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Day/Class Consecutive Absence Report


This report prints students who are marked absent for a specified number of consecutive days or consecutive classes within a specified date range. When run for consecutive days, the report contains a line for a student for each interval of consecutive days absent that meets the specified threshold. When run for consecutive classes, the report contains a line for a student for each interval of consecutive classes absent for each class that meets the specified threshold. The report ignores days where there are no course enrollments for the student; however, absences that fall before or after the days with no course enrollments will count towards consecutive absences.

Selection Criteria

School Selection

  • When run at a District Level:

    • School selection excludes Closed Schools and Schools Excluded from State Reporting.

    • If Multiple School option is used, a limit of 999 schools is set. To run for more schools, Use the All School option.

Student Selection

Only students whose grade level on the specified end date matches a selected grade level are included in the report. If the "Include Transferred Out Students" option is unchecked, a student is only considered for selection if he/she is enrolled in the school ('Day' report type) or class ('Class' report type) as of the specified end date (i.e. the school/class entry date is on or before the specified end date and the school/class exit date is later than the specified end date).

Report Type 'Day'

A student is included if he/she is marked absent on the specified threshold number of consecutive school days at least once in the specified date range.

For both elementary and secondary schools, to be considered absent on a day, the report looks at the attendance conversion setup under School setup > Attendance Conversions. If a student is not scheduled to classes in every period on a day, the student must be absent to all classes to which they are scheduled to be considered absent on the day. Refer to the Calculated Fields - Days Absent (By Day) section below If a class meets more than once on a day, the report examines the "Record Attendance" setting for the class. If the setting is "Each Meeting Separately" the student is deemed absent to the class if he/she is marked absent to all periods in which the class meets on that day. If the setting is "Once For All Meetings" the student is deemed absent to the class if he/she is marked absent to any period in which the class meets on that day.

If the report is run for multiple schools, for any particular school, a student is considered for inclusion for that school based only on the attendance data for the classes in which he/she is enrolled at that school.

Only days in session and tracks in session are included. Any day on which a student has an attendance code posted (to any class) that is associated with an attendance code category defined on the input parameter page under 'Ignore Attendance Code Categories' (see Report Input below) is treated as a not -in-session day for the student. This allows 'optional' in-session days, such as Grant days, to be excluded from processing.

Report Type 'Class'

A student is included if he/she is marked absent to a particular class for the specified number of consecutive days on which the class meets at least once in the specified date range. The class must be marked as an attendance taking class. If a class meets more than once on a day, the report examines the "Record Attendance" setting for the class. If the setting is "Each Meeting Separately" the student is deemed absent on a day if he/she is marked absent for all periods in which the class meets on that day. If the setting is "Once For All Meetings" the student is deemed absent on the day if he/she is marked absent to any period in which the class meets on that day.

Classes will only be included if Sections Exclude From Attendance is unchecked ([Sections]Exclude_ADA = 0).

If the report is run for multiple schools, for any particular school, a student is considered for inclusion for that school based only on attendance data for the classes in which he/she is enrolled at that school.

Only days in session and tracks in session are included.

The Include Classes Active On Report End Date and Include Classes Inactive On Report End Date parameters determine which classes are considered for inclusion:

  • If both Include Classes Active On Report End Date and Include Classes InActive On Report End Date are unchecked, no classes are included.

  • If both Include Classes Active On Report End Date and Include Classes InActive On Report End Date are checked, the following classes are include:

    • cc dateenrolled <= Report End Date

    • absence threshold is met

  • Include Classes Active On Report End Date is checked and Include Classes InActive On Report End Date is unchecked, following classes are included:

    • cc dateenrolled <= Report End Date

    • cc dateleft > Report End Date

    • absence threshold is met

  • If Include Classes Active On Report End Date is unchecked and Include Classes InActive On Report End Date is checked, the following classes are included:

    • cc dateenrolled <= Report End Date

    • cc dateleft <= Report End Date

    • absence threshold is met

The class option can be used to print the report for elementary students enrolled at Learn@homeschool (students cross enrolled at a virtual school).

Calculated Fields

Days Absent (By Day)

The nightly process calculates the potential periods present, the periods absent, the potential time present and the time absent for each student for AM and PM. The nightly attendance tables are loaded correctly if every period in the bell schedule is assigned to an AM or PM day part and the student has a valid admission status. The current year values are saved in att_daypart_curyear table. The prior year values are saved in att_daypart_prevyear. Note: in the attendance setup for a school, if the "Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school for students enrolled at this school" preference is checked, all course are included in potential periods present and absent. If this preference is not checked, courses taken at another school are not included in the counts.

Absent counts are derived from attendance views. Student attendance is calculated based on the types of conversions set up for either Period to AM/PM or Time to AM/PM attendance values. Depending on the runtime parameter selected, either Period to AM/PM or Time to AM/PM conversions is used to determine if the student is absent in the AM and PM.

Attendance Conversions must be set up to calculate AM and PM attendance. Attendance data is always accurate as of yesterday. If a change is made during the day, run the Refresh Attendance Views. See Provincial Reporting Setup for more information on Bell Schedule and Attendance Conversion setup.

Absent counts are calculated using attendance conversion when the number of classes the students is enrolled in matches the number of classes in the bell schedule. The following processing is done:

  1. Get calendar month.

  2. For each student, use the AM/PM views.

  3. Get the potential value minus the attendance value for each day part (AM and PM) to determine the absent count per AM and PM.

  4. When the sum of the absent attendance for the day = 1, that day counts towards consecutive absences.

Absent counts are calculated without the attendance conversions when the student is not enrolled in a full schedule. The nightly tables are examined to get the potential periods present and periods absent for AM and PM, but these are compared to the number of classes in the bell schedule for the AM and PM.

  1. Get calendar month.

  2. For each student, get potential value present for AM and PM.

  3. For each student, get periods absent for AM and PM.

  4. If student's period enrolled in AM + student's period enrolled in PM = periods absent in AM + periods absent in PM, then that day counts towards consecutive absences.

Days Absent (By Class)

For class attendance, get each course associated with an absent attendance code.

An absent attendance code is one where:

  • Presence status of absent is checked ([Attendance_Code]presence_status_cd = 'Absent').

  • Attendance code is considered in ADA calculations is checked ([Attendance_Code]calculate_ada_yn = 1).

The Record Attendance setting for a class affects how days absent is determined:

  • If the setting is "once for all meetings", it is assumed that all periods for a class on a date have the same attendance code (or no attendance records). Classes missed is incremented by 1 on a date if an absence code is present.

  • If the setting is "each meeting separately", the student must be absent from each period to be considered absent from that class and count toward consecutive absences.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer How to Find and Generate a Report.



Current Selection Students

If 'All Students' (the default) is selected, the report includes all students subject to the rules associated with the other report parameters. If 'Selected n Students Only' is selected, the rules associated with the other report parameters are applied only to students in the current PowerSchool student selection.

Select Schools*

When run from district, choose one of the following:

Select Multiple Schools - Select and hold the CTRL key on the keyboard and click to select the schools you want to be included in the report. If you select this option, the report cannot be submitted unless at least one school is selected from the list.

All Schools - Files are created for all schools in the District.

When run from a school level, the default selection Current School Only.

Report Type*

Option group control with two options: 'Day' and 'Class'. If 'Day' is selected, the report counts consecutive school days absent. If 'Class' is selected, the report counts consecutive days absent for each class. The 'Class' option applies to secondary schools as well as Elementary schools.

Select Attendance Conversion

Select how to convert the attendance data. Period and/or Time options are displayed depending on how the school is configured. Period and/or Time conversions for AM and PM attendance are defined using School Setup > Attendance Conversions and are required when report type is 'Day'.

Start Date*

Calendar control. Only attendance data between the specified start and end dates is included. The default start date is the first day in the year-long term for the currently selected school (or the district office if run from the district) in PowerSchool.

End Date*

Calendar control. Only attendance data between the specified start and end dates is included. The default end date is the system date.

Enrolment Status Effective Date

Date control. A student's enrolment status at the school is determined as of the specified date. Default value is the system date. The specified effective date is used only to determine a student's school enrolment status for printing on the report. It does not affect student, class, or attendance selection.

Include Classes Active On Report End Date

Checkbox control. The default value is checked. If checked, subject to other class selections, any class in which a student is enrolled as of the specified report end date is included. If not checked, such classes are excluded.

Include Classes Inactive On Report End Date

Checkbox control. The default value is checked. If checked, subject to other class selections, any class in which the student was enrolled prior to the report end date but in which the student is not enrolled as of the report end date is included. If not checked, such classes are excluded.

Include Transferred Out Students

Checkbox control. The default value is unchecked. If unchecked, only students enrolled in the school or class (depending on report type) as of the specified end date are included. If checked, a student's enrolment status is not considered.

Absence Threshold*

The default value is 15. Valid values are 1 to 99.

  • If the report type is 'Day', indicates the number of consecutive days within the specified date range that the student must be marked absent to be included in the report.

  • If the report type is 'Class', indicates the number of consecutive days for each of a student's classes within the specified date range that the student must be marked absent to be included in the report.

If a non-numeric value is entered in error, or if a value greater than 99 is entered, the report will substitute a value of 99.

If a value less than 1 is entered, the report will substitute a value of 1.


Multi-select list box containing an entry for each grade level between the current school's low grade and high grade.

When run at the district, multi-select list box containing an entry for each grade level between the lowest school's low grade and highest school's high grade.

An entry for "All Grades" is present at the top of list and is the value selected by default.

Ignore Attendance Code Categories

Multi-select list box containing an entry for each attendance code category from the Att_Cod_Code_Entity] table. The list also contains "None" as the first entry and that entry is selected by default. The list does not contain entries for "Excused", "Unexcused", "Tardy", or "ConEd" categories.

Any day on which a student has an attendance code posted (to any class) that is associated with a selected attendance code category is treated as a non- in-session day for the student. This allows 'optional' in-session days, such as Grant days, to be excluded from processing.

Include Home School

Select this option to add a Home School column to the report. This option is only applicable if the report type is Class

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



School (School ID)

School name (School ID).

Use [S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name if defined, otherwise use [Schools]Name


Run Date

Report run date.

System date formatted as mm/dd/yyyy

Absent Threshold

Number of specified consecutive day or class absences.

Entered on report input page

Student Name

Student name formatted last name, first name and middle initial.

The report displays up to 35 characters.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

First character of [S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then first character of [Students]Middle_Name


Student's birthdate.


Age Today

Student's age as of today.

Note: DOB and Age Today added to determine if a student is of compulsory age at the time of the report.

Derived by [Students]DoB and today's date

Student Number

The student's local number.



"Yes" if the student's school enrolment status at the school on the specified effective date is inactive. Blank if the student is active at the school on the effective date. Only printed once for a detail group.

Derived from [Students/ReEnrollments]EntryDate and ExitDate

Grade Level

The student's grade level.

Kindergarten displayed is as K and junior kindergarten as JK.




Only displayed when Report Type is 'Class'.

Formatted course number - section number.



Date Range

The first day and last day of consecutive absences (day or class) associated with the detail line.

Derived from first day of absence through last day of absence where consecutive absences meet the absent threshold parameter.

Days/Classes Absent

Number of days or classes absent associated with the detail line.

The report ignores days where there are no course enrollments for the student; however, absences that fall before or after the days with no course enrollments count towards consecutive absences.

Derived number of consecutive absences by day or class.

Home School

This column prints the School Abbreviation of the students’s latest homeschool as of the system date.

This column is only printed if the Include Home School is selected on the run page


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