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Enrolment Fields Report


This report shows, for each selected student, the value of a number of enrolment-related fields, both regular and high credit, that are used by the Enrolment Reports and OnSIS submissions. The values of the fields as of a specified effective date are shown.

The report replaces the High Credit Calculations Report. Enrolment fields are now calculated 'on-demand' by the GetStudentEnrolmentField function. The report contains an option allowing the calculated values to be stored in the ON_High_Credit table. The following fields are not returned by the function but are present in the ON_High_Credit table:

  • Id internal identifier generated by the report

  • Regular ADE set to NULL

  • High Credit ADE set to NULL

The report can be run at the district office for selected schools or at a specific school, and the user can choose to output a PDF file containing the same data.

The report supports schools using Quad/Octomester setup. Refer to Appendix M for Quad/Octometser Setup details.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

The report includes students enrolled in one of the selected schools on the specified effective date.

The report excludes students for which any of the following are true:

  • The Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting) is on.

  • The attendance type (that is, EnrollmentType field) = 'EX' (excluded) for the enrolment (that is, Students or ReEnrollments record) associated with, in whole or in part, the specified effective date (that is, if there is any overlap between the enrolment start and end dates and the effective date).

  • For the Quad/Octomester model, if the student is not enrolled on the effective date and any of the student's future enrollments falling in the semester has an EX attendance type, the student will not be included in the report.

Partial Enrolment Minutes Calculations

Boards have the option of having the FTE and attendance type calculated for students who have partial enrolment minutes. Enable this option by selecting Average Partial Enrolment Minutes Weekly on the Edit School data entry page (District Setup > Schools/Schools Info > Edit School).

IF [S_ON_SCH_X]Avg_Minutes_Weekly_Flag = 1


the calculation determines a date range by:

  • identifying the latest [CC]DateEnrolled or [CC]DateLeft that falls on or before the effective date. This is the latest date prior to the effective date on which the student's schedule last changed and is the start date of the date range, AND

    • identifying the earliest [CC]DateEnrolled or [CC]DateLeft that falls after the effective date. This is the next date after the effective date on which the student's schedule changed and is the end date of the date range.

IF the calculation determines that the student has days in the date range on which he is not scheduled in any class or the student's minutes are different from the other days., then the average number of minutes over the date range is the sum of minutes scheduled between the start date (inclusive) and the end date (exclusive), divided by the number of in-session days in the date range.


IF the calculation determines there is no in-session timetable day in the date range during which the student has no classes scheduled (that is, the student is scheduled into at least one class every day) or the student's minutes are the same every day, no further processing occurs and the student's attendance type and FTE are calculated as normal.

  • If the total average minutes is greater than 300 then it is capped to 300 minutes.

  • The Partial Enrolment Minutes Calculations option is not supported for Ouad/Octomester model schools.

Schools using Quad/Octomester Model

  • If District dates are not defined, the Enrolment Fields report generates, "No records".

  • If the student's Quad/Octomester minutes on any of the dates are more than 300 minutes, then it is capped to 300 minutes before taking the average (for schools using flip weeks the minutes is capped to 300 minutes after taking the average).

  • Enrolment fields report previously showed minutes as of effective date. In the new model, minutes are calculated based on the average of Day 16 minutes. Therefore, when running the report for any date in semester 1 (1st 1/2 of year) the report will always print October minutes and when run for semester 2 (2nd half of year) it will always print March minutes.

  • All Schools with the same BSID are expected to have the same model setup. The report uses the school model setup from the school with the highest School ID.

  • Report checks "School uses Flip Weeks" flag and if selected it uses both Day 16 and Alternate Day 16 dates in the average minutes calculations.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



Select School Category

Select the type of schools to run the report. If you do not have categories defined, all the schools on your board are listed. If run from the school level, this field defaults to the category of the selected school if defined.

School uses Quad/Octomesters setup

Use this parameter to indicate that schools use the Quad/Octomester model. When the field is selected, the report fields are calculated using the new ministry rules for the 2020-21 school year. Refer to Appendix M for details

Schools to Include*

Select Multiple schools list

Multiple schools can be selected if you run the report in the district. Select the desired schools. The list is filtered by the schools that belong to the selected category.

If School's Quad/Octomesters setup flag is selected, only Quad/Octo schools are listed for the selected category and if OFF none Quad/Octo schools should be listed for the selected category. A school is considered a Quad/Octo school. if either of its semesters model is set to Q (quad), O (octo), or B (quad/octo) on the edit school page.

Closed and schools excluded from reporting are not listed.

Current Selection Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The selected [number] students only - Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All students - Run the report for all students in the selected school(s). Default value.

If you are running the report for a single student, or a group of students, select the students prior to running the report.

Effective Date

Enter the date that the information on the report is in effect. This date defaults to the current system date.

Save Results

Select if the values for the report are to be saved in the ON_High_Credit table. If selected and the table already contains values for the specified effective date, all existing records for the effective date are removed from the table before the new values are stored.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element




System date from the day the report was run.

System date


School Year ID associated with the year for which the report is being run

MAX(yearid) from [TERMS] where EFFECTIVE_DATE is between FirstDay AND LastDay


The school identification code to which the record is associated

schoolID[Students] or schoolID[Reenrollments]


The date to which the report is effective.

Entered as a parameter at runtime.


The internal number for the student with which this High Credit record is associated.



The date student entered 9th grade in an Ontario school if transferred in from another district.

[Students] ON_Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date
Earliest [Students]/[Reenrollments]EntryDate where Grade Level = 9
Null if neither of the above applies.


Exemption codes.

Value: Meaning

  • 00:Not exempt

  • 01:Pupil Within 4 years (Cohort Proxy)

  • 02:Student under age 18 as of Dec 31 of the school year (Age Proxy)

  • 03:Student is on an IEP

  • 04:Student is 21 or over as of Dec 31 of the school year

  • 05:Student not in day school

  • 06: Not a pupil of the board

Set to the following:
If [Students/ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status != "01", then 06
If [Schools]ON_IsNightSchool = 1 then 05
If [Students]DOB makes the student 21 or over as of 12/31 of the school year then 04
If the student is enrolled in any special program as of the effective date and [SpEnrollments]ON_IEP_Flag = 1 then 03
If [Students]DOB makes the student under 18 as of 12/31 of the school year then 02
If GR_NINE_ENROLL_DATE is less than 4 years earlier than the effective date then 01
Else 00

Schools using Quad/Octomester model:

  • Same rules except for students not enrolled on the effective date but who have FTE to report; the report will check if the student is participating in IEP special program on the Quad/Octomester Day 16 dates ( for Flip weeks setup, Alternate Day 16 dates are also checked).


Prior Exempt credits - Total of prior credits earned that are exempt because they are ESL, ELD, ALF, or PANA. Not specifically needed for the computations.

Sum([StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs where Grade_level = 9,10,11 or 12 and [StoredGrades]Course_Number is for an ESL, ELD, ALF or PANA course ([Courses]Alt_Course_Number contains ESL, ELD, ALF or PAN) and [StoredGrades]ON_Credit_Date or [Terms]LastDay <= effective date)


Current Exempt credits - Total of current credits enrolled that are exempt because they are ESL, ELD, ALF, or PANA.

[Students]Grade_Level in 9, 10, 11, 12 and Course is an ESL, ELD, ALF, or PAN course. If EffectiveDate < October count date then Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where[CC]DateEnrolled is a current Term and [CC]DateLeft is >= effective date and [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion = 2)) If EffectiveDate >= October count date (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where[CC]DateEnrolled is a current Term and [CC]DateLeft is >= effective date and [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion = 2))) PLUS (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where[CC]DateEnrolled is a current Term and [CC]DateLeft is >= effective date and [CC]TermID is for other than a semester term ([Terms]Portion != 2))/2)

Schools using Quad/Octomester model:

  • Year-long and semester courses must be active on the effective date

  • Schools using Quad model:

    • (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion > 2)). Courses are active as of the Quad day 16 dates (Alternate Day 16 for Flipweeks setup) and have no marks posted as of the effective date (Credit Earned Date, [CC]DateLeft - 1 or terms[lastday] >= Effective date)

  • Schools using Octo Model:

    • (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion > 2)). Courses are active as of the Octomester day 16 dates (Alternate Day 16 for Flipweeks setup) and have no marks posted as of the effective date (Credit Earned Date, [CC]DateLeft - 1 or terms[lastday] >= Effective date)

  • Schools using Quad/Octo model:

    • (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion > 2 and < 8)). Courses are active as of the Quad day 16 dates (Alternate Day 16 for Flipweeks setup) and has no marks posted as of the effective date (Credit Earned Date, [CC]DateLeft - 1 or terms[lastday] >= Effective date)

    • (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion >= 8)). Courses are active as of the Octomester day 16 dates (Alternate Day 16 for Flipweeks setup) and have no marks posted as of the effective date (Credit Earned Date, [CC]DateLeft - 1 or terms[lastday] >= Effective date)


Prior Non-Exempt Credits - The total number of non-exempt credits student has earned in Secondary School prior to the count date.

Sum([StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs where Grade_level = 9,10,11, or 12 and

The first three characters of Alt_Course_Number[Courses] is NOT ESL, ELD and ALF
and if first 4 characters of Alt_Course_number[Courses] is NOT PANA and [StoredGrades]ON_Credit_Date or [Terms]LastDay <= effective date)


Current Non-Exempt Credits - Total number of non-exempt credits the student is currently enrolled for on the count date. Includes repeats of prior earned credits. Include half the credit for a year-long course.

[Students]Grade_Level in 9, 10, 11, 12 If EffectiveDate < October count date then Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where[CC]DateEnrolled is a current Term and [CC]DateLeft is >= effective date and [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion = 2)) If EffectiveDate >= October count date (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where[CC]DateEnrolled is a current Term and [CC]DateLeft is >= effective date and [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion = 2))) PLUS (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where[CC]DateEnrolled is a current Term and [CC]DateLeft is >= effective date and [CC]TermID is for other than a semester term ([Terms]Portion != 2))/2)

Schools using Quad/Octomester model:

  • Year-long and semester courses must be active on the effective date

  • Schools using Quad model:

    • (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion > 2)). Courses are active as of the Quad day 16 dates (Alternate Day 16 for Flipweeks setup) and have no marks posted as of the effective date (Credit Earned Date, [CC]DateLeft - 1 or terms[lastday] >= Effective date)

  • Schools using Octo Model:

    • (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion > 2)). Courses are active as of the Octomester day 16 dates (Alternate Day 16 for Flipweeks setup) and have no marks posted as of the effective date (Credit Earned Date, [CC]DateLeft - 1 or terms[lastday] >= Effective date)

  • Schools using Quad/Octo model:

    • (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion > 2 and < 8)). Courses are active as of the Quad day 16 dates (Alternate Day 16 for Flipweeks setup) and has no marks posted as of the effective date (Credit Earned Date, [CC]DateLeft - 1 or terms[lastday] >= Effective date)

    • (Sum([Courses]Credit_Hours for CC records where [CC]TermID is for a semester term ([Terms]Portion >= 8)). Courses are active as of the Octomester day 16 dates (Alternate Day 16 for Flipweeks setup) and have no marks posted as of the effective date (Credit Earned Date, [CC]DateLeft - 1 or terms[lastday] >= Effective date)


Total non-exempt credits - Total of prior and current credits that are not exempt.



Total current credits (exempt and non-exempt).



The number of high credits (total non-exempt credits minus 34).

If EXEMPTION_CODE!= '00' then 0
If [Students]/[ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status
IN ('02','03','05','07','08','09') then 0
If TOTAL_NON_EXEMPT_CR <= 34 then 0
Else if


The number of regular credits (Total [exempt and non-exempt] credits minus high credits).



Determines if a student is full- or part-time.

If [Students/Reenrollments]enrollmenttype is defined, then [Students/Reenrollments]enrollmenttype
If GRADE LEVEL between 9 and 12 and EXEMPTION CODE = '00' THEN
Else 'PT'
If GRADE LEVEL in (-1,0) and student's age >= 6 then 'FT'
If student's age between 14 and 17, and Sal_Prog_Type = '002- Minutes of Day School Instruction = > 70' then 'FT' (for new model - FT SAL program equates to 300 minutes and will be used in the average minutes calculations and if the calculated average minutes is >= 210, then FT. Refer to Appendix M - SAL Students FTE Calculations)

If student's age between 14 and 17, and Sal_Prog_Type = '001 - Minutes of Day School Instruction = < 70' then 'PT' (for new model - PT SAL program equates to 150 minutes and will be used in the average minutes calculations and if the calculated average minutes is < 210 then PT. Refer to Appendix M - SAL Students FTE Calculations)
If the student is enrolled in an expulsion program ([S_ON_GEN_SPECPROG_X]Expulsion_Flag is true for the associated program) then 'FT' (for new model, refer to Appendix M- Students Participating in Expulsion Program section).


if Board Residence = "other student" (board residence status of '07') or 'board pupil' (board residence status of 01) and the student is enrolled only in independent study classes ([S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class flag or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class is on) at the school of primary enrolment. then attendance type is "PT". (for new model refer to Appendix M - Independent Student Student section)

Schools using Quad/Octomester model:

  • Refer to Appendix M for Quad/Octometser Setup details.

  • From year 2021-2022 onwards

    • For a given count date, Total FTE is the sum of Regular FTE and HighCredit FTE for all schools the student is enrolled in during the semester. If total FTE is less than 0.7, the attendance type will be set to PT otherwise FT.


High credit factor (high credits divided by total [exempt and non-exempt] credits).



Total enrolled minutes (minutes of instruction) as of the count date. Minutes on days marked as not in-session in a student's school of primary enrolment are not included.

If the "Average Partial Enrolment Minutes Weekly" flag ([S_ON_SCH_X] Avg_Minutes_Weekly_Flag) is on Refer to Partial Enrolment Minutes Calculation section above for rules.

Schools using Quad/Octo model:

Average minutes calculated using minutes on day 16 dates (and Alternate Day 16 Dates for schools using flip weeks setup). Refer to Appendix M for Quad/Octometser Setup details.

[bell_schedule_items] minutes_attended minus any minutes taken at a school where [Schools]ON_IsNightSchool = 1, minus dropped minutes, minus minutes that belong to independent study classes

Minutes on days a class does not meet are not subtracted.

Minutes on days an independent study class does not meet are not subtracted.

Multiple Schools with the same BSID:

Minutes counted belong to classes from all schools within the same BSID.


High credit minutes of instruction (total minutes times high credit proportion).


Regular minutes of instruction (total minutes minus high credit minutes).


Regular day school FTE.
If the student's attendance type has been overridden, the overridden FTE value is used.



Regular Independent Study ADE.

Only current year classes are examined when calculating this value. ADE is calculated for only the independent study courses taken at the school running the report.

If board residence status is '01' (pupil of the board) and attendance type is 'FT' (full time), Regular IS ADE is 0.0 regardless of enrolment in independent study classes.

If the school the course is taken is an online school or the board residence status is '09' (E-learning) then ADE is 0.0.

If the student is enrolled in a SAL Program:

  • If Sal_Prog_Type = '001' and Minutes of Day School Instruction = < 70, then Attendance type is set to 'PT' and ADE is calculated according to IS Work Units.

  • If Sal_Prog_Type = '002' and Minutes of Day School Instruction = > 70, then attendance type is set to 'FT' and ADE is set to Zero.

Exception: For the March Submission, if a student was enrolled in Independent Study classes and PT on the October count date, and then switched to Full-Time Regular Day or to a Full-Time SAL student, then the student's Regular IS ADE is extracted for the period from Nov 1 to January 31.

Reported to 4 decimal places.

June count date [Courses]credit_hours*(([S_ON_CC_X]workUnitsJune - [S_ON_CC_X]workUnitsMarch) / ([S_ON_SEC_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null [S_ON_CRS_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null 30)) / 7.5 * (1 - High_Credit_Factor)

October count date [Courses]credit_hours*(([S_ON_CC_X]workUnitsOctober) / ([S_ON_SEC_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null [S_ON_CRS_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null 30)) / 7.5 * (1 - High_Credit_Factor)

March count date [Courses]credit_hours*(([S_ON_CC_X]workUnitsMarch - [S_ON_CC_X]workUnitsOctober) / ([S_ON_SEC_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null [S_ON_CRS_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null 30)) / 7.5 * (1 - High_Credit_Factor)


High Credit Independent Study ADE.

Only current year classes are examined when calculating this value.

If the school the course is taken is an online school or board residence status is '09' (E-learning) then High Credit ADE is 0.0.

If board residence status is '01' (pupil of the board) and attendance type is 'FT' (full time), High Credit ADE is 0.0 regardless of enrolment in independent study classes. Exception: For the March Submission, If a student was enrolled in Independent Study classes and PT on the October count date, and then switched to Full-Time Regular Day, then the student's Regular IS ADE is extracted for the period from Nov 1 to January 31.

Reported to 4 decimal places.

June count date[Courses]credit_hours*(([S_ON_CC_X]workUnitsJune - [S_ON_CC_X]workUnitsMarch) / ([S_ON_SEC_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null[S_ON_CRS_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null 30)) / 7.5 * High_Credit_Factor

October count date[Courses]credit_hours*(([S_ON_CC_X]workUnitsOctober) / ([S_ON_SEC_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null[S_ON_CRS_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null 30)) / 7.5 * High_Credit_Factor

March count date[Courses]credit_hours*(([S_ON_CC_X]workUnitsMarch - [S_ON_CC_X]workUnitsOctober) / ([S_ON_SEC_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null[S_ON_CRS_X]IS_WORKUNITSCOMPLETECRS, if null 30)) / 7.5 * High_Credit_Factor


High credit day school FTE.
If student board residence status is 02, 03, 05, 07, 08, or 09 then High Credit FTE is 0.0.

If [Students/Reenrollments] ON_HighCredit_FTE is defined, then [Students/Reenrollments] ON_HighCredit_FTE

If Exemption_Code != '00' then 0

If [Students/ReEnrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status IN ('02','03','05','07','08','09') then 0

If REGULAR_FTE = 1.0 then 0.0




Student's board residence status.

[Students/Reenrollments]ON_Brd_Res_Status where EffectiveDate between EntryDate and ExitDate

Schools using Quad/Octomester model:

  • Refer to Appendix M for this field calculation details.


Independent study student flag. A student is deemed as an independent study student if all of his/her classes at the school of primary enrolment are flagged as independent study.

Multiple schools with the same BSID: All classes within the same BSID are flagged.

Set to 1 (true) if [S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class is true for all of the student's classes at the school of primary enrolment
Else set to 0 (false).

Schools using Quad/Octomester model:

  • Refer to Appendix M for details on how a student is deemed independent study in Quad/Octo setup.

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