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Import Results


Import results are available from the Ontario Data Import page. Log in to the admin portal:

  1. On the Start page, choose Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.

  2. Select Import Ontario Data Files. The Ontario Data Import System page appears.

  3. Select any linked item in the Import Results section. A summary of all import results for this type of import is displayed. In the Import Results section.

    Links are enabled only for import types for which at least one import has been run.

The following does not include data imported using the Import Other Data feature described in the Import Other Data section.

OnSIS Pending Area Extracts Import Results

  • On the Ontario Data Import System page, under Import Results, click OnSIS Pending Area Extracts Import Results.

    • if no import has been run, the OnSIS Pending Area Extracts Import Results link is not visible.

    • If viewing this page at the school level, only the results for the current school are displayed. If you are viewing this page at the district level, results for all available schools are displayed.

  • Import results are organized by School, and then Import Date. For each import date the import results are displayed by file, sorted alphabetically.

    • To see only the results for a specific section, click show/hide.

    • To delete a School or Import Date section, click the trash can icon. Results should only be deleted if you no longer need to review the import results. Deleting the results does not undo the results of the import; only the result record is deleted.

    • If a School ID is not found within the file, one or more errors occur during the import. A description of each error appears at the bottom of the page.

    • If the import results are greater than 5000 records, this page is not accessible.

  • To see more detailed results, click Import Date.

    • The results record displays all records for the selected school and import date.

    • The page displays the date of the import and the number of successfully imported records for each imported file type.

    • The page contains a link to the Ontario Reporting page, so that an OnSIS report can be run.

New OEN Import Results

  • On the Ontario Data Import System page, under Import Results, click New OEN Import Results .

    • if no import has been run, the New OEN Import Results link is not visible.

    • If viewing this page at the school level, only the results for the current school are displayed. If viewing this page at the district level, results for all available schools are displayed.

  • Import results are organized by School, and then Import Date. For each import date, the import results are displayed by file, sorted alphabetically.

    • To see only the results for a specific section, click show/hide.

    • To delete a School or Import Date section, click the trash can icon. Results should only be deleted if you no longer need to review the import results. Deleting the results does not undo the results of the import; only the result record is deleted.

    • If a School ID is not found within the file, one or more errors occur during the import. A description of each error appears at the bottom of the page.

  • To see more detailed results, click Import Date.

    • The results display all records for the selected school and import date.

    • The page displays the batch (import) file date, the date of the import, and the file ID.

    • The results display the invalid OEN records found by the Ministry. This list defaults to expanded, but can be collapsed by clicking on the corresponding hide link.

      • The invalid OEN value displays. If a student can be found within PowerSchool, the student's name displays and is linked to the student's record. If the student cannot be found, a message indicates that there was a problem finding the student and how many students were found with this OEN value. This message appears if more than one student or no students are found.

  • The results display the mismatched OEN records found by the Ministry. This list defaults to expanded, but can be collapsed by clicking on the corresponding hide link.

    • The name of the student for which errors were found displays, along with all mismatched values that the Ministry returned. Ministry values display in red, and the corresponding values found within PowerSchool display in bold. Clicking the student's name takes you to the student's record.

OEN Validation Import Results

  • On the Ontario Data Import System page, under Import Results, click OEN Validation Import Results.

    • if no import has been run, the OEN Validation Import Results link is not visible.

    • If viewing this page at the school level, only the results for the current school are displayed. If viewing this page at the district level, results for all available schools are displayed.

  • Import results are organized by School, and then Import Date. For each import date, the import results are displayed by file, sorted alphabetically.

      • To see only the results for a specific section, click show/hide.

      • To delete a School or Import Date section, click the trash can icon. Results should only be deleted if you no longer need to review the import results. Deleting the results does not undo the results of the import; only the result record is deleted.

      • If a School ID is not found within the file, one or more errors occur during the import. A description of each error appears at the bottom of the page.

  • To see more detailed results, click Import Date.

    • The results display all records for the selected school and import date.

    • The page displays the batch (import) file date, the date of the import, and the file ID.

    • The results display the invalid OEN records found by the Ministry. This list defaults to expanded, but can be collapsed by clicking on the corresponding hide link.

      • The invalid OEN value displays. If a student can be found within PowerSchool, the student's name displays and is linked to the student's record. If the student cannot be found, a message indicates that there was a problem finding the student and how many students were found with this OEN value. This message appears if more than one student or no students are found.

  • The results display the mismatched OEN records found by the Ministry. This list defaults to expanded, but can be collapsed by clicking on the corresponding hide link.

    • The name of the student for which errors were found displays, along with all mismatched values that the Ministry returned. Ministry values display in red, and the corresponding values found within PowerSchool display in bold. Clicking the student's name takes you to the student's record.

OSSLT Outcomes Import Results

  • On the Ontario Data Import System page, under Import Results, click OSSLT Outcomes Import Results.

    • if no import has been run, the OSSLT Outcomes Import Results link is not visible.

    • If viewing this page at the school level, only the results for the current school are displayed. If viewing this page at the district level, results for all available schools are displayed.

  • Import results are organized by School, and then Import Date. For each import date, the import results are displayed by file, sorted alphabetically.

    • To see only the results for a specific section, click show/hide.

    • To delete a School or Import Date section, click the trash can icon. Results should only be deleted if you no longer need to review the import results. Deleting the results does not undo the results of the import; only the result record is deleted.

    • If a School ID is not found within the file, one or more errors occur during the import. A description of each error appears at the bottom of the page.

Note: OSSLT import files may include data for multiple schools, in which case, all data results are combined (i.e. the results will not be broken down by school). these results will be displayed at the bottom of the list and will state that the results are for multiple schools.

  • To see more detailed results, click Import Date.

    • The results display all records for the selected school and import date.

    • The page displays the date of the import, the name of the file imported, and the number of successfully imported records.

    • Records that are replacing or updating existing records are listed in the details.

    • If there are problems with a record that prevents import, the resulting error is displayed with the associated record number. Errors are displayed in record number order.

OUAC Reference File Import Results

  • On the Ontario Data Import System page, under Import Results, click OUAC Reference File Import Results.

    • if no import has been run, the OUAC Reference File Import Results link is not visible.

    • If viewing this page at the school level, only the results for the current school are displayed. If viewing this page at the district level, results for all available schools are displayed.

    • If an import is done multiple times for the same file on the same day at different times, or if the import is run on multiple dates, two log and results pages are displayed.

  • Import results are organized by School, and then Import Date. For each import date, the import results are displayed by file, sorted alphabetically.

    • To see only the results for a specific section, click show/hide.

    • To delete a School or Import Date section, click the trash can icon. Results should only be deleted if you no longer need to review the import results. Deleting the results does not undo the results of the import; only the result record is deleted.

    • If a School ID is not found within the file, one or more errors occur during the import. A description of each error appears at the bottom of the page.

  • To see more detailed results, click Import Date.

    • The results display all records for the selected school and import date.

    • The page displays the date of the import, the name of the file imported, and the number of successfully imported records.

    • Records that are replacing or updating existing records are listed in the details.

    • If there are problems with a record that prevents import, the resulting error is displayed with the associated record number. Errors are displayed in record number order.

Student Test Score Import Results

  • On the Ontario Data Import System page, under Import Results, click Student Test Score Import.

    • if no import has been run, the Student Test Score Import link is not visible.

    • If viewing this page at the school level, only the results for the current school are displayed. If viewing this page at the district level, results for all available schools are displayed, broken down by school.

  • Import results are organized by School, and then Import Date. For each import date, the import results are displayed by file, sorted alphabetically.

    • To see only the results for a specific section, click show/hide.

    • Results are grouped by import failures and successes. A count of the number of records for the school that were successfully imported and a count of records unsuccessfully imported is displayed under Count/Issue. If there is a general issue (e.g., inability to read the file), this error also appears under Count/Issue. If errors are present, the row number (if available) in the error message controls the order in which errors are displayed.

    • To delete a School or Import Date section, click the trash can icon. Results should only be deleted if you no longer need to review the import results. Deleting the results does not undo the results of the import; only the result record is deleted.

    • If a School ID is not found within the file, one or more errors occur during the import. A description of each error appears at the bottom of the page.

  • To see more detailed results, click Import Date.

    • The results page displays the date of the import, the number of successfully imported records and the line number of each error encountered on import. The first 20 errors are displayed. If more errors are present, a "Show remaining errors" link is displayed.

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