data By (Grade or Home Room) , Sort Data By (Student Name or Grade and Student Name) and the Attendance Type sort the report. The Attendance Type is derived from [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type of FT or HT or PT.

Data Element



Other Pupil (OP)

Prints OP and the name of the payor if the student is not a pupil of the board.

[Students]ON_StudentPaidBy where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.
[ReEnrollments]ON_StudentPaidBy where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.


The student's Ontario Education Number.



The student's name. Format: Last, First
If Group by Homeroom – will contain homeroom ([Course]ON_Course_Type = H) teacher last and first name, course name, Course number and section number. This information will be displayed in red and larger font to stand out from the student data. The lead teacher as of the report effective date is used. The lead teacher is identified by the SectionTeacher record where the role id is that of the lead teacher role (which is the RoleDef record where IsLocked = 1).

[Students]ON_Legal_Last_Name or [Students]Last_Name
[Students]ON_Legal_First_Name or [Students]First_Name
[Teachers]Last_Name,[Teachers]First_Name - [Courses]Name - [CC]Course_Number.[CC]Section_Number

Student #

The student's locally assigned number.



The student's gender.



The student's grade level.

[Students]Grade_Level or [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level

Internal Admission

Date the student is internally admitted for this enrolment. Blank if the enrolment is not an internal admission.

Date where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT or PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate where [Students]EntryCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = IA or an unknown value

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate where [ReEnrollments]EntryCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = IA or an unknown value.

  • [CC]DateEnrolled where the change in enrolment resulted in a different calculated attendance type.

  • The last day in session prior to [CC]DateLeft where the change in enrolment resulted in a different calculated attendance type.

  • [CC]DateEnrolled where the associated [Courses]ON_Course_Type = H, the Group Data By report option is set to homeroom.

External Admission

Date the student is externally admitted for this enrolment. Blank if the enrolment is not an external admission.

Date where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT or PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate where [Students]EntryCode = RS, 34, 37, 36, 35, 41, 21, 22, 38, 50, 31, 05, 29, 09, 32, 27, 30

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate where [ReEnrollments]EntryCode = RS, 34, 37, 36, 35, 41, 21, 22, 38, 50, 31, 05, 29, 09, 32, 27, 30, or 19.

Internal Transfer

Date the student is internally transferred for this enrolment. Blank if the enrolment is still active, or the enrolment is not an internal transfer.

Date where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT or PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]ExitDate where [Students]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = IT, or an unknown value.

  • [ReEnrollments]ExitDate where [ReEnrollments]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = IT, or an unknown value.

  • [CC]DateEnrolled where the change in enrolment resulted in a different calculated attendance type.

  • The last day in session prior to [CC]DateLeft where the change in enrolment resulted in a different calculated attendance type.

  • [CC]DateEnrolled where the associated [Courses]ON_Course_Type = H, the Group Data By report option is set to homeroom.

External Transfer

Date the student is externally transferred for this enrolment. Blank if the enrolment is still active, or the enrolment is not an external transfer.

Date where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT or PT and one of the following is true:
If school year is 2012/2013 or earlier

  • [Students]ExitDate where [Students]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 04, 01, 03, or 02

  • [ReEnrollments]ExitDate where [ReEnrollments]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 04, 01, 03, or 02.

    If school year is 2013/2014 or later

  • [Students]ExitDate where [Students]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 64 or 72

  • [ReEnrollments]ExitDate where [ReEnrollments]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 64 or 72


Date the student is retired for this enrolment. Blank if the enrolment is still active, or the enrolment is not a retirement.

Date where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT or HT or PT and one of the following is true:
If school year is 2012/2013 or earlier

  • [Students] ExitDate where [Students]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 24, 18, 14, 13, 15, 17, 16, 28, 23, 12, 25, 60, 33, 11, 10, 08, 42, 07, or 26.

  • [ReEnrollments]ExitDate where [ReEnrollments]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 24, 18, 14, 13, 15, 17, 16, 28, 23, 12, 25, 60, 33, 11, 10, 08, 42, 07, or 26.

    If school year is 2013/2014 or later

  • [Students] ExitDate where [Students]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 18, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 or 73

  • [ReEnrollments]ExitDate where [ReEnrollments]ExitCode or associated [Gen]Value2 = 18, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71 or 73

Minutes on Effective Date

The number of minutes the student is enrolled for, either on the effective date or the last date in session prior to the effective date if the effective date is not an in session day for the student.

[PS_Membership_Defaults]Potential_Minutes_Present where [[PS_Membership_Defaults]CalendarDate = effective date or [PS_Membership_Defaults]Potential_Minutes_Present where [[PS_Membership_Defaults]CalendarDate = last in session date prior to effective date. If [Students]Grade_Level = -1 or 0 and [Students]ON_TimeTableType = 3 then the minutes from [PS_Membership_Defaults]Potential_Minutes_Present are divided by 2.
This field will be marked with a double asterisk (**) on the full time register if the student is on the full time register because of participation in a SAL Program that provides at least 70 minutes of classroom instruction.

Total Active Students as of (Effective Date):

A summary count at the end of the report details page showing the total number of students who are active on the register as of the effective date.

Count of students who have not transferred from or retired from the register as of the effective date (or last in-session date prior to the effective date if the effective date is not an in-session day) entered at report runtime.

    • Key

If any student on the full time register is placed on that register because they participate in a SAL program which provides at least 70 minutes of classroom instruction, the student's effective date minutes will be flagged and a footnote will appear at the end of the register explaining why the minutes are flagged.

Text string that states "** - Student is enrolled in a SAL Program"

Full Time Enrolment Summary (pupils under 21 only - Part One)
Note: There are four columns for each of the Monthly Minutes of Instruction and FTEs. The October columns are calculated as of October 31st of the school year. The March columns are calculated as of March 31st of the school year. Starting with the January 16, 2015 release of the Ontario Provincial Reporting software, most of the values needed for the report are obtained from the GetStudentEnrolmentField function (they were previously obtained from the ON_High_Credit table). Note that if a student's board residence status is not "01" (pupil of the board) all high credit values are zero. Details on the field values the function returns, can be found in the Enrolment Fields Report.

Data Element


[Table]FieldName or [Function]ReturnedValue

Other Pupil (OP)

Prints OP if the student is not a pupil of the board.

OP if [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.
[ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.


The student's name. Format: Last, First

[Students]ON_Legal_Last_Name or [Students]Last_Name
[Students]ON_Legal_First_Name or [Students]First_Name

Student Number

The student's locally assigned number.


October Regular Minutes

The number of regular minutes of instruction received by the student as of the October count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]Regular_Minutes where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = October 31 of the current school year.

October Regular FTE

The student's regular FTE as of the October count date.

[[GetStudentEnrolmentField]Regular_FTE where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = October 31 of the current school year.

October High Credit Minutes

The number of high credit minutes of instruction received by the student as of the October count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]High_Credit_Minutes where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = October 31 of the current school year.

October High Credit FTE

The student's high credit FTE as of the October count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]High_Credit_FTE where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = October 31 of the current school year.

March Regular Minutes

The number of regular minutes of instruction received by the student as of the March count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]Regular_Minutes where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = March 31 of the current school year.

March Regular FTE

The student's regular FTE as of the March count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]Regular_FTE where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = March 31 of the current school year.

March High Credit Minutes

The number of high credit minutes of instruction received by the student as of the March count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]High_Credit_Minutes where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = March 31 of the current school year.

March High Credit FTE

The student's high credit FTE as of the March count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]High_Credit_FTE where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = March 31 of the current school year.

Full Time Enrolment Summary (pupils under 21 only - Part Two)
Note: There are two columns for each of the following categories. The October column is calculated as of October 31st of the school year. The March column is calculated as of March 31st of the school year.

Data Element



Total Minutes in Cycle (October, March)

The number of minutes in an enrolment cycle.

Always prints 300.

Total Number of Pupils – Pupils of the Board (October, March)

The number of students enrolled full time as of the count date who are pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08 and student is under 21 as of December 31 of the current school year.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08 and student is under 21 as of December 31 of the current school year.

Total Number of Pupils – Other Pupils (October, March)

The number of students enrolled full time as of the count date who are not pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09 and student is under 21 as of December 31 of the current school year.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09 and student is under 21 as of December 31 of the current school year.

Pupil FTEs – Pupils of the Board Regular (October, March)

The sum of the regular FTEs of the students enrolled as of the count date who are pupils of the board.

Sum of Students Regular FTE from Part 1 where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08 or [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Pupil FTEs – Pupils of the Board High Credit (October, March)

The sum of the high credit FTEs of the students enrolled as of the count date who are pupils of the board.

Sum of Students High Credit FTE from Part 1 where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08 or [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Pupil FTEs – Other Pupils Regular (October, March)

The sum of the regular FTEs of the students enrolled as of the count date who are not pupils of the board.

Sum of Students regular FTE from Part 1 where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07, or 09. or [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Part Time Enrolment Summary (pupils under 21 only - Part One)
Note: There are four columns for each of the Monthly Minutes of Instruction and FTEs plus a column for the effective date total FTE. The October columns are calculated as of October 31st of the school year. The March columns are calculated as of March 31st of the school year. The Effective Date Total FTE column is calculated as of the Effective Date selected on the report input screen. Starting with the January 16, 2015 release of the Ontario Provincial Reporting software, most of the values needed for the report are obtained from the GetStudentEnrolmentField function (they were previously obtained from the ON_High_Credit table). Note that if a student's board residence status is not "01" (pupil of the board) all high credit values are zero. Details on the field values the function returns, can be found in the Enrolment Fields Report.

Data Element


[Table]FieldName or [Function]ReturnedValue

Other Pupil (OP)

Prints OP if the student is not a pupil of the board.

OP if [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.
[ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.


The student's name. Format: Last, First

[Students]ON_Legal_Last_Name or [Students]Last_Name
[Students]ON_Legal_First_Name or [Students]First_Name

Student Number

The student's locally assigned number.


October Regular Minutes

The number of regular minutes of instruction received by the student as of the October count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]Regular_Minutes where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = October 31 of the current school year.

October Regular FTE

The student's regular FTE as of the October count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]Regular_FTE where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = October 31 of the current school year.

October High Credit Minutes

The number of high credit minutes of instruction received by the student as of the October count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]High_Credit_Minutes where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = October 31 of the current school year.

October High Credit FTE

The student's high credit FTE as of the October count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]High_Credit_FTE where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = October 31 of the current school year.

March Regular Minutes

The number of regular minutes of instruction received by the student as of the March count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]Regular_Minutes where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = March 31 of the current school year.

March Regular FTE

The student's regular FTE as of the March count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]Regular_FTE where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = March 31 of the current school year.

March High Credit Minutes

The number of high credit minutes of instruction received by the student as of the March count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]High_Credit_Minutes where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = March 31 of the current school year.

March High Credit FTE

The student's high credit FTE as of the March count date.

[GetStudentEnrolmentField]High_Credit_FTE where [GetStudentEnrolmentField]Effective_Date = March 31 of the current school year.

Effective Date Total FTE

The student's FTE as of the effective date or the last in session date prior to the effective date if the effective date is not an in session day for the student.

Students FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • FTE Override

    • [Students]ON_FTE

    • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE

  • If FTE override null, calculated as the Minutes of Instruction divided by 300.
    Set to .04 if not enrolled in courses but enrolled in school.

Part Time Enrolment Summary (pupils under 21 only - Part Two)
Note: There are two columns for each of the following categories. The October column is calculated as of October 31st of the school year. The March column is calculated as of March 31st of the school year.

Data Element



Total Minutes in Cycle (October, March)

The number of minutes in an enrolment cycle.

Always prints 300.

Total Number of Pupils – Pupils of the Board (October, March)

The number of students enrolled full time as of the count date who are pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08 and student is under 21 as of December 31 of the current school year.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08 and student is under 21 as of December 31 of the current school year.

Total Number of Pupils – Other Pupils (October, March)

The number of students enrolled full time as of the count date who are not pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09 and student is under 21 as of December 31 of the current school year.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09 and student is under 21 as of December 31 of the current school year.

Pupil FTEs – Pupils of the Board Regular (October, March)

The sum of the regular FTEs of the students enrolled as of the count date who are pupils of the board.

Sum of Students Regular FTE from Part 1 where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08 or [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Pupil FTEs – Pupils of the Board High Credit (October, March)

The sum of the high credit FTEs of the students enrolled as of the count date who are pupils of the board.

Sum of Students High Credit FTE from Part 1 where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08 or [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Pupil FTEs – Other Pupils Regular (October, March)

The sum of the regular FTEs of the students enrolled as of the count date who are not pupils of the board.

Sum of Students regular FTE from Part 1 where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07, or 09. or [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Part Time Enrolment Summary (pupils 21 and over only - Part One)
Note: There are two columns for each of the Monthly Minutes of Instruction and FTEs. The October columns are calculated as of October 31st of the school year. The March columns are calculated as of March 31st of the school year. The Effective Date FTE column is calculated as of the Effective Date selected on the report input screen.

Data Element



Other Pupil (OP)

Prints OP if the student is not a pupil of the board.

OP if [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.
[ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.


The student's name. Format: Last, First

[Students]ON_Legal_Last_Name or [Students]Last_Name
[Students]ON_Legal_First_Name or [Students]First_Name

Student Number

The student's locally assigned number.


October Minutes

The number of minutes of instruction received by the student as of the October count date.

Student's Minutes of Instruction where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT .
Calculated from [PS_Membership_Defaults]Potential_Minutes_Present.

October FTE

The student's FTE as of the October count date.

Student's FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • FTE Override

    • [Students]ON_FTE

    • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE

  • If FTE override null, calculated as the Minutes of Instruction divided by 300.

  • Set to .04 if not enrolled in courses but enrolled in school.

March Minutes

The number of minutes of instruction received by the student as of the March count date.

Student's Minutes of Instruction where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT .
Calculated from [PS_Membership_Defaults]Potential_Minutes_Present.

March FTE

The student's FTE as of the March count date.

Student's FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • FTE Override

    • [Students]ON_FTE

    • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE

  • If FTE override null, calculated as the Minutes of Instruction divided by 300.

  • Set to .04 if not enrolled in courses but enrolled in school.

Effective Date FTE

The student's FTE as of the effective date or the last in session date prior to the effective date if the effective date is not an in session day for the student.

Students FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • FTE Override

    • [Students]ON_FTE

    • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE

  • If FTE override null, calculated as the Minutes of Instruction divided by 300.

  • Set to .04 if not enrolled in courses but enrolled in school.

Part Time Enrolment Summary (pupils 21 and over only - Part Two)
Note: There are three columns for each of the following categories. The October column is calculated as of October 31st of the school year. The March column is calculated as of March 31st of the school year. The Effective Date column is calculated as of the Effective Date entered on the report input screen. If the effective date is not an in session date, the data from the last in session day prior to the effective date is used.

Data Element



Total Minutes in Cycle (October, March, Effective Date)

The number of minutes in an enrolment cycle.

Always prints 300.

Total Number of Pupils – Pupils of the Board (October, March, Effective Date)

The number of students enrolled part time as of the count date who are pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Total Number of Pupils – Other Pupils (October, March, Effective Date)

The number of students enrolled part time as of the count date who are not pupils of the board.

Count of Students where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Pupil FTEs – Pupils of the Board (October, March, Effective Date)

The sum of the FTEs of the students enrolled as of the count date who are pupils of the board.

Sum of Students FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • FTE Override

    • [Students]ON_FTE where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08

    • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • If FTE override null, calculated from calculated minutes enrolled where associated [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status or [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Pupil FTEs – Other Pupils (October, March, Effective Date)

The sum of the FTEs of the students enrolled as of the count date who are not pupils of the board.

Sum of Students FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • FTE Override

    • [Students]ON_FTE where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07, or 09.

    • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • If FTE override null, calculated from calculated minutes enrolled where associated [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status or [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Tuition Paid Details (Full/Half/Part Time)
The Attendance Type is derived from [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type of FT or HT or PT.

Data Element



Other Pupil (OP)

Prints the Board Residence Status Code if the student is not a pupil of the board.

[Students]ON_StudentPaidBy where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.
[ReEnrollments]ON_StudentPaidBy where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Tuition Paid By

The tuition "paid by" information for a student who is not a pupil of the board.

[Students]ON_StudentPaidBy where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.
[ReEnrollments]ON_StudentPaidBy where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.


The student's Ontario Education Number.



The student's name. Format: Last, First

[Students]ON_Legal_Last_Name or [Students]Last_Name
[Students]ON_Legal_First_Name or [Students]First_Name

Student #

The student's locally assigned number.



The student's gender.



The student's grade level.

[Students]Grade_Level or [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level

School Enrolment Summary (Secondary School)
Note: All counts are as of the Effective Date entered on the report input screen or the last in session date prior to the effective date if the effective date is not an in session day. There are two columns broken down by age (under 21 and 21 or over) and a total column for each of the following categories:

Data Element



Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Part Time – Pupils of the Board (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of the part time students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Student's FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]ON_FTE where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • Calculated as the Total Student Part Time Minutes – Pupils of the Board divided by 300.

Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Part Time – Other Pupils (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of the part time students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Student's FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]ON_FTE where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07, or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • Calculated as the Total Student Part Time Minutes – Other Pupils divided by 300.

Total Number of Part Time Students – Pupils of the Board (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The number of part time students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Total Number of Part Time Students – Other Pupils (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The number of part time students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Total Number of Half Time Students – Pupils of the Board (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The number of half time students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Total Number of Half Time Students – Other Pupils (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The number of half time students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Half Time – Pupils of the Board (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of the half time students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Student's FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]ON_FTE where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • Calculated as the Total Number of Half Time Students – Pupils of the Board divided by 2.

Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Half Time – Other Pupils (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of the half time students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Student's FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]ON_FTE where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • Calculated as the Total Number of Half Time Students – Other Pupils divided by 2.

Total Number of Full Time Students – Pupils of the Board (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The number of full time students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Total Number of Full Time Students – Other Pupils (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The number of full time students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Total Full Time Equivalent for all students – Pupils of the Board (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of all students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Calculated as the sum of Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Part Time, Half Time and Full Time Pupils of the Board.

Total Full Time Equivalent for all students – Other Pupils (Under 21, 21 and over, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of all students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Calculated as the sum of Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Part Time, Half Time and Full Time Other Pupils

School Enrolment Summary (Elementary School)
Note: All counts are as of the Effective Date entered on the report input screen or the last in session date prior to the effective date if the effective date is not an in session day. There are four columns broken down by grade and a total column for each of the following categories:

Data Element



Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Part Time – Pupils of the Board (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of the part time students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Student's FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]ON_FTE where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • Calculated as the Total Student Part Time Minutes – Pupils of the Board divided by 300.

Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Part Time – Other Pupils (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of the part time students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Student's FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]ON_FTE where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07, or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • Calculated as the Total Student Part Time Minutes – Other Pupils divided by 300.

Total Number of Part Time Students – Pupils of the Board (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The number of part time students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Total Number of Part Time Students – Other Pupils (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The number of part time students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = PT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Total Number of Half Time Students – Pupils of the Board (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The number of half time students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Total Number of Half Time Students – Other Pupils (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The number of half time students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Half Time – Pupils of the Board (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of the half time students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Student's FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]ON_FTE where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • Calculated as the Total Number of Half Time Students – Pupils of the Board divided by 2.

Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Half Time – Other Pupils (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of the half time students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Student's FTE where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = HT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]ON_FTE where [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]ON_FTE where [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • Calculated as the Total Number of Half Time Students – Other Pupils divided by 2.

Total Number of Full Time Students – Pupils of the Board (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The number of full time students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 01 or 08.

Total Number of Full Time Students – Other Pupils (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The number of full time students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Student Count where [Students]EnrollmentType, [ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType, or calculated attendance type = FT and one of the following is true:

  • [Students]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [Students]ExitDate is after the count date, and [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

  • [ReEnrollments]EntryDate is on or before the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ExitDate is after the count date, and [ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09.

Total Full Time Equivalent for all students – Pupils of the Board (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of all students enrolled as of the effective date who are pupils of the board.

Calculated as the sum of Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Part Time, Half Time and Full Time Pupils of the Board.

Total Full Time Equivalent for all students – Other Pupils (JK, K, 1-3, 4-8, Totals)

The sum of the FTEs of all students enrolled as of the effective date who are not pupils of the board.

Calculated as the sum of Equivalent Full Time Enrolment for Part Time, Half Time and Full Time Other Pupils

Supplemental And Troubleshooting Information

Student Selection – Things to check if a student is missing from the report
The report should contain all students in a school who are or have been enrolled ([Students]/[ReEnrollments] tables) at the school during the current school year for even one day at any time between the first day of school and the effective date entered at the report runtime (inclusive) unless:

  • The school is designated as a night school – [Schools]ON_IsNightSchool = 1 (checked = True = 1, unchecked = False = 0)

  • The student is excluded from state reporting – [Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting = 1 (checked = True = 1, unchecked = False = 0)

  • The student's Exit Date is less than or equal to their Entry Date – [Students]/[ReEnrollments]ExitDate <= [Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate

  • The student is an Independent Study Student – [Students]ON_Brd_Res_Status = 6

  • The student's Attendance Type has been overridden to "LH – Less Than Halftime" – [Students]/[ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType = LH

Attendance Type – Things to check if a student appears on the wrong register (FT, HT, PT)
Under normal circumstances the student is placed on a specific register based on the number of minutes of classes the student is or was enrolled in ([CC] table), the student's age, and the student's grade level. However, the following things can affect this placement:

  • The student's Attendance Type is overridden – [Students]/[ReEnrollments]EnrollmentType = PT, HT or FT (HT has been deprecated and can no longer be set from the drop down).

  • The student is enrolled in a special program designated as a SAL Program – [SpEnrollments]ProgramId = [Gen]Id where [Gen]Cat = specprog and [Gen]ON_SAL_Flag = 1

  • Enrolled minutes are different than the expected attendance type requires (See Enrolled Minutes below)

  • The student's grade level does not allow the expected attendance type (For example – only JK and K students can be on a Half Time non-SAL register) – [Students]/[ReEnrolments]Grade_Level

  • The student's age does not allow the expected attendance type (for example – the student is enrolled in a SAL program that would put him/her on the Half Time SAL register, but the student was 18 before December 31 of the year the school year started) – [Students]DOB

  • The student's JK/K Timetable Type is set to a value that would affect enrolled minutes such as "3 – Full Days Alternating Days".

Enrolled Minutes – Things to check if enrolled minutes appear wrong on the register
The student's enrolled minutes are based on the number of classes the student is or was enrolled in and is dependent on how attendance is set up for the school. The base enrolled minutes are taken from [PS_Membership_Defaults]Potential_Minutes_Present. The following things can affect this number:

  • Attendance setup – "Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school for students enrolled at this school". If this box is not checked, minutes for courses taken at another school (cross enrolled courses) will NOT be included in the student's enrolled minutes. These minutes will NOT be included in [PS_Membership_Defaults]Potential_Minutes_Present

  • School setup – if a school is marked as being a night school ([Schools]ON_IsNightSchool = 1), the enrolled minutes for any courses take in that school will not be included in the student's enrolled minutes. These minutes WILL be included in [PS_Membership_Defaults]Potential_Minutes_Present (unless the minutes are for a cross enrolled course and cross enrolled minutes are excluded based on attendance setup) but the minutes will be subtracted out by the enrollment report.

  • Nightly attendance process – [PS_Membership_Defaults] Potential_Minutes_Present relies on the nightly attendance process. If this process does not run on a daily basis, the data in [PS_Membership_Defaults] will not be current or will be incorrect. This process can be run manually by going to Special Functions > Attendance Functions > Refresh Premier Attendance Views Data.

  • Date the student entered and left the register – verify the dates the student entered and/or left the register if the number of enrolled minutes seems incorrect in a column (October, March or Effective Date). The student may have been on the register at some time during the year but may NOT have been on that particular register on the actual count date.

  • If the JK/K Timetable type is set to 3, the minutes reported will be ½ of the minutes shown in [PS_Membership_Defaults] Potential_Minutes_Present.

FTE – Things to check if the FTE appears incorrect on the register
Under normal circumstances a student's FTE is calculated as Enrolled Minutes divided by 300 ([PS_Membership_Defaults] Potential_Minutes_Present/300). If the result is greater than 1.00, the FTE is limited to 1.00. The following things can affect the FTE shown on the report:

  • The student's Attendance Type and/or FTE are manually overridden – [Students]EnrollmentType = FT, PT or HT and/or [Students]ON_FTE is not null.

    • If the attendance type is overridden, the report will use the value contained in [Students]ON_FTE if present.

    • If the attendance type is overridden but [Students]ON_FTE is null, the report will compute the FTE based on enrolled minutes.

    • If the attendance type is not overridden, any value in [Students]ON_FTE is ignored and the report will calculate the FTE based on enrolled minutes.

  • If a student is enrolled in the school but not enrolled in any courses, the student's FTE will be set to .04 unless the override conditions above apply.

  • Date the student entered and left the register – verify the dates the student entered and/or left the register if the FTE seems incorrect in a column (October, March or Effective Date). The student may have been on the register at some time during the year but may NOT have been on that particular register on the actual count date.

Counts – Things to check of student counts are off or don't match between pages
Sometimes the report will reflect different counts at the end of a register or Monthly Summary than is shown on the Summary for School, or the counts will be different when the report is grouped by Homeroom than when the report is grouped by grade. The most common reason this happens is because students enrolled in an elementary school have overlapping Homeroom enrollments. When this happens, the report is unable to correctly track the internal transfers and internal admissions for the Homeroom enrollments and the counts may be higher or lower than they actually should be.
The below script can be used to help identify the students with overlapping Homeroom enrollments (where XXXX is the school ID for the school you are searching):
                           SELECT cc.*, CRS.SCHOOLID
                                    CC, Courses crs
                                    crs.course_number = cc.course_number and
                                    ps_customfields.getCF('Courses', crs.Id, 'ON_Course_Type') = 'H'
                                    and cc.schoolid = XXXX
                                    and exists (select 'y' from cc cc2, Courses crs2
                                                 where CC.SCHOOLID = cc2.schoolid 
                                                 and CC2.COURSE_NUMBER = CRS2.COURSE_NUMBER
                                                 and CC.STUDENTID = CC2.STUDENTID
                                                 and  ps_customfields.getCF('Courses', crs2.Id, 'ON_Course_Type') = 'H'
                                                 and CC2.DATEENROLLED < CC.DATELEFT
                                                 and  CC2.DATEENROLLED > CC.DATEENROLLED
                                                 and CC2.DCID <> CC.DCID )
Dates – Things to check if dates seem wrong for admissions, transfers or retirements
The enrolment report tracks five types of dates for a student: Internal Admissions, External Admissions, Internal Transfers, External Transfers and Retirements. The rules around what constitutes each type are beyond the scope of this document. However, the following things can affect the date that is shown on the report for any date column.

  • Enrolling or withdrawing from a school – derived from [Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate and [Students]/[ReEnrollments]Exitdate.

    • If an entry or exit date entered falls on a not in-session day ([CalendarDay]InSession is null) the enrolment report will adjust the date to the next in-session day in the calendar.

    • If an entry or exit date entered falls on an in-session day, the report will use the date as is.

  • Adding or dropping courses – when a student adds or drops courses, the enrolled minutes for the student increase or decrease. This alerts the report to retest the student for FT, HT or PT criteria and see if the report needs to reflect a transfer from one register to another such as move from part time to full time or full time to part time. If the attendance type does not change based on the add or drop, the change will not be reflected on the report except in a change to enrolled minutes or calculated FTE.

    • When adding a course(s), the report uses the date the student added the course ([CC]DateEnrolled) to determine the Internal Admission date on the new register if the enrollment causes the student to move to a different register. If the DateEnrolled is not an in-session day, the report will adjust the date to the next in-session date on the calendar.

    • When dropping a course(s), the report uses the date the student dropped the course ([CC]Dateleft) to determine the Internal Transfer date on the old register the student is leaving if the drop causes the student to move to a different register. If the DateLeft is not an in-session day, the report will adjust the date to the next in-session date on the calendar.

  • Homeroom changes – For elementary schools, the report can be grouped by Homeroom ([Courses]ON_Course_Type = H). When a student changes Homerooms during the year, if the report is grouped by Homeroom, the change must be reflected as an internal transfer from one homeroom and an internal admission into another homeroom. The dates reflected on the report for this circumstance follow the same rules as for adding and dropping a course as described above. If the report is NOT grouped by homeroom, the homeroom change event will NOT be reflected on the report in any way since the change would not alter a student's enrolled minutes or FTE.

Reports have all zero summaries with no detail pages
If the enrolment report produces only the summary pages showing zeros in all fields and does not produce any detail pages, check the following:

  • Nightly process is not running or is failing. The report relies on the nightly process to calculate enrolled minutes and place data in the PS_Membership_Defaults table. If there is no data in this table, the report will only produce the summary pages showing zeros in all fields.

  • Entry and Exit codes – having duplicate entry or exit codes defined, can cause the enrollment report to fail while rendering the detail pages. Only the summary pages will be produced showing zeros in all fields. Note: a fix has been implemented that should keep this from occurring.

Oracle Error ORA-01438
If the report fails with the above error, it is most likely because the field size for a computed value was exceeded by the computation result. The most common reason this happens is because a student is erroneously scheduled for more minutes than the school day would actually allow (student is overscheduled). To locate the student causing the report to fail do the following:

  • Run the report for a current selection that contains a smaller number of students, such as all students with a last name starting with "A". If the report runs successfully for the smaller selection, continue to run other small selections until the report fails.

  • Once the report fails for one of the smaller selection groups, check the scheduled courses for all of the students in the selection. Correct any student schedules that need to be corrected in the selection.

Internal versus External versus Retirement
General information regarding Internal Admissions and Transfers, External Admissions and Transfers, and Retirements.

  • Student moves from one register to another at the same school, such as going from full time to part time will always be reflected as internal admissions and transfers.

  • Homeroom changes (elementary schools only) at the same school are always reflected as internal admissions and transfers when the report is grouped by Homeroom.

  • Transfers from one school to another are generally reflected as external admissions and transfers but the report ultimately uses the MINISTRY entry and exit codes to determine internal, external or retirement. If the type of transfer/admission/retirement does not look correct, verify that the association mapping of the school entry/exit codes to the ministry entry/exit codes is correct.

OP and Paid By Data

  • The OP (Other Pupil) designation is derived based on the student's Board Residence Status. The indicator is set to OP if [Students]/[ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status is other than 4 (Pupil of the Board) or 6 (Independent Study).

  • The "Paid By" text on the Tuition Paid Details report is printed from [Students]/ReEnrollments]ON_StudentPaidBy. The data on the report is truncated if it is longer than the space allocated on the report.

Changes that require a new enrollment record to display correctly on the report
The following changes require the student's current school enrollment to be ended and a new school enrolment to be created for the report to be able to display the data correctly:

  • Grade Level changes – grade level changes that cause a student to move from one register to another, such as from a kindergarten register to a Grade 1-3 register will ONLY be reflected on the Enrolment Report if a new school enrollment is created for the student for the new grade level. Without the new enrollment, the report has no way of knowing what day the grade level changed.

  • Changes to Board Residence Status – changes to board residence status require a new enrollment record to be created so the date associated with the change can be captured in the [ReEnrollments] and [Students] table.

Miscellaneous Information

  • The student's name as displayed on the report comes from [Students]ON_Legal_First_Name (if not null) and [Students]ON_Legal_Last_Name (if not null). If one or both fields are null, the report will pull the corresponding first or last name from [Students]First_Name or [Students]Last_Name.

  • Transferred out students – when a student is transferred out of one school with the intention of transferring him/her to another school, if the transfer process is NOT completed, the student essentially becomes "orphaned" in the system i.e. inactive at the last school attended but not enrolled at the new school. This situation happens when the following is done in PowerSchool:

    • The student is transferred out of the current school – Enrollment > Functions > Transfer Out of School. This step sets the student's status ([Students]Enroll_Status) to 2 – Inactive, at the current school.

    • The student is transferred to another school – Enrollment > Functions >Transfer to Another School. This step sets the student's school ID ([Students]SchoolID) to the ID of the new school. However, the enrollment school ID ([Students]Enrollment_SchoolID) remains as the old school ID. If the process is stopped at this point, the old enrollment record is not moved to the ReEnrollments table.

    • To complete the process the student must be enrolled at the new school – Enrollment > Functions > Re-Enroll In School. This step will force the old student record to be moved to the ReEnrollments table, will reset the student's enrollment school ID ([Students]Enrollment_SchoolID) to be the ID of the new school and will set the student's status [Students]Enroll_Status to 0 – Currently enrolled. Completing this step ensures that [Students]SchoolID and [Students]Enrollment_SchoolID both contain the new school ID.

If step 3 of the process is not completed, the enrollment report has logic built in that looks for [Students]Enroll_Status = 2 and [Students]SchoolID != [Students]Enrollment_SchoolID. When it finds this condition, it uses the value in [Students]Enrollment_SchoolID to determine which school's report the student belongs on. In all other cases, the report uses [Students]SchoolID to make this determination.

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