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Get Student Gender Report Values

Function Name: PSSR_ON_Common.GetStudentGenderReportValues

Function Parameters

  • Student.DCID, 

  • OnSISDate (indicates Count date to be used to get Gender data from snapshot tables.)

Function Return Values


F, M, N, S, ‘Invalid’, or NULL (blank)

F: Female

M: Male

N: Prefer not to Disclose

S: Prefer to Specify

Gender_DescText (up to 50 characters, invalid characters removed) or NULL

Gender Original value - snapshot record/student record


Gender Display Value – Code Sets
GReported_Value Gender Reported Value – Code Sets
GDescription   Description without stripping invalid characters or truncating
GExclude   Gender Exclude from Reporting flag is selected


Gender Description with Exclude from Reporting flag selected

Function Logic

  • If OnSISDate is not NULL, then Gender and Gender_Desc values from snapshot record are used. 

  • If SnapShot record does not exist OR OnSISDate is NULL, then Gender and Gender Desc from student record are used. 

  • The values saved on the snapshot record/student record must be validated before being returned by the function, as follows:

    • If CodeSets.Gender.Exclude from reporting flag is selected, then return Gender as NULL 

    • Otherwise, return Gender as CodeSets.Gender.ReportedValue or if not defined, return CodeSets.Gender.Code. 

    • If Gender is not F, M, N or S, return Gender = Invalid

  • If Gender <> S then return Gender_Desc as NULL; otherwise,

    • If CodeSets.Gender.ReportedValue is S and CodeSets.Gender.code is not O or S, then Gender_Desc = CodeSets.Gender.LongDescription 

    • If CodeSets.Gender.code = S then Gender_Desc = [S_ON_STU_X]Gender_Identity_Desc
      If CodeSets.Gender.code = O then Gender_Desc = CodeSets.childtable [S_ON_STU_X]Gender_Identity_Code.LongDescription 

    • If Description on child table has Exclude from Reporting flag set,  then return Gender_Desc as NULL. 

  • Invalid characters are removed from Gender_Desc, and the description is truncated if exceeds 50 charatcers, before the value is returned.

  • The following characters are to be included: a-zA-ZÀàÄäÂâÁáÈèÉéÊêËëÎîÏïÌìÔôÖöÓóÜüÙùÛûÚúÇçÿŸÑñò _:.0-9'~

  • Accents are to be accepted.

  • Numbers are allowed.

  • The following characters must be removed from the text if found: < and >, Control Characters (ESC, CTRL, Alt, TAB, Page Up, Page Down, Insert)

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