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Ontario Student Transcript Report


The Ontario Student Transcript Report (OST) was developed to provide an official and consistent record of the Ontario secondary school credit courses successfully completed by a student. It is issued for any student meeting the selection criteria listed below, upon completion of courses, transfer, or at any time in the future upon request by the student. The report can be only printed on the ministry's English blank forms.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to the selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

A student's transcript can be printed by:

An error message is displayed and the student is not output in the following scenarios:

  • If the student is transferred to a school but not yet enrolled.

  • If the student is enrolled with a no-show record and the student has no previous enrollment in that school.

    The school at which the student is currently enrolled.

  • If the student is not enrolled at any school, the last school at which the student was enrolled (excluding summer school enrollments). 

  • If the student is currently enrolled at a school, the last school at which the student was enrolled prior to the current enrolment provided the current school has not yet posted marks for the student.

  • To prevent printing from a Night school, the graduation School must be populated with the school that owns the student OSR.

When the report is run from district level, it is smart enough to find the latest school the student is enrolled in and print the school information and the entry date of that school.

Normally the report does not include cross-enrollment students; however, the report, at the user's option, includes cross-enrolled Grade 8 students. This allows the report to be run for a Grade 8 student at either the elementary school of primary enrolment or at the secondary school at which the student is taking secondary classes.

Graduation Contract Selection

A student must have an active graduation contract selected in order for compulsory credits to be determined. If a student has more than one active graduation contract, the report uses the one with the lowest sort order for the student (i.e., lowest [GPStudentPlan]SortOrder).

Student Selection

The report selects records from the Students table based on the following criteria:

  1. The Student's grade level must be 8 or higher.

  2. The Student is included in the subset of currently selected students (if applicable).

  3. The Exclude From Provincial Report flag ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting) for the student must be off.

  4. The report is printed even if the student has no marks to be printed and no community hours are posted.

  5. If "Ignore Student Exclusion" is unchecked, a student is excluded if either the student's Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting) is on, or if his/her attendance type i.e., EnrollmentType field= 'EX' (excluded) for the enrolment (Students or ReEnrollments record) associated with, in whole or in part, the run date (i.e., if there is any overlap between the enrolment start and end dates and the run date).

StoredGrades Selection

Only secondary courses for which [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type is 'M', 'L', 'P', 'O and blank) are included for secondary students and elementary grade 8 students.

The report selects records from the StoredGrades table based on the following criteria:

  1. The StoredGrades record has a ministry course code. If [Courses]Alt_Course_Number is undefined, [Courses]Course_Number is used.

  2. The StoredGrades record is not excluded from GPA (i.e., [Courses/StoredGrades]ExcludeFromGPA for the associated course is off).

  3. The StoredGrades record contains a final mark, or the course is subject to full disclosure. Note that ESL/ELD or credit recovery courses that would otherwise be subject to full disclosure are not included. This includes courses for which any of the following are true:

    • [S_ON_SEC_X]Class_Type = "RCR"

    • [S_ON_SEC_X]OthCrsInfo_Cred_Recovery = "1"

    • [S_ON_SGR_X]]OthCrsInfo_Cred_Recovery = "1"

    • First three characters of [Courses]Alt_Course_Number "ESL" or "ELD"

  4. Only Grade 9 and 10 courses for which the student earned credit (i.e. passed) are included. If the course is a repeated course, the following rules apply:

    • If non-zero credit is earned, the one with the highest credit is included.

    • If more than one class has the 'highest' credit value, then the one with the highest mark is included.

    • If more than one class has the same 'highest' credit and 'highest' mark, then the earliest is included.

  5. For non-zero credit courses, the StoredGrades potential credits are greater than zero. For zero credit courses, the mark type ([S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type) for the StoredGrades store code is "F" (final).

  6. If a course is designated as an alternative or modified curriculum - i.e. [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_A or Transcript_M flag is on - the student is deemed to have passed the course regardless of mark or credit earned. However, if the course is not subject to full disclosure (see next point), the class is not included even if the full disclosure flag is on.

  7. If the student does not complete or fails a course, and the course is not subject to full disclosure, the course is not printed. A course is not subject to full disclosure if:

    1. 4th character of the ministry course code = "1" or "2" (i.e. Grade 9 and 10 courses)

    2. a language course is not subject to full disclosure if:

i. - course code starts with 'LN' and the course level is 3 or less (i.e. 4th character of course code = 'A', 'B', or 'C')

ii. - course code starts with 'LV' and the course level is 1 (i.e. 4th character of course code is 'A')

iii. - course code starts with 'L' and the course level is 2 or less (i.e. 4th character of course code is 'A', 'B' or 'C')

The report excludes courses where [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromTranscripts = 1.

The report excludes PLAR courses for which credit earned = 0. These include:

  • PLE99 courses

  • Qxx courses

  • QEV1W courses

  • Other courses where PLAR type is one of 2, 5, or 7

Course Repeats

The Report uses a common function to check for repeated credit courses. please refer to Appendix L for logic details. For a non-credit course, the report uses the [StoredGrades] record for which the mark type ([S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type) for the store code is "F" (final).

Printing from an ECPP School

The report prints the Designated School defined on a student's record and if not defined, the Designated School defined on the ECPP facility for the student is printed. If the ECPP Facility is not defined for the student, the Designated School defined for the school running the report is printed.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select Programs to show in Awards/Special Programs

Select "All Programs" (the default) or select one or more entries from the list of Programs to print in the Specialized Programs section of the report. Only selected programs are printed. Select "None" if no programs are to be printed. Only programs for which the "Available For OST/Status Sheet" flag is selected appear in the list.

Current Selection Students

Report can run for the current selection of students. Student Grade level (9-12) is considered for inclusion in the report run. the report can run for a max of 4,500 students when the Set Accessibility flag is on and 31,000 students when the Set Accessibility flag is off.

Sort By

Select the order in which students should appear in the report:

  • Student Name (default)

  • Student Name Within Homeroom

  • Student Name Within Distribution Period

  • Student Name Within Grade Level

If the distribution period sort is selected, the specified distribution date and period are compared to the meeting expression for each of a student's scheduled classes to determine which of the classes is used to define the sort key value for the student.

Distribution Date

This parameter applies only when the report is sorted by the distribution period. The report determines, for each student, the class that meets in the specified period on the specified date. Sorting is performed based on the course name and section number for the class. The default value is the system date.

Distribution Period

This parameter applies only when the report is sorted by the distribution period. The report determines, for each student, the class that meets in the specified period on the specified date. Sorting is performed based on the course name and section number for the class.

Include Only Currently Enrolled Students

If selected, only the students that are actively enrolled ([Students]enroll_status = 0) are included.

Ignore Student Exclusion

Indicate whether the Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag or an attendance type of "EX" (excluded) should exclude a student from the report. If unchecked (the default value), a student's flag and attendance type are examined. If checked, a student's flag and attendance type are not considered for student selection.

Included Grade 8 Students

Indicate whether the report should include Grade 8 students. If selected, Grade 8 students taking secondary classes are included, subject to other report selection criteria. If unchecked (the default value), Grade 8 students are not included. Note that including Grade 8 students causes the report to run slower. If Grade 8 students are to be included, it is suggested that the current PowerSchool student selection be set to include only Grade 8 students.

Set Accessibility

Select this box to print an accessible version of the report.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element





This is the date the Student Transcript Report was printed.

Entered at Report Runtime in Date of Issue field. (Format: YYYY/MM/DD)


The student's Legal Name. Format: Last, First Middle

The Given Name(s) field contains First Name followed by first Middle Name followed by the first initial of the second Middle Name. Third and subsequent middle names are not printed.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then [Students]Middle_Name


The student's Ontario Education Number.

[Students]State_StudentNumber, if blank then [S_ON_STU_X]MIN_Number

Student Number

The student's student number.



The student's gender.

Valid values:

  • M

  • F

  • N (Prefer not to disclose)

  • S (Prefer to specify)


getStudentGenderReportValues function is used to get the student's gender type from the code sets tables.

Genders that are Excluded from Reporting are not printed.

'I' is printed for invalid genders

Date of Birth

The student's date of birth.

[Students]DOB (YYYY/MM/DD)

District School Board

The name of the student's district school board.

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = 'DISTRICTNAME'

District School Board Number

The number of the student's district school board.

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = 'DISTRICTNUMBER'


The name of the school running the report. When run from the district it is the latest school the student is enrolled.

For Grade 8 students, if the report is run at a secondary school, the name of the school running the report is printed. If run at district or from the elementary school, the name of the school with the latest class enrolment in a secondary school is printed.

If the Secondary School to be printed is an ECPP School, the Designated School is printed.


From ECPP School

Designated school is printed instead of ECPP school

For Enrolled Students: print the designated school:

    • defined on the student level: ([S_ON_STU_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID'/[S_ON_REN_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID).

    • If not defined then print school defined on the school level ([S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID) where the school is the ECPP facility [S_ON_STU_X]CTCC_SchoolsDCID, [S_ON_REN_X]CTCC_SchoolsDCID]

    • If not defined then the Designated School defined at the school level where the student is enrolled:

      • ([S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID)

    • Otherwise, print the school running the report

For grade 8 students

    • printing from secondary school

      • The designated school defined at the school level is printed. ([S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID), if not defined print the school running the report

    • Printing from elementary school and the latest secondary class is taken in an ECPP school

      • The designated school defined on the school where the latest class is taken is printed. ([S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID), if not defined print the school the latest class is taken.

School Number

The Alternate School Number or School Number of the school printed on the report


Date of Entry

The student's date of entry.

This is the earliest entry date from the most recent set of continuous enrolments at the school printed on the report is printed. A gap in enrolment occurs when a student either enrolls in a different school or has no enrolment for a year.

If the Transcript Entry Date is defined on the record with the earliest Entry date, it will be used.

For Grade 8 students, when the report is run from the elementary school or district, Entry Date is retrieved from the earliest cross-enrollment in the board. If the report is run from a secondary school, Entry Date is retrieved from the earliest cross-enrollment in that school.

[S_ON_STU_X]transcriptentrydate if defined else

PSSR_ON_COMMON.get_student_entry_date([Students].ID, [Students]SchoolID)

Format: (YYYY MM DD)


Total Credits

The Total of the Credits column.

Credit for repeated courses is not included.

Sum of [ON_Student_GradPlan.getclasscreditxref] creditEarned

Total Compulsory Credits

The Total of the Compulsory column.

Credit for repeated courses is not included.

Sum of [ON_Student_GradPlan.getclasscreditxref] creditEarned where categoryID<99

Community Involvement Completed Flag

Selected to indicate whether community involvement work required for graduation has been completed.

The Flag is selected based on the following rules:

  • The student is working towards the OSSD or OSSD/SHSM diploma or the student is taking non-credit courses with alternative expectations.


  • The SUM of the community hours entered for the student = 40 hours or more.


  • The student earned his diploma and Diploma Date is on or after the Start date of 2020-2021 school year and the SUM of the community hours entered for the student = 20 hours or more.

Community hours values that would normally be rounded up to 40 hours for printing on other reports (e.g., 39.996) are not rounded for the purpose of determining whether the requirement is complete.

Will set an X if:

  • SUM [S_ON_STU_Community_Hours_C]Number_OfHours where [S_ON_STU_Community_Hours_C]ForeignKey = [Students]ID = 40 hours or more AND

    • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type = 1 or 4 or

    • student is taking non-credit courses with alternative expectations.


  • SUM [S_ON_STU_Community_Hours_C]Number_OfHours where [S_ON_STU_Community_Hours_C]ForeignKey = [Students]ID = 20 hours or more and Diploma Date >= Start date of 2020-2021 school year AND

    • [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type = 1 or 4 or

    • student is taking non-credit courses with alternative expectations.

Community Involvement N/A Flag

Selected to indicate that the required 40 hours of community involvement work is not required.

Will set an X if [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type != 1 or 4


Will set an X if [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type = 1 or 4 and Diploma Certificate Requirements Met Date S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is >= March 13, 2020 and < start date of 20-201 school year and the student total community hours earned to date is < 40

Provincial Secondary School Literacy Requirement Flag

Selected to indicate that the provincial secondary school literacy requirement for English has been completed successfully.

Will set an X if PSSR_ON_Common.literacyRequirement([Students].ID) = 'E', 'F', or 'B'. Refer to Appendix F - Literacy Requirement for a description of the values returned by the [PSSR_ON_Common]LiteracyRequirement function.

Literacy Requirement - N/A Flag

Selected to indicate that the provincial secondary school literacy requirement is not required.

Will set an X if PSSR_ON_Common.literacyRequirement([Students].ID) = 'X'. Refer to Appendix F - Literacy Requirement for a description of the values returned by the [PSSR_ON_Common]LiteracyRequirement function.

Secondary School Online Learning Requirement

Successfully Completed Flag

Selected to indicate that the Secondary School Online Learning Requirement has been successfully completed.

Will set to X when

Secondary School Online Learning Requirement - N/A Flag

selected to indicate that the Secondary School Online Learning Requirement is not applicable to the student.

This requirement is only applicable to student working on their OSSD or OSSD/SHSM and with Cohort 2020 and students who did not opted out from the requirement.

Will be set to X for:

Specialized Program

The name of the Specialized Program in which the student is enrolled.

Only programs selected by the user on the report input page are included in this section. If a student is enrolled in the same included program more than once, the program is only printed once. If a program enrolment does not begin until after the report run date (i.e., is in the future) it is not included.

If the program is expired (exit date less than All requirement met date) the program is not printed.

For non-SHSM programs: [Gen].Name where [Gen].Cat = 'specprog' and selected 'Awards/Special Programs' parameter = [SpEnrollments]ProgramID

For SHSM programs: "SHSM - " + [PS_COMMON_CODE]Description where [PS_COMMON_CODE]PS_Group = 'ON_DropDown_SHSM' and [PS_COMMON_CODE]Category = 'SHSM_Program_Type' for SHSM programs [S_ON_GEN_SPECPROG_X]SHSM_Flag is on) are printed only if both [S_ON_SEN_X]SHSM_Program_Date and [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date are defined.

Diploma Name

The name of the diploma or certificate earned by the student.

When [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date IS NOT NULL

[PS_Common_Code].Description associated with [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type

If [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date and [S_ON_STU_X]Scholarship_Date are both not NULL, the text "(Ontario Scholar)" is appended to the diploma or certificate name.

Diploma Date

The date of issue of diploma.

[S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date (YYYY MM)


The name of the Principal of the school printed on the report.

For Grade 8 students, if the report is run at a secondary school, the name of the logged in school is printed. If run at an elementary school, the name of the school with the latest enrolment in a secondary class is printed.

[Schools].Principal for the school identified by PSSR_ON_COMMON.GETGRADUATIONSCHOOLNAME([Students]ID)

Course Columns


The course date (YYYY MM).

If [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date is defined use that value.

If [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit is undefined and there is an associated CC record, use the calendar day immediately prior to [CC]DateLeft.

If [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date is undefined and there is no associated CC record and [StoredGrades]TermId is defined (i.e. non-zero), use [Terms]LastDay for the associated term.

If [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date is undefined and there is no associated CC record and [StoredGrades]TermId is undefined, use [StoredGrades]DateStored (TermID should never be undefined).

Course Grade/Level

The Grade level of course (not student).

For ESL/ELD and other international language courses the value runs from '1' to '5'. These courses are identified by having a letter as the 4th character of the ministry course code.

The value for other courses runs from '9' to '12'. These courses are identified by having a number as the 4th character of the ministry course code.

Set to 'N/A/ if [StoredGrades]Course_Number begins with 'K' OR [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_A = 1

Set to blank if [StoredGrades]Alternate_Course_Number is one of PLE99, QEV1W, QEE99, QMA99, QAP99, QSE99

ELSE value is based on 4th character of [Courses]Alt_Course_Number:

  • '1' if 4th character is A

  • '2' if 4th character is B

  • '3' if 4th character is C

  • '4' if 4th character is D

  • '5' if 4th character is E

  • '9' if 4th character is 1

  • '10' if 4th character is 2

  • '11' if 4th character is 3

  • '12' if 4th character is 4

  • '13' if 4th character is 5

  • 'OAC' if 4th character is 0 or O

For international Languages, courses beginning with 'L'
For 20152016 and earlier, :

    • '1' if 4th character is A

    • '2' if 4th character is B

    • '3' if 4th character is C

    • '4' if 4th character is D

    • '5' if 4th character is E to Z

For 20162017 and onwards:

    • '1' if 4th character is A or B

    • '2' if 4th character is C

    • '3' if 4th character is D

    • '4' if 4th character is E to Z

ELSE set to 'N/A'

Course Title

The title of the course.

For team-taught dual credit courses (i.e., courses where the 'T' note is printed (see Notes section below), "(Dual Credit) will be appended.

For cooperative education, "(Co-op)" will be appended.

For equivalent credits:

  • All courses with a ministry course code of 'PLE99' are consolidated on a single line for each year found with a course title of 'Equivalent Credits'.

  • If a course has a course code that is not PLE99 or one of the 'Q' course codes, but has PLAR type set to one of: '2', '5', or '7', the course is printed on its own line.

  • All courses with a ministry course code of 'QEV1W', 'QEE99', 'QMA99', 'QAP99', and 'QSE99' are consolidated into lines based on the first three characters of the course code for each year found, and the course title is set to 'Equivalent Credits'

The report may append one or more of the strings described above. The text is appended only if it is not already present in the course title in the database.

[S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Name. If undefined, use [StoredGrades]Course_Name.

Set to 'Equivalent Credits' if line is deemed to contain equivalent credit.

Will append ' (Co-op)' if [S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type = 4 OR [StoredGrades].ON_Transcript_C = 1 OR

[S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_C =1 OR [S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_C OR [S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type = 4

Will append '(Dual Credit)' if [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Type = 8 or 9 or [S_ON_SGR_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_T = 1

For an apprenticeship dual credit course (i.e. a course where the 4th and 5th characters of the ministry course code are "4Y"), the word "(partial)" is appended to the course title if the student earns less than full credit for the course (i.e. [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs is less than [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs).

Course Code

The course code for the course.

For equivalent credits:

  • All courses with a ministry course code of 'PLE99' are consolidated on a single line with a course code of 'PLE' for each year found.

  • If a course has a course code that is not PLE99 or one of the 'Q' course codes, but has PLAR type set to one of: '2', '5', or '7', the course is printed on its own line.

  • All courses with a ministry course code of 'QEE99', 'QMA99', 'QAP99', and 'QSE99' are consolidated into lines based on the first three characters of the course code for each year found.

  • All courses with a ministry course code of 'QEV1W' are consolidated on a separate line regardless of year.

  • Check all course codes for a student that have a 4th and 5th character of 4T or 4Y (these will account for all dual credit courses) as well as course codes beginning with AMX3M and AMX4M (these are the external music credits) to see how many credits a student has earned in these courses.

  • If the student has earned more than four credits, count the four with the highest credit followed by highest marks, and do not print any dual credit courses once the required 4.0 credit limit is reached.

If courses are consolidated by year (i.e., 'PLE99', 'QEE99', 'QMA99', 'QAP99', and 'QSE99'), the consolidation is done by academic year not calendar year.

[Courses]Alt_Course_Number. If undefined, [Courses]Course_Number.

Set to 'PLE' if line includes consolidated 'PLE99'.

Set to the first three characters of ministry course code ([Courses]Alt_CourseNumber) if line includes consolidated 'Qxx' courses as described to the left.

Set to 'QEV1W' if line consolidates 'QEV1W' courses as described to the left.

Percentage Grade

The percentage grade for the course. For equivalent credits, this field will read 'EQV'. For alternative courses, this field will read 'ALT.'

IF Course Code above = 'PLE' , 'QEV', 'QEE', 'QAP', 'QMA', or 'QSE' or if [S_ON_CRS_X]PLAR_Type = '2', '5', or '7' THEN set to 'EQV'

ELSE IF [StoredGrades]Grade is null or empty AND [S_ON_SGR_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X].ON_Transcript_A = 1 THEN set to 'ALT'

ELSE set to [StoredGrades].Grade


The actual credit earned for the course. If this was an alternative course, this field will read 'N/A'. If the course was repeated, this field will display 'R'. Credit is not earned for a repeated course - the credit for a course is only counted once. Courses containing equivalent credit are not considered repeating even if more than one [StoredGrades] record with the same ministry course code is present. If a full disclosure record (i.e. Transcript_W is on) is present for a course and the full disclosure mark is the highest mark, that record is not considered to have the highest for the purpose of determining whether to print an "R".

If the student withdrew from the course, this field will display 'W'. To two decimal points.

If a course is designated as both repeated and withdrawn, this field displays "W' rather than "R".

Note that repeated Grade 9 and 10 courses are not included in the report.

If another completed instance of the same course has a higher mark, the field is set to 'R' (repeated), unless the mark in this instance is "EQV" in which case the actual credit value is printed.

Numeric marks in [StoredGrades]Grade are converted to numbers for the purposes of determining which instance contains the highest mark.


IF StoredGrades].Course_Number begins with 'K' OR [S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_M = 1

OR [S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_A = 1

OR [StoredGrades]Grade= 'ALT'

THEN will set field to 'N/A'

ELSE IF [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = '1' OR [StoredGrades]Grade='W' THEN

will set field to 'W'

ELSE IF [Courses]Credit_hours = 0 THEN will set field to '0.0'

ELSE IF [StoredGrades]earnedcrhrs = 0 THEN will set field to '0'

ELSE will set field to sum of [StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs for all courses included in the line.


An 'X' is entered for courses in which a compulsory credit has been earned. For equivalent credits that have to be entered as total for regular day school students, the total number of credits is entered. For partial compulsory credits, the appropriate fraction is entered. When one credit of a two credit cooperative education course is being used as a compulsory credit, "1.00" is entered in this column.

Note that if a course is shown as a repeated course, it's credit cannot be designated as compulsory.

Credit associated with a modified curriculum mark cannot be designated as compulsory.

A common function, based on the logic described in Appendix J - Assigning Credit To Diploma Categories, is used to determine the diploma category to which the credit for a course is assigned, and hence whether the credit is compulsory credit. The function excludes courses where [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromTranscripts is on.

If the credit for the line is not equivalent credit as described above, the associated diploma category is not '99' (optional), and [S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_M is not on, print 'X' if the earned credit ([StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs) is equal to the potential credit ([StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs), otherwise print the earned credit.


Notes are comma separated letters indicating the following codes:

  • "S" Special indicator

  • "F" course taught in French Core, Extended or Immersion program.

  • "C" Cooperative education

  • "I" Interdisciplinary studies

  • "X" substitution for a compulsory credit course.

  • "H" indicates the course credit has been used to fulfill a SHSM course credit requirement. As of the report run date, if the course is completed after the student has met the requirements for the SHSM program or the student has exited from the program, the course is not flagged as a SHSM course. If a SHSM course is repeated, the H note is printed only for the instance with the highest mark.

  • "P" earned credit at an inspected private school.

  • "M" modified curriculum expectations that do not lead to a credit.

  • "A" alternative expectations that do not lead to a credit.

  • "T" team taught dual credit course

Values of '1' or 'T for the Transcript Notes (Transcript_x) flags are considered "true", and values of '0' and 'F' are considered "false".


If the course is returned by the GetStudentSHSMCourses common function.

will set 'H' in field. The logic used by the function is described in Appendix H.


[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_P = 1

will set 'P' in field


[S_ON_SGR_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_M = 1

will set 'M' in field


[S_ON_SGR_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_A = 1

will set 'A' in field


[S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Type = 8 or 9 OR [S_ON_SGR_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_T = 1 OR [S_ON_SGR_X]/[S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type = 12 or 13.

will set 'T' in field

([S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_S = 1 will set 'S' in field


[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_F = 1 or [S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_F = 1 or [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_F = 1 or [S_ON_SEC_X]Lang_Pgm_Type = C,E,I or N or [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F or [Courses]Instruction_Lang = F

will set 'F' in field


[S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type = 4 OR [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]/[S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_C = 1 will set 'C' in field


[Courses]Alt_Course_Number starts with 'ID' OR [S_ON_SGR_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_I = 1

will set 'I' in field


[GpNode]SortOrder < 99 and [ON_Student_GradPlan]isDiplomaGroupsSubstitution> 0 will set 'X' in field

AND/OR If the course is returned by the GetStudentSHSMCourses common function will set 'H' in field. The logic used by the function is described in Appendix H of the Ontario Provincial Reporting Setup Guide.

AND/OR [StoredGrades].ON_Transcript_P = 1 will set 'P' in field AND/OR [StoredGrades/Courses].ON_Transcript_M = 1 will set 'M' in field AND/OR [StoredGrades/Courses].ON_Transcript_A = 1 will set 'A' in field AND/OR [StoredGrades].ON_Credit_Type = 8 or 9 OR [StoredGrades/Courses].ON_Transcript_T = 1 OR [Sections/StoredGrades]ON_Delivery_Type = 12 or 13. will set 'T' in field

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