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Office Index Card


The Office Index Card creates a PDF report containing student demographic, contact, and enrollment data in the format show in the ministry's Ontario Student Record (OSR) Guidelines document.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

  • If "The Selected n Students" option is selected, an office index card is produced for each selected student, and the "Include Students Enrolled As Of" and "Include Students With A Withdrawal Date Between" options are not used to determine student selection.

  • If "All Students" option is selected, the "Include Students Enrolled As Of", "Include Students With A Withdrawal Date Between", and "Exit Codes to Exclude" options are used to determine student selection as described below. When using these options, only students who have an enrolment that falls within the currently selected PowerSchool term are included. However, if a student withdraws after the end of the year associated with the selected term, the student is included, subject to the other selection parameters, if his/her most recent prior enrolment falls between the start of that year and the start of the next year - this allows the report to be generated for summer withdrawals.

  • When the "Include Students With A Withdrawal Date Between" option is used, the student is not included if the only included enrolment record is a no-show enrolment and the student has a subsequent enrolment in the same school.

  • A student is not included in the report if his/her 'Exclude From Provincial Reporting' flag ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting) is turned on, even if the other selection criteria have been met.

  • A student is excluded from the report if the "All Students" option is selected and the attendance type (i.e. EnrollmentType field) = 'EX' (excluded) for ALL enrolments (i.e. Students or ReEnrollments record) that would cause the student to otherwise be selected (i.e. the enrollment start and end dates overlap with the dates associated with the "enrolled as of" effective date or "withdrawal date between" date range.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

If Board Preference "Use Student Contacts for Reports" flag is selected

Contacts are extracted from the Student > Contacts pages.

Functions PSSR_ON_COMMON.GETCONTACTS, PSSR_ON_COMMON.GETCONTACTPHONES get student contacts and phones as follows:

  • Only active student contacts are considered.

  • Contacts with Relationships that are Exclude from State Reporting are not considered.

  • Contacts are selected in the order the contacts are displayed on the Student > Contacts page.

  • Parent/Guardian

    • Contacts with the Custody flag selected are considered

    • The first three contacts on the contacts page are used for the first, second, and third Parent/Guardian fields in the order they are displayed on the page.

  • Emergency Contact:

    • Contacts with the Emergency Contact flag selected are considered.

    • The first contact in the list is reported.

    • Relationship: The CodeSets.Relationship.Reported value is selected. If this value is blank, the CodeSets.Relationship.Code is selected.

  • Phones:

    • Phones with phone types that are Excluded from State Reporting are not considered.

    • Telephone (Bus): The first phone number from the contact's list of phone numbers where Type = Work is selected.

    • Telephone (Home) The first phone number from the contact's list of phone numbers where Type = Home is selected. if a Home phone is not found, the first Mobile phone is selected.

      • When checking phone types, the system uses CodeSets.PhoneTypes.Reported value. If that value is blank, CodeSets.PhoneTypes.Code is used to determine the phone type.

If Board Preference "Use Student Contacts for Reports" flag is not selected

Values are extracted from the following fields:

  • Parent/Guardian

    • [Students]Mother

    • [Students]Father

    • [Students]Guardian_LN, [Students]Guardian_FN, [Students]Guardian_MN

  • Emergency Contact

    • Students]Emerg_Contact_1

    • [Students]Emerg_1_Rel

  • Phones

  • Telephone(Bus)

    • [Students]MotherDayPhone

    • [Students]FatherDayPhone

    • [Students]GuardianDayPhone

    • [S_ON_STU_X]Emerg1_Work_Phone

  • Telephone(Home)

    • [Students]Mother_Home_Phone

    • Students]Father_Home_Phone

    • [S_ON_STU_X]Guardian_Home_Phone

    • [Students]Emerg_Phone_1

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



Current Selection Students

Choose whether you wish to run the report for the current selection of students or have the report search for students based on the school. Default is "Selected n Students". If the "Selected n Students" option is selected the "Include Students Enrolled As Of" and "Include Students With A Withdrawal Date Between" options below are not used to determine selected students.


Select between "Students Enrolled As Of" and "Students Withdrawn Between"

"Students Enrolled As Of":

  • Include only students that are or were active in the logged in school as of the specified effective date.

"Students With A Withdrawal Date Between":

  • Include only students with an enrollment record (either current or previous) for the logged in school with an exit date between the 'Start Date' and 'End Date' input parameters.

Effective Date

Select the effective date for the "Students Enrolled As Of" option. The default value is system date.

Start Date

Select the start date for the "Students With A Withdrawal Date Between" option. The default value is the first day in the school's calendar according to the selected school and selected term.

End Date

Select the end date for the "Students With A Withdrawal Date Between" option. The default value is the last day in the school's calendar according to the selected school and selected term.

Exit Codes to Exclude

Select the exit codes you want excluded from the search when searching for students who withdrew between the Start Date and End Date.

Include Health Cards Numbers

Choose whether you wish to include the students' health Cards numbers in the report.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Surname and Given Name(s))

The student's name. Format: last, first middle.





The student's gender.

Valid values:

  • M

  • F

  • N (Prefer not to disclose)

  • S (Prefer to specify)


getStudentGenderReportValues function is used to get the student's gender type from the code sets tables.

Genders that are Excluded from Reporting are not printed.

'I' is printed for invalid genders

Student Number

The student number assigned by the school.



The student's Ontario Education Number.

[Students]State_StudentNumber, if blank then [Students]ON_MIN_Number

Grade Level

The student's grade level.

[Students]Grade_Level or [ReEnrollments]Grade_Level if [Students]ExitCode = 'NS' or [Students]EntryDate = [Students]ExitDate

Legal Name

The student's legal name. Format: last, first middle.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then [Students]Middle_Name

Date of Birth

The student's date of birth.


Address (Student)

The student's address.





If blank





Source of Verification

The document's source of verification.

[Ps_Common_Code]Description where

[Ps_Common_Code]PS_Group = 'ON_DropDown_Student'

And [Ps_Common_Code]Category = 'DOB_Source_Doc'

And [Ps_Common_Code]Code = [S_ON_STU_X]DOB_Source_Doc

Graduation Date

The student's graduation date.



The student's home phone.


Name of Parent(s)/Guardian(s)

1st Parent/Guardian

The name of student's 1st guardian.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

2nd Parent/Guardian

The name of student's 2nd guardian.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

3rd Guardian

The name of student's 3rd guardian.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

Telephone (Bus)

1st Parent/Guardian

The 1st guardian work phone.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

2nd Parent/Guardian

The 2nd guardian work phone.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

3rd Guardian

The 3rd guardian work phone.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

Telephone (Home)

1st Parent/Guardian

The 1st guardian home phone.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

2nd Parent/Guardian

The 2nd guardian home phone.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

3rd Guardian

The 3rd guardian home phone.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

Custody Status

The Student's custody status.


Run Date

The date the report was run.

System date


The name of the school.

[S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name if defined

[Schools]Name otherwise

Address (School)

The address of the school.





Date Enrolled

The enrollment day into the school.

Transcript Entry Date if defined on the earliest enrolment, otherwise, Earliest [PS_Enrollment ]EntryDate for the most recent set of continuous [PS_enrollment] records for the current school with an entry code of other than "IA".

School Previously Attended

The name of the previously attended school.


If undefined, use [S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name (if defined) or [Schools]Name (if not) for the school from the most recent ReEnrollments record for a school that is different than the school associated with the current enrolment.

Address (School Previously Attended)

The address of the previously attended school.


If undefined, use:

  • [Schools]SchoolAddress

  • [Schools]SchoolCity

  • [Schools]SchoolState

  • [Schools]SchoolZip

for the most recent [PS_Enrollment]SchoolID for a different school than that associated with the current enrolment.

Date of Retirement

The last day that the student is at the logged school.

If the latest enrolment for the student is a no-show enrolment, the exit date from the previous enrolment record is used.

"Students Enrolled As Of" option

The Date of Retirement is blank.

"Selected n Students" or "Students With A Withdrawal Date Between" options

[Students]ExitDate when

[Students]ExitCode in [Gen]Name

where [Gen]Cat = 'exitcodes'

and [Gen]Value2 IN ( '07', '08', '10', '11','12', '13', '14', '15','16', '17', '18', '23','25', '26', '28', '33','42', '60', '99', '61', '62', '63', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '73')

Blank otherwise


This is the comment that the user enters when a student is retired from a school.

If the latest enrolment for the student is a no show enrolment, the exit code from the previous enrolment record is used.

"Students Enrolled As Of" option

The Destination field is blank.

"Selected n Students" or "Students With A Withdrawal Date Between" options

[Students].ExitComment when

[Students]ExitCode in [Gen]Name

where [Gen]Cat = 'exitcodes'

and [Gen]Value2 IN ( '07', '08', '10', '11','12', '13', '14', '15','16', '17', '18', '23','25', '26', '28', '33','42', '60', '99' ) [School Year 12/13] or [Gen]Value2 IN ('18', '61', '62', '63', '65', '66', '67', '68', '69', '70', '71', '73') [School Year 13/14]

If the exit comment is undefined use [Gen]ValueT from the associated exit code.

Date of Transfer

The last day that the student is at the logged school.

If the latest enrolment for the student is a no show enrolment, the exit date from the previous enrolment record is used.

"Students Enrolled As Of" option

The Date of Transfer is blank.

"Selected n Students" or "Students With A Withdrawal Date Between" options

Students]ExitDate when

[Students]ExitCode in [Gen]Name

where [Gen]Cat = 'exitcodes'

and [Gen]Value2 IN ( '01', '02', '03', '04','06', '24', '64', '72')

Blank otherwise

Receiving School

The name of the receiving school.

"Students Enrolled As Of" option

The Receiving School name is blank

"Selected n Students" or "Students With A Withdrawal Date Between" options

When the withdrawal appears in a [ReEnrollment] record

Receiving School name is [S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name (if defined) or [Schools]Name (if not) for the next [ps_enrollment_all] record for a different school

When the withdrawal appears in a [Student record]

Receiving School name is [S_ON_STU_X]Receiving_School_Name

Summer school enrollment is not considered as the student's next school (receiving school). when the summer enrolment appears in [ReEnrollment] record and the enrollment exit code is blank or not mapped to a ministry-defined code.

Address (Receiving School)

The address of the receiving school.

"Students Enrolled As Of" option

The Receiving School Address is blank

"Selected n Students" or "Students With A Withdrawal Date Between" options

When the withdrawal appears in a [ReEnrollment] record

Receiving School address is





for the next [ps_enrollment_all] record for a different school

When the withdrawal appears in a [Student record]

Receiving School address name is [S_ON_STU_X]Receiving_School_Address

Health Related Data

Medical Alert

The student's medical alert.


Medical Considerations

The student's medical considerations.



The student's allergies.


Health Card #

The student's health card number.

WHEN #includeHealthCards#='Y' then


Dr. Name

The name of the doctor for the student.


Telephone #

The phone number for the doctor.




The name to contact in case of an emergency.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection


The relationship with the student.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

Telephone (Bus)

The work phone number for the emergency contact.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

Telephone (Home)

The home phone number for the emergency contact.

Refer to Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Selection

Status of OSR

Date of Request

The OSR request date.

Latest [Log]Entry_Date where [log]LogTypeID in( select ID FROM [Gen] WHERE [Gen]cat = 'logtype' AND [Gen]Name = 'OSR Request')


AND [Log]StudentID = [Students]ID

AND [Log]SchoolID = #selectedSchool#

Date Received

The OSR received date.

Latest [Log]Entry_Date where [log]LogTypeID in( select ID FROM [Gen] WHERE [Gen]cat = 'logtype' AND [Gen]Name = 'OSR Request')


AND [Log]StudentID = [Students]ID

AND [Log]SchoolID = #selectedSchool#

Date Sent

The OSR sent date.

Latest [Log]Entry_Date where [log]LogTypeID in( select ID FROM [Gen] WHERE [Gen]cat = 'logtype' AND [Gen]Name = 'OSR Request')


AND [Log]StudentID = [Students]ID

AND [Log]SchoolID = #selectedSchool#

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