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New OEN Import


This import reads a file provided by the ministry containing the results from processing the request file created by the New OEN Request report. The ministry assigned OEN values are imported in the Ontario Education Number field (on the State/Province - ON page). The import also creates an HTML results page listing the students for which OENs were imported and showing any errors that were encountered by the ministry when processing the request file. The results page is saved for subsequent viewing by the New OEN Import Results page.

Selection Criteria

This report has no specified selection criteria.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



File To Import

Click the Browse button and navigate to and select the file provided by the ministry. Required.

Import Process

When a New OEN import occurs, the selected file is read by PowerSchool and values are extracted from the file. This includes:

  • The STUDENT_REF value is matched to a corresponding Students.ID value within PowerSchool. If a match cannot be made, an error will be produced.

    • If the student record has a BLN_OEN_ASSIGN value of ‘A’, the Student.State_StudentNumber value will be updated with the OEN_NUMBER value in the file. An import log record will be created, stating that the OEN value was added for the student.

    • If the student record has a BLN_OEN_ASSIGN value of ‘M’, an import log record will be created, stating that the Ministry detected a match in data for this student (OEN value previously assigned). No updates to Student.State_StudentNumber will occur.

    • If the student record has a BLN_OEN_ASSIGN value of ‘E’, an import log record will be created, stating that the Ministry detected errors in data for this student. No updates to Student.State_StudentNumber will occur.

  • All assignments, matches and errors will be stored in an import log. The results of the import log are discussed in the next section.

Import Results

Refer to Import Results.

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