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Elementary Report Card (7-8)


The ON Elementary Report Card (7-8) creates a PDF report containing report cards for students in Grades 7 and 8, in the format mandated by the province. Both public school and Catholic school versions are supported. The report is run twice a year: Jan-Feb and June.

The following message is displayed only on the 2019-2020 final public or Catholic report card. This report card is for a reporting period that included provincially-mandated school closure from March 13, 2020 - June 30, 2020.

Required Setup

Make sure the Progress Report Attendance End Date and the First Report Card Attendance End Date fields are populated with the current academic year dates before running the report otherwise the reports will not print correctly.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the Students and Reenrollments tables based on the following criteria:

  • The student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the current school. When printing the report card for a specific reporting period, the student must be or must have been enrolled during the Report Period:

    • For R1: Start of School Year to Report One End Date.

    • For R2: Report One End Date to End of School Year.

  • Optionally, cross enrolled students may be included in the report. When printing the report card for a specific reporting period, the student must be cross enrolled during the Report Period to be included.

  • The student's Grade Level at the school running the report must be between 7 and 8.

  • The student's EntryDate must be less than their ExitDate.

  • The student must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • The student's school must not be excluded from state reporting.

  • If "Ignore Student Exclusion" is unchecked, a student is excluded if either the student's Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting) is on, or if the attendance type (i.e. EnrollmentType field) = 'EX' (excluded) for ALL enrolments (i.e. Students or ReEnrollments record) associated, in whole or in part, with the year for which the report is run (i.e. if there is any overlap between the enrolment start and end dates and start and end dates for the year long term for the year associated with selected PowerSchool term). This indicates the student was excluded for the entire year.

StandardGradeSection Selection

The report selects records from the StandardGradeSection table based on the following criteria:

  • The StandardGradeSection has an associated store code selected in the report interface.

  • The StandardGradeSection has an associated [ReportingTerm]YearID for the current year.

  • Comments are pulled from StandardGradeSectionComment with the Store Code selected. If R1 and R2 are printed, comments from R2 are used. If only R1 is printed, then R1 comments are used. This applies to ESL/ELD, IEP, French, and NA flags as well.

  • Marks are pulled from the StandardGradeSection with the Store Code selected.

  • Marks and comments are not printed if they are entered for a student who is active in an Exempt from French special program as of the reporting period end date or as of the student's last day of school. For cross enrolled students, the report will look at the special programs assigned to the students at their home school.

  • If a student has multiple StandardGradeSection records for the same standard and store code, which can occur if a student is marked for the same subject at different schools, only the records which apply to the school running the report are used. In other words, if a student transfers from one school to another during a reporting period and marks are posted to a subject class at both schools, the report card run by each school contains only the marks, flags, comments, and teacher name posted by that school.

  • If a student has multiple StandardGradeSection records for one or more standard and store codes, which can occur if a student is marked for the same subject at different sections
    (for example, if the student moves from one class to another class during the same reporting period in the same school), only records that apply to the latest class are used. In other words marks, flags, comments, and teacher name associated with the latest class are being used to print all subjects on the report card.

  • If no StandardGradeSection records for the reporting period exist for the latest class (that is, the latest class teacher didn't attempt to enter marks/flags/comments for the reporting period), then records that apply to the previous class are used; this includes all flags, marks, comments, teacher name, and median calculation.

  • Once a StandardGradeSection record is created, it cannot be deleted even if all fields are empty.

  • If the student changes classes at any point in the school year, it is the user's responsibility to decide which class will hold the student's marks. The report looks at the latest section records first and if StandardGradeSection records exist even with NULL marks, those records' marks are printed. This means that if R1 marks were entered in the latest section after the R1 was printed, then in June when R1 and R2 marks are printed, marks for R1 are taken from the latest section and may be different than what was originally printed for R1.

Subject/Strand Class (CC) Selection

The report selects records from the CC table based on the following criteria:

  • The class is active on or before the earlier of the attendance end date for the reporting term being reported or the end date of the scheduling term for the class.

  • The class is for a student in the student selection.

  • The class enrolment is within the Student's current primary school enrolment time frame. The report includes marks from all classes, regardless of school, in which the student is enrolled during the time the student has a primary enrolment at the school running the report card (i.e. marks from cross-enrolled classes are printed by the home school).

  • When printing from cross enrolled school, only classes taken at the cross enrolled school is considered.

Median Calculation

Course medians are calculated based on the marks for all students in the same grade level across all classes for the course at the school at which the course is taken. The median is rounded to the nearest whole number.

  • If a student is cross-enrolled in a class, the median is calculated based on the marks at the other school, not the school running the report.

  • A student must have a mark to be included in the calculation. Median does not print if an individual student does not have a mark for the subject/strand.

  • If the student is active in an Exempt from French special program as of the reporting end date, those marks are not included in the median calculation. For cross enrolled students, the report considers the special programs assigned to the students at their home school.

  • When the median for a subject is a value of I or R, the median field is left blank. In the case when the median is the average of two marks, one of which is I or R then the median field in the report is also left blank.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



Current Selection Students

Choose whether to run the report for the current selection of students or have the report search for students based on school, entry date and exit date (All Students). When the current selection is selected, the Grade Level is still considered for inclusion in the report run.

Store Code for Report Period 1

Choose the Store Code to use for the first reporting period.

Store Code for Report Period 2

Choose the Store Code to use for the second reporting period. Do not select a store code when running the report for Reporting Period 1. If this parameter is left blank, grades for the second reporting period are not included on the report card.

Progress Report Attendance End Date

Enter the cut-off date for attendance reporting that is used for the Progress Report. This field defaults to the value entered on the Schools Info page. This parameter setting cannot be saved.

First Report Card Attendance End Date

Enter the cut-off date for attendance reporting for the First Report Card. This field defaults to the value entered on the Schools Info page. This parameter setting cannot be saved.

Include Cross Enrolled Students

This checkbox should be off by default. User should be able to select the value at run time

When this checkbox is selected and report run from

  1. Virtual school for cross enrolled students.

    • Cross enrolled students within the current selection should be included in the report. Portal (will be active cross enrolled) from Admin ( could be an active/inactive cross enrolled)

    • Only reporting periods where the students are cross enrolled at the school are printed.

    • Only classes taken in the cross enrolled school are considered for cross enrolled students.

    • Teacher name, Co-teacher, Marks, flags and comments is printed from the cross enrolled school. ( if students move sections, the most recent class are used to print all subjects on the report card(same rules currently apply). This includes, Religious and Family Life Education comment for catholic schools, Learning skills grades & comments, Subject grades, subject flags, and comments.

    • The report will look at the special programs assigned to the students at their home school. ( French exempt, French special programs...etc.)

2. Home school - Students cross enrolled at the virtual school

    • The Class enrolment considered must be within the Student's current primary school enrolment time frame. The report includes marks from all classes, regardless of school, in which the student is enrolled during the time the student has a primary enrolment at the school running the report card (i.e. marks from cross-enrolled classes are printed by the home school).

    • If a student has multiple StandardGradeSection records for one or more standard and store codes, which can occur if a student is marked for the same subject in different sections (for example, if the student has marks entered at the main school and marks entered at the virtual school or because the student moves sections during the same reporting period), only records that apply to the most recent class are used. In other words, marks, flags, comments, and teacher name associated with the most recent class are used to print all subjects on the report card.

    • If no StandardGradeSection records for the reporting period exist for the latest class (i.e the most recent class teacher did not attempt to enter marks/flags/comments for the reporting period), then records which apply to the previous class are used; this includes all flags, marks, comments, and teacher name.

Attendance - Times Late and Total Times Late are calculated

    • Times Late are the student's combined Times late entered during the reporting period in the main and/or cross enrolled school.
      When printing from the cross enrolled or the main school, if the count meeting attendance flag is ON at the main school a combined Times late and Total Times late will be calculated. If it is OFF, the main school times late and total times late will be printed (to mimic the behavior for Days Absent).

    • Attendance - Days Absent and Total Days Absent are calculated as follows:

      • Days Absent are the student's combined absences entered during the reporting period in the main and/or cross enrolled school.

      • Attendance - Total Days Absent:

        • Report Period One: Days absent from the start of school year thru to the end of Report Period one.

        • Report Period Two: Days absent from the start of school year thru to the end of the school year

Include students Dropped/transferred out on or after

Enter a date to exclude students who transferred out or withdrew prior to the date entered. This parameter can be used to exclude students who were not in the school during the current reporting period. Generally, this date will coincide with the end date of the previous reporting period.

For cross enrolled students, this parameter excludes cross enrolled students who dropped out before the specified date.

Print Date

This date defaults to the system date. Enter the date that should be printed on each report card. To save this print date and make it the default, select the checkbox to the far right of the Print Date field.

Include Attendance

The default is selected.

Clearing this setting will prevent the report from calculating and printing values in the Days Absent, Total Days Absent, Times Late, and Total Times late fields in the header of each student's report card.

Select Attendance Conversion

Chose one of the Attendance Conversions that have been set up for AM and PM conversions. Note: Edit the Bell Schedule and set each period for a school to AM or PM day part.

The Report selections available are based on whether Period or Time conversions were set up for AM and PM. Selection an option

  • Period to AM/PM

  • Time to AM/PM

If Conversions have not been set up, "Set Attendance Conversions for AM/PM" is displayed. Note: If the report is submitted with this option, attendance will not display.

To set up Period or Time Attendance Conversions for AM/PM, go to the School Setup > Attendance Conversions page. For setup details, see PowerSchool online Help: Help > System Help > Attendance Conversions.

Pages To Print

Choose the pages to be included in the report. More than one entry can be selected. There is no default value.

Sort By Homeroom

By default, this option is set to selected so that the report is sorted alphabetically by student name (last, first middle) within homeroom. If sorted by homeroom, the sort value is constructed in the format Course Number + '-' + Section Number for the class in the student schedule for which the course type ([S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type) has been set to 'H' (Homeroom).

If the checkbox is not selected, the report will be sorted alphabetically by student name.

Teacher Name

Choose how you want the homeroom teacher's name to appear on the report. First Initial and Last Name is the default if no parameter is selected:

  • Use Teacher First Initial and Last Name

  • Use Teacher First Initial, Second Initial, and Last Name

  • Use Teacher First Name and Last Name

  • Use Teacher Preferred Name and Last Name

Ignore Student Exclusion

Indicates whether the Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag or an attendance type of "EX" (excluded) should exclude a student from the report. If selected (the default value), a student's flag and attendance type are examined. If not selected, a student's flag and attendance type are not considered for student selection.

Teachers to Print

Co-Teaching Roles Designated as Teacher

Choose a co-teaching role that is designated as Teacher. The pop-up menu contains the roles, other than Lead Teacher, that are listed under System > Roles Administration > Co-Teaching.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Page 1 - Header


This is the date the Report Card is printed.

Entered at Report Runtime in Print Date field.


The student's Legal Name. Format: Last, First Middle

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name, if blank then [Students]Last_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name, if blank then [Students]First_Name

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name, if blank then [Students]Middle_Name


The student's Ontario Education Number.


Days Absent

When the report is run for the first reporting period (Store Code 2 is blank): The report calculates Days Absent based on the Progress Report Attendance End Date (entered in the report parameters) plus one day through the end of reporting period one (defined as the First Report Card Attendance End Date, entered in the report parameters).

When the report is run for the second reporting period (Store Code 2 is not blank): The report calculates Days Absent based on the First Report Card Attendance End Date (entered in the report parameters) plus one day through the end of the school year.

Printed to one decimal place.

Cross Enrolled Students:

When a student's main school 'Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school' flag is set to ON

    • Days Absent is a combined absences entered at the main and cross enrolled schools and is calculated as stated above.

When a student's main school 'Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school' flag is set to OFF

    • Days Absent is the absences entered at the main school and is calculated as stated above.

The Attendance Conversions are required setup to calculate AM and PM attendance. The nightly process calculates the potential periods present, the periods absent, the potential time present and the time absent for each student for AM and PM.

Current year values are saved in att_daypart_curyear table.

Prior year values in att_daypart_prevyear

Depending on the runtime parameter selected, either Period to AM/PM or Time to AM/PM conversions are used to calculated if the student is absent in the AM and PM. The sum of AM and PM attendance is added together based on the Dates in the Description.

Total Days Absent

When running the report for the first reporting period (Store Code 2 is blank): Days absent from the start of school year thru to the end of Report Period one (as defined by the First Report Card Attendance End Date entered at when the report is run)

When running the report for the second reporting period (Store Code 2 is not blank): Days absent from the start of school year thru to the end of the school year.

Printed to one decimal place.

Cross Enrolled Students:

When a student's main school 'Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school' flag is set to ON

    • Total Days Absent is the total absences calculated from the main and cross enrolled school and is calculated as stated above.

When a student's main school 'Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school' flag is set to OFF

    • Total Days Absent is the total absences entered at the main school and is calculated as stated above.

The Attendance Conversions are required setup to calculate AM and PM attendance. The nightly process calculates the potential periods present, the periods absent, the potential time present and the time absent for each student for AM and PM.

Current year values are saved in att_daypart_curyear table.

Prior year values in att_daypart_prevyear.

Depending on the runtime parameter selected, either Period to AM/PM or Time to AM/PM conversions are used to calculated if the student is absent in the AM and PM. The sum of AM and PM attendance is added together based on the Dates in the Description.


The student's Grade Level.

This is printed from the main school



The name of the Student's homeroom teacher.

If the report period 2 store code on the report input page is blank, the report prints the lead teacher associated with the class as of the first report card attendance end date ([S_ON_SCH_X]R1_End_Date), otherwise the lead teacher as of the last day of the year long term is printed. The lead teacher is identified by the SectionTeacher record where the role id is that of the lead teacher role (which is the RoleDef record where IsLocked = 1).

[UsersCoreFields] PSCore_Legal_Last_Name [UsersCoreFields] PSCore_Legal_First_Name if blank [Users]LastFirst

associated with Course that student is currently enrolled in or has been enrolled in at some time during the current school year in the selected school that has has Learning and Work habits Standards associated to it. THE REPORT SHOULD DISPLAY THE TEACHER WHOSE MARKS ARE POSTED. i.e if the student moved sections ( A from to B) and the logic posted section A marks then section A teacher should be printed, If Section B marks are posted then Section B teacher should be posted.

Times Late

When the report is run for the first reporting period (Store Code 2 is blank): The report calculates Times Late based on the Progress Report Attendance End Date (entered in the report parameters) plus one day through the end of reporting period one (defined as the First Report Card Attendance End Date, entered in the report parameters).

When the report is run for the second reporting period (Store Code 2 is not blank): The report calculates Times Late based on the First Report Card Attendance End Date (entered in the report parameters) plus one day through the end of the school year.

Printed to one decimal place.

Cross Enrolled Students:

When a student's main school 'Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school' flag is set to ON

    • Times Late is a combined late time entered at the main and cross enrolled schools and is calculated as stated above.

When a student's main school 'Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school' flag is set to OFF

    • Times Late is the times late entered at the main school and is calculated as stated above.

Attendance Codes that are to be calculated as Late must be set with a 'Tardy' category.

If [S_ON_SCH_X]AM_Tardy_Period has a period set or If [S_ON_SCH_X]PM_Tardy_Period has a period set then only that period will be looked at to determine if the student has an attendance code with a 'Tardy' category. If the Schools Tardy periods are not setup, then any student with a 'Tardy' attendance code in AM or PM will count as late. A student can be late up to two times a day.

The sum of AM and PM tardies is added together based on the Dates in the Description.

Total Times Late

When running the report for the first reporting period (Store Code 2 is blank): Times late from the start of school year thru to the end of Report Period one (as defined by the First Report Card Attendance End Date entered at when the report is run)

When running the report for the second reporting period (Store Code 2 is not blank): Times late from the start of school year thru to the end of the school year.

Printed to one decimal place.

Cross Enrolled Students:

When a student's main school 'Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school' flag is set to ON

    • Total Time late is the total times late calculated from the main and cross enrolled school and is calculated as stated above.

When a student's main school 'Count Meeting attendance recorded at another school' flag is set to OFF

    • Total Times Late is the total times late entered at the main school and is calculated as stated above.

Attendance Codes that are to be calculated as Late must be set with a 'Tardy' category.

If [S_ON_SCH_X]AM_Tardy_Period has a period set or If [S_ON_SCH_X]PM_Tardy_Period has a period set then only that period will be looked at to determine if the student has an attendance code with a 'Tardy' category. If the Schools Tardy periods are not setup, then any student with a 'Tardy' attendance code in AM or PM will count as late. A student can be late up to two times a day.

The sum of AM and PM tardies is added together based on the Dates in the Description.


The name of School District.

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = DISTRICTNAME

(Board) Address

The address of School District.

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = DISTRICTADDRESS

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = DISTRICTCITY

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = DISTRICTSTATE

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]Name = DISTRICTZIP


The name of the school running the report.

If the school running the report is ECPP then the designated school information defined on the student level is printed, if not defined then the designated school defined for the ECPP Facility defined for the student, if ECPP facility is not defined for the student, then the designated School defined for the ECPP school where the student is enrolled is printed. For cross-enrolled students, the designated school defined for the ECPP school running the report (school where the class is taken is printed).

S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name if defined, otherwise [Schools]Name

If the school running the report is an ECPP School then

  • [S_ON_STU_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID/[S_ON_REN_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID, if defined Otherwise

  • ([S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID) or ([S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCIDElem) defined for the ECPP Facitlty [S_ON_STU_X]CTCC_SchoolsDCID, [S_ON_REN_X]CTCC_SchoolsDCID defined for the student, Otherwise

  • ([S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID) or ([S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCIDElem) defined for the ECPP school the student is enrolled.

(School) Address

The address of the school printed on the report..

Prints the address, City, Zip, State






The school principal's name.

If the school running the report is an ECPP School and the Board Preference, Print ECPP Principal and Telephone on Report Cards is selected, then the principal name of the school running the report is printed.

Prints the Principal Name



The school telephone number.

If the school running the report is an ECPP School and the Board Preference, Print ECPP Principal and Telephone on Report Cards is selected, then the telephone of the school running the report is printed.

Prints the Phone number


Grade In September

The grade the student has attained for next school year. (Only output when Store Code 2 is not blank).


Religious and Family Life Education (Catholic Schools Only)

Comments regarding Student's Religious and Family Life Education.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number =REL-10

[StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.RLF.RPT.C

Report 1

(Catholic Schools Only)

2021-2022 onwards, this field outputs Religious Grade for Report 1. The label is not printed if no mark is entered for the student for the selected store code.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected/cross enrolled school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = REL-10

Outputs [StandardGradeSection] StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier =E7-8.RLF.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 selected at runtime

Report 2

(Catholic Schools Only)

2021-2022 onwards, this field outputs Religious Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime). The label is not printed if no mark is entered for the student for the selected store code.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected/cross enrolled sc in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = REL-10

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection] StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier =E7-8.RLF.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 selected at runtime

Page 1 - Learning Skills and Work Habits


One of E,G,S,N Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

[StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LS.RPT.R or E1-8.LS.R8


One of E,G,S,N Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

[StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LS.RPT.O or E1-8.LS.O

Independent Work

One of E,G,S,N Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

[StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LS.RPT.W or E1-8.LS.W


One of E,G,S,N Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

[StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LS.RPT.C or E1-8.LS.C


One of E,G,S,N Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

[StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LS.RPT.I or E1-8.LS.I


One of E,G,S,N Meaning: E=Excellent, G=Good, S=Satisfactory, N=Needs Improvement

[StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LS.RPT.S or E1-8.LS.S

Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Comments regarding Student performance.

[StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LS.RPT.RPTC or E1-8.LS.LSC

Page 2

There are two boxes for each of the following categories. The left one is filled with the value stored with Store Code 1 and the right one is (optionally) filled with the value stored with Store Code 2.


Language - NA

Marked if Student is/was not receiving any language instruction in English, or is not currently enrolled or has not been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in English.

If Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = LAN-10

Then will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = NA and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LAN.RPT.M.FLG

If Student is not currently enrolled or has not been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = LAN-10, will mark an 'X'


Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = LAN-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier =E7-8.LAN.RPT.M.FLG


Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = LAN-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier =  E7-8.LAN.RPT.M.FLG

Report 1 Mark

Outputs percentage Grade for Report 1.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = LAN-10

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LAN.RPT.M  and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Report 2 Mark

Outputs percentage Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime).

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = LAN-10

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LAN.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LAN.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LAN.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Language - Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Comments regarding Student performance for this subject.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = LAN-10

Outputs [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.LAN.RPT.C


French - NA

This checkbox is marked with an "X" when any of the following are true. The student:

  • does not receive any instruction in French

  • was in a French Exempt program and the exit date of the program is after the reporting period end date.

  • is transferring out of the school but is in a French Exempt program as of his or her last day in school.

In addition, when this checkbox is marked with an "X" any French grades earned by the student are not output in the report.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = NA and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.ALL.FLG

If Student is not currently enrolled or has not been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10 will mark an 'X'

If Student is currently enrolled or was enrolled as of the student last day of school in the selected school in a Special Program with the [S_ON_GEN_SPECPROG_X]FR_Exempt_Flag = 1 then will mark with an 'X'. For Cross enrolled students, the report will look at the special programs assigned to the students at their home school.

Listening - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.LM.FLG

Listening - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.LM.FLG

Listening - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.LM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Listening - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.LM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Listening - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.LM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Listening - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.LM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Speaking - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.SM.FLG

Speaking - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.SM.FLG

Speaking - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.SM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Speaking - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.SM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Speaking - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.SM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Speaking - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.SM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Reading - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.RM.FLG

Reading - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.RM.FLG

Reading - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.RM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Reading - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.RM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Reading - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.RM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Reading - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.RM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Writing - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.WM.FLG

Writing - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.WM.FLG

Writing - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.WM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Writing - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.WM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Writing - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.WM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Writing - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.WM and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.


Marked if Student is currently in the selected school in a French Core program.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [S_ON_SEC_X]Lang_Pgm_Type or, if blank [S_ON_CRS_X]Lang_Pgm_Type = C or a N


Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a French Immersion program.

Student is currently in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [S_ON_SEC_X]Lang_Pgm_Type or, if blank [S_ON_CRS_X]Lang_Pgm_Type = I


Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a French Extended program.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Will set an X if [S_ON_SEC_X]Lang_Pgm_Type or, if blank [S_ON_CRS_X]Lang_Pgm_Type = E

French - Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Comments regarding Student performance for this subject.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = FRE-10

Outputs [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.FRE.RPT.ALL.C

Native Language

Native Language - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = NLA-10

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.NL.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Native Language - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = NLA-10

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.NL.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Native Language - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.NL.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Native Language - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.NL.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Native Language - Course Name

The name of the Native Language.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = NLA-10

Outputs [Courses]Course_Name where [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = NLA-10

Native Language - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = NLA-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.NL.RPT.M.FLG

Native Language - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = NLA-10

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.NL.RPT.M.FLG

Native Language - NA

Marked if Student does not receive any instruction in a Native language.

If Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = NLA-10

Then will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = NA and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.NL.RPT.M.FLG

If Student is not currently enrolled or has not been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = NLA-10, will mark an 'X'

Native Language - Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Comments regarding Student performance for this subject.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = NLA-10

Outputs [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.NL.RPT.C


Mathematics - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = MAT-20

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.MA.RPT.M and [ReportingTerm]Name = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Mathematics - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.MA.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Mathematics - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = MAT-20

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.MA.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Mathematics - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.MA.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Mathematics - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = MAT-20

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.MA.RPT.M.FLG

Mathematics - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = MAT-20

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.MA.RPT.M.FLG

Mathematics - French

Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in an immersion or extended French program and receives instruction in French for the subject/strand.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = MAT-20

Will set an X if [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F for above enrolment

Mathematics - Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Comments regarding Student performance for this subject.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = MAT-20

Outputs [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.MA.RPT.C

Science and Technology

Science and Technology - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = SAT-20

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.SAT.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Science and Technology - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = SAT-20

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.SAT.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Science and Technology - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.SAT.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Science and Technology - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.SAT.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Science and Technology - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = SAT-20

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.SAT.RPT.M.FLG

Science and Technology - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = SAT-20

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.SAT.RPT.M.FLG

Science and Technology - French

Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in an immersion or extended French program and receives instruction in French for the subject/strand.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = SAT-20

Will set an X if [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F for above enrolment

Science and Technology - Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Comments regarding Student performance for this subject.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = SAT-20

Outputs [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.SAT.RPT.C


History - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HIS-20

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HIS.RPT.M.FLG

History - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HIS-20

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HIS.RPT.M.FLG

History - French

Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in an immersion or extended French program and receives instruction in French for the subject/strand.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HIS-20

Will set an X if [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F for above enrolment

History - NA

Marked if Student did not receive instruction for the subject.

If Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HIS-20

Then will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = NA and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HIS.RPT.M.FLG

If Student is not currently enrolled or has not been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HIS-20, will mark an 'X'

History - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HIS-20

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HIS.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

History - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HIS-20

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HIS.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

History - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HIS.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

History - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HIS.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

History - Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Comments regarding Student performance for this subject.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HIS-20

Outputs [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HIS.RPT.C


Geography - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = GEO-20

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.GEO.RPT.M.FLG

Geography - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = GEO-20

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.GEO.RPT.M.FLG

Geography - French

Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in an immersion or extended French program and receives instruction in French for the subject/strand.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = GEO-20

Will set an X if [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F for above enrolment

Geography - NA

Marked if Student did not receive instruction for the subject.

If Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = GEO-20

Then will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = NA and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.GEO.RPT.M.FLG

If Student is not currently enrolled or has not been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = GEO-20, will mark an 'X'

Geography - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = GEO-20

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.GEO.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Geography - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = GEO-20

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.GEO.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Geography - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.GEO.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Geography - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.GEO.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Geography - Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Comments regarding Student performance for this subject.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = GEO-20

Outputs [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.GEO.RPT.C

Health and Physical Education

Health Education: Healthy Living, Living Skills - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HPE-21

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HPEH.RPT.M.FLG

Health Education: Healthy Living, Living Skills - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HPE-21

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HPEH.RPT.M.FLG

Health Education: Healthy Living, Living Skills - French

Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in an immersion or extended French program and receives instruction in French for the subject/strand.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HPE-21

Will set an X if [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F for above enrolment

Health Education: Healthy Living, Living Skills - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HPE-21

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HPEH.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Health Education: Healthy Living, Living Skills - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HPE-21

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HPEH.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Health Education: Healthy Living, Living Skills - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8. HPEH.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Health Education: Healthy Living, Living Skills - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8. HPEH.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Health Education: Active Living, Movement Competence, Living Skills - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HPE-22

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HPEP.RPT.M.FLG

Health Education: Active Living, Movement Competence, Living Skills - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled r in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HPE-22

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HPEP.RPT.M.FLG

Health Education: Active Living, Movement Competence, Living Skills - French

Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in an immersion or extended French program and receives instruction in French for the subject/strand.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HPE-22

Will set an X if [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F for above enrolment

Health Education: Active Living, Movement Competence, Living Skills - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HPE-22

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HPEP.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Health Education: Active Living, Movement Competence, Living Skills - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HPE-22

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HPEP.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Health Education: Active Living, Movement Competence, Living Skills - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8. HPEP.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Health Education: Active Living, Movement Competence, Living Skills - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8. HPEP.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Health and Physical Education - Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Comments regarding Student performance for this subject.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = HPE-21 or HPE-22

Outputs [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HPEH.RPT.C concatenated with [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.HPEP.RPT.C

The Arts

Dance - French

Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in an immersion or extended French program and receives instruction in French for the subject/strand.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-21

Will set an X if [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F for above enrollment

Dance - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-21

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [tandard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDA.RPT.M.FLG

Dance - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-21

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDA.RPT.M.FLG

Dance - NA

Marked if Student did not receive instruction for the subject.

If Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-21

Then will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = NA and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDA.RPT.M.FLG

If Student is not currently enrolled or has not been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-21, will mark an 'X'

Dance - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-21

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDA.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Dance - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-21

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDA.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Dance - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8. ARDA.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Dance - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8. ARDA.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Drama - French

Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in an immersion or extended French program and receives instruction in French for the subject/strand.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-22

Will set an X if [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F for above enrolment

Drama - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-22

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDR.RPT.M.FLG

Drama - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-22

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDR.RPT.M.FLG

Drama - NA

Marked if Student did not receive instruction for the subject.

If Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-22

Then will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = NA and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDR.RPT.M.FLG

If Student is not currently enrolled or has not been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-22, will mark an 'X'

Drama - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-22

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDR.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Drama - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-22

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDR.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Drama - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8. ARDR.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Drama - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8. ARDR.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Music - French

Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in an immersion or extended French program and receives instruction in French for the subject/strand.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-23

Will set an X if [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F for above enrolment

Music - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-23

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARM.RPT.M.FLG

Music - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-23

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARM.RPT.M.FLG

Music - NA

Marked if Student did not receive instruction for the subject.

If Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-23

Then will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = NA and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARM.RPT.M.FLG

If Student is not currently enrolled or has not been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-23, will mark an 'X'

Music - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-23

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARM.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Music - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-23

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARM.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Music - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8. ARM.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Music - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8. ARM.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

Visual Arts - French

Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in an immersion or extended French program and receives instruction in French for the subject/strand.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-24

Will set an X if [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F for above enrolment

Visual Arts - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-24

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARV.RPT.M.FLG

Visual Arts - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-24

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARV.RPT.M.FLG

Visual Arts - NA

Marked if Student did not receive instruction for the subject.

If Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-24

Then will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = NA and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARV.RPT.M.FLG

If Student is not currently enrolled or has not been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-24, will mark an 'X'

Visual Arts - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-24

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARV.RPT.M and [ReportingTerm]Name = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Visual Arts - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-24

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARV.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Visual Arts - Report 1 Median

Outputs Report 1 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated Standard]Identifier = E7-8. ARV.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime.

Visual Arts - Report 2 Median

Outputs Report 2 median for this subject/strand.

Refer to Median Calculation section for details.

Optionally calculated from [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8. ARV.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime.

The Arts - Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Comments regarding Student performance for this subject.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = ART-21, ART-22, ART-23, or ART-24

Outputs [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDA.RPT.C concatenated with [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDR.RPT.C concatenated with [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDM.RPT.C concatenated with [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.ARDV.RPT.C


Elective - Course Name

The name of additional subject.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = OPT-30 and a Course_Type = E

Outputs [Courses]Course_Name where [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = OPT-30 and a Course_Type = E

Elective - Report 1 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 1

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = OPT-30 and a Course_Type = E

Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.OPT.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 1 entered at runtime

Elective - Report 2 Mark

Outputs Letter Grade for Report 2 (only if Store Code 2 is entered at runtime)

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = OPT-30 and a Course_Type = E

Optionally Outputs [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.OPT.RPT.M and [StandardGradeSection] = Store Code 2 entered at runtime

Elective - ESL/ELD

Marked if Student has been designated ESL or ESD in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = OPT-30 and a Course_Type = E

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = E or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.OPT.RPT.M.FLG

Elective - IEP

Marked if Student has been designated IEP in this subject.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = OPT-30 and a Course_Type = E

Will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = I or EANDI and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.OPT.RPT.M.FLG

Elective - French

Marked if Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in an immersion or extended French program and receives instruction in French for the subject/strand.

Student is currently enrolled in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = OPT-30 and a Course_Type = E

Will set an X if [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F for above enrolment

Elective - NA

Marked if Student did not receive instruction for the subject.

If Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = OPT-30 and a Course_Type = E

Then will set an X if [StandardGradeSection]StandardGrade = NA and associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.OPT.RPT.M.FLG

If Student is not currently enrolled or has not been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = OPT-30, will mark an 'X'

Elective - Strengths/Next Steps for Improvement

Comments regarding Student performance for this subject.

Student is currently enrolled or has been enrolled at some time during the current school year in the selected school in a course with [Courses]Alt_Course_Number or, if blank, [Courses]Course_Number = OPT-30 and a Course_Type = E

Outputs [StandardGradeSectionComment] CommentValue where associated [Standard]Identifier = E7-8.OPT.RPT.C

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