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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-278814Add Religious Mark to the Elementary Catholic Report Card Templates

Elementary Report Cards (1-6) - GradeBook: Version 5.4

Elementary Report Cards (7-8) - Gradebook: Version 6.1

Added Religious Mark to the Elementary Catholic Report Card Templates. Two new identifiers must be added for the religious standards

For grades 1-6: E1-6.RLF.RPT.M

For grades 7-8: E7-8.RLF.RPT.M

PSSR-267391All States/Provinces: Office Visit Stats Health Report Update

Office Visit Stats Report: Version 1.1

The Office Visit Stats report is updated to include the Office Visit records that do not have an Outcome selected.

PSSR-270545EQAO - Grade 3-6 Assessment - 2021-2022 Ministry Changes

A new column, 'Learning Format' is added to report the student learning preference (FT in-person, FT remote, or a combination of both).

The following columns are removed from the extract:
3. AccLargePrintRead/Write/Math,
4. AccColouredRead/Write/Math,
5. AccLPColouredRead/write/Math,
6. AccComputerRead/Write/Math

PSSR-277562International Languages List - Missing Language Update

Added Sindhi(99) to the First Language and the courses/sections - International/Indigenous Language field.

PSSR-274177New Board Preference – Exclude Elementary Achievements from OnSIS Submissions

The ‘Exclude Elementary Achievements From OnSIS Submissions' checkbox is added on the District Info page. If selected, the elementary achievement segments are not included in the OnSIS Elementary Submission extract. This option is for boards that are not reporting students’ achievements through PowerSchool.

PSSR-264195OnSIS Elementary - Exclude Report Card Segments Based on a Preference Setting

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 15.1
Report enhanced to exclude Report Card segment and subsegment when ‘Exclude Elementary Achievements From OnSIS Submissions flag’ is set to ‘on’, this flag can be set at the School or District level.

PSSR-237409OnSIS Elementary Report - SAL Information Update

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 15.1

OnSIS Secondary School Submission : Version 16.9

If a student is in the SAL program and the Save XML box is selected while running the OnSIS Elementary/Secondary reports, the SAL_FLAG is turned on in the student school enrolment permanent table (S_ON_STU_XML_SCHOOL_ENROL_C) to indicate that the student is SAL

PSSR-275284Some Residence Status Values Include Grave Accent (‘) Instead of Single Quote (‘)

Fixed Residence Status values to include a single quote (')instead of Grave Accent (`).

PSSR-274174 Student Elementary Achievements in the OnSIS Submission - Update

Added 'Exclude Elementary Achievements From OnSIS Submissions' checkbox on two pages. This option is for schools that are not reporting students’ achievements through PowerSchool.

  • Start Page > District > Schools / School Info > example school
  • Start Page > Special Functions > example school
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