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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates. 



Release Note

PSSR-306117All States/Provinces: Copyright Year Update

The copyright year has been updated to 2023 on all Compliance pages in the following portal pages:

  • Admin portal pages
  • Teachers/Subs portal pages
  • Public/Student portal pages
PSSR-306972All States/Provinces: Digital Equity & Learning Preferences Link Accessibility

The student Digital Equity & Learning Preferences page will now be visible to users that do (and do not) have access to a student’s Functions page.

PSSR-313839Automated OCAS Electronic Student Transcript Enhancement

The incoming SOAP request must contain header SOAPAction with value urn:getStudentTranscript

PSSR-308663 Coned Registers - Remove The Student's Gender From The Registers

Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in Continuing Education Credit Courses: Version 4.4

Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in Adult Native Language Instruction Program: Version 3.9

Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning Courses: Version 3.7

Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in International Languages Elementary (ILE) Program: Version 4.1

Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in the Literacy and Numeracy Program: Version 4.2

Continuing Education: Summer School Register: Version 4.5

Removed Gender field from the Registers reports.

PSSR-306916Courses - Admin Users With Read Only Access Do Not See Course Credit Type

The Courses page has been enhanced to display Course Type for read-only users.

PSSR-312777Data Validation Tool - Remove MSE0109 Rule

The rule MSE0109 is closed by the Ministry. The rule is also removed from the Data Validation reports and from the Enable/disable validation rules page.

Navigation: District, Enable/disable validation rules

PSSR-311177Enrolment Fields Report - Issue displaying School Category on The Report Run Page

Enrolment Fields Report: Version 5.0

The Enrolment Fields Report is updated to show a default school category value if it has been previously saved using the right-side checkbox.

PSSR-309575Enrolment Report – Do Not Report Student’s Gender on the Reports

Enrolment Reports: Version 5.6
The enrolment Report has been updated to remove the gender column from the Tuition Paid Details page and Enrolments Details pages.

PSSR-287000French Card UI Page - Issue Displaying French Special Characters in the School Field.

The School field on the French Card tab now supports French special characters. Special characters are now properly displayed in the field and you can search for a school using French characters.

PSSR-313095Label Change – Opted Out of Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Updated field label, ‘Opted Out of Online Learning Graduation Requirement’ to ‘Exempt/Opted Out of Online Learning Graduation Requirement’ on the ON Province page. This field now tracks students who opted out of the requirement as well as students who are exempt from the requirement as per the Principal’s decision.

PSSR-310056New International Languages Added to Languagues lists

Two new languages: 107 Georgian and 108 Kannada are added to the following dropdown lists:

  • Course Page - International/Indigenous Language.
  • Section Page - - International/Indigenous Language
  • Student Page - First Language
PSSR-279256OnSIS Elementary and Secondary Save XML - Logic to Set the SAL Flag Enhanced

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 15.9
OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 18.0
The logic to set the SAL Flag has been enhanced to set the flag at one, if the student is active in the SAL program on the count date.

PSSR-312586OnSIS Elementary School Submission Error

OnSIS Elementary Submission: Version 15.9

Report is updated to not generate an Oracle error if a student’s grade level is greater than 8.

PSSR-310996OnSIS Elementary School Submission Not Correctly Reporting MINUTES_PER_DAY_OF_INSTRUCTION

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 15.8
The Report is enhanced to show the correct MINUTES_PER_DAY_OF_INSTRUCTION even if foreignkey and school_id fields are not populated in the database.

PSSR-308588OnSIS Secondary - SAVE SHSM Certifications XML Segments into Permanent Tables

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 18

The OnSIS Secondary School Submission Report has been enhanced to save SHSM Certifications XML Segments into the permanent table 'S_ON_STU_XML_SHSM_CERT_C' when the SAVE XML option is selected when running the report.

PSSR-313938OnSIS Secondary School Submission - ONLINE_GRADUATION_REQUIREMENT_TYPE Not Reported For Non Returning Students with Diploma

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 17.9

For non-returning students with a diploma in the submission period, Online_Graduation_requirement_value is calculated as of count date.

PSSR-282234OnSIS Secondary – Year of Entry into Canada Not Reported if It Is After the Submission Count Date

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 18.0

Year of Entry to Canada will not be reported if the student’s year of entry to Canada falls after the submission count date and student is future enrolled in a school with a Quad/Octo model.

PSSR-309577  Taking Stock Report is No Longer Supported

Taking Stock Report is no longer supported and both current and legacy versions of the report have been removed from the system. The Taking The Stock setup section on the District Info page and the report related fields on the Transfer Info page are also removed.

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