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Student Setup

Enrolling a New Student

To enrol a new student:

On the Start page, under People, click Enroll New Student. The Enroll New Student page appears.


On the Start page, under Functions, click Special Functions, and then click Enroll New Student. The Enroll New Student page appears.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Name (Last, First Middle)

Enter the student's preferred last, first, and middle names.

Note: On certain reports, preferred names are used only if the legal name fields are not defined. See Updating Student Information> State/Province - ON > Legal Surname, Legal Second name, and Legal First Name fields below)




Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language, International Languages Elementary, New OEN Request, EQAO Submissions, STIX, Accumulated Instruction in French


Enter the student's date of birth


Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, OST, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, New OEN Request, OEN Validation Request, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, STIX, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils


Choose the student's gender. This field is mandatory. Only active values as of today are displayed in the drop-down list.

When the Prefer to Specify (S) option or the Other (O) option is chosen, another mandatory field appears:

  • When Prefer to Specify (S) is chosen, a field is displayed where more details must be entered about the student's gender. This field has a limit of 50 characters otherwise, truncated.

    • Valid Characters:

      • a-zA-ZÀàÄäÂâÁáÈèÉéÊêËëÎîÏïÌìÔôÖöÓóÜüÙùÛûÚúÇçÿŸÑñò _:.0-9'~-

      • Accents are accepted

      • Numbers are allowed

  • When Other (O) is chosen, a single selection list appears that displays only active values as of today. Exclude from state reporting values are not included.

Refer to District Setup > Code Sets > Gender for details on how to set up new genders.




Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, OST, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, Status Sheet, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language, International Languages Elementary), New OEN Request, OEN Validation Request, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Submissions, STIX, SHSM Student Data Report

Student Number

Enter the student's the locally assigned student number, not OEN.


Enrolment Report, OST, Potential Ontario Scholar, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, New OEN Request, OEN Validation Request, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Social Security Number

Enter the student's Social Insurance Number.

Phone Number

Enter the student's home phone number.


Daily Attendance Record, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language), OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, STIX

Enrollment Date

Defaults to today's date. If the student was enrolled on a different date, enter that date.


Enrolment Report, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, Continuing Education Registers

Admission Status

The choices are Term Year specific.

Choose the student's FTE for this school enrollment.

Grade Level

Choose the grade level the student will be in when he or she enters your school.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Transmissions, SHSM Student Data Report, Accumulated Instruction in French

Entry Code

Choose the reason the student is enrolling in the school.


Enrolment Report, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions


Choose the applicable track for the student.







Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School)

District of Residence

Choose the student's district of residence.

Fee Exemption Status

Defaults to 'Student Not Exempted'.

If the student is exempt from any school or course or school fees, choose an option.


If enrolling a student while signed in to a school, the school name is displayed; otherwise, District Office is displayed.

Ontario Provincial Information

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Ontario Educator Number

The entered value is validated using the check digit as described in the ministry OEN processing specification.


All reports and submissions EXCEPT Continuing Education Registers (International Languages Elementary), Accumulated Instruction in French

Diploma Certificate Type

(secondary school only)

Choose the type of diploma certificate the student received.

Refer to Diploma Certificate Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, Status Sheet, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, SHSM Student Data Report, Graduation Cohort Report

Enroll New Student: Registration

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Regular FTE

Enter Regular FTE only to override the value calculated by the system for provincial reports.


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions

High Credit FTE

(secondary school only)

Note: Only appears for secondary schools.

Enter High Credit FTE only to override the value calculated by the system for provincial reports.


OnSIS Submissions

Attendance Type

Enter Attendance Type only to override the value calculated by the system for provincial reports.

Refer to Attendance Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Select "Excluded (EX)" to exclude the student enrolment from provincial reporting.



Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions

If "EX" is selected, the student enrolment is excluded from all provincial reports, except imports, as described in the report description section of each individual report.

Not Main School Flag

Select if the student has concurrent primary enrolments in more than one PowerSchool database and this school does not hold the student's OSR.



OnSIS Submissions

Local School Program Flag

Select if the student will be enrolled in a local school program.

As of 2019-2020, this information is no longer required by OnSIS. This field has been removed from the UI.



OnSIS Submissions

Grade Designation Type
(secondary schools only)

Only appears for elementary schools.

Refer to Grade Designation Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Extended Day Program Type

(elementary school only)

Only appears for elementary schools.

Refer to Extended Day Program Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions (not required after 2014)

Board Residence Status

Choose the board residence status.

Refer to Student Board Residence Status Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

The right process to update the board residence status for a student to report correctly to OnSIS, is to end date the current enrolment and create a new enrollment with the updated board residence status.



Enrolment Report, Enrolment Fields Report, OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

Other Pupil Paid By

Applies only to students who are not pupils of the board (Board residence status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09).



Enrolment Report

Enroll New Student: Citizenship/Immigration

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Residence Status

Select the student's residency status from the menu.

This field is mandatory for all school types except Private Elementary.



OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, EQAO Extracts

Did this student's family come to Canada as refugees?

Select if the student's family came to Canada as refugees.


  • If Residence Status is Refugee (7), selected by default.

  • If the student status is changed from refugee to any other status, the value is not changed.

  • If the Country of Birth is set to Canada when selected, an error message is displayed on Submit.


Country Of Citizenship

Choose the student's country of citizenship.

Refer to Citizenship Codes in OCAS/OUAC file specification.


  • If Residence Status is a code other than Canadian Citizen (1) or Indigenous Ancestry (2), Canadian citizenship codes are inactive in the drop-down list.

  • If County of Birth is set to Canada or a Province of Birth is selected, only Canadian citizenship codes are enabled in the drop-down list.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Country of Birth

Choose the student's country of birth.

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


Based on the country of birth selected, some fields in this section might be inactive. Also some field values might be changed.

When Country of Birth is Canada:

  • Province of Birth is enabled

  • Entry Date into Canada is inactive

  • Canadian citizenship codes are the only codes available for selection for the Country of Citizenship.

If Province of Birth is populated, this field auto-populates as Canada.


OnSIS Submissions, STIX

Province of Birth

Choose the student's province of birth.

Refer to State Province Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


  • This field is enabled or inactive based on the values selected in Residence Status and/or Country of Birth.

  • When a Province is selected, the Country of Birth auto-populates as Canada, and only Canadian citizenship codes are available for the Country Of Citizenship.


OnSIS Submissions

Date of Entry Into Canada

Enter the year and month the student entered Canada.

Note: This field is enabled or inactive based on the values selected for Residence Status, Province of Birth and/or Country of Birth.


OnSIS Submissons, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

DOB/Name Source Document

Choose the document used to verify the student's birth and Name

Refer to Source Document Codes in the Ministry OEN file specification.


New OEN Request

Previous Country

Choose the student's previous country (if not Canada).

Note: This field is only available for option selection if the entry code is mapped to code "36 - Other Country".

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Previous Province

Choose the student's previous province (if not Ontario).

Previous Province is selected based on the student's Entry Code.

Note: Choices for this field are only available for selection if the entry code is mapped to code "35 - Other Province".

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Country (Current Residence)

If the student does not live in Canada, choose the country in which the student currently resides.

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: If Country (Current Residence) is selected, Residence Status must be one of the following:

  • Not Applicable

  • Canadian Citizen


Province (Current Residence)

If the student lives in a province other than Ontario, choose the province in which the student currently resides.

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


  • This field is inactive if Country (Current Residence), above, is not Canada.

  • If this field is selected, Residence Status cannot be "Not Applicable"


Enroll New Student: Previous School Information

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

School BSID

Enter the BSID of the student's previous school.

This field is used to search for school in the ministry reference file. Enter at least 2 characters of the school BSID, school name or board acronym, then select the school from the list of matching schools displayed. Once selected the School Name, School Address and Language Type are populated from the ministry saved reference table.

Field size is limited to 9 characters.



Ministry schools reference files are stored in s_ON_MINISTRYSCHOOLS_S.


The field is not currently used in any of the Ontario reports.

School Name

Enter the name of the student's previous school.

This field is disabled if the "Force Use of School Search" flag in District Info is selected.



Office Index Card, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School)

School Address (Full)

Enter the full address of the student's previous school.

This field is disabled if the "Force Use of School Search" flag in District Info is selected.

The Postal code displayed in the school address for public and private schools (not for private overseas schools) is formatted as: XXX XXX - Example: M4N 3N1



Office Index Card

Language Type

Choose the language type for the student's previous school.

This field is disabled if "Force Use of School Search" flag in District Info is selected.

Refer to Language Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Entering ECPP Information

Enroll New Student: Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP)

Note: If a student changes ECPP facilities during the submission period (Sept 1-Aug 31), the student must be withdrawn from the previous facility and enrolled in the new ECPP facility.

Drop-down list selections for the ECPP Facility and designated school are listed by [school number (BSID)].

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Designated School

A list of open public schools based on the selected student's grade. Secondary public schools are displayed when the student is in grade 9 or higher and elementary public schools are displayed when the student is in grade 8 or lower.

Schools with "Section 23 School" or "School is Closed" selected are not included in the list.

Designated schools are listed by [school number(BSID)].



OnSIS ECPP School Submission

ECPP Facility

Select an ECPP Facility school.

The drop-down list contains only schools that have the Section 23 School Flag selected.



OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Residence Type

Choose the ECPP school Residence type.

Refer to Care Treatment Residence Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

If users do not have access to this field, '***' will be displayed instead of the value



OnSIS Submissions

Exclude Weekends & Holidays

Select to exclude weekends and holidays from the calculation of the number of days the student resided in the facility,

This field is enabled only if the ECPP school's Program Type is 1 or 3 and Residence type is set to blank, 1, 3 or 4; otherwise, the checkbox is inactive and cannot be selected.

The school's Program Type is for the ECPP facility if the facility is defined; otherwise, it is for the school to which the enrolment belongs.


OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Enroll New Student: Other

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 1)

Select if the student will receive an alternate report card for term 1.



OnSIS Submissions

Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 2)

Select if the student will receive an alternate report card for term 2.


OnSIS Submissions

Entering Student's Full-Time Status at Other Day School

Enroll New Student: Student's Full Time Status at Other Day School

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Full Time on October 31st

Select if the student is or was at another school full time on October 31st.

Set this field only if you want to override the value calculated by the system for provincial reports.

Full Time on March 31st

Select if the student is or was at another school full time on March 31st.

Set this field only if you want override the value calculated by the system for provincial reports.

Linking Student to Family Members

Enroll New Student: Information for Family Match

You can link newly enrolled students to other family members in the school or district and their demographic information will be copied to the student being enrolled. By creating a link between students, shared demographic information can be synchronized so edits that occur to one student's demographics can automatically be made to the linked student(s) demographics.

You can search by Family ID, Mother, Father or Guardian name, or by sibling name. To narrow the search add as much information as possible. To broaden the search, add as little information as possible.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Enroll without Linking or Copying Information

Select this option to enroll the student without checking for family members already in the system.

Search For Family Members to Link to and Copy Information from

Select this option to search for enrolled family members (e.g., siblings) who share the same address.

Family ID

If you know the family ID for the sibling/relative already enrolled, enter it here.

Mother's Name

To search by mother's name, enter the last and first name of the sibling/relative's mother.


Father's Name

To search by father's name, enter the last and first name of the sibling/relative's father.


Guardian's Name

To search by guardian's name, enter the last, first, and middle name of the sibling/relative's guardian.

[Students]Custom (alias Guardian_LN)

[Students]Custom (alias Guardian_FN)

[Students]Custom (alias Guardian_MN)

Sibling's Name (Last, First MI)

To search for a sibling already enrolled, enter the sibling's last, first and middle name.




Include Student's Last Name in Search

Select this option to include the enrolling student's last name in the search

Home Address

Enter the street number and name in the first field and, if applicable, enter the apartment, suite, or unit number in the second field.

Enter the city and postal code.


  • On certain reports these are used only if the mailing address fields are not defined.

  • Home postal code is used in OnSIS submissions.





Potential Ontario Scholar Report, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language), OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, STIX

Updating Student Information

The following data elements are required for provincial reporting.

To open an existing student record, on the Start Page search for the student. If the search results show multiple students, under Current Student Selection, click the student's name. The last accessed student page opens for the student selected.

Note: The following information describes the setup required for Provincial Reporting. For information about general student setup, see Help > System Help.

Entering General Demographics


Note: Most of the Information here comes from the student's original enrolment record: Start Page > Enroll New Student

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Name (Last, First Middle)

The preferred names for the student. On certain reports, these are used only if the legal name fields (see State/Province - ON section below) are not defined.




Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language, International Languages Elementary, New OEN Request, EQAO Submissions, STIX, Accumulated Instruction in French

Home Address

Enter the street number and name in the first field and, if applicable, enter the apartment, suite, or unit number in the second field.


  • On certain reports these are used only if the mailing address fields are not defined.

  • Home postal code is used in OnSIS submissions.





Potential Ontario Scholar Report, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language), OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, STIX

Mailing Address

If the home address and mailing address are the same, click Copy From Home Address.

If the mailing address is different than the home address, enter the street number and name in the first field and, if applicable, enter the apartment, suite, or unit number in the second field.

Note: On certain reports these are used only if the home address fields are not defined.





Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, Office Index Card, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, STIX

Home Phone

Enter the student's home phone number.


Daily Attendance Record, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language), OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, STIX


The student's date of birth


Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, OST, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, New OEN Request, OEN Validation Request, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, STIX, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils


Choose the student's gender. This field is mandatory. Only active values as of today are displayed in the drop-down list.

When the Prefer to Specify (S) option or the Other (O) option is chosen, another mandatory field appears:

  • When Prefer to Specify (S) is chosen, a field is displayed where more details must be entered about the student's gender. This field has a limit of 50 characters.

  • When Other (O) is chosen, a single selection list appears that displays only active values as of today. Exclude from state reporting values are not included.

Refer to District Setup > Code Sets > Gender for details on how to set up new genders.




Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, OST, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, Status Sheet, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language, International Languages Elementary), New OEN Request, OEN Validation Request, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Submissions, STIX, SHSM Student Data Report

Student Number

The student's locally assigned student number, not OEN.


Enrolment Report, OST, Potential Ontario Scholar, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, New OEN Request, OEN Validation Request, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Mother’s Name

Enter the last and first name of the student's mother.


Daily Attendance Record, Office Index Card, STIX

Mother's Day Phone

Enter the day-time phone number of the student's mother.

STIX acceptable phone format is

999-999-9999x99999. No spaces is allowed. max of 5 digit extension if provided.

[Students]Custom (alias MotherDayPhone)

Daily Attendance Record, Office Index Card, STIX

Mother's Home Phone

Enter the home phone number of the student's mother.

STIX acceptable phone format is

999-999-9999x99999. No spaces is allowed. max of 5 digit extension if provided.

[Students]Custom (alias Mother_Home_Phone)

Office Index Card, STIX

Father’s Name

Enter the last and first name of the student's father.


Daily Attendance Record, Office Index Card, STIX

Father's Day Phone

Enter the day-time phone number of the student's father.

STIX acceptable phone format is

999-999-9999x99999. No spaces is allowed. max of 5 digit extension if provided.

[Students]Custom (alias FatherDayPhone)

Daily Attendance Record, Office Index Card, STIX

Father's Home Phone

Enter the home phone number of the student's father.

STIX acceptable phone format is

999-999-9999x99999. No spaces is allowed. max of 5 digit extension if provided.

[Students]Custom (alias Father_Home_Phone)

Office Index Card, STIX

Entering Emergency/Medical Contact Information

Emergency / Medical

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Contact #1 Name

Enter the name of the student's first emergency contact.


Office Index Card

Contact # 1 Phone

Enter the phone number of the student's first emergency contact.


Office Index Card

Contact # 1 Relationship

Enter the relationship between the student and the first emergency contact.

[Students]Custom (alias Emerg_1_Rel)

Office Index Card

Contact # 1 Phone Type

Choose the type of phone.

[Students]Custom (alias Emerg_1_Ptype)

Office Index Card


Enter the name of the student's doctor.


Office Index Card

Doctor Phone

Enter the phone number of the student's doctor


Office Index Card

Ontario Provincial Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Emergency Contact Work Phone

Enter the work phone number of the student's emergency contact.


Office Index Card

Modifying Information

Modify Info

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Graduation Requirement Set



Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions

Home Room (secondary schools only)

If this is a secondary student, enter or modify the name of his or her homeroom.

Note: Homeroom for elementary school students is determined through class enrolment.


Secondary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, Status Sheet, EQAO Submissions, STIX

District Entry Date

Enter or modify the date the student entered the Board.


EQAO Submissions

Entering Parent Contact Information


Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Mother's Name

The last and first name of the student's mother.


Daily Attendance Record, Office Index Card, STIX

Mother's Day Phone

The day-time phone number of the student's mother.

STIX acceptable phone format is

999-999-9999x99999. No spaces is allowed. Max of 5 digit extension if provided.

[Students]Custom (alias MotherDayPhone)

Daily Attendance Record, Office Index Card, STIX

Father's Name

The last and first name of the student's father.


Daily Attendance Record, Office Index Card

Father's Day Phone

The day-time phone number of the student's father.

[Students]Custom (alias FatherDayPhone)

Daily Attendance Record, Office Index Card

Guardian's Name

The last, first, and middle name of the student's guardian

[Students]Custom (alias Guardian_LN)

[Students]Custom (alias Guardian_FN)

[Students]Custom (alias Guardian_MN)

Office Index Card

Guardian's Day Phone

The phone number of the student's guardian.

[Students]Custom (alias GaurdianDayPhone)

Office Index Card

Entering Provincial Information

Adding General Provincial Information

State/Province - ON > General Info tab

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Ontario Education Number

The entered value is validated using the check digit as described in the ministry OEN processing specification.


All reports and submissions EXCEPT Continuing Education Registers (International Languages Elementary)

Exclude From Provincial Reporting

If selected, the student is excluded from all electronic submissions and selected paper reports.


New OEN Request, OEN Validation Request, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, Enrolment Report, Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Cards, Enrolment Fields Report, Student Transfer Report, SHSM Student Data Report, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language, International Languages Elementary), STIX

Home Schooled?

If selected, the student is identified as a home-schooled student.


EQAO, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

Language Type Previous School

Choose the language type spoken at the student's previous school.

Refer to Language Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

First Language

Choose the language spoken at the student's home.

Refer to Language Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, STIX

Indigenous Self Identification

If applicable, choose the student's Indigenous Self Identification

Refer to Aboriginal Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions

Status Card Number

Student's Indian Status Card number


Not used.

Regular FTE

Enter Regular FTE only to override system calculation based on student schedule.


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions

High Credit FTE

Enter High Credit FTE only to override system calculation based on student schedule.


OnSIS Submissions

Attendance Type

Choose the Attendance Type only to override the system calculation based on the student schedule.

Refer to Attendance Type entries in the ministry OnSIS reference spreadsheet.

To exclude the student enrolment, from provincial reporting, select "Excluded (EX)"


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions

If "EX" is selected, the student enrolment is excluded from all provincial reports, except imports, as described in the report description section of each individual report.

Legal Surname

Enter the student's legal surname only if different than the preferred last name.

If the legal surname is undefined, reports that normally use the legal name will use the preferred name instead.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Office Index Card, Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions, New OEN Request, OEN Validation Request, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language, International Languages Elementary), STIX, Accumulated Instruction in French

Legal First Name

Enter the student's legal first name only if different than the preferred last name.

If the legal first name is undefined, reports that normally use the legal name will use the preferred name instead.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Office Index Card, Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions, New OEN Request, OEN Validation Request, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language, International Languages Elementary), STIX, Accumulated Instruction in French

Legal Second Name

Enter the student's legal middle name only if different than the preferred last name.

If the legal middle name is undefined, reports that normally use the legal name will use the preferred name instead.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions, New OEN Request, OEN Validation Request, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, STIX, Accumulated Instruction in French

Not Main School Flag

Select if the student has concurrent primary enrolments in more than one PowerSchool database and this school does not hold the student's OSR.



OnSIS Submissions

Local School Program Flag

Select if the student is in a program at his/her local school.

Note: As of 2019-2020, this information is no longer required by OnSIS. Field has been removed from UI.


OnSIS Submissions

Grade Designation Type

Choose the student's grade designation.

Only appears for secondary schools.

Refer to Grade Designation Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Board Residence Status

Choose the student's board residence status.

Refer to Student Board Residence Status Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


Enrolment Report, Enrolment Fields Report, OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

Extended Day Program Type

If the student is in an extended day program, choose the program.

Only appears for elementary students.

Refer to Extended Day Program Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Other Halftime Description

Only appears for elementary students.

Display only starting 2014-2015, as it applies only to halftime attendance type.


OnSiS Submissions

Paid By

Applies only to students who are not pupils of the board (Board residence status = 02, 03, 05, 07, or 09)


Enrolment Report, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

French Admission Committee Approval Date

If applicable, enter the date the student was approved for enrolment in a French-language school.

Field applicable only for French Boards. Field removed from UI


OnSIS Submissions

General Info: Student's Full Time Status at Other Day School

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Full Time on October 31st

Note: Only set this field if you want to override the value calculated by the system for provincial reports.

Select if the student is or was at another school full time on October 31st.

Full Time on March 31st

Note: Only set this field if you want override the value calculated by the system for provincial reports.

Select if the student is or was at another school full time on March 31st.

General Info: Citizenship/Immigration

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Residence Status

Choose the student's residence status.

Refer to Residence Status Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


Based on the Residence Status selected, some fields in this section might be inactive and others may require values.

For Canadian Citizen and Indigenous Ancestry:

  • Country of Citizenship can only be set to Canada.

  • Indigenous Ancestry (2) is enabled only for Private Schools.

For other Residence Status values:

  • Country of Birth and Country of Citizenship cannot be set to Canada

  • Province of Birth is blank

  • Entry Date into Canada is enabled

  • If Residence Status is Refugee (7), "Did this student's family come to Canada as refugees" is automatically selected.

This field is mandatory for all school types except Private Elementary.


OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, EQAO Extracts

Did this student's family come to Canada as refugees?

Select if the student's family came to Canada as refugees.


  • If Residence Status is Refugee (7), is selected by default.

  • If the student status is changed from refugee to any other status, this flag value is not changed.

  • If the Country of Birth is set to Canada when selected, an error message will be displayed on submit.


Country Of Citizenship

Choose the student's country of citizenship.

Refer to Citizenship Codes in OCAS/OUAC file specification.


  • If Residence Status is a code other than Canadian Citizen (1) or Indigenous Ancestry (2), Canadian citizenship codes are inactive in the drop-down list.

  • If County of Birth is set to Canada or a Province of Birth is selected, only Canadian citizenship codes are enabled in the drop-down list.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Country Of Birth

Choose the student's country of birth.

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


Based on the country of birth selected, some fields in this section might be inactive and some field values might change.

When Country of Birth is Canada:

  • Province of Birth is enabled

  • Entry Date into Canada is inactive

  • Canadian citizenship codes are the only codes available for selection from the Country of Citizenship drop-down list.

  • "Did this student's family come to Canada as refugees?" should not be selected; otherwise, an error message is displayed on submit.

If Province of Birth is populated, this field auto-populates as Canada.


OnSIS Submissions, STIX

Province Of Birth

Choose the student's province of birth.

Refer to State Province Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


  • This field is enabled or inactive based on the values selected in Residence Status and/or Country of Birth.

  • When a Province is selected, Country of Birth auto-populates as Canada and only Canadian citizenship codes are enabled in the Country Of Citizenship drop-down list.


OnSIS Submissions

Date Of Entry Into Canada

Enter the year and month the student entered Canada.

Note: This field is enabled or inactive based on the values selected in Residence Status, Province of Birth, and/or Country of Birth.


OnSIS Submissons, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

DOB/Name Source Document

Choose the document used to verify the student's birth.

Refer to Source Document Codes in the Ministry OEN file specification.


New OEN Request

Previous Country

The student's previous country (if not Canada).

Previous Country is selected based on the student's Entry Code. This field is only applicable if the entry code is mapped to code "36 - Other Country". If enrolling a new student, choose the student's previous country. If the student is already enrolled, this field is read only.

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: Previous Country information is entered when the student is initially enrolled in the school. To edit the information, navigate to Transfer Info >[select entry date] > Edit Current or Edit Previous Enrollment.


OnSIS Submissions

Previous Province

The student's previous Province (if not Ontario).

Previous Province information is entered when the student is initially enrolled in the school, based on the student's Entry Code. To edit this information, navigate to Transfer Info >[select entry date] > Edit Current or Edit Previous Enrollment.

Note: This field is only applicable if the entry code is mapped to code "35 - Other Province".

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Country (Current Residence)

If the student does not live in Canada, choose the country in which the student currently resides.

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: If Country (Current Residence) is selected, Residence Status must be one of the following:

  • Not Applicable

  • Canadian Citizen


Province (Current Residence)

If the student lives in a province other than Ontario, choose the province in which the student currently resides.

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


  • This field is inactive if Country (Current Residence), above, is not Canada.

  • If this field is selected, Residence Status cannot be "Not Applicable".


Country Permanent

Choose the student's permanent country

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: If Province Permanent is populated, this field is inactive.


OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions

Province Permanent

Choose the student's permanent province.

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: If Country Permanent is populated, this field is inactive.


OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions

Destination Country

The student's destination Country if not Canada. This field is display only.


OnSIS Submissions

Destination Province

The student's destination province if not Ontario. This field is display only.


OnSIS Submissions

General Info: Graduation

(Note: This section is only displayed for secondary students)

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Diploma Certificate Type

Choose the type of diploma certificate the student received.

Refer to Diploma Certificate Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, Status Sheet, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, SHSM Student Data Report, Graduation Cohort Report

Diploma Certificate Requirements Met Date

Enter the date the student met the requirements for the diploma certificate.

The field is also calculated and updated by the Student Setup.

This field is mandatory if the Graduation School is selected. An error message is displayed, if it is left blank.


Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, Status Sheet, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, SHSM Student Data Report, Graduation Cohort Report

Exempt/Opted Out of Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Select this checkbox if the student is Expemt or Opted Out of Online Learning Graduation Requirement.

This flag needs to be unselected if the student opted back into the requirement

This field is available only for grade 8 - 12 students

This field cannot be selected if the student met the Online learning Graduation Requirement. 


Secondary Report card, Ontario Student Transcript, Ontario Status Sheet, OnSIS Secondary.

Student Met the Online Learning Graduation Requirement

Select this checkbox to indicate the student met the online learning Graduation Requirement outside of the board.


Secondary Report card, Ontario Student Transcript, Ontario Status Sheet, OnSIS Secondary.

Graduation School

if the graduation school is different than the school generating the transcript, choose the graduation school from the dialog box.

Select “Outside of Board” if the diploma is earned buy another school outside of board.

Only schools with a high grade greater than 11 are shown in the dialog box.


Ontario Student Transcript, Student Status Sheet, SHSM Record, OnSIS

Ontario Scholarship Approval Date

The date the Ontario scholarship was approved.


Status Sheet, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, OnSIS Submissions

Scholarship Approved By Other Board

Select if the scholarship is approved by another board.


OnSIS Secondary School Submission, OnSIS Night School Submission, OnSIS ECPP Submission:

Include In OCAS Transmission Flag

Selected (include) = 1

Not selected (Exclude) = 0


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OCAS Number


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Include in OUAC Transmission Flag

Selected (Include) = 1

Not selected (Exclude) = 0


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OUAC Number


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

General Info: Previous / Receiving School Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Previous School BSID

Enter the BSID of the student's previous school. The field is enabled only if the 'Force Use of School Search' preference is OFF.

This field is used to search for schools in the ministry reference file. Enter at least 2 characters of the school BSID, school name, or board acronym, then select the school from the list of matching schools displayed. Once selected the School Name and School Address are populated from the ministry saved reference table.

Field size is limited to 9 characters.


Ministry schools reference files are stored in s_ON_MINISTRYSCHOOLS_S.


The field is not currently used in any of the Ontario reports.

Previous School Name

Enter the full name of the student's previous school.

This field is disabled if the 'Force Use of School Search' flag in District Info is selected.


Office Index Card, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, International Languages Elementary)

Previous School Address (Full)

Enter the full address of the student's previous school.

This field is disabled if the 'Force Use of School Search' flag in District Info is selected.


Office Index Card

Receiving School BSID

Enter the BSID of the student's receiving school. The field is enabled only if the 'Force Use of School Search' preference is OFF.

This field is used to search for schools in the ministry reference file. Enter Enter at least 2 characters of the school BSID, school name, or board acronym, then select the school from the list of matching schools displayed. Once selected the School Name and School Address are populated from the ministry saved reference table.

Field size is limited to 9 characters.


Ministry schools reference files are stored in s_ON_MINISTRYSCHOOLS_S.


The field is not currently used in any of the Ontario reports.

Receiving School Name

Enter the full name of the student's receiving school.

This field is disabled if "Force Use of School Search" flag in District Info is selected.


Office Index Card

Receiving School Address (Full)

Enter the full address of the student's receiving school.

This field is disabled if "Force Use of School Search" flag in District Info is selected.


Office Index Card

General Info: Other

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Mature Student Flag

(displayed only for students in Grade 9 and higher)

Select if this is a mature student.


OnSIS Submissions

PLAR Attendance Type

Field is only visible if the Mature falg is selected.

It is used to determine the rationale behind granting a maximum of 14 Grade 11 and 12 credits through challenge and equivalency processes

Vakid values are:

'010 - College diploma', '020- University degree', and '030- Certificate of Apprenticeship and/or Qualification'.


OnSIS Submissions


(displayed only for students in Grade 9 and higher)

Enter the name of the student's counselor


Status Sheet

Years In Ontario Secondary School (displayed only for students in Grade 9 and higher)

Choose the number of years the student attended an Ontario secondary school.

Refer to Years in Ontario Secondary School in OCAS/OUAC file specification.

Only displayed for secondary students.


This field is also calculated by the Graduation Cohort Report.

OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, Graduation Cohort Report

Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 1)

Select if the student receives an alternate report card for Term 1.


OnSIS Submissions

Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 2)

Select if the student receives an alternate report card for Term 2.


OnSIS Submissions

Guardian Home Phone

Enter the home phone number of the student's guardian.


Office Index Card

STIX Guardian Relationship

Choose guardian's relationship to the student.



Ministry Identification Number

No longer used but must be reported if present.


New OEN Request, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OSAP Assistance

Select if the student is receiving OSAP assistance.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Custody Status

If applicable, enter any notes about the student's custody status.


Office Index Card

Health Card Number

Enter the student's healthcare number.


Office Index Card

Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board

If the student transferred in from another Ontario Board, enter the date student entered Grade 9.


Enrolment Fields Report, Graduation Cohort Report

Current Board?

Only displayed if Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board is defined.

Select if the defined date is associated with the current board.

Note: Typically, this is done only if the student's school enrolment history does not contain the initial Grade 9 enrolment record.


Graduation Cohort Report

Date Entered Grade 9 Outside of Ontario

Enter the date the student entered grade 9 if the student is transferred from another province or from outside of the country


Online Learning Graduation Requirement Calc

Transcript, Status sheet, OSSD Diploma Date Calculation.

Cohort Year

If the student's cohort is associated with the current board, enter the student's cohort year. Leave undefined if the student's cohort is associated with another board.


This field is also calculated by the Graduation Cohort Report.

Graduation Cohort Report, Student status Sheet.

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

Only displayed for students in grade 11 or 12.

Select if the student is in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program.


OnSIS Submissions

General Info: ECPP

Note: If a student changes ECPP facilities during the submission period (Sept 1-Aug 31), the student must be withdrawn from the previous facility and enrolled in the new ECPP facility.

Drop-down list selections for the ECPP Facility and designated school are listed by [school number (BSID)].

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Designated School

This is a list of opened public schools based on the student selected grade. Secondary public schools when student is in grade 9 or higher and Elementary public schools when the student is in grade 8 or lower. Schools listed must have Section 23 School and IsClosed Flags not selected.

Designated schools are listed by [school number(BSID)].



OnSIS ECPP School Submission

ECPP Facility

Select a ECPP Facility school.

The schools listed schools with Section 23 School Flag selected.



OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Residence Type

If applicable, choose residence type of the ECPP school in which the student resides.

Refer to Care Treatment Residence Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Exclude Weekends & Holidays

Select to exclude weekends and holidays from the calculation of the number of days the student resided in the facility,

This field is enabled only if the ECPP school's Program Type is 1 or 3 and Residence type is set to blank, 1, 3 or 4; otherwise, the checkbox is inactive and cannot be selected.

The school's Program Type is for the ECPP facility, if the facility is defined; otherwise it is for the school to which the enrolment belongs.


OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Number of Days Resided in Facility

Use this field to override the system-calculated number of days the student resided in a ECPP facility during this school enrolment

Valid values: 0 - 999

This field is enabled only if the ECPP school's Program Type is 1 or 3 and Residence type is set to blank, 1, 3 or 4; otherwise, the box is inactive.

The school's Program Type is for the ECPP facility, if the facility is defined; otherwise it is for the school to which the enrolment belongs.


OnSIS ECPP School Submission

General Info: Student's Full Time Status at Other Day School

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Full Time on October 31st

Note: Only set this field if you want to override the value calculated by the system for provincial reports.

Select if the student is or was at another school full time on October 31st.

Full Time on March 31st

Note: Only set this field if you want override the value calculated by the system for provincial reports.

Select if the student is or was at another school full time on March 31st.

Entering Community Hours Information

State/Province - ON > Community Hours Tab

Note: This tab appears only for secondary school students. Click NEW to add an entry, or click a completion date to edit an existing entry.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Date Completed


This value is used when checking for duplicate records.


Secondary Repot Card, OST, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Number Of Hours

Enter a value up to 999.


This value is used when checking for duplicate records.


Secondary Repot Card, OST, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Activity Description


This value is used when checking for duplicate records.



Enter the name of the location where the student worked the community hours.


Phone Number

Enter the phone number of the person to contact regarding the student's community hours.



Enter the name of the student's supervisor at the community hours location.


Entering EQAO Information

State/Province - ON > EQAO Tab / EQAO Gr 9 Math Tab / EQAO Gr 10 Lit Tab

The label on this tab, and whether it appears, depends on a student's grade level and schedule. If a student is in grade 3 or 6 the tab appears and is labeled "EQAO"'. If a student is taking an eligible grade 9 math class(whose Course number 1st character is 'M' , 4th character is '1' and 5th character is 'P, or 'D' or 'W') the tab appears and is labeled 'EQAO Grade 9 Math'. If the student is in grade 10 or higher the tab appears and is labeled 'EQAO Grade 10 Lit'. More than one tab may appear for a student (for example a grade 10 student taking an eligible grade 9 math class). Note that not all fields appear on all tabs. The Additional Information column indicates which tabs a field applies to.

Refer to the EQAO file specifications for the valid values for each such field.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

EQAO Exemption / Not Participating

Grade 10 Literacy

[S_ON_STU_X]OSSLT_NonParticpationStatus (note that spelling reflects actual database field name)

EQAO Submissions

Special Provisions Setting Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Special Provisions Setting Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Special Provisions Setting Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math


EQAO Submissions

Special Provisions Time

Grade 9 Math

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Special Provisions Breaks

Grade 9 Math

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Exemption Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Exemption Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Exemption Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Special Ed No Expectations Reading and Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Special Ed No Expectations Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Setting Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Setting Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Setting Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Prompts Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Prompts Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Prompts Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Sign Language Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Sign Language Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Sign Language Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Braille Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Braille Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Braille Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Large Print Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Large Print Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Large Print Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Coloured Paper Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Coloured Paper Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Coloured Paper Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation LP Coloured Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation LP Coloured Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation LP Coloured Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Audio Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Audio Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Audio Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Presentation Device Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Select a value:

  • No ( )

  • Other (1)

  • Read&Write for Google (2)

Grade 9 Math

Select a value:

  • No ( )

  • Other (1)

  • Read&Write for Google (2)


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Presentation Device Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Select a value:

  • No ( )

  • Other (1)

  • Read&Write for Google (2)

Grade 10 Literacy

Select a value

  • No ( )

  • Other (1)

  • Read&Write for Google (2)


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Presentation Device Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Select a value:

  • No ( )

  • Other (1)

  • Read&Write for Google (2)


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Response Scribing Reading

Grades 3&6

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Response Scribing Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Response Scribing Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Response Computer Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Response Computer Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Response Computer Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Response Audio Reading

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Response Audio Writing

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Response Audio Math

Grades 3&6 M/R/W


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Seating

Grade 9 Math

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Equipment

Grade 9 Math

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Time

Grade 9 Math

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Breaks

Grade 9 Math

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Reading

Grade 9 Math

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Audio Recording

Grade 9 Math

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Video Recording

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Double Time

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Other

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Accommodation Graphic text exemption

Grade 3 & 6 Reading

Grade 10 Literacy

Select only if the student has an IPRC indicating blind or low vision; otherwise, a warning message will be displayed under the field.


EQAO Submissions

Special Permission Temporary Condition/Injury

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Special Permission Moved/New Student

Grades 3&6 M/R/W

Grade 9 Math

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Special Permission Not Described In IEP

Grade 10 Literacy


EQAO Submissions

Entering SHSM Certifications

State/Province - ON > SHSM Certification Tab

Note: This tab appears only for secondary school students.

To add and edit records:

  • To add a certification allowing the user to select from certifications regardless of enrolment in a SHSM program, click NEW (All Certifications).

  • To add a certification allowing the user to select only certifications that apply to the SHSM programs in which the student is currently enrolled, click New (Certifications For Current Programs Only).

  • To edit an existing certification, click the Certification Type.

  • To view or edit a SHSM program enrolment, click the SHSM program name.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Certification Type

Choose a SHSM certification type.

Refer to SHSM Certification Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


SHSM Record

Certification Hours

Enter the number of SHSM certification hours.


SHSM Record

Date Completed

Enter the date the SHSM certification should be completed.


SHSM Record

Expiration Date

Enter the date the SHSM certification expires.


SHSM Record

Adding Independent Study Work Units

State/Province - ON, Independent Study Work Units Tab

This tab appears only for high school classes where the Independent Study flag ([S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class) is on. It allows users to update the number of work units completed for independent study classes which are used in the calculation of independent study ADE and high credit ADE for OnSIS. This information is stored in the [S_ON_CC_X] extended schema table.

Normally records in this table are created by the Run OnSIS Demographic Snapshot process. The records can also be created using the Edit Enrolment data entry page described in the All Enrollments section below. Records must exist in the table in order to be updated from the Work Units tab. A row is present for each class for which [S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class is true. To edit a value, click the Edit link beside the course.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

October Work Units

Select the number of work units completed as of the October count date.


OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

March Work Units

Select the number of work units completed as of the March count date.


OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

June Work Units

Select the number of work units completed as of the June count date.


OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

Adding Completed Work Units/Lessons

State/Province - ON > Completed Work Units/Lessons Tab

This tab appears only for students in grades 7 and higher. It allows users to enter marks indicating completion of individual work units (for independent study classes) and lessons (for correspondence/self-study/e-learning classes). These marks can also be entered using Lessons/Work Units in PowerTeacher.

A row is present for each enrolment for the student in an independent study (IS) or correspondence/self-study/e-learning (CE) class. Independent study classes are those for which [S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class is true. Independent study classes taken a day schools, summer schools, and night schools are included. Correspondence/self-study/e-learning classes are those for which ([S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type is one of: '2', '3', '16', '18', or '19'.

Only correspondence/self-study/e-learning classes taken at a school for which the Summer School flag ([Schools]IsSummerSchool), the Night School flag ([S_ON_SEC_X]IsNightSchool), or the Independent Study flag ([S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class) is on are included; day school CE classes are not included.

If the Previous Year Class flag ([S_ON_CC_X]Previous_Year_Class) is selected on the student's CC record or if the Previous Year Class flag ([S_ON_SEC_X]Previous_Year_Class) is selected on the section level, the Course Continued Flag is set to Y otherwise it is set to blank.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Lessons/Work Units Completed

If not entering marks for individual lessons/work units, enter the number of completed lessons/work units associated with the class enrolment.

Leave undefined or set to zero if the number of completed lessons/work units is to be determined from [S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C].

[S_ON_CC_X] NumberOfCompletedUnits

If defined, reports use this value rather than counting the number of [S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C] records for the class enrolment.

For IS classes this number may not exceed the lesser of 30 or the value of [S_ON_CRS/SEC_X]IS_WorkUnitsCompleteCrs.

For CE classes this number may not exceed the lesser of 20 or the value of [S_ON_CRS/SEC_X]ConEd_CompleteCrsLessons.

Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning), OnSIS Submissions

Edit Completed Work Units/Lessons

To enter marks for completed work units and lessons for a class, click the Enter date link for the class enrolment.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Work Unit / Lesson

The column header changes depending on the type of class: "Work Unit" for IS classes, "Lesson" for CE classes.

Display only.


For IS classes, the number of displayed work units runs from 1 to [S_ON_SEC_X]IS_WorkUnitsCompleteCrs.

For CE classes, the number of displayed lessons runs from 1 to [S_ON_SEC_X]ConEd_CompleteCrsLessons.

Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning), OnSIS Submissions


Enter the mark achieved upon completion of the work unit/lesson.

If a student has more than one enrolment in a class, the mark can be edited only in the enrolment for which the mark was originally posted. If the Mark field for a work unit/lesson is display only, that indicates the mark is associated with another enrolment in the class and must be edited there.


Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning), OnSIS Submissions

Date Marked

Enter the date the lesson/work unit was marked.

If not entered, the lesson is deemed marked on the last day the student is enrolled in the class.


Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/e-Learning), OnSIS Submissions

Entering Student Literacy/Numeracy Parents

State/Province - ON, Literacy/Numeracy Parents Tab, New/Edit Literacy/Numeracy Parents

This tab enables users to add and edit student Literacy/Numeracy Parents, indicate whether the literacy/Numeracy Parent is also a guardian, and select a primary or secondary contact for the student.

To create a new Literacy/Numeracy Parents, click the New Literacy/Numeracy Parents button.

In “New” mode the page contains a Submit button which creates a [S_Contact_C] record with an ID; however, the Literacy/Numeracy Parent added is not associated with the student until a [S_Contact_Relationship_C] record is created, using the Add Literacy/Numeracy Parents Relationship button (see the Literacy/Numeracy Parents Tab > Add/Edit Literacy/Numeracy Parents Relationship section for details).

To edit a Literacy/Numeracy Parent, click the Literacy/Numeracy Parent name in the row.

In “Edit” mode the page also contains a Delete button, which removes the [S_Contact_C] record for the currently identified parent, and a Submit button which updates the [S_Contact_C] record after edits are made.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Last Name

The Literacy/Numeracy Parent’s last name.



Continuing Education Register (Literacy and Numeracy), STIX

First Name

The Literacy/Numeracy Parent’s first name



Continuing Education Register (Literacy and Numeracy), STIX

Middle Name

The Literacy/Numeracy Parent’s middle name.


Continuing Education Register (Literacy and Numeracy), STIX

Home Phone

The Literacy/Numeracy Parent’s home phone.



Work Phone

The Literacy/Numeracy Parent’s work phone.



Cell Phone

The Literacy/Numeracy Parent’s cell phone.



Adding Literacy/Numeracy Parent Relationship

State/Province - ON > Literacy/Numeracy Parent Tab > Add/Edit Literacy/Numeracy Parent Relationship

To associate a Literacy/Numeracy Parent with the student, click the Add New Literacy/Numeracy Parent Relationship button and complete the fields.

In “Add” mode the page contains a Submit button which creates a [S_Contact_Relationship_C] record and associates the selected Literacy/Numeracy Parent with the student. The Literacy/Numeracy Parents Tab displays a row for each parent associated with the current student, but only after the [S_Contact_Relationship_C] record is created.

In “Edit” mode the page contains a Delete button, which removes the [S_Contact_Relationship_C] record for the currently identified Literacy/Numeracy Parent, and a Submit button, which updates the [S_Contact_Relationship_C] record after edits are made.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Literacy/Numeracy Parent

Enter Literacy/Numeracy Parent name in the form Last, First.

As data is entered, a list of Literacy/Numeracy Parents matching the entered data appears and can be selected.

The Literacy/Numeracy Parents in this list were entered using the New Literacy/Numeracy Parents page, which is accessed via the New Literacy/Numeracy Parent button.

A concatenation of last, first, and middle names from the associated [S_Contacts_S] record.

Continuing Education Register (Literacy and Numeracy), STIX


Select the Literacy/Numeracy Parent's relationship with the student.




Literacy & Numeracy Parent Guardian

Indicates whether this Literacy/Numeracy Parent is a parent or guardian.


Continuing Education Register (Literacy and Numeracy), OnSIS Submissions (Night, Summer), STIX

Primary Contact

Indicates whether this is the students primary contact. The student can have only one primary contact.

Note: The primary contact must be the student’s parent or legal guardian.



Secondary Contact

Indicates whether this is the student’s secondary contact.

Note: The student can have multiple secondary contacts; however, only one secondary contact is extracted for STIX.



Defining OnSIS Snapshot Information

State/Province - ON > OnSIS Snapshot Tab

This tab appears only for users with modify access. This tab allows creation, update, and deletion of records. A note at the bottom of the page will indicate when the record was created/updated and by whom. Records are created by the Run OnSIS Demographic Snapshot process.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

OnSIS Reporting Date

The count date from the drop-down list for which you wish to modify the snapshot fields for the student. If no data exists for the student on this date, a new snapshot record will be added when data is entered and submitted.


OnSIS Submissions

Grade Level

Entries are based on the low and high grades associated with the student's current school.


OnSIS Submissions

Previous Country

Choose the student's previous country (if not Canada) as of the count date selected.

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Previous Province

Choose the student's previous province (if not Ontario) as of the count date selected.

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Language Type Previous School

Choose the language type of the student's previous school as of the count date selected.

Refer to Language Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Postal Code

The student's postal code as of the count date selected.


OnSIS Submissions

Board Residence Status

The student's board residence status as if the count date selected

Refer to Student Board Residence Status Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Residence Status

The student's Residence status as of the count date selected..

Refer to Residence Status Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program

Select if the student is an OYAP student on the count date selected


OnSIS Submissions

Country ( Current Residence)

If the student does not live in Canada on the count date, choose the country in which the student currently resides.


OnSIS Submissions

Province ( Current Residence)

If the student does not live in Ontario on the count date, choose the province in which the student currently resides.


OnSIS Submissions


The student's gender. This field is mandatory. Active values as of the count date are displayed.

When the Prefer to Specify (S) option or the Other (O) option is chosen, another mandatory field appears:

  • When Prefer to Specify (S) is chosen, a field is displayed where more details must be entered about the student's gender. This field has a limit of 50 characters.

  • When Other (O) is chosen, a single selection list appears that displays only active values as of today. Exclude from state reporting values are not included.

Refer to District Setup > Code Sets > Gender for details on how to set up new genders.



OnSIS Submissions

Online Graduation Requirement

Select the applicable online graduation requirement.


OnSIS Submissions

Student Mature flag

Select if the student’s age on August 31st of the current school year is 18 or over.

When OnSIS Demographic Snapshot report is run on the count date, the value is copied from the student’s record

When the report is run/rerun after the count date, the flag is only copied if the student is 18 or over on Aug 31 of the current school year.


\OnSIS Submissions

Defining Early Years Experience Information

State/Province - ON > Years Experiences tab

Note: If your district does not use the Early Years Experience (EYE) survey, this tab is not available.

  • The Early Years Experiences survey is intended for Elementary Schools only. The questions on this page are about the student’s participation in child care and activities in the community from birth until today. PowerSchool enables you to fill out the EYE Survey for any student, even high-school seniors, so exercise care when choosing your student. You will always want to survey only those JK or K students who did not previously enroll in an Ontario school.

  • The answers provided will be shared within the school to help educators and principals support the child’s transition to full-day kindergarten. The information will also be shared with the Ministry of Education, School Board and child care system planners in the child's community. The information will help them to plan, coordinate and improve the programs and services for families and young children in the community.

  • The information on this page can be entered once for the student's lifetime.

  • None of the questions are mandatory, parents have the option to skip questions or parts of questions.

  • Begin filling in EYE surveys when you start enrolling existing and new students for the 2018-2019 school year.

  • The Ministry has provided a list of licensed Child Care Centres, which can be selected from a drop-down list in the 2nd question. This list is updated monthly and can be downloaded from the Ministry website. See Appendix K - EYE Licensed Child Care Facilities Import for instructions.

IMPORTANT: Before you download and import the list into PowerSchool, refer to Appendix K - EYE Licensed Child Care Facilities Import.

  • Beginning in October 2018, EYE is part of the OnSIS collection/transmission. Each October, OnSIS will transmit students who have their EYE information identified as being completed for that school year (based on the answer to the School Year Survey Completed prompt).

Data Entry Validations

  • Question 1: If Licensed Child Care Centre or Licensed Home-Based Child Care Agency (004 or 005) is selected for a specific age group, then the name of the care center (question 2) is mandatory for the same age group before the page can be submitted.

  • Question 2: If the child care center name is entered or selected for a specific age group, at least one Licensed Child Care Centre or Licensed Home-Based Child Care Agency (004 or 005) must be selected in question 1 for the same age group before the page can be submitted.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

School Year Survey Completed

Select the school year the student enrolled in the school.

Example: Whether this form is filled in November 2017 or March 2018, if you're enrolling students whose first classes with you will be the following fall, choose School Year 2018-2019.


  1. For each age period, what was the MAIN type(s) of child care for the child you are registering for kindergarten?

The age periods below match with the child care policies of the Ministry of Education. The age periods may not match exactly to your child's experience or transitions between different types of care. Please select all the type(s) of care that you and your child used for each age period.

If your child was cared for by a parent/guardian and did NOT participate in child care on a regular basis, please select Parent/Guardian Care - Full-Time.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Parent/Guardian Care

If the care provided was by a parent or guardian then, for the applicable age period, select an option to indicate whether care was full-time or part-time.

Full-time - More than 24 hours per week

Part-time - 24 hours or less per week






Unpaid Care (e.g. Relative or Friend)

If the care provided was unpaid (such as by a friend, relatives, or anyone other than the parent/guardian) then, for the applicable age period, select an option to indicate whether care was full-time or part-time.

Full-time - More than 24 hours per week

Part-time - 24 hours or less per week






Paid Care (e.g. Friend, Nanny or Unlicensed Home Child Care)

If the care provided provided by friends, relatives, nannies, or home child care providers who charge a fee to provide care in a child’s home or in the provider’s home then, for the applicable age period, select an option to indicate whether care was full-time or part-time.

Full-time - More than 24 hours per week

Part-time - 24 hours or less per week






Licensed Home Child Care

If the care provided was licensed home child care then, for the applicable age period, select an option to indicate whether care was full-time or part-time.

Full-time - More than 24 hours per week

Part-time - 24 hours or less per week






Licensed Child Care Centre

If the care provided was in a licensed child care centre then, for the applicable age period, select an option to indicate whether care was full-time or part-time.

Full-time - More than 24 hours per week

Part-time - 24 hours or less per week






Don't remember/Prefer not to answer

Select this option if the survey participant cannot remember or prefers not to answer this question.



Question 2: If the child you are registering for school participated in licensed child care in a centre or home, please list the name(s) of your licensed child care centre or licensed home child care agency, for each age period. If your child was in parent/guardian care full-time or participated in care with friend, relative, nanny, do not include the name below, please select the checkbox in the Not Applicable column.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Not Applicable

If the care provided was not in a licensed child care centre or licensed home child care agency, select this option for the applicable age period. The Search and Other fields become inactive.




If the care provided was in a licensed child care centre or licensed home child care agency, enter the name of the centre or agency in the Search field for the age period. You can also search by city. The child care centre/ageny name and address are populated. If the centre/agency is not in the menu, see the the Description for "Other", below.

Note: In order to help identify licensed child care centres with similar information, the following fields were added in the smart search results:

  • Program Option: This indicates the program option offered by the child care (ex: Full Time, After School, Before School...etc.)

  • Closure or Termination date (MMM-DD-YY): This indicates the child care centre is permanently closed. NA will be displayed if child care centre does not have a closure date.




If the child care centre or agency is not in the menu that appears for the Search field, click the checkbox to the right of the Search field and enter the information in the fields that appear.





Select 3 factors by using Ctrl + click each factor name, and then click Add Selection.




Question 4: Have you heard about child and family centres in your community?

Select Yes or No.


Question 3: Consider all the types of care that the child who you are registering for school used over the last few years. What 3 MAIN factors did you consider when choosing care for your child?

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Select 3 factors by using Ctrl + click each factor name, and then click Add Selection.




Question 4: Have you heard about child and family centres in your community?

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Select Yes or No.


Question 5: At each age, how often did the child who you are registering for school participate in an Ontario Early Years Child & Family Centre? These centres are also known as Ontario Early Years Centres, Better Beginnings Better Futures, Child Care Resource Centres, Parent & Family Literacy Centres, and Best Start Hubs. Please select one answer per row.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Once or More Per Week

If the child participated in an Ontario Early Years Child & Family Centre once or more per week, select this option for the applicable age period.



One to Three Times a Month

If the child participated in an Ontario Early Years Child & Family Centre one to three times per month, select this option for the applicable age period.



Several Times a Year

If the child participated in an Ontario Early Years Child & Family Centre several times a year, select this option for the applicable age period.



Once per Year

If the child participated in an Ontario Early Years Child & Family Centre per year, select this option for the applicable age period.



Did Not Participate

If the child did not participate in an Ontario Early Years Child & Family Centre, select this option for the applicable age period.



Prefer not to answer

Select this option if the survey participant prefers not to answer this question.



Question 6: At each age, how often did the child who you are registering for school participate in other activities in your community? Other programs include: paid or free activities at libraries, community centres, religious organizations, cultural centres, registered children's recreation programs, (e.g. sports, dance, music and gymnastics). Please select one answer per row.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Once or More Per Week

If the child participated in other activities in the community once or more per week, select this option for the applicable age period.



One to Three Times a Month

If the child participated in other activities in the community one to three times a month, select this option for the applicable age period.



Several Times a Year

If the child participated in other activities in the community several times a year, select this option for the applicable age period.



Once Per Year

If the child participated in other activities in the community once per year, select this option for the applicable age period.



Did Not Particpate

If the child did not participate in other activities in the community, select this option for the applicable age period.



Prefer not to answer

Select this option if the survey participant prefers not to answer this question.



Question 7: Consider all the activities in the community that the child you are registering for school participated in over the last few years. What 3 MAIN factors did you consider when you chose Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centre programs or other activities in your community

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Select 3 factors by using Ctrl + click each factor name, and then click Add Selection.




Entering French Card Information

State/Province - ON > French Card Tab

This tab is available for elementary schools and can be accessed from District Office. Existing records can be viewed and updated from the district but It is not recommended to add new French card records to students from District. French card records should be added/generated by the school the student attended.

Use the French Card page to capture information about the student's accumulated instruction in French as a second language that occurred elsewhere so that this information can be included in the Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language report. Also through this page, you can review and edit report-generated records for the student.

If you do not want a report-generated to be printed on the report, you can either delete the record or set the hours to zero on the record. The report only prints zero hours French Exempt records.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

School Year

Choose the school year of this French Card record.

Year range is allowed (ex:2016-2018)



Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French


Enter the name of the school board in which the student was enrolled during the school year.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French


Enter the first few letters of of the school in which the student was enrolled during the school year.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French


Enter the student's grade level during the school year.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French

Language Program Type

Choose the student's French language instruction program type:

  • C - Core

  • E - Extended

  • I - Immersion

  • N - Intensive Core

  • X - French Exempt



Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French

Entry Date

Enter the date the student entered the French program.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French

Exit Date

Enter the date the student exited the French program.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French


Enter the subjects the student took as part of the French language program or any additional comments.

If the Language Program Type is set to French Exempt (X), this field is not required.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French

Total Hours

Enter the total number of hours of French instruction the student received.

  • If the Language Program Type is set to French Exempt (X), this field defaults to 0.0.

  • For report generated records, setting this field to zero will prevent the record from displaying on the report.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French

Editing Historical Grades

Historical Grades > [select grade]

Historical Grade > Single New Entry

Note: The Import Other Data special function allows historical grades data to be imported using delimited ASCII files.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Course Number

On some reports this value is used only if the alternate school number (ministry course code) is undefined.


Independent Study Register, Continuing Education Registers, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions



Secondary Report Card, OST, Status Sheet, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions


If Grade is set to "EQV" or "ALT", Percent should be set to 0.


Secondary Report Card, OST, Status Sheet, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Earned Credit Hours

The Earned Credit Hours value must be zero if the Disclosure Mark Flag is set to T.


Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Potential Credit Hours

When manually entering or importing historical grades records:

  • For credit courses, if the record contains a final mark, enter the Credit_Hours value for the associated course, otherwise enter "0".

  • For non-credit courses, enter "0".


Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Credit Type

Enter only to override the credit type for the associated course. Used to effect credit substitution for determining graduation requirements.


Secondary Report Card, OST, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Teacher Comment


Secondary Report Card

Ontario Provincial Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

BSID # Course Completed At

Enter the number of the BSID where the course was completed.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

PLAR Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports


Choose the PLAR type.

Refer to PLAR Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

If an entry has expired based on the current term (when adding a grade) or the term of the grade being edited, the description contains the expiration date. If the entry is not yet valid based on the current term (when adding a grade) or the term of grade being edited, the description contains the date the entry becomes valid.


Secondary Report Card, OST, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Status Type

Choose the PLAR status type.

Refer to PLAR Status Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

OCAS/OUAC Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Transcript Credit Adjustment Flag

T or F


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Delivery Type

Choose the delivery type.

Refer to Course Delivery Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Exclude From OCAS/OUAC

T or F


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions


Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Special Circumstances Note Flag

T or F


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Interdisciplinary Studies Note Flag

T or F


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

French Note Flag

T or F


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Co-op Note Flag

T or F


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

SHSM Note Flag

T or F


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Private School Credit Note Flag

T or F


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Modified Curriculum Note Flag

T or F


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Alternative Expectations Note Flag

T or F


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Team Taught Dual Credit Note Flag

T or F


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Disclosure Mark Flag

Select if this is a a full disclosure mark.

Note: If the Disclosure Mark Flag is selected, the Earned Credit Hours value cannot be greater than zero.


Secondary Report Card, OST, Status Sheet

Calculate Repeats on Course Number Flag


Select to indicate a course as a repeat course.


Other Credit Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

OnSIS Credit Type

Refer to Credit Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: Select Other(1) for Dual Credit (4T/4Y)Courses. Those courses cannot be team taught.


OnSIS Submissions

Date Completed

Enter the date credit is awarded.


Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Diploma Category

Select the diploma category to which credit from the course should be assigned.

If not specified, the system uses the logic described in Appendix J to assign the credit to a diploma category.

Appears only on the Edit Historical Grade page.


The field stores a number between 01 and 99, corresponding to the diploma categories as shown on the Student Status Sheet:

  • 01 - English 9

  • 02 - English 10

  • 03 - English 11

  • 04 - English 12

  • 05 - French As A Second Language

  • 06 - Senior Math

  • 07 - Other Math

  • 08 - Science

  • 09 - Canadian History

  • 10 - Canadian Geography

  • 11 - Arts

  • 12 - Physical And Health Education

  • 13 - Civics

  • 14 - Career 1

  • 15 - Group 1

  • 16 - Group 2

  • 17 - Group 3

  • 99 - Optional

Only categories associated with the course can be specified.

Secondary Report Card, Student Status Sheet, OST, OnSIS Secondary, OnSIS Summer, OnSIS Night, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions


Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Other Course Information

Credit Recovery (1)

Ministry Developed Content (2)

Upgrading Credit Course (3)


Credit Recovery: Indicates whether the student took the course for credit recovery.

Ministry Developed Content: Indicates whether the course contained content developed by the ministry.

Upgrading Credit Course: Indicates whether the student took the course in the summer to upgrade.

Online Indicates whether the student took the course Online.

If the student took the course for credit recovery and the content was ministry developed, select both.





Marking Academic Records

Historical Grades, Multiple New Entries, Academic Record

This page allows marks for up to 6 store codes to be entered for each of up to 8 courses. The Historical Grades custom fields described under Ontario Provincial Information in the previous section can also be entered on this page. Except for the BSID number, separate values can be entered for each store code for a course. The BSID number entered applies to all store codes for the course.

Entering Standard Grades Information

Standard Grades

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

The individual fields in this section will be defined in a later documentation release.

The individual fields in this section will be defined in a later documentation release.

Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Entering Test Results

Test Results

Select a test from the drop-down list to add scores for a new test, or click a test code to edit scores for an existing test.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports


Select either OSSLT-E or OSSLT-F.


Secondary Report Card, OST, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Submissions


Use the row labeled “Outcome”


Secondary Report Card, OST, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Submissions


Enter OSSLT result.


1 - Successful

6 - Exempt

10 - Withheld

A - Adjudication

OLC - Completed OLC course

CCL - Completed CCL course

Refer to Appendix F for additional information on the reporting of the OSSLT results.

These are the values that are used for reporting, any other values will not be reported to OnSIS or printed on any report.


Secondary Report Card, OST, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Submissions

Creating Log Entries

Log Entries

Click NEW to add a new log entry, or click a date to edit an existing log entry.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Log Type

Select “OSR Request”


Office Index Card


Choose one of the following subtypes.

  • RCVD OSR Received Date

  • RQST OSR Request Date

  • SENT OSR Sent Date


Office Index Card

Entry Date

The date of the log entry.


Office Index Card

Verifying Information Across Enrolments

All Enrollments > Edit

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Enroll Date


Enrolment Report, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, Continuing Education Registers,

Exit Date


Enrolment Report, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, Continuing Education Registers,

Ontario Provincial Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Instruction Mode

Select the student's Instruction Mode. Set on the student's grade 9 Math record, if the student has a value that is different than his section/school.

Valid Values:

  • (01) FT In-person learning

  • (02) FT remote learning

  • (03) Combination of in-person and remote learning


EQAO Grade 9 Math Extract


Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Special Circumstances Note Flag

Only used if not set in historical grade.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Interdisciplinary Studies Note Flag

Only used if not set in historical grade.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

French Note Flag

Only used if not set in historical grade.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Co-op Note Flag

Only used if not set in historical grade.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

SHSM Note Flag

Only used if not set in historical grade.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Private School Credit Note Flag

Only used if not set in historical grade.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Modified Curriculum Note Flag

Only used if not set in historical grade.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Alternative Expectations Note Flag

Only used if not set in historical grade.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Team Taught Dual Credit Note Flag

Only used if not set in historical grade.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Transcript Credit Adjustment Flag (OCAS/OUAC Only)

Only used if not set in historical grade.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Previous Year Class Flag

Only used if not set in the associated Sections record.


OnSIS Submissions (Secondary, Night)

Literacy And Numeracy Parent/Guardian

(Only appears when Course_Offering = 15. Only used for parent/guardian literacy and numeracy classes)

The drop-down list contains records from the ON_LNPG_Contacts view, as described in Appendix I - Common Functions and Views.


([S_ON_SEC_X]Course_Offering = '15').

Continuing Education Registers (Literacy and Numeracy), OnSIS submissions (Night, Summer)

Independent Study and e-learning

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Independent Study Class Flag

The setting of this flag overrides the setting of the Independent Study Class Flag on the Sections page.


OnSIS Submissions

October Work Units

(appears only when the Independent Study Class Flag is selected above or is selected on the Sections page)

Select the number of work units completed as of the October count date.


OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

March Work Units

(appears only when the Independent Study Class Flag is selected above or is selected on the Sections page)

Select the number of work units completed as of the March count date.


OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

June Work Units

(appears only when the Independent Study Class Flag is selected above or is selected on the Sections page)

Select the number of work units completed as of the June count date.


OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

Enrolling Student in a Class at Another School

Functions, Enroll In A Class At Another School

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Exit Date

The student’s current enrolment exit date (if applicable)



Enrolment Report, OST, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions, Student Transfer Report, SHSM Student Data Report

Exit Code

If applicate, choose the student's exit code.



Enrolment Report, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions, Student Transfer Report

Entry Date

The student’s current enrolment entry date.



Enrolment Report, OST, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, SHSM Student Data Report

Entry Code

Choose the student's entry code.



Enrolment Report, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions

Full Time Equivalency (Note: a number of boards have renamed this “Admission Status”)

Used by attendance conversion calculations to determine AM and PM attendance.

This is not the student’s FTE value.


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Cards, Yearly Attendance Card, OnSIS Submissions

Grade Level

Choose the student's grade level.



Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Transmissions, SHSM Student Data Report, Accumulated Instruction in French

Ontario Provincial Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Language Type Previous School

Choose the language type of the student's previous school.

Refer to Language Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Regular FTE

Enter only to override system calculation based on student schedule.


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions

High Credit FTE

Enter High Credit FTE only to override system calculation based on student schedule.


OnSIS Submissions

Attendance Type

Choose the attendance type.

Enter only to override system calculation based on student schedule.

Refer to Attendance Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Select "Excluded (EX)" to exclude the student enrolment from provincial reporting.



Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions

If "EX" is selected, the student enrolment is excluded from all provincial reports, except imports, as described in the report description section of each individual report.

Not Main School Flag

Select if the student has concurrent primary enrolments in more than one PowerSchool database and this school does not hold the student’s OSR.



OnSIS Submissions

Local School Program Flag

Indicates whether the student is enrolled in local school program.

T or F

Note: As of 2019-2020, this information is no longer required by OnSIS. Field has been removed from UI.



OnSIS Submissions

Grade Designation Type

Choose the grade designation type.

Refer to Grade Designation Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Board Residence Status

(Only appears for secondary schools.)

If this is a secondary student, choose the board residence status.

Refer to Student Board Residence Status Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



Enrolment Report, Enrolment Fields Report, OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

JK/K Timetable Type

(Only appears for elementary schools.)

If this is an elementary student, choose the Junior Kindergarten or Kindergarten Timetable type.

Refer to JK Timetable Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Extended Day Program Type

(Only appears for elementary schools.)

If this is an elementary student, choose the type of extended day program.

Refer to Extended Day Program Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Other Halftime Description

(Only appears for elementary schools.)

If applicable for the elementary student, enter a description of other halftime.



OnSiS Submissions

Other Pupil Paid By

Applies only to students who are not pupils of the board (Board residence status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09)'.



Enrolment Report

Residence Status

This is the student's residency status. This field is display only.

The value in this field can be changed on the State/Province - ON > General Info page.



OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, EQAO Extracts

Previous Country

The student's previous country (if not Canada).

Previous Country is selected based on the student's Entry Code. This field is only applicable if the entry code is mapped to code "36 - Other Country".

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: This field is also available on the following pages:

  • State/Province - ON > General Info

  • Special Functions > Enroll New Student

  • Functions > Enroll New Student Living in the Same Household > Enroll New Student



OnSIS Submissions

Previous Province

The student's previous province (if not Ontario).

Previous Province is selected based on the student's Entry Code. This field is only applicable if the entry code is mapped to code "35 - Other Province".

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: This field is also available on the following pages:

  • State/Province - ON > General Info

  • Special Functions > Enroll New Student

  • Functions > Enroll New Student Living in the Same Household > Enroll New Student



OnSIS Submissions

Country (Current Residence)

If the student does not live in Canada, choose the country in which the student currently resides.

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: If Country (Current Residence) is selected, Residence Status must be one of the following:

  • Not Applicable·

  • Canadian Citizen


Province (Current Residence)

If the student lives in a province other than Ontario, choose the province in which the student currently resides.

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


  • This field is inactive if Country (Current Residence), above, is not Canada.

  • If this field is selected, Residence Status cannot be “Not Applicable”


Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 1)

Select if student uses alternate report card in term 1.



OnSIS Submissions

Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 2)

Select if student uses alternate report card in term 2.


OnSIS Submissions

School BSID

Enter the BSID of the student's previous school.

This field is used to search for school in the ministry reference file. Enter part of the school BSID, school name or board acronym, then select the school from the list of matching schools displayed. Once selected the School Name and School Address are populated from the ministry saved reference table.

Field size is limited to 9 characters.



Ministry schools reference files are stored in s_ON_MINISTRYSCHOOLS_S.


Field is not currently used in any of the Onatrio reports.

Previous School Name

Enter the name of the student's previous school.

This field is disabled if “Force Use of School Search” flag in District Info is selected.



Office Index Card, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School)

Previous School Address

Enter the student's previous school address.

This field is disabled if “Force Use of School Search” flag in District Info is selected.

The Postal code displayed in the school address for public and private schools (not for private overseas schools) is formatted as: XXX XXX - Example: M4N 3N1



Office Index Card

Note: If a student changes ECPP facilities during the submission period (Sept 1-Aug 31), the student must be withdrawn from the previous facility and enrolled in the new ECPP facility

Drop-down list selections for the ECPP Facility and Designated School fields are listed by [school number(BSID)].

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Designated School

This is a list of opened public schools based on the student selected grade. Secondary public schools when student is in grade 9 or higher and Elementary public schools when the student is in grade 8 or lower. Schools listed must have Section 23 School and IsClosed Flags not selected.

Designated schools are listed by [school number(BSID)].



OnSIS ECPP School Submission

ECPP Facility

Select a ECPP facility.

The schools listed schools with Section 23 School Flag selected.



OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Residence Type

If applicable, choose residence type of the ECPP School in which the student resides.

Refer to Care Treatment Residence Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Exclude Weekends & Holidays

Select to exclude weekends and holidays from the calculation of the number of days the student resided in the facility,

This field is enabled only if the ECPP school's Program Type is 1 or 3 and Residence type is set to blank, 1, 3 or 4; otherwise, the checkbox is inactive and cannot be selected.

The school's Program Type is for the ECPP facility, if the facility is defined; otherwise it is for the school to which the enrolment belongs.


OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Transfer Student Out

Functions, Transfer Out of School

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Date of transfer

The student’s Transfer out of school date

This should be the day after the
student's last day in class



Enrolment Report, OST, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions, Student Transfer Report, SHSM Student Data Report

Exit Code

Choose the student's exit code.



Enrolment Report, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions, Student Transfer Report

Ontario Provincial Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Destination Country

The destination Country must be selected based on the student's Transfer/Retirement Code. This field is only applicable if the students' Exit Code is mapped to "68-Retired - Moved outside of Ontario".

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


  • This value cannot be Canada.

  • If Exit Code is 68 (Retired - Moved Outside of Ontario), only ONE of the destination fields - Destination Country OR Destination Province - can be populated.

  • If Destination Province is populated, this field is inactive.

  • Destination Country information is entered when the student is departing the school.



OnSIS Submissions

Destination Province

Destination Province must be selected based on the student's Transfer/Retirement Code. This field is only applicable if the students' Exit Code is mapped to "68-Retired - Moved outside of Ontario".

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


  • This field cannot be Ontario.

  • If Exit Code is 68 (Retired - Moved Outside of Ontario), only one of the destination fields - Destination Country OR Destination Province - can be populated.

  • If Destination Country is populated, this field is inactive.

  • Destination Province information is entered when the student is departing the school.



OnSIS Submissions

School BSID

This field is used to search for school in the ministry reference file. Enter part of the school BSID, school name or board acronym, then select the school from the list of matching schools displayed. Once selected the School Name and Address Language Type are populated from the ministry saved reference table.

Field size is limited to 9 characters.



Ministry schools reference files are stored in s_ON_MINISTRYSCHOOLS_S.


Field is not currently used in any of the Onatrio reports.

Receiving School Name

The full name of the student's receiving school.

This field is disabled if the Force Use of School Search flag in District Info is selected.


The page is not submitted if the Receiving School Name is not defined, and it is mandatory for the selected Exit code.

Refer to District Setup, Exit codes for details on how to make this field mandatory for specific exit codes.



Office Index Card

Receiving School Address(Full)

The full address of the student's receiving school.

This field is disabled if “Force Use of School Search” flag in District Info is selected.

The Postal code displayed in the school address for public and private schools (not for private overseas schools) is formatted as: XXX XXX - Example: M4N 3N1



Office Index Card

Re-Enroll Student

Functions > Re-Enroll in School

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Date of re-enrollment

The student’s current Reenrolment entry date.



Enrolment Report, OST, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, SHSM Student Data Report

Entry Code

Choose the student's entry code.



Enrolment Report, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions

Ontario Provincial Information


Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Regular FTE

Enter only to override system calculation based on student schedule.


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions

High Credit FTE

Enter High Credit FTE only to override system calculation based on student schedule.


OnSIS Submissions

Attendance Type

Choose the attendance type.

Enter only to override system calculation based on student schedule.

Refer to Attendance Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Select "Excluded (EX)" to exclude the student enrolment from provincial reporting.



Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions

If "EX" is selected, the student enrolment is excluded from all provincial reports, except imports, as described in the report description section of each individual report.

Not Main School Flag

Select if the student has concurrent primary enrolments in more than one PowerSchool database and this school does not hold the student’s OSR.



OnSIS Submissions

Grade Designation Type

Choose the grade designation type.

Refer to Grade Designation Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Board Residence Status

(Only appears for secondary schools.)

If this is a secondary student, choose the board residence status.

Refer to Student Board Residence Status Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



Enrolment Report, Enrolment Fields Report, OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

Other Pupil Paid By

Applies only to students who are not pupils of the board (Board residence status = 02, 03, 05, 07 or 09)'.



Enrolment Report


Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Residence Status

This is the student's residency status. This field is display only.

The value in this field can be changed on the State/Province - ON > General Info page.



OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, EQAO Extracts

Previous Country

The student's previous country (if not Canada).

Previous Country is selected based on the student's Entry Code. This field is only applicable if the entry code is mapped to code "36 - Other Country".

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: This field is also available on the following pages:

  • State/Province - ON > General Info

  • Special Functions > Enroll New Student

  • Functions > Enroll New Student Living in the Same Household > Enroll New Student



OnSIS Submissions

Previous Province

The student's previous province (if not Ontario).

Previous Province is selected based on the student's Entry Code. This field is only applicable if the entry code is mapped to code "35 - Other Province".

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: This field is also available on the following pages:

  • State/Province - ON > General Info

  • Special Functions > Enroll New Student

  • Functions > Enroll New Student Living in the Same Household > Enroll New Student



OnSIS Submissions

Country (Current Residence)

If the student does not live in Canada, choose the country in which the student currently resides.

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: If Country (Current Residence) is selected, Residence Status must be one of the following:

  • Not Applicable·

  • Canadian Citizen


Province (Current Residence)

If the student lives in a province other than Ontario, choose the province in which the student currently resides.

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


  • This field is inactive if Country (Current Residence), above, is not Canada.

  • If this field is selected, Residence Status cannot be “Not Applicable”


Previous School Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

School BSID

Enter the BSID of the student's previous school.

This field is used to search for school in the ministry reference file. Enter part of the school BSID, school name or board acronym, then select the school from the list of matching schools displayed. Once selected the School Name, School Address and Language Type are populated from the ministry saved reference table.

Field size is limited to 9 characters.



Ministry schools reference files are stored in s_ON_MINISTRYSCHOOLS_S.


Field is not currently used in any of the Onatrio reports.

Previous School Name

Enter the name of the student's previous school.

This field is disabled if “Force Use of School Search” flag in District Info is selected.

The page will not be submitted if the Recievening School Name is not defined and is Mandatory for the selected Exit code.

Refer to District Setup > Exit codes for details on how to make this field mandatory for specific exit codes.



Office Index Card, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School)

Previous School Address

Enter the student's previous school address.

This field is disabled if “Force Use of School Search” flag in District Info is selected.

The Postal code displayed in the school address for public and private schools (not for private overseas schools) is formatted as: XXX XXX - Example: M4N 3N1



Office Index Card

Language Type

Choose the language type for the student's previous school.

This field is disabled if “Force Use of School Search” flag in District Info is selected.

Refer to Language Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP)

Re-Enroll New Student: Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP)

Note: If a student changes ECPP facilities during the submission period (Sept 1-Aug 31), the student must be withdrawn from the previous facility and enrolled in the new ECPP facility.

Drop-down list selections for the ECPP Facility and designated school are listed by [school number (BSID)].

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Designated School

A list of open public schools based on the selected student's grade. Secondary public schools are displayed when the student is in grade 9 or higher and elementary public schools are displayed when the student is in grade 8 or lower.

Schools with "Section 23 School" or "School is Closed" selected are not included in the list.

Designated schools are listed by [school number(BSID)].



OnSIS ECPP School Submission

ECPP Facility

Select an ECPP Facility school.

The drop-down list contains only schools that have the Section 23 School Flag selected.



OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Residence Type

Choose the ECPP school Residence type.

Refer to Care Treatment Residence Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

If users do not have access to this field, '***' should be displayed instead of the value



OnSIS Submissions

Exclude Weekends & Holidays

Select to exclude weekends and holidays from the calculation of the number of days the student resided in the facility,

This field is enabled only if the ECPP school's Program Type is 1 or 3 and Residence type is set to blank, 1, 3 or 4; otherwise, the checkbox is inactive and cannot be selected.

The school's Program Type is for the ECPP facility if the facility is defined; otherwise, it is for the school to which the enrolment belongs.


OnSIS ECPP School Submission


Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 1)

Select if the student will receive an alternate report card for term 1.



OnSIS Submissions

Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 2)

Select if the student will receive an alternate report card for term 2.


OnSIS Submissions

Student's Full Time Status at Other Day School

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Full Time on October 31st

Note: Only set this field if you want to override the value calculated by the system for provincial reports.

Select if the student is or was at another school full time on October 31st.

Full Time on March 31st

Note: Only set this field if you want to override the value calculated by the system for provincial reports.

Select if the student is or was at another school full time on March 31st.

Creating Special Program Enrolments

Special Programs

Click NEW to add a new program enrolment, or click an entry date to edit an existing program enrolment.

Note: The Import Other Data special function allows special program enrolment data to be imported using delimited ASCII files.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Entry Date

Enter the first day of special program enrolment.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, SHSM Student Data Report

Exit Date

Enter the day after the last day of special program enrolment.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, Enrolment , Report, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, SHSM Student Data Report


Select the program from the drop-down list.

Districts may define many different types of programs. Provincial reporting recognizes the following program types (identified by setting the appropriate flags when creating the program definition):

  • Special Education

  • SHSM


  • French Exemption

  • SAL


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, SHSM Student Data Report

Ontario Provincial Information

Note: Once a program is assigned to a student, it cannot be replaced by another program. However, it can be deleted, and new programs can be added.

Special Education Program

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports


Applies to special education programs only.

Choose an exceptionality.

Refer to Exceptionality Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions

Main Exceptionality Flag

Applies to special education programs only.

Select if this is the student's primary exceptionality

Note: For each submission cycle, there can be only one occurrence of a Special Education record with a defined Exceptionality Type where the Main Exceptionality Flag is selected.


OnSIS Submissions

Placement Type

Applies to special education programs only.

Choose the special education placement type.

Refer to Special Education Placement Type entries in OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

IPRC Student Flag

Applies only to special education programs.


OnSIS Submissions

IPRC Review Date

Applies only to special education programs.


OnSIS Submissions

Individual Education Plan Flag

Applies only to special education programs.

T or F


OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions

SHSM Program

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

All Requirements Met Date

Applies only to SHSM programs.

Enter the date the student met all requirements for the SHSM program.


SHSM Record, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, SHSM Student Data Report

SHSM Experiential Learning Activity Date

Applies only to SHSM programs.


SHSM Record

SHSM Reach Ahead Date

Applies only to SHSM programs.


SHSM Record

SHSM Pathway

Applies only to SHSM programs.

Choose the student's SHSM pathway:

  • APT - Apprenticeship Training

  • COL - College

  • UNV - University

  • WRK - Workplace


Secondary Report Card, SHSM Record

SHSM Component

Applies only to SHSM programs

Options are :

  • Ontario Skills Passport (OSP) - Default value when program start date is before Sept 1, 2017

  • Sector-Partner Contextualized Experience (SPC) - Default value when program start date is after Sept 1, 2017

SPC applies to students beginning the SHSM program after Sept 1, 2017; however, a student can choose to complete the OSP component requirement instead.


SHSM Record

SHSM Skills And Work Habits Development Date

Applies only to SHSM programs.

Note: Visible only when OSP component is selected.

Mandatory if the All Requirements Met Date is entered and the SHSM component selected is OSP. (This rule is not applicable to students who graduated in the 2019-2020 school year.)


SHSM Record

Sector-Partner Contextualized Experience (SPC) Component

Note: This section applies only to SHSM programs and is only visible when the SPC component is selected.

The student can complete one or more of the following requirements but at least one must be completed for the student to meet all SHSM requirements.

If the All Requirements Met Date is entered and the SHSM Component is SPC, then it is mandatory to select at least one of the SPC components. Note: This rule does not apply to students who graduated in the 2019-2020 school year.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports


Select if the student completed the Coding component.


SHSM Record

Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship

Select if the student completed the Innovation, creativity and entrepreneurship component.


SHSM Record

Mathematical Literacy

Select if the student completed the Mathematical Literacy component.


SHSM Record

SAL Program

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

SAL Status Type

Applies only to SAL programs.

Choose the students SAL status type.

Refer to SALEP Status Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions

SAL Exit Reason

Applies only to SAL programs.

Choose the student's exit reason.

Refer to SALEP Exit Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

SAL Program - Components

Click NEW to add a new SAL component to the program enrolment, or click EDIT to edit an SAL component.

If there are unsaved changes on the Ontario Provincial Information page, and the New button or Edit link is clicked, a warning dialog is displayed allowing the user the option to remain on the current page so that the Submit button can be pressed to save the changes before proceeding to add or edit SAL components.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Component Type

Applies only to SAL programs.

Choose the SAL component type.

Refer to SALEP Component Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Editing Current/Previous Enrolments

Transfer Info > [select entry date] > Edit Current/Previous Enrollment

Note: The Import Other Data special function allows re-enrollment data to be imported using delimited ASCII files.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Entry Date

The student’s current enrolment entry date.



Enrolment Report, OST, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, SHSM Student Data Report

Entry Code

The student's entry reason.



Enrolment Report, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions

Exit Date

The student’s current enrolment exit date (if applicable)



Enrolment Report, OST, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions, Student Transfer Report, SHSM Student Data Report

Exit Code

The student's exit reason.



Enrolment Report, Office Index Card, OnSIS Submissions, Student Transfer Report

Exit Comment

Applies only to current enrolment. Enter retirement destination.



Office Index Card

Full Time Equivalency

(Note: A number of boards have renamed this “Admission Status”)

Used by attendance conversion calculations to determine AM and PM attendance.

This is not the student’s FTE value.


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Cards, Yearly Attendance Card, OnSIS Submissions

Grade Level

Choose the student's grade level.



Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Transmissions, SHSM Student Data Report, Accumulated Instruction in French

Ontario Provincial Information

Current/Previous Enrollment: Registration

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Regular FTE

A Regular FTE override to the system calculation, based on the student's schedule.


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions

High Credit FTE

(Note: Displayed only if secondary school)

The High Credit FTE override to the system calculation, based on student's schedule.


OnSIS Submissions

Attendance Type

An override to the system calculation, based on the student's schedule.

Refer to Attendance Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Select "Excluded (EX)" to exclude the student enrolment from provincial reporting.



Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions

If "EX" is selected, the student enrolment is excluded from all provincial reports, except imports, as described in the report description section of each individual report.

Not Main School Flag

Indicates whether the student has concurrent primary enrolments in more than one PowerSchool database and this school does not hold the student’s OSR.



OnSIS Submissions

Local School Program Flag

Indicates whether the student is enrolled in local school program.

Note: As of 2019-2020, this information is no longer required by OnSIS. Field has been removed from UI.



OnSIS Submissions

Grade Designation Type

(Note: Applicable only to grades 10-12)

The student's grade designation.

Refer to Grade Designation Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Extended Day Program Type

(Note: Displayed only if elementary school)

The program type for the student's extended day.

Refer to Extended Day Program Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Board Residence Status

(Note: Displayed only if secondary school)

The student's board residence status.

Refer to Student Board Residence Status Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



Enrolment Report, Enrolment Fields Report, OnSIS Submissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

Other Pupil Paid By

Applies only to students who are not pupils of the board.



Enrolment Report

Transcript Entry Date

Transcript Entry Date override

It should be set to the earliest Enrollment date in the school if the entry date on the earliest enrolment is not the actual date the student arrived at the school.

It is expected to set this date on the earliest enrolment record with no gaps at the school.


Ontario Student Transcript, OCAS Electronic Transcript

JK/K Timetable Type

(Note: Displayed only if elementary school)

The timetable type for Jr Kindergarten and Kindergarten student.

Refer to JK Timetable Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Other Halftime Description

(Note: Displayed only if elementary school)

A description of the student's halftime attendance.

Displays only starting 2014-2015 as it applies only to halftime attendance type.



OnSiS Submissions

Current/Previous Enrollment: Citizenship/Immigration

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Residence Status

The residency status of the student. This field is read-only.

The value in this field can be changed on the Student Selection > State/Province - ON > General Info page.



OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, EQAO Extracts

Destination Country

The destination Country must be selected based on the student's Transfer/Retirement Code. This field is only applicable if the students' Exit Code is mapped to "68-Retired - Moved outside of Ontario".

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


  • This value cannot be Canada.

  • If Exit Code is 68 (Retired - Moved Outside of Ontario), only ONE of the destination fields - Destination Country OR Destination Province - can be populated.

  • If Destination Province is populated, this field is inactive.

  • Destination Country information is entered when the student is departing the school. To edit, navigate to Transfer Info >[select entry date] > Edit Current or Edit Previous Enrollment.



OnSIS Submissions

Destination Province

Destination Province must be selected based on the student's Transfer/Retirement Code. This field is only applicable if the students' Exit Code is mapped to "68-Retired - Moved outside of Ontario".

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


  • This field cannot be Ontario.

  • If Exit Code is 68 (Retired - Moved Outside of Ontario), only one of the destination fields - Destination Country OR Destination Province - can be populated.

  • If Destination Country is populated, this field is inactive.

  • Destination Province information is entered when the student is departing the school. To edit, navigate to Transfer Info >[select entry date] > Edit Current or Edit Previous Enrollment.



OnSIS Submissions

Previous Country

The student's previous country (if not Canada).

The previous country is selected based on the student's Entry Code. This field is only applicable if the entry code is mapped to code "36 - Other Country".

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: This field is also available on the following pages:

  • Student Selection > State/Province - ON > General Info

  • Student Selection > Special Functions > Enroll New Student

  • Student Selection > Functions > Enroll New Student Living in the Same Household > Enroll New Student



OnSIS Submissions

Previous Province

The student's previous province (if not Ontario).

Previous Province is selected based on the student's Entry Code. This field is only applicable if the entry code is mapped to code "35 - Other Province".

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: This field is also available on the following pages:

  • Student Selection > State/Province - ON > General Info

  • Student Selection > Special Functions > Enroll New Student

  • Student Selection > Functions > Enroll New Student Living in the Same Household > Enroll New Student



OnSIS Submissions

Country (Current Residence)

If the student does not live in Canada, choose the country in which the student currently resides.

Refer to Country Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note: If Country (Current Residence) is selected, Residence Status must be one of the followings:

  • Not Applicable·

  • Canadian Citizen


Province (Current Residence)

If the student lives in a province other than Ontario, choose the province in which the student currently resides.

Refer to Province State Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


  • This field is inactive if Country (Current Residence), above, is not Canada.

  • If this field is selected, Residence Status cannot be “Not Applicable”.


Current/Previous Enrollment: Previous/Receiving School Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Previous School BSID

This field is used to search for school in the ministry reference file. Enter part of the school BSID, school name or board acronym, then select the school from the list of matching schools displayed. Once selected the School Name, School Address and Language Type are populated from the ministry saved reference table.

Field size is limited to 9 characters.



Ministry schools reference files are stored in s_ON_MINISTRYSCHOOLS_S.


Field is not currently used in any of the Onatrio reports.

Previous School Name

The full name of the student's previous school.

This field is disabled if “Force Use of School Search” flag in District Info is selected.

The page will not be submitted if the Previous School Name is not defined and is Mandatory for the selected Entry code.

Refer to District Setup, Entry codes for details on how to make this field mandatory for specific entry codes.



Office Index Card, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School)

Previous School Address (Full)

The full address of the student's previous school.

This field is disabled if “Force Use of School Search” flag in District Info is selected.



Office Index Card

Previous School Language Type

The language of instruction at the student's previous school.

This field is disabled if “Force Use of School Search” flag in District Info is selected.



OnSIS Submissions

Receiving School BSID

This field is used to search for school in the ministry reference file. Enter part of the school BSID, school name or board acronym, then select the school from the list of matching schools displayed. Once selected the School Name, and Address are populated from the ministry saved reference table.

Field size is limited to 9 characters.



Ministry schools reference files are stored in s_ON_MINISTRYSCHOOLS_S.


Field is not currently used in any of the Onatrio reports.

Receiving School Name

The full name of the student's receiving school.

This field is disabled if “Force Use of School Search” flag in District Info is selected.

The page will not be submitted if the Recievening School Name is not defined and is Mandatory for the selected Exit code.

Refer to District Setup, Exit codes for details on how to make this field mandatory for specific exit codes.



Office Index Card

Receiving School Address (Full)

The full address of the student's receiving school.

This field is disabled if “Force Use of School Search” flag in District Info is selected.



Office Index Card

In Risk

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Disengagement Date

Enter only if different than the exit date in the associated disengagement withdrawal.



Taking Stock Report

Re-engagement Date

Enter only if different than the entry date in the associated re-engagement enrolment.



Taking Stock Report

Current/Previous Enrollment: Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP)
Note: If a student changes ECPP facilities during the submission period (Sept 1-Aug 31), the student must be withdrawn from the previous facility and enrolled in the new ECPP facility.

Field choices for the ECPP Facility and Designated School fields are listed by [school number(BSID)].

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Designated School

This is a list of opened public schools based on the student selected grade. Secondary public schools when student is in grade 9 or higher and Elementary public schools when the student is in grade 8 or lower. Schools listed must have Section 23 School and IsClosed Flags not selected.

Designated schools are listed by [school number(BSID)].



On SIS ECPP School Submission

ECPP Facility

The name of the ECPP facility the student attends.

The schools listed schools with Section 23 School Flag selected.



OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Residence Type

Choose the ECPP school Residence Type.

Refer to Care Treatment Residence Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Exclude Weekends & Holidays

Select to exclude weekends and holidays from the calculation of the number of days the student resided in the facility,

This field is enabled only if the ECPP school's Program Type is 1 or 3 and Residence type is set to blank, 1, 3 or 4; otherwise, the checkbox is inactive and cannot be selected.

The school's Program Type is for the ECPP facility, if the facility is defined; otherwise, it is for the school to which the enrolment belongs.


OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Number of Days Resided in Facility

Use this field to override the system-calculated number of days the student resided in a ECPP facility during this school enrolment.

Valid values: 0 - 999

This field is enabled only if the ECPP school's Program Type is 1 or 3 and Residence type is set to blank, 1, 3 or 4; otherwise, the box is inactive.

The school's Program Type is for the ECPP facility, if the facility is defined; otherwise, it is for the school to which the enrolment belongs.


OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Current/Previous Enrollment: Other

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 1)

Indicates whether the student requires and Alternate Report Card for Term 1.



OnSIS Submissions

Alternate Report Card Flag (Term 2)

Indicates whether the student requires and Alternate Report Card for Term 2.


OnSIS Submissions

Setting Up Course Requests, Schedules, and Incident Management Information

Modify Schedule > Requests Tab

Click NEW to add a course request.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Course Number

Enter a course number or click View Courses to select a course from the list of course.


Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions

Scheduling Setup

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Next Year Grade

Enter a number corresponding to the grade level.


OnSIS Submissions

Special Functions, Incident Management

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

The individual fields in this section will be defined in a later documentation release.

Refer to Appendix B for information on the configuration of Incident Management and how it should be used to support OnSIS incident reporting.

The individual fields in this section will be defined in a later documentation release.

OnSIS Submissions

Entering Student Learning Preferences

Select Student > Enrolments > Learning preferences

Click NEW to add a new Student Learning Preference. Only two fields are needed by the EQAO report. If the student learning preference is not set for a student, EQAO uses the School learning preference to report to EQAO.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name

Used in these Reports

Effective Date

EQAO use this field to get the latest student learning preference on the report run date.

Every time a student changes his learning preference, a record must be inserted in this table



Learning Preference

Select the student learning preference.

Valid options by EQAO:

01 - Full time in-person learning

02 - Full time remote learning

03 - Combination of in-person and remote learning

These values must be setup on the district level. Refer to District Setupand search for Adding Learning Preference Values for details.



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