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Provincial Reports

The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.

  • Description – The purpose of the report.

  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the province.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

New OEN Request

Creates an XML file to be sent to the ministry to request assignment of OENs for new students.

As needed

New OEN Import

Processes an XML file supplied by the ministry in response to sending a new OEN request file, updates the state student number field in PowerSchool, and displays an HTML page containing a list of imported OENs and any errors generated by the ministry.

As needed

OEN Validation Request

Creates an XML file to be sent to the ministry to request validation of OENs for existing students.

As needed

OEN Validation Import

Processes an XML file supplied by the ministry in response to sending an OEN validation request file and displays an HTML page containing the list of validated OENs and any errors generated by the ministry. Nothing is actually imported into PowerSchool.

As needed

Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) Outcomes Import

Imports a CSV file from EQAO containing results of the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) and updates student test history with those results.

As needed

Student Test Score Import

Used to import student test scores from tab delimited ASCII files. This import can be used to import OSSLT and other test scores.

As needed

Import Results

Displays as HTML pages results from the New OEN Import, OEN Validation Import, PAE Data File Import, and OSSLT Outcomes Import processes.

As needed

Kindergarten Communication of Learning Initial Observations

Creates a PDF report containing report cards for students in Kindergarten in the format mandated by the province. Both public and catholic versions are supported.

Once yearly in October or November

Kindergarten Communication of Learning Report Card

Creates a PDF report containing report cards for students in Kindergarten in the format mandated by the province. Both public and catholic versions are supported.

Twice yearly; in January or February and then in June

Elementary Progress Report (1-6)

Creates a PDF report containing progress reports for students in grades 1 through 6 in the format mandated by the province. Both public and catholic versions are supported.

Once yearly in October or November

Elementary Progress Report (7-8)

Creates a PDF report containing progress reports for students in grades 7 and 8 in the format mandated by the province. Both public and catholic versions are supported.

Once yearly in October or November

Elementary Report Card (1-6)

Creates a PDF report containing report cards for students in grades 1 through 6 in the format mandated by the province. Both public and catholic versions are supported.

Twice yearly; in January or February and then in June

Elementary Report Card (7-8)

Creates a PDF report containing report cards for students in grades 7 and 8 in the format mandated by the province. Both public and catholic versions are supported.

Twice yearly; in January or February and then in June

Secondary Report Cards

Creates a PDF report containing report cards for students in grades 9 through 12 in the format mandated by the province.

Three times yearly for non-semester schools; dates vary by board

Four times yearly for semester schools; dates vary by board

Enrolment Reports

Creates a PDF report containing day school registers (both detail and summary) as described in the ministry's instructions for enrolment registers for elementary and secondary schools.

Monthly and as required for audit

Independent Study and Online Learning Register for Day School Pupils

Creates a PDF report containing a day school for pupils not registered for classroom instruction but taking credit courses that fulfill the ministry's program and diploma requirements and meets with qualified teachers for scheduled times during the school day.

As needed.

Office Index Card

Creates a PDF report containing student demographic, contact, and enrolment data in the format shown in the ministry's Ontario Student Record (OSR) Guidelines document.

As needed.

Student Status Sheet Report

Creates a PDF report containing a consolidated view of a student's progress toward graduation. It includes information regarding historical courses, current year courses, and course requests as well as a summary of credits earned against each diploma category.

As needed.

OSSD Diploma Date Calculations

Automatically determines the date on which a student meets all diploma requirements and stores that date in the existing [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date field for the student. An output file is generated that lists only the students whose OSSD date is calculated or changed from the existing date.

As needed

Potential Ontario Scholar Report

Creates a PDF report showing students eligible to be designated as Ontario scholars based on their grade 12 coursework.

As needed

Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) Record

Creates a PDF report in the format specified by the ministry of education. The report can be printed on a pre-printed official record form or on regular paper.

As needed

Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Creates a PDF report containing information on each student's hours of French instruction from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8. The report can be run from the school or the  PowerTeacher portal.

As needed

Ontario Student Transcript Report

Creates a PDF report in the format specified by the ministry of education. The report can be printed on a pre-printed official transcript form or on regular paper.

As needed

Yearly Attendance Card Report

Creates a PDF report showing students' attendance detail in a grid format with a row for each month and column for each day in a month.

As needed.

EQAO Extracts

Creates Excel files for submission to EQAO for test booklet pre-id for:

  • Grades 3 & 6 - Reading, Writing, Math

  • Grade 9 - Math

  • Grade 10 - Literacy (OSSLT)

  • Grades 4 & 8 - Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)

  • Grade 4 - Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS)

  • Grades 7 through 12 - Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

  • Grade 8 - Pan Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP)

Grade 3 & 6 – February

Grade 9 Winter – November

Grade 9 Spring – April

Grade 10 – February

TIMSS – October

PIRLS – November

PISA – December

OCAS Transmission

Creates a fixed column text file for submission to OCAS containing marks data for students who are applying to college. The same file layout is used for both OCAS and OUAC although the content varies between the two agencies.
A transmission report file is also created by this report.

6 times yearly

Schedule is published by the agency each year.

OCAS - Electronic Transcript

Generates an electronic student transcript in an XML format to submit to OCAS for secondary school students.

OUAC Transmission

Creates a fixed column text file for submission to OUAC containing marks data for students who are applying to university. The same file layout is used for both OCAS and OUAC although the content varies between the two agencies.

A transmission report file is also created by this report.

5 times yearly

Schedule is published by the agency each year.

OUAC Reference File Import

Imports the OUAC Reference File into PowerSchool.

Notification of Student Transfer Report

Generates the form needed to notify the receiving school that the student's OSR will be forwarded after a written request for students transferring to another school within Ontario.

As Needed.

Enrolment Fields Report

This report replaces the High Credit Calculations Report and shows the value of enrolment related fields calculated by the GetStudentEnrolmentField function. The function is also used by the OnSIS Submissions and the Enrolment Report.

As Needed.

Student Public Health Unit (STIX) Data Extract

Creates the STIX xml file for uploading student information to Public Health Units.

As Needed.

SHSM Student Data Report

Creates a report containing the numbers to be entered in the ministry SHSM Student Data Report data entry page.

As Needed.

Day/Class Consecutive Absence Report

Creates a report of students who have been absent to a specified number of consecutive days or classes in a specified date range.

As needed.

Completed Lessons/Work Units Report

Prints the number of lessons marked (for correspondence/self study/e-learning classes) and completed work units (for independent study classes) for students.

As Needed

Graduation Cohort (Diploma Completion) Report

Calculates and stores the cohort year and number of secondary school years for students and creates a report and extract file with this information.

As needed.

2023-02-15_15-31-40_Taking Stock Report

Calculates the totals entered in the ministry Taking Stock spreadsheets. The report does not create the spreadsheet but is organized and ordered based on the ministry templates to facilitate ease of manual transfer.

3 times yearly – November, March, and June

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