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OUAC Transmission


The OUAC Transmission Report creates the transmission data files for the Ontario Universities' Application Centre (OUAC) system as described by the specification published by this organization. Transmission data files are extracted as fixed column text files.

The report also creates a transmission report file that is generated at the same time as the corresponding transmission data file. Transmission report files contain a subset of the data from the transmission data file in a more readable format. Report files can optionally be submitted to OUAC along with the data files.

The report can either be run at the school level or it can be run at the District level. When run at the District level, the user can select schools for which to generate the data files.

Before running the first OUAC transmission for the current year, perform these steps:


From the District: Start Page, District Management, School Info, and then select the school OR From the School: Start Page, School Management, Edit School - ON

Select OUAC First Transmission Flag. The report clears the previous year's transmission dates from the following fields:






After successfully submitting the first transmission, navigate to the page and deselect the checkbox so the report does not clear the transmission dates when the second transmission is run.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects students based on the following criteria:

  • The "Include in OUAC Transmission Flag"on the State/Province - ON page for the student is selected.

  • A student will be included regardless of their enrolment status (after the date specified) on the report input page

  • The student is in Grade 10, 11 or 12.

  • The student must not be excluded from provincial reporting ("Exclude From Provincial Reporting Flag" is not selected).

    • A student is excluded if the EnrollmentType field = 'EX' for the Students or ReEnrollments record associated, in whole or in part, with the run date (i.e. if there is any overlap between the enrolment start and end dates and the run date).

Course Selection

The report selects courses based on the following criteria:

  • All courses that meet any of the following criteria:

[Courses]Course_Number whose fourth character is not 1, 2, or A.


[Courses]Course_Number whose first through fifth characters contain PLE99, QEV1W, QEE99, QMA99, QAP99, or QSE99 AND [StoredGrades]Plar_Type is undefined (null) or if defined, is not 5 or 6.


[Courses]Course_Number whose fourth and fifth characters are CO, DO, or EO are included regardless of whether marks are present, except for:

a. Courses marked as 'Exclude from GPA'([Courses]ExcludeFromGPA = 1) are not included.

b. Placeholder courses ([S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = "P") are not included.

c. In an August transmission, courses for the upcoming school year are not included.

d. If more than one mark is present for a course for the same term and store code, and some have an associated class enrolment and others do not (i.e., [StoredGrades]SectionId is undefined), the marks with no associated class enrolment are not included.

e. Previous year course enrolments with no storedgrade record or with only mid-term mark or with NULL or

blank grades are not included.

f. Mid-term marks are excluded when the final mark is present for the course.

g. When [S_ON_SGR_X]Excludefrom_OCAS_OUAC is ON, the mark is discarded.

  • The report automatically includes and rolls up any courses with alt_course_number (if defined) or course number of PLE99 and reports them as a single course within the grades section of the transmission file.

  • The report uses internal fields that store projected courses that fall during the same school year:

    • Projected Course for OUAC 1st transmission / [S_ON_CC_X]OUAC_TRN1_ProjectedCourse

    • Projected Course for OUAC 1stR transmission / [S_ON_CC_X]OUAC_TRN1R_ProjectedCourse

    • Projected Course for OUAC 2nd transmission / [S_ON_CC_X]OUAC_TRN2_ProjectedCourse

    • Projected Course for OUAC 3rd transmission / [S_ON_CC_X]OUAC_TRN3_ProjectedCourse

    • Projected Course for OUAC 4th transmission / [S_ON_CC_X]OUAC_TRN4_ProjectedCourse

  • For cross-enrolled students, the report uses each student's school of primary enrollment transmission dates if the remote school dates are not defined to determine:

    • when to mark courses as projected for the current transmission

    • when to send regular course drop records for future transmissions

  • Dropped courses not subject to full disclosure rules are not included in the report if:

    • They are prior term/year courses OR The selection parameter is "Transmission 1" (with the exception of year-long courses)

    • The student has a re-enrolment in same course (which is In Progress, has a mid-term or final mark)

    • The transmission Date is not filled in at the District/School then no drops are sent for any submission

  • Dropped courses not subject to full disclosure rules are included in the report when

    • The Submission is Transmission 1R, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (with the exception of year-long courses) AND The course is a current year course AND The student enrolled in the course prior to the previous submission AND The student dropped the course after the previous submission and before the current transmission date

    • [ON_AUD_CC]Transaction_Date > previous submission transmission date (except the first OUAC transmission) records from Audit table will be generated as drops.

    • For early completion courses (courses with storedgrade record), an extra drop record with [Terms]lastDay as completion date will be generated (to drop previously sent record) and drop rules (c) and (d) applied

    • Drops for non-existing courses (not previously submitted) will be ignored

  • A course is considered dropped if cc.dateleft has passed and any of the following is true:

    • has no storedgrade record

    • has mid-term mark only

    • has grade which is NULL or blank

    • has Exclude_from_gpa ON

  • Each course record is uniquely identified by course_number, and delivery_type. Duplicate records will be compared with courses already in the system and the most recent mark will be used for the update.

Requests for rule changes related to these three fields after the first submission in a given school year are not recommended as it may create a new course record for the same enrolment with different key values.

Identifying Midterm and Final Marks

The [S_ON_TRB_X] table, maintained in Final Grade Setup, is used to determine whether a mark is a mid-term mark or a final mark.

  • Mark type ([S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type) values "Midterm 1" and "Midterm 2" identifies store codes for mid-term marks.

  • Final Marks are calculated as follows:

    • The report selects all courses completed before the report run date.

    • The report pulls marks based on the store code type defined for the term.

    • The report ignores midterm marks by ignoring all Stored Grade records associated with a store code marked as "Midterm" for the term.

    • The report processes the rest of the records and determines the final mark, if any of the following are true:

      • For Credited courses:

        • If the store code exists for the term and Mark type ([S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type) value "Final", or

        • If the store code exists for the term and Mark Type = blank and the potential credit is greater than Zero, or

        • If the store code does not exist for the term and the potential credit is greater than Zero;

        • Otherwise the mark will not be considered final and will not be included.

      • For Non-credit Courses:

        • If store code exists for the term and Mark Type = Final, or

        • If store code does not exist for the term, the mark is considered final and is included.

  • Midterm marks records should not have Potential credit hours > 0 and/or Earned credit hours > 0

  • Marks associated with a store code with Mark type = Blank (ex: store codes used for exam marks) should not have Potential credit hours > 0 otherwise it will be considered final

About the Audit Table

The audit table (ON_AUD_CC) monitors and captures deleted CC records due to nightly/weekly processes along with other drop procedures (i.e., 'Modify schedule') when DateEnrolled matches the DateLeft.

ON_AUD_CC gets its data from CC table fields: ID, DCID, StudentID, SchoolID, DateEnrolled, DateLeft, Course_Number, SectionID, TermID, Transaction_Date, WhomodifiedID, WhomodifiedType, Ipaddress.

(Transaction_date is the date on which the record is deleted from CC table; WhomodifiedID, WhomodifiedType and Ipaddress store system-specific information)

The following drop rules are enforced when the OCAS/OUAC report is generating records from ON_AUD_CC:

  • Drops are not generated for the first transmission of the school year (currently November)

  • For subsequent transmissions:

    • a record is generated only if the drop occurs after the previous transmission date.

    • if the transmission Date is not provided at the District level, no drops are sent (for any submission)

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



Schools to Include

(only available when running from the district office level)

Choose either 'All Schools' or 'Select Multiple Schools'.

  • Select Multiple Schools - Use CTRL-Left Mouse Click to select the schools you want to be included in the files. If you select this option, the report cannot be submitted unless at least one school is selected from the list.

  • All Schools - Files will be created for all schools in the District.

  • Schools included are schools with high grades greater than 8.

Current Selection Students

Choose whether you wish to run the report for the current selection of students or have the report search for students based on current school or the schools selected in 'Schools to Include' when running at the district office level.

OUAC Transmission Type

Select a transmission type from this drop-down menu.

Include Students With A Withdrawal On Or After

The report includes currently enrolled students, graduated students, and any student withdrawn on or after the specified date. Students withdrawn before the specified date are excluded. Default is the first day of school.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Prior to running the first OUAC transmission for the current year, navigate to the Edit School page and select the OUAC First Transmission Flag checkbox. After the transmission is run and successfully submitted, navigate to the Edit School page and deselect the OUAC First Transmission  checkbox.

The report creates both a transmission data file and a transmission report file. The transmission report file contains a subset of the data contained in the transmission data file in a more readable format. The report file is sent to OUAC at the user's option. File names have the form: X999999.Un where:

  • X is either 'S' for a data file or 'R' for a report file

  • 999999 is the 6 digit BSID (MIDENT) school number for the school associated with the file.

  • n is the transmission number from 1 through 5.

Data Element



T1 - File Header (top)

Record Type

Identifies the record type within the file.

Always T1

BSID Number

The Ministry of Education assigns a unique number to each secondary school in Ontario.

[Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number


Value must only be 12 zeroes

File Creation Timestamp

The date that the transmission is created.

System date with format 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS'

Transmission Type

Type of applicant/student data being sent for a particular transmission.

Entered at Report Runtime in OUAC Transmission Type field.

Vendor Code

Code to identify each vendor.

26 (PowerSchool)

Vendor Software Version

Version of the vendor's software used to produce the given transmission.

always '1.0'


Location that data transmission is to be sent to.

'U' (University)

Contact Surname

The legal family name of the contact person sending the transmission.


Contact First Name

The first name of the contact person sending the transmission.


Contact Telephone Number

Telephone number where the contact person sending the transmission can be reached, or a message can be left.


Contact Telephone Number Extension

Telephone extension number where the contact person sending the transmission can be reached, or a message can be left.


Contact Email Address

The email address of the contact person sending the transmission.




Value must only be 166 uppercase 'X's

S1 Demographics

Record Type

Identifies the record type within the file.

Always 'S1'

BSID Number

The Ministry of Education assigns a unique number to each secondary school in Ontario.

[Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number

Secondary School Student Number

Each secondary school student must have a unique student number assigned to them by their school or board.


Ministry Identification Number

The Ministry of Education assigns a "unique" number to each student entering into the secondary school system in Ontario.


Ontario Education Number

The unique Ontario Education Number, assigned to each student in Ontario.


Legal Surname

The legal family name of the applicant/student.


[Students]Last_Name if undefined

OCAS Number

The unique Ontario College Application Number.


OUAC Number

The unique Ontario Universities'Application Number.

[S_ON_STU_X]OUAC_Number + '0'

'00000000000' if undefined

Legal First Name

The legal first name of the applicant/student.


Second Name

The middle name of the applicant/student.


Previous Legal Surname

The previous legal family name of the applicant/student.


Birth Date

The date of birth of applicant/student.


Gender Code

Code that identifies the gender of the applicant/student.


Valid values: M, F, N, and S

Exclude from reporting values or invalid values are not reported.

Street Address

The applicant/student's mailing street address.

[Students]Mailing_Street or, if blank, [Students]Street


The city for the mailing address of the applicant/student.

[Students]Mailing_City or [Students]City (only if [Students]Street was used above)

Province Code

Province code for the mailing address of the applicant/student.

[Students]Mailing_State or [Students]State (only if [Students]Street was used above)

Postal Code

The Canada Post assigned postal code of the mailing address of the applicant/student.

[Students]Mailing_Zip or [Students]Zip (only if [Students]Street was used above)

Telephone Number

The telephone number where the applicant/student can be reached or a message can be left.



Value must only be 9 '0's (zeroes)

Status in Canada Code

Code to identify an applicant/student's status in Canada.

The value in this field is mapped and reported as follows.

If Residence status is:

  • 12 - Study Permit/Visitor Record or 1 - Exchange Student, then

Status In Canada = 4 - Study Permit

  • 13 - Diplomat Status/Minister's Permit, 15 - Parent's study permit, or 16 - Parents work permit, then

Status In Canada = 5 - Authority of another Visa

  • If Residence Status is 98 - Other Status, then

Status In Canada = 9 - Other

  • If Residence Status is 99 - Not Applicable, then

Status In Canada = 6 - None of the above


'0' if undefined

Country of Citizenship Code

Unique code to identify the country where the applicant/student has citizenship.


Date of Entry into Canada

If applicant/student was not born in Canada, their date of entry into Canada.


First Language Code

Code to identify the first language spoken or learned by the applicant/student.

derived from [S_ON_STU_X]First_Language

Language of Correspondence

Code to identify the preferred language of correspondence of the applicant/student.

Set to '2'if enrolled in a French board (i.e. [Prefs]ON_French_Board_Flag is on otherwise set to '1'

Grad Status Code

Code to identify the graduate status of the applicant/student.

Appendix J- Assigning Credit To Diploma Categories describes the logic for determing the diploma category associated with a course's credit and therefore whether the credit is deemed compulsory.

Report calculates total credits (total_credits) for a student by summing compulsory and potential credits (credit_hours[courses]) of all current year cc enrolments.

Is 1 is all of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is 2 (i.e., the student was awarded an OSSD under rules prior to 1999)

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is on or before the current date (i.e. the diploma has actually been awarded)

Is 2 if all of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is '2'(i.e. student is working toward an OSSD under rules prior to 1999)

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is undefined or is after the current date (i.e. the diploma has not yet been awarded) and the total required (16) and optional(14) current and historical credits = 30

Is 3 if all of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is one of: 1 or 4 (i.e., student is working toward an OSSD)

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is undefined or is after the current date (i.e. the diploma has not yet been awarded)

  • The number of compulsory credits earned or working on by the student is less than the number of required compulsory credits or the number of optional credits earned or working on by the student is less than the number of required optional credits

Is 4 if all of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is one of: 1 or 4 (i.e. student was awarded an OSSD)

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is on or before the current date (i.e., the diploma has actually been awarded)

Is 5 if all of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is one of: 1 or 4 (i.e., student is working toward an OSSD)

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is undefined or is after the current date (i.e. the diploma has not yet been awarded)

  • The total number of compulsory and potential credits (total_credits) is equal to or greater than 30

Is 6 if all of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is 7 (i.e. student is working toward an OSSC)

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is undefined or is after the current date (i.e. the diploma has not yet been awarded)

  • The number of compulsory credits earned or working on by the student is less than the number of required compulsory credits or the number of optional credits earned or working on by the student is less than the number of required optional credits

Is 7 if all of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is 7 (i.e. student was awarded an OSSC)

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is on or before the current date (i.e. the diploma has actually been awarded)

Is 8 if all of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is '7'(i.e. student is working toward an OSSC)

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is undefined or is after the current date (i.e. the diploma has not yet been awarded)

  • The number of compulsory credits earned or working on by the student is greater than or equal to the number of required compulsory credits

  • The number of optional credits earned or working on by the student is greater than or equal to the number of required optional credits

Is '0'otherwise.

Years In Ontario Secondary School

Total number of complete years that applicant has attended Secondary School in Ontario including the current school year.


OSSD Issue Date

The date that the applicant/student achieved their OSSD.


OSAP Assistance

The applicant's intention to apply for financial assistance from OSAP.


Is "Y" if database value is 1, otherwise Is "N".

Community Involvement

Completion of required number of hours for community involvement.

  • Is set to '0' if [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is 1 or 4 (working toward OSSD) and no S_ON_STU_Community_Hours_C records are present for the student.

  • Is set to 3 if [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is not 1 or 4 (not working toward OSSD).

  • Is set to 1 if the sum of [S_ON_STU_Community_Hours_C]Number_Of_Hours is 40 or greater and [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is 1 or 4 (working toward OSSD) or the student is taking non-credit courses with alternative expectations

  • Is set to '1' if the sum of [S_ON_STU_Community_Hours_C]Number_Of_Hours is 20 or greater and [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is 1 or 4 (working toward OSSD) and diploma date is on or after start year of 2020-21 and on or before Sept 5, 2022 or the student is taking non-credit courses with alternative expectations

  • Otherwise is set to 2 if the student didn't meet the requirement as per the rules above.

SS Literacy Requirement

Completion of Provincial Secondary School literacy requirement.


Refer to OUAC Transmission for a description of the values returned by this function.

OSSC Issue Date

The date that the applicant/student achieved their OSSC.


Specialist High Skills Major Completion

Completed all requirements of the SHSM at time OSSD granted ('Y' or 'N').

Generate Blank if

  • enter_date is after the run date (of the report)

Generate 'N if

  • enter_date is on or before run date (of the report)

  • "All requirements Met Date" is NULL AND

  • if the exit_date is not defined or after the rundate (of the report)

Generate Y if

  • the student has enter_date on or before the rundate (of the report)

  • "All requirements Met Date" value falls on or before the rundate (of the report)

  • exitDate is defined and it falls after the "All requirements Met Date"


  • SHSMCompletion is Is Blank.

Specialist High Skills Major Program Code

Code to identify the current SHSM program a student is enrolled in or has completed. If the student has not completed the program and is not enrolled in the program as of the report run date, a blank value is sent.

[Gen]Value2 (for category 'specprog')

Home School Indicator

Indicates if the file is from the student's home school.

Is Y if the report is run from the student's home school; otherwise,N


Value must only be 18 uppercase X (xxx..)

G1 Grades

Record Type

Identifies the record type within the file.

Always G1

BSID Number

The Ministry of Education assigns a unique number to each secondary school in Ontario.

[Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number

Secondary School Student Number

Each secondary school student must have a unique student number assigned to them by their school or board.


Ministry Identification Number

The Ministry of Education assigns a "unique" number to each student entering into the secondary school system in Ontario.


Ontario Education Number

The unique Ontario Education Number, assigned to each student in Ontario.



The legal family name of the applicant/student.


[Students]Last_Name if undefined

OCAS Number

The unique Ontario College Application Number.


'00000000000' if undefined

OUAC Number

The unique Ontario Universities'Application Number.


'00000000000' if undefined

Repeat 6 times

Course Code

A unique code to identify a secondary school course taken by secondary school students in Ontario.

First six characters of [CC/StoredGrades]Course_Number

Course Status

Identifies if a course was deleted, repeated or if the student withdrew from the course. Also identifies any non-credit course.

Dropped courses (course status = D are sent:

If OUAC Transmission Type from the parameter screen is "Transmission 2" then if [CC]DateEnrolled is prior to [S_ON_SCH_X]OUAC_TRN_1 and [CC]DateLeft is on or before current date

If OUAC Transmission Type from the parameter screen is "Transmission 3" then if [CC]DateEnrolled is prior to [S_ON_SCH_X]OUAC_TRN_2 and [CC]DateLeft is after [S_ON_SCH_X]OUAC_TRN_2 and on or before the current date

If OUAC Transmission Type from the parameter screen is "Transmission 4" then if [CC]DateEnrolled is prior to [S_ON_SCH_X]OUAC_TRN_3 and [CC]DateLeft is after [S_ON_SCH_X]OUAC_TRN_3 and on or before the current date

If OUAC Transmission Type from the parameter screen is "Transmission 5" then if [CC]DateEnrolled is prior to [S_ON_SCH_X]OUAC_TRN_4 and [CC]DateLeft is after [S_ON_SCH_X]OUAC_TRN_4 and on or before the current date

Is 'R' when all of the following are true:

  • There is more than one record in the [storedGrades] for the same course_number and studentid and these records have store codes different from the interim store codes selected in the report UI

  • Grade Type = 'F'

  • The associated mark is a passing mark but is not the highest mark for the course

  • When performing this check, courses with the Exclude From GPA flag turned on are excluded

  • A withdrawn course is not considered as repeated course even if it has lower passing mark

  • If the withdrawn course has higher mark then do not mark the lower mark course as repeated

Is 'W' if [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = 1.

Is 'D' when all of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W is Null

  • Course is an ESL/ELD or credit recovery course (any of the following is true):

    • [S_ON_SEC_X]Class_Type = 'RCR'

    • [S_ON_SEC_X]]OtherCrsInfo_Cred_Recovery = '1'

    • [S_ON_SGR_X]OtherCrsInfo_Cred_Recovery = '1'

    • [CC]DateLeft is less than [Terms]LastDay for the term associated with the class.

    • Grade Type is ('C','P')

      • When Grade Type is M (a midterm marks is recorded for the student and the Credit Recovery Flag is selected), the course is considered a credit recovery course and a drop is generated.

Is 'D' when all of the following are true:

  • CC.DateLeft > Terms.LastDay

  • CC.DateLeft < SysDate (report run date)

  • StoredGrades.Grade is null or blank OR StoredGrades.ExcludeFromGPA is ON

Is 'D' if CC.DateLeft = Terms.LastDay and no final mark is present or no StoredGrades record is present.

Is 'X' when the following conditions are true:

1a. [Courses]Credit_Hours = 0 (this signifies a non-credit course) OR

1b. [Courses]Credit_Hours > 0 and any of one of the following is true (this signifies a student with a modified curriculum enrolled in a credit-bearing course):

    • [S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_M = 1

    • [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_M = 1

    • [S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_M = 1

  • Grade Type must be "F" (final) or "M" (midterm)

Is space otherwise.

Course Delivery

A method to define if a student is enrolled in the following type of school.

Is 'D' if [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type is '1'

Is 'N' if [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type is '9'

Is 'S' if [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type is '8'

Is 'C' if [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type is '16'

Is 'O' if [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type is not null or if the course is an equivalent credit course

Is 'N' if [S_ON_SCH_X]IsNightSchool is '1'

Otherwise Is 'D'

Course Type

A method to define the type of course a student is enrolled in.

Derived from [S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_C

'R' if undefined and course code not 'NOTUSD'

Language of Instruction

The language that the secondary school course was instructed in.

Derived from [Sections]Instruction_Lang

'E'= English,
'F'= French,
'B'= Both English and French,
'O'= Any language other than French or English

If and only if course code is 'NOTUSD'then value of a space can be transmitted.

Grade Type

Code that identifies the point in time that the grade was reported for a course code.

Is 'M' when all of the following are true:

  • A record exists where [StoredGrades]StoreCode matches a mid-term store code specified by the user at run time.

  • The class is a current year class.

Is 'F' when any of the following are true:

  • [Courses]credit_hours > 0 and [StoredGrades].potential_crhrs > 0

  • [Courses]credit_hours = 0 and [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date <= System date or [StoredGrades]datestored <= System date

  • [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_M (modified curriculum expectations) is on, regardless of the credit value ([StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs) for the course

  • if m_note is ON

Is 'P'

  • for students enrolled in semester schools when the associated [Terms]FirstDay > system date

  • for students enrolled in Quad/Octomester schools when the associated [Terms]FirstDay > Semester1 End date (any course running in a traditional semester 2 timeframe)

Is 'C'

  • for students enrolled in semester schools when the associated [Terms]FirstDay <= system date or when [StoredGrades]ExcudeFromGPA = 1 and [StoredGrades]Grade is null or when the course_status ='D'

  • for students enrolled in Quad/Octomester schools when

    • Report run date (sysdate) falls within Semester1 then all future courses, that is, courses starting after report run date, and falls in Semester1 are sent with grade_type =' C'.

    • Report run date (sysdate) falls after Semester1 End date then all future courses, that is, courses starting after report run date, and falls in Semester2 are sent with grade_type = 'C'.

Is space otherwise


The grade of the course, in an Ontario Ministry of Education, approved format.

Is [StoredGrade]Grade when Grade Type in ('M','F')

If a year-long course has more than one midterm mark, the report will utilize [Termbins]Date2 to output the most recent mark.

Is [StoredGrades]Grade when [StoredGrades]Grade in ('EQV','ALT','N/A','I ')

Is 'N/A'when [StoredGrades]Grade = NM, is Null, Blank, not a valid percentage, or not one of the marks shown above.

Is 3 spaces if Course Code is 'NOTUSD'or if Grade Type is 'C'or 'P'

Credit Value

Ministry assigned 'weight'or credit values of a specific course.

Is '0000'when Course Status in ('R','W','D','X') OR has an 'A'Note OR has an 'M'note

Is [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs when Grade Type = 'F'

Is [Courses]credit_hours when Grade Type not in 'F'

Completion Date

The date that the 'Course Code'was completed or is expected to be completed.

Is '000000'when Course Code ='NOTUSD'

Is [Terms]LastDay for the term associated with the class if the course status is 'D'

IF [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date is not NULL

THEN send Credit_Date as completion date


IF [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit is '0'or NULL


IF there is an associated cc record (student has a stored grade record with a final mark or transcript_w flag is ON)

THEN send the calendar date immediately prior to[CC]DateLeft as completion date


IF there is no associated CC record and [StoredGrades]TermId is not NULL

THEN send [Terms]LastDay for the associated term as completion date


IF [StoredGrades]TermId is '0'or NULL, THEN send [StoredGrades]DateStored as completion date

Note Repeat 5 times


A special circumstance indicator for a course.

When determining whether the 'H' note (SHSM course) should be printed, the student's SHSM program enrolment as of the report run date is used. If more than one such program exists, the latest, based on Entry Date DESC, Exit Date DESC, DCID DESC, is used.

'S'if any of [S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_S is true.

'I'if [Courses]Alt_Course_Number starts with 'ID'or any of [S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_I is true.

'F'if [S_ON_SEC_X]Lang_Pgm_Type is one of 'C', 'E', 'I', 'N'or if [Sections]Instruction_Lang is 'F'or any of [S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_F is true.

'C'if [S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type is '4'or any of [S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_C is true.

'H'if the course is returned by the GetStudentSHSMCourses common function as described in Appendix H based in the student's SHSM program as of the report run date. Displayed only if the student earned credit in the course.

'P'if any of [S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_P is true.

'M'if any of [S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_M is true.

'A'if any of [S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_A is true.

'T'if any of

[S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Type is '8'or '9'or

[S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type is '12'or '13'


[S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_T is true.

'B'if any of [S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_B is true.

'X'if the credit in a StoredGrades record is associated with a different diploma category (other than 'Optional Credits')


Identifies at which school a specific course was taken.

[S_ON_SGR_X]School_Number if the storedgrades record is not associated with a section or [Schools]Alternate_School_Number for the school associated with the section or [Schools]School_Number for the school associated with the section.

B1 File Trailer (Bottom)

Record Type

Identifies the record type within the file.

Always 'B1'

BSID Number

The Ministry of Education assigns a unique number to each secondary school in Ontario.

[Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number


Value must only be 12 '9's (nines)

File Creation Timestamp

The date that the transmission is created.

System date with format 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS'

Total S1 Records

Count of S1 records

Total G1 Records

Count of G1 records


Value must only be 277 uppercase 'X's

Transmission Report File

File Header (top)

File Creation Timestamp

The date that the transmission is created.

System date with format 'YYYY-MM-DD:HH24:MI:SS'

School Year

The school year.

PowerSchool selected school year


The file page number.


BSID Number

The Ministry of Education assigns a unique number to each secondary school in Ontario.

[Schools]Alternate_School_Number or [Schools]School_Number

School Name

The name of the school.

[S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name if defined,

otherwise [Schools]Name


Legal Surname

The legal family name of the applicant/student.


[Students]Last_Name if undefined

Legal First Name

The legal first name of the applicant/student.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name or

[Students]First_Name if undefined


The unique Ontario Education Number, assigned to each student in Ontario.



The Ministry of Education assigns a "unique" number to each student entering into the secondary school system in Ontario.



The date of birth of applicant/student.



Course Code

A unique code to identify a secondary school course taken by secondary school students in Ontario.


Completion Date

The date that the 'Course Code'was completed or is expected to be completed.

[Terms]LastDay for the term associated with the class or [S_ON_SGR_X]Other_Credit_Date

Is '000000'when Course Code ='NOTUSD'

Is [Terms]LastDay for the term associated with the class if the course status is 'D'

Language of Instruction

The language that the secondary school course was instructed in.

derived from [Sections]Instruction_Lang

'E'= English,
'F'= French,
'B'= Both English and French,
'O'= Any language other than French or English
NOTE: If and only if course code is 'NOTUSD'then value of a space can be transmitted

Credit Value

Ministry assigned 'weight'or credit values of a specific course.

Is '0000'when Course Status in ('R','W','D','X') OR has an 'A'Note OR has an 'M'note

Is [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs when Grade Type = 'F'

Is [Courses]credit_hours when Grade Type not in 'F'

Grade Type

Code that identifies the point in time that the grade was reported for a course code.

Is 'M' when all of the following are true:

  • A record exists where [StoredGrades]StoreCode matches a mid-term store code specified by the user at run time.

  • The class is a current year class.

Is 'F' when [Courses]credit_hours > 0 and [StoredGrades].potential_crhrs > 0

Is 'F' when [Courses]credit_hours = 0 and [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date <= System date or [StoredGrades]datestored <= System date

Is 'P'

  • for students enrolled in semester schools when the associated [Terms]FirstDay > system date

  • for students enrolled in Quad/Octomester schools when the associated [Terms]FirstDay > Semester1 End date (any course running in a traditional semester 2 timeframe)

Is 'C'

  • for students enrolled in semester schools when the associated [Terms]FirstDay <= system date or when [StoredGrades]ExcudeFromGPA = 1 and [StoredGrades]Grade is null or when the course_status ='D'

  • for students enrolled in Quad/Octomester schools when

    • Report run date (sysdate) falls within Semester1 then all future courses, that is, courses starting after report run date, and falls in Semester1 are sent with grade_type =' C'.

    • Report run date (sysdate) falls after Semester1 End date then all future courses, that is, courses starting after report run date, and falls in Semester2 are sent with grade_type = 'C'.

Is space otherwise


The grade of the course, in an Ontario Ministry of Education approved format.

Is [StoredGrade]Grade when Grade Type in ('M','F')

If a year-long course has more than one midterm mark, the report will utilize [Termbins]Date2 to output the most recent mark

Is [StoredGrades]Grade when [StoredGrades]Grade in ('EQV','ALT','N/A','I ')

Is 'N/A'if [StoredGrades]Grade = NM

Is 3 spaces otherwise

File Trailer (Bottom)

Total Students

Counts of students

Total Grade Records

Counts of grades

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