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Graduation Cohort (Diploma Completion) Report


The report identifies and reports students in three groups:

  • Students belonging to a cohort at the current board. These are students for which a cohort year ([S_ON_STU_X]Cohort Year) is defined.

  • Students belonging to a cohort at another Province/Country. These are students for which a cohort year is undefined and either:

    • An explicit Grade 9 enrolment date outside of Ontario (s_on_stu_x.gr_nine_enroll_dt_outsideon) is defined  or

    • An explicit Grade 9 enrolment date outside of Ontario is undefined and the earliest Students/ReEnrolments record with a grade level of 9 has a ministry entry code of '35 (Admission - Other Province/Territory) or '36' (Other Country) and an entry date greater than October 31st of the school year associated with entry date.

  • Students belonging to a cohort at another board. These are students for which a cohort year is undefined and either:

    •  An explicit Grade 9 enrolment date ([S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date) is defined and is not associated with the current board(i.e. [S_ON_STU_X]Gr9_Board_Flag is false), or

    • An explicit Grade 9 enrolment date is undefined and the earliest Students/ReEnrolments record with a grade level of 9 or higher has a ministry entry code of '29' (Admission – Public Sec School in Another Board) or '30' (Admission - Sep Sec School in Another Board), and an entry date greater than October 31st of the school year associated with entry date.

  • Students belonging to no cohort. These are students who do not fall in either of the two groups above.

The report is also used to calculate, store, and report the number of secondary school years for students.

Selection Criteria

School Selection

  • When run at a District Level

    • School selection excludes Closed Schools and Schools Excluded from State Reporting.

    • If Multiple School option is used,  a limit of 300 schools is set.

Student Selection

If the specified "Current Selection Students" option is 'All Students', the "Include Active Students" and "Include Inactive Students" parameters are used:

  • If "Include Active Students" is checked, a student is included if he/she is active at the current school as of the report run date. If run from the district office, a student is included if he/she is active at any school in the board on the run date. A student is active on the report run date if he/she has a [Students] or [ReEnrollments] record in which the entry date is on or before the run date and the exit date is undefined or after the run date.

  • If "Include Inactive Students" is checked, a student is included if he/she is not active at the current school as of the report run date and if his/her most recent enrolment record prior to the run date is for the current school. If run from the district office, a student is included if he/she is not active at any school in the board as of the report run date, but has an earlier enrolment record at any school in the board that ended prior to the run date. A student is inactive on the report run date if he/she has no [Students] or [ReEnrollment] record for which the entry date is on or before the run date and the exit date is undefined or after the run date.

If the specified "Current Selection Students" option is 'Selected n Students Only', the "Include Active Students" and "Include Inactive Students" parameters are ignored:

In this case a student is included if he/she is included in the current PowerSchool student selection and meets either the active or inactive criteria describe above (i.e. it's as if "Include Active Students" and "Include Inactive Students are both checked).

Future enrolments are ignored. If a student has never been enrolled in a school (or the board if run from the district office) on or before the report run date, the student is not included.

If a student is included according to any of the rules above, he/she is included in the report only if his/her cohort is included. For example, if the student's cohort is "current board" the student is included only if "Include Students With Current Board Cohort" is checked. This last rule applies only to the report output. The students processed by the "Update Undefined Cohort Years" and "Re-calculate Number Of Secondary School Years" options are determined only by the "Current Student Selection Student", "Include Active Students" and "Include Inactive Students" options, not the "Include Students With xxxxx Cohort" options.

Calculated Fields

Determining Cohort Date

For the purposes of this report, Cohort Date is defined to be the date a student entered Grade 9 in the current board. If the student entered Grade 9 at another board, province or country, Cohort Date is undefined. Cohort Date is a conceptual field, it is not stored in the database and is separate from [S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date.

Regardless of whether the "Update Undefined Cohort Years" option is selected, Cohort Date is determined as follows:

  • If [S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date is not defined:

    • Cohort Date is the earliest EntryDate from the set of Students/ReEnrollments records where Grade_Level = 9 unless EntryDate in that record is after October 31st of the school year associated with the entry date and the ministry entry code associated with Entry_Code is '29' (Admission – Public Sec School in Another Board) or '30' (Admission - Sep Sec School in Another Board), in which case Cohort Date is undefined (as this indicates the student entered Grade 9 at another board).

  • If [S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date is defined:

    • Cohort Date is [S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date. If [S_ON_STU_X]Gr9_Board_Flag is true: otherwise Cohort Date is undefined; this indicates the student entered Grade 9 at another board.

  • Cohort Date is undefined if none of the above conditions apply.

Note that the processing above is not based on class enrolment dates. Therefore cohort year is defined for reach ahead students only when they enter Grade 9, not when they first take a Grade 9 course.

Determining Cohort Year

If the "Update Undefined Cohort Years" option is selected, the report updates [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort_Year as described below prior to generating the report. If the option is not selected, this processing is not performed.

The report updates Cohort_Year for an included student only if all of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort Year is undefined (i.e. is null or empty); i.e. existing values are not overwritten.

  • Cohort Date is defined (see above).

  • The student is or was between 13 and 15 years of age inclusive as of December 31st of the school year associated with Cohort Date.

The school year associated with Cohort Date is the calendar year in which the school year starts. School years run from July through June. For example, if a student's Cohort Date is between July 1, 2019 and June 30th, 2020, the associated school year is 2019. If Cohort Date is undefined (typically because the student's first Grade 9 enrolment is at another board), the associated school year is undefined for the conditions above).

If all of the conditions above are met, [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort Year is set to the school year associated with Cohort Date. For example if the school year associated with Cohort Date is 2019-2020, the cohort year is set to 2019.

Calculating Number Of Secondary School Years

If the "Re-calculate Number Of Secondary School Years" option is selected, the report updates [S_ON_STU_X]School_Years as described below prior to generating the report. If the option is not selected, this processing is not performed.

Unlike [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort_Year, [S_ON_STU_X]School_Years is updated for an included student even if a value is already defined, unless the "Calculate Undefined Secondary School Years Only" option is checked, in which case the processing is performed only for students where [S_ON_STU_X]School_Years is undefined.

If [S_ON_STU_X]School_Years is defined, its value is incremented by 1. The maximum value is 9. Reports.

If [S_ON_STU_X]School_Years is undefined, its value is set to 1 plus the number of school years past that in which the student entered Grade 9. For the purposes of setting number of secondary school years, the year in which the student entered Grade 9 is the school year associated with one of (evaluated in the order listed):

  • Cohort Date, if defined.

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date, if defined.

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Dt_OutsideON, if defined.

  • The year in which the student would have entered Grade 9 based on the grade level in the earliest Students/ReEnrollments record for the student. For example if the earliest record is for Grade 11 and is associated with the 2015 school year, the year in which the student entered Grade 9 is 2013. If the earliest record is for Grade 9 and is associated with 2015, the year in which the student entered Grade 9 is 2015.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select School Input

When run from district, choose one of the following:

  • Select Multiple Schools – Select and hold CTRL key and then click to select the schools you want to be included in the report. If you select this option, the report cannot be submitted unless at least one school is selected from the list. selected schools must not exceed 300 schools.

When run from a school level, the default selection is Current School Only.

Current Selection Students

Two options are available: "All Students" (the default) and "Selected [number] Students Only". If "Selected [number] Student Only" is selected, the "Include Active Students" and "Include Inactive Students" options are ignored, but cohort group selection criteria are applied to the current student selection.

Include Active Students

If selected, students who are active as of the run date at the current school (or the board if run from the district office) are included. Default is checked.

Include Inactive Students

Ifselected, students who are inactive as of the run date at the current school (or the board if run from the district office) and whose most recent enrolment was at the current school (or any school if run from the district office) are included. Default is checked.

Update Undefined Cohort Years

If selected, the report performs the processing defined in the Determining Cohort Year section above. Default is unchecked.

Re-calculate Number Of Secondary School Years

If selected, the report performs the processing defined in the Calculating Number Of Secondary School Years section above. Default is unchecked.

Clear Number Of Secondary School Years

This option is only enabled if the "Recalculate Number of Secondary School Years" option is checked. If checked the value in [S_ON_STU_X]School Years for all included students is cleared (set to null). Default is unchecked.

Calculate Undefined Number Of Secondary School Years Only

This option is only enabled if the "Recalculate Number Of Secondary School Years" option is checked. If checked, the report performs the processing defined in the Calculating Number Of Secondary School Years section above, but only for students where [S_ON_STU_X]School_Years is undefined. Default is checked.

Include Students With Current Board Cohort

If selected, the report includes (subject to other student selections) students for which [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort Year is defined. If unchecked, the report excludes such students. Default is checked.

Include Students With Other Board Cohort

If selected, the report includes (subject to other student selections) students for which [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort_Year is undefined but for whom either:

[S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date is defined and [S_ON_STU_X]Gr9_Board_Flag is false, or

[S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date is undefined and the earliest Students/ReEnrolments record with a grade level of 9 or higher has a ministry entry code of '29' (Admission – Public Sec School in Another Board) or '30' (Admission - Sep Sec School in Another Board), and an entry date greater than October 31st of the school year associated with entry date.

If not selected, the report excludes such students. Default is unchecked.

Include Students with Outside of Province/Country Cohort

If selected, the report includes (subject to other student selections) students for which [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort_Year is undefined but for whom either:

[S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Dt_OutsideON is defined or

[S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Dt_OutsideON is undefined and the earliest Students/ReEnrolments record with a grade level of 9 or higher has a ministry entry code of 35 (Admission – Other Province/Territory) or '36' (Admission - Other Country), and an entry date greater than October 31st of the school year associated with entry date.

If not selected, the report excludes such students. Default is unchecked.

Include Students With No Cohort

If selected, the report includes (subject to other student selections) students that do not meet the criteria for either 'current board cohort' or 'other board cohort' described above. If unchecked, the report excludes such students. Default is unchecked.

Group By Cohort

If selected, the report prints a separate list of included students for each selected 'group' (current board cohort, other board cohort, no cohort). If unchecked, the report prints the students, ordered by student name (surname first), in a single list. Default is unchecked.

Order By Cohort Year

Appears only if "Group By Cohort" is selected. If selected, the report sorts students within each list by student name (surname first) within cohort year. If not selected, the report sorts students within each list by student name (surname first). Default is unchecked.

Select Cohort Years

The list contains an entry for each distinct value found in [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort Year (excluding undefined), as well as an "All Years" entry (which appears first). Default selection is "All Years". It is enabled only if "Include Students With A Current Board Cohort" is selected. The report includes only students in the 'current board cohort' group whose cohort year matches a selected year.


Two options are available, but only one can be printed in the PDF version of the report:

  • Grade 9 Entry Date and Age - not printed for students with no cohort

  • Diploma Type and Date

These options affect only the PDF (“paper”) report. The extract file contains both Grade 9 entry date and age, and diploma type and date.

Create Extract File

Ifselected, in addition to the PDF file created by the report, a delimited CSV file containing the report data is created. Default is unchecked.

Report Output

Paper Report (.PDF)

When cohort grouping is used, students within each group are ordered by student name or, for the 'current board cohort' group, by name within cohort year as specified by the "Order By Cohort Year" option. When no cohort grouping is used, students are ordered by student name, or by name within cohort year as specified by the "Order By Cohort Year" option.

If the report includes more than one school, students are grouped first by school name with each school starting on a new page. Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



School Name (School Number)

School name and number.

[S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name if defined, otherwise use [Schools]Name where [Schools]School_Number = [Students] or [Reenrollments]schoolid

[Schools] Alternate_School_Number

Student Name

The student’s Legal Name. Format: Last, First Middle.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]_Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then [Students]Middle_Name

Student Number

The student’s number.



The student’s Ontario Education Number.


Grade Level

The student’s Grade Level.


Grade 9 Entry Date

(appears only if the “Print” parameter “Grade 9 Entry Date and Age” was selected)

The date is either a derived Cohort Date, the Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board or the Grade 9 enrolment date outside of Ontario Date

For the 'current board cohort' group, the value is set to the calculated Cohort Date based on definition above using [Students/ReEnrollments]EntryDate or [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date

For the 'other board cohort' group [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date

For the Outside Province/Country group, the values is [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Dt_OutsideON

This field is blank for the ‘no cohort’ group.

Grade 9 Age

(appears only if the “Print” parameter “Grade 9 Entry Date and Age” was selected)

The age of the student as of December 31st of the year associated with Grade 9 Entry Date above. This field will be blank for the ‘no cohort’ group or if the Grade 9 Entry Date above is blank.

Calculated based on [Students]DOB and 12/31/YYYY where YYYY is the year of the Grade 9 Entry Date above.

For ‘current board cohort’ group YYYY of Cohort Date calculated using [Students/ReEnrollments]EntryDate or [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date

For the 'other board cohort' group YYYY of [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date

For Outside of Province/Country group YYYY of [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Dt_OutsideON

Diploma Type

(appears only if the “Print” parameter “Diploma Type and Date” was selected)

The type of diploma certificate the student received.


Diploma Date

(appears only if the “Print” parameter “Diploma Type and Date” was selected)

The date the student met the requirements for the diploma certificate.


Number of Secondary Years

The number of years the student has been enrolled in an Ontario secondary school. calculated as described above.


Cohort Year

The academic year in which the student entered Grade 9 in an Ontario school.

[S_ON_STU_X]Cohort Year, blank if not 'current year cohort' group

Cohort Group

One of "Current Board", "Other Board", “Outside ON” or "None". Only printed when Group By Cohort parameter is not checked.

Set to Current Board when cohort year is defined.

Set to Other Board when cohort year is undefined and either.

  • Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board is defined and ‘Current Board?’ is unchecked

  • OR Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board is undefined and earliest student enrolment date with a grade level of 9 or higher has a ministry entry code of ‘29’ (Admission – Public Sec School in Another Board) or ‘30’ (Admission – Sep Sec School in Another Board) , and an entry date greater than October 31st of the school year associated with entry date

Set tp Outside ON when cohort year is undefined

  • Grade 9 enrolment date outside of Ontario is defined 

  • OR Date Entered Grade 9 Outside of Ontario is undefined and earliest student enrolment date with a grade level of 9 or higher has a ministry entry code of ‘35’ (Admission – Other Province/Territory) or ‘36’ (Admission – Other Country), and an entry date greater than October 31st of the school year associated with entry date.

Otherwise set to “None” for students belonging to no cohort.

Set to "Current Board" when [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort_Year exists

Set to "Other Board" when [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort_Year is undefined and either

  • [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date is defined and [S_ON_STU_X]Gr9_Board_Flag is false

  • OR [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date is undefined and earliest [Students] or [ReEnrollments]EntryDate with [Students/ReEnrollments]Grade_Level >=9 and [Students/ReEnrollments]EntryCode = [Gen]Name and [Gen]Cat = entrycodes’ and  [gen]value2 = 29 or 30 and [Students/ReEnrollments]entrydate > October 31 or school year associated with EntryDate.

  • Set to "Outside ON" when [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort_Year is undefined and either

    • [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Dt_OutsideON is defined

    • OR [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Dt_OutsideON s undefined and earliest [Students] or [ReEnrollments]EntryDate with [Students/ReEnrollments]Grade_Level >=9 and [Students/ReEnrollments]EntryCode = [Gen]Name and [Gen]Cat = entrycodes’ and  [gen]value2 = 35 or 36 and [Students/ReEnrollments]entrydate > October 31 or school year associated with EntryDate.

Otherwise set to "None"

Exit Code

(appears only for inactive students)

The exit code from the most recent enrolment record prior to the run date is printed.

[Students] or [ReEnrollments]ExitCode

Exit Date

(appears only for inactive students)

The exit date from the most recent enrolment record prior to the run date is printed.

[Students] or [ReEnrollments]ExitDate

Extract File

If the Create Extract File option is selected, a compressed folder name is created. It contains two files: a delimited CSV file named ON_GraduationCohortExtract.csv, and a copy of the paper report named ON_GraduationCohort.pdf. Records in the CSV file are ordered by student name, or by name within cohort year as specified by the "Order By Cohort Year" option, within school number. The first row is a header row containing field names.

Data Element



School Number

School Number



Alternate School Number


School Name

School name

[S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name if defined, otherwise use [Schools]Name where [Schools]School_Number = [Students] or [ReEnrollments]Schoolid

Student Name

The student’s Legal Name. Format: Last First Middle Initial (no commas to keep name in one column)

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then [Students]Middle_Name

Student Number

The student’s number.



The student’s Ontario Education Number.


Grade Level

The student’s Grade Level.


Grade 9 Entry Date

The date is either a derived Cohort Date, the Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board or the Grade 9 enrolment date outside of Ontario Date

For the 'current board cohort' group, the value is set to the calculated Cohort Date based on definition above using [Students/ReEnrollments]EntryDate or [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date

For the 'other board cohort' group [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date

For the Outside Province/Country group, the values is [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Dt_OutsideON

This field is blank for the ‘no cohort’ group.

Grade 9 Age

The age of the student as of December 31st of the year associated with Grade 9 Entry Date above. This field will be blank when Cohort Group is None or if the Grade 9 Entry Date above is blank.

Calculated based on [Students]dob and 12/31/YYYY where YYYY is the year of the Grade 9 Entry Date above.

For ‘current board cohort’ group YYYY of Cohort Date calculated using [Students/Reenrollments]entrydate or [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date

For the 'other board cohort' group YYYY of [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date

For Outside of Province/Country group YYYY of [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Dt_OutsideON

Diploma Type

The type of diploma certificate the student received.


Diploma Date

The date the student met the requirements for the Diploma Certificate.


Number of Secondary Years

The number of year in which a student has been enrolled in an Ontario secondary school. calculated as described above.


Cohort Year

The academic year in which the student entered Grade 9 in an Ontario school.

[S_ON_STU_X]Cohort Year, blank if not 'current year cohort' group

Cohort Group

One of "Current Board", "Other Board" , “Outside ON”or "None". Only printed when Group By Cohort parameter is not checked.

Set to Current Board when cohort year is defined.

Set to Other Board when cohort year is undefined and either.

  • Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board is defined and ‘Current Board?’ is unchecked

  • OR Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board is undefined and earliest student enrolment date with a grade level of 9 or higher has a ministry entry code of ‘29’ (Admission – Public Sec School in Another Board) or ‘30’ (Admission – Sep Sec School in Another Board), and an entry date greater than October 31st of the school year associated with entry date.

Set to Otherside ON when cohort year is undefined and either.

  • Date Entered Grade 9 Outside of Ontario is defined

  • OR Date Entered Grade 9 Outside of Ontario is undefined and earliest student enrolment date with a grade level of 9 or higher has a ministry entry code of ‘35’ (Admission – Other Province/Territory) or ‘36’ (Admission – Other Country), and an entry date greater than October 31st of the school year associated with entry date.

Otherwise set to “None” for students belonging to no cohort.

Set to "Current Board" when [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort_Year exists

Set to "Other Board" when [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort_Year is undefined and either

  • [SS_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date is defined and [S_ON_STU_X]Gr9_Board_Flag is false

  • OR [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date is undefined and earliest [Students] or [ReEnrollments]EntryDate with [Students/ReEnrollments]Grade_Level >=9 and [Students/ReEnrollments]EntryCode = [Gen]Name and [Gen]Cat = entrycodes’ and  [Gen]Value2 = 29 or 30 and [Students/ReEnrollments]EntryDate > October 31 or school year associated with EntryDate.

Set to "Outside ON" when [S_ON_STU_X]Cohort_Year is undefined and either

  • [SS_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Dt_OutsideON is defined

  • OR [S_ON_STU_X]GR_Nine_Enroll_Date is undefined and earliest [Students] or [ReEnrollments]EntryDate with [Students/ReEnrollments]Grade_Level >=9 and [Students/ReEnrollments]EntryCode = [Gen]Name and [Gen]Cat = entrycodes’ and  [Gen]Value2 = 35 or 36 and [Students/ReEnrollments]EntryDate > October 31 or school year associated with EntryDate.

Otherwise set to "None"

Exit Code

The exit code is only printed for an inactive student. The exit code from the most recent enrolment record prior to the run date is printed.

[Students] or [ReEnrollments]ExitCode

Exit Date

The exit date is only printed for an inactive student. The exit date from the most recent enrolment record prior to the run date is printed.

[Students] or [ReEnrollments]ExitDate

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