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Appendix F - Literacy Requirement

A number of reports (Secondary Report Card, Status Sheet, Ontario Student Transcript, OCAS/OUAC Transmission, Taking Stock) use a common function ([PSSR_ON_COMMON]Literacy_Requirement) to return the literacy requirement status for a student.
The function returns the following values:




Not Completed








Not Reported


Not Applicable

Set to 'B' if all of the following are true:

  • Students.ON_Diploma_Type is one of: '1' or '4' (i.e. the student is working toward an OSSD)

  • The student has a StudentTestScore record for the Outcome score for both the OSSLT-E test and the OSSLT-F test that indicates successful completion (i.e. Alpha_Score is one of: '1', 'OLC', 'CCL', or 'A')

Set to 'E' if all of the following are true:

  • Students.ON_Diploma_Type is one of: '1' or '4' (i.e. the student is working toward an OSSD)

  • The student has a StudentTestScore record for the Outcome score for the OSSLT-E test that indicates successful completion (i.e. Alpha_Score is one of: '1', 'OLC' or 'A')

Set to 'F' if all of the following are true:

  • Students.ON_Diploma_Type is one of: '1' or '4' (i.e. the student is working toward an OSSD)

  • The student has a StudentTestScore record for the Outcome score for the OSSLT-F test that indicates successful completion (i.e. Alpha_Score is one of: '1', 'CCL' or 'A')

Set to 'X' if any of the following are true:

  • The student has a StudentTestScore record for the Outcome score for either the OSSLT-E test or the OSSLT-F test that indicates the outcome is exempt (i.e. Alpha_Score is '6')

  • Students.ON_Diploma_Type is not '1' or '4', or is NULL (i.e. the student is not working toward an OSSD)

Set to 'N' if any of the following are true:

  • The student has no OSSLT records

  • The student has a StudentTestScore record for the Outcome score for either the OSSLT-E test or the OSSLT-F test that indicates the outcome is withheld (i.e. Alpha_Score is '10')

Set to space otherwise. Processing is performed in the order listed above.
Note that somewhat different rules are used for OnSIS:
Valid values are:




Successful in English


Successful in French


Not Applicable (for students born on or before 1985)





The OSSLT test result (StudentTestScore.Alpha_Score for TestScore.Name = 'Outcome') and the test name ('OSSLT-E' or 'OSSLT-F') for all test instances dated on or before the submission period count date are used to derive this field.

Set to '3' if Students.ON_Diploma_Type has a value other than one of: '1' or '4' (i.e. the student is working toward something other than an OSSD).

Set to '1' if a test instance exists where the test result is '1' and the test name is 'OSSLT-E'.

Set to '2' if a test instance exists where the test result is '1' and the test name is 'OSSLT-F'.

Set to '4' if a test instance exists where the test result is 'A'. Note that a test result of 'A' does not appear in an OSSLT results import file and will be entered manually.

Set to '6' if a test instance exists where the test result is 'OLC' and the test name is 'OSSLT-E', or the test result is 'CCL' and the test name is 'OSSLT-F'. Note that a test result of 'OLC' or 'CCL' does not appear in an OSSLT results import file and will be entered manually. An imported test result of '4' indicates that the student is taking a course which may lead to meeting the requirement under OSSLC but does not indicate that the requirement has been met.

Set to '3' if the student has a StudentTestScore record for the Outcome score for either the OSSLT-E test or the OSSLT-F test that indicates the outcome is exempt (i.e. Alpha_Score is '6').

Set to space otherwise. Processing is performed in the order listed above.

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