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District Setup


The following data elements are required for provincial reporting.

To perform district-specific tasks:

  1. Click the School link at the top of the page. A list of schools appears.

  2. Choose District Office. The district Start Page appears.

  3. Under District, click Setup.

Note: The following information describes the setup required for Provincial Reporting. For information about general school setup, see Help > System Help.

Entering District Information

District Information

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Name of District

The name of the district.



Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, STIX

District Number

Enter BSID number for the board.

This field is Mandatory.



OST, STIX, Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

District Address

The district address.



Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card

District City

The district city.



Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card

District State/Province

The district state or province.



Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card

District Postal Code

The district postal code.



Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card

District Country

The district country.



Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card

Entering Provincial District Information

Ontario Provincial Information

OnSIS Reporting Dates

OnSIS Reorting Dates must be entered at the begining of every academic year, otherwise, OnSIS submissions will not be extracted correctly

Click Define OnSIS Reporting Dates By Year link to enter te OnSIS dates

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Select Year

Select the year you want to define the OnSIS Reporting Dates for. 


OnSIS Submissions

Set Default Dates

Click to set default dates for all count dates of the selected year.


OnSIS_Mar_Date, OnSIS_Jun_Date, OnSIS_Aug_Date, 

OnSIS_CTCC_Date,  OnSIS_Oct_Start_Date

OnSIS Submissions


Enter count date for October OnSIS submissions.


OnSIS Submissions


Enter count date for March OnSIS submissions.


OnSIS Submissions

June (End of Year)

Enter count date for year end OnSIS submissions.


OnSIS Submissions

August (Night and Summer)

Enter count date for Summer and Night OnSIS submissions.


OnSIS Submissions

August (ECPP)

Enter count date for ECPP OnSIS submissions.


OnSIS Submissions

October Submission Period Start Date

Enter the start date for the October submission period.

If left undefined, the OnSIS submissions use a start date of July 1 of the selected school year.


OnSIS Submissions

OnSIS Reporting Dates for Legacy Reports

Dates must be updated for the year you wnat to run the legacy reort for.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


Enter count date for October OnSIS submissions.



OnSIS Submissions


Enter count date for March OnSIS submissions.



OnSIS Submissions

June (End of Year)

Enter count date for year end OnSIS submissions.



OnSIS Submissions

August (Night and Summer)

Enter count date for Summer and Night OnSIS submissions.



OnSIS Submissions

August (ECPP)

Enter count date for ECPP OnSIS submissions.



OnSIS Submissions

October Submission Period Start Date

Enter the start date for the October submission period.

If left undefined, the OnSIS submissions use a start date of July 1 of the current school year.

[Prefs]Name = ON_Oct_Start_Date


OnSIS Submissions

Defining OnSIS Settings

OnSIS Settings

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Number Of Previous OnSIS Snapshots To Retain

Select a number between 0 and 20.



OnSIS Demographic Snapshot

Enable PAE Import School Parameter

T or F

Controls whether the PAE import process displays a parameter allowing users to specify the school with which imported PAE records are associated. This flag should be selected only for schools with students in both elementary and secondary grade levels that have a single ministry BSID number (for example, a school that contains grades 5 - 12), but is set up in PowerSchool as two separate schools for the purposes of scheduling, reporting..etc.



OnSIS PAE Import

Exclude Elementary Achievements From OnSIS Submissions

T or F

Controls whether to include/exclude the student elementary achievements from the OnSIS submission for all the schools in the board.

This option is for boards that are not reporting students' achievements through PowerSchool.



ONSIS Elementary School Submission

Defining Board Information

Board Information/Settings

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Board Email Address

The board email address.



Secondary Report Card

Board Website

The board website.



Secondary Report Card

Catholic Board Flag

T or F

Controls which version of progress reports and report cards are generated.



Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card

French Board Flag

T or F



OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Exclude Teachers From Provincial Reporting

T or F

Check if the school educator assignment segments (and child segments) are to be excluded from OnSIS submissions.



OnSIS Submissions

Default French Language Program Type

Choose the default French language program.

The default value is used when the second language program type cannot be determined from a French class enrolment.

[Prefs]Name = ON_French_Pgm_Type

OnSIS Submissions

Secondary Report Card Examine Exclude From GPA Flag

T or F

Controls whether the secondary report card examines the exclude from GPA flag for a mark.

[Prefs]Name = ON_SRC_ExcludeFromGPA

Secondary Report Card

Secondary Report Card format OEN on all pages

T to F

Controls whether the OEN is printed as ###-###-### on all report pages.

[Prefs]Name = ON_SRC_FormatOEN

Secondary Report Card

Allow Class Code Edits

T or F

Controls whether the Class Code field on the Edit Section Information data entry page is enabled.

[Prefs]Name = AllowClassCodeEdit

OnSIS Create Class Codes

Show Literacy And Numeracy Parent/Guardian Contacts Only

T or F

Controls the content of the parent/guardian drop-down list on the Edit Class Enrollment and Enroll Student In A Class At Another School data entry pages.

[Prefs]Name = ON_LNPG_Contacts_Only

If T, the drop-down list contains only records from [S_Contacts_S] where [S_Contact_Relationship_C]Association = "LNPG".

If F, the drop-down list contains the contacts above plus [Students]Mother, Father, and Guardian contacts (if defined).

Continuing Education Registers (Literacy and Numeracy), OnSIS Submissions (Night, Summer)

Exclude Progress Report Card Absences flag

Select to exclude Progress Report Card Absences from term 1 absence calculations.

[Prefs]Name = ExcludeProgressReport

OnSIS Elementary Submissions.

Print ECPP Principal and Telephone on Report Cards

Select to Print ECPP School Principal name and telephone number on report cards.

[Prefs]Namw = ON_ECPP_Principal_Telephone_Flag

Elementary report cards, Secondary Report cards.

Create Only Summer School Class Enrollment Records.

This checkbox is only available for boards running PowerSchool 12.x and State reporting 18.4 or above.

T or F

Controls whether the remote summer school feature creates a re-enrollment record. When set to T, no re-enrollment records are created for summer school students; only the CC enrollment record is created.

[Prefs]Name = summerschoolallowclassonly

Use Student Contacts for Reports

T or F

Controls whether reports should use the Contacts page to report student's contacts or use the information on the student Demographic & Emergency Contacts pages to report student's contacts.

[Prefs]Name = SRUseContacts

Office Index Cards, STIX

Force Use Of School Search

T or F

This flag should be used by boards to disable school information fields (school name, address and language) on several pages and force user to populate those fields by searching and selecting a school through the new School BSID field.

School Felds are disabled on the following pages when the flag is selected: Enroll New Student, Enroll New Student Living in Same Household, Create New School Enrolment, Re-enroll Student, Transfer Info, Transfer Student Out., Province>General Info tab.

[Prefs]Name = ON_Force_School_Search

Entering Kindergarten Report Card Information

Kindergarten Report Card

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Font Size For Comments

Enter the desired font size. This value overrides the report default of 10.

Although the report will use the shrink to fit feature when necessary to fit the comment in the box, an overflow may occur if the maximum number of characters allowed for each comment is not adjusted to account for the font size selected.



Kindergarten Report Card Initial Observation Report Card

Kindergarten Report Card: Four Frames Report (KCL-4F)

Defining Reporting Images

Reporting Images

Click the Load Reporting Images link.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Logo Image

Click Browse and select the image file to appear in the logo section on page 1 of the elementary progress report.



Kindergarten & Elementary Progress Report

Kindergarten Communication of Learning Board Information Image

Click Browse and select the image file to be printed on the KLC-IO and KCL-4F reports.

The loaded file must be a .JPG or .JPEG file only.

The space available on the report will support an optimal image size of 533 pixels wide by 203 pixels high for both Catholic and public boards. The image used should be as close to this size as possible and not exceed this size. If a smaller image is used, the image will not fill the available space completely.

Large-size images could cause performance issues.



Kindergarten Communication of Learning: Initial Observations (KCL-IO)

Kindergarten Communication of Learning: Four Frames (KCL-4F)

Progress Report Board Information Part 1 Image

Click Browse and select the image file to appear in the board information section on page 1 of the elementary progress report.

The loaded file must be a .JPG or .JPEG file only.

The space available on the report will support an optimal image size of 537 pixels wide by 140 pixels high for Catholic boards and 538 pixels wide by 205 pixels high for Public boards. The image used should be as close to this size as possible and not exceed this size. If a smaller image is used, the image will not fill the available space completely.

Large-size images could cause performance issues.



Elementary Progress Report

Progress Report Board Information Part 2 Image

Click Browse and select the image file to appear in the space designated for board section on page 2 of the elementary progress report.

The loaded file must be a .JPG or .JPEG file only.

The space available on the report will support an optimal image size of 537 pixels wide by 219 pixels high for both Catholic and Public boards. The image used should be as close to this size as possible and not exceed this size. If a smaller image is used, the image will not fill the available space completely.

Large-size images could cause performance issues.



Elementary Progress Report

Loading Discipline Codes/Subcodes

Discipline Codes and Subcodes Status

Click on the Load Codes/Subcodes link.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Load Codes/Subcodes

Select the checkbox on the right and click Submit

Refer to Incident Management below.

OnSIS Submission

Defining Continuing Education Register Settings

Continuing Education Register Settings

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Pupil's Day School Override

Select the checkbox if previous school should be used as the Day School.


Continuing Education Registers (Literacy and Numeracy), OnSIS Submissions (Night, Summer)

Quad/Octomester setup

Click the Define Day 16 Dates link

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Define Day 16 Dates

A page is displayed to setup Day 16 dates for the Quadmester and Octomester models.

It is expected that boards define all dates for both models before running the reports for 2020-2021 school year.

Boards using flip weeks are expected to also define Alternate Day 16 dates. If Day 16 Date falls in week A then Alternate Day 16 Date should fall on the alternate week - week B.

If dates are not defined, the Enrolments Fields report do not generate any records for schools with Quad/Octomester model.

Quadmester Setup

Select the four Quamester Day 16 dates for the year. Boards using flip weeks must also define Alternate Day 16 dates.

All dates must be within the school start and end dates.


Enrolment Fields, Enrolment Register and OnSIS Secondary Submission

Octomester Setup

Select the eight Octomester dates for the year. Boards using flip weeks must also define Alternate Day 16 dates.

All dates must be within the school start and end dates.


Enrolment Fields, Enrolments Register and OnSIS Secondary Submission

Defining Calendar Membership Types

Calendar Membership Types > [select code] > Edit Membership Calendar Type

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


The following types must be created:

B - Board Holiday

G - General Absence/Grant

N - Non-Instructional

PA - Professional Activity

H - Statutory Holiday


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Card, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

Defining District Courses

Courses > [select course]

District - General tab

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Course Number

Local course identifier.


OnSIS Submissions, STIX, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, International Languages Elementary), Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Course Name

The course name.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language, International Languages Elementary)

Alternate Course Number

This field must be populated as follows:

Secondary: The Ministry 5 character course code.

[Courses]Custom (alias Alt_Course_Number)

OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, International Languages Elementary), Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Credit Hours

The credit hours.


Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit)

Credit Type

More than one credit type may be specified.

Credit types are used as the basis for credit assignment in graduation contract subject groups.


Secondary Report Card, OST, Status Sheet

Entering Course Provincial Information

Ontario Provincial Information

Click the HERE link to edit the Ontario information for this course

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Ministry Course Name

Corresponding Ministry Course Name for this course.


OST, SHSM Record, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language, International Languages Elementary).

Course Type

Choose a course type.

Valid values:


  • H - Homeroom

  • S - Subject/Strand

  • R - Religious Life

  • E - Elective

  • Blank - Used when students are enrolled in a course at main school for tracking purposes only and the student is cross enrolled at another school (learn@home Remote school).


  • M - Ministry Defined

  • L - Locally Developed

  • P - Placeholder

  • O - Course Taken Out Of Board

  • Blank - Used when students are cross enrolled in a course at main school for tracking purposes only and the student is enrolled at another school (learn@home Remote school).


OnSIS Submissions, Enrolment Report, Enrolment Reports, EQAO Extracts, STIX, French Cards

Subject Type

Choose a subject type.

Refer to Elementary Subject Type (for elementary school courses) entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Elementary Submissions, Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Compulsory Flag

T or F


OnSIS Submissions


Choose an institution.

Refer to Institution Code in the ministry Dual Credit Course spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Language Program Type

Choose a language program type

Only used if not set at section level.

  • C - Core

  • E - Extended

  • I - Immersion

  • N - Intensive Core


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, OnSIS Submissions, Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Language Of Instruction

Choose the language in which the course is taught.

Refer to Language Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Only the English, French, and Native languages are available.


OnSIS Submissions, Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Instruction Mode

Select the Course Instruction Mode, if different than what is defined at school level.

Valid Values:

  • (01) FT In-person learning

  • (02) FT remote learning

  • (03) Combination of in-person and remote learning


EQAO Grade 9 Math Extract

Entering Course Provincial Information

Ontario Provincial Information

Click the HERE link to edit the Ontario information for this course

Entering Transcript Information


Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Special Circumstances Note Flag

T or F

Only used if not set at student level.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Interdisciplinary Studies Note Flag

T or F

Only used if not set at student level.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

French Note Flag

T or F

Only used if not set at student level.


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Co-op Note Flag

T or F

Only used if not set at student level


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Modified Curriculum Note Flag

T or F

Only used if not set at student level


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Alternative Expectations Note Flag

T or F

Only used if not set at student level


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Team Taught Dual Credit Note Flag

T or F

Only used if not set at student level


OST, Status Sheet, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Continuing Education Registers

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Course Offering

Select a course offering.

Only used if not set at section level.


Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy and Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language)

Number Of Lessons/Work Units

Choose the number Of lessons or work Units

Only used if not set at section level.

To be used if below the default 20 lessons/work units.


Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/Online)

Eligible for Small Class Adjustment

Check if eligible for adjustment.


Continuing Education Registers (Adult Credit)

Literacy and Numeracy Delivery Code

Only displayed if the current school year is 2015-2016 or earlier.

Select a delivery code.

Valid values

  • After School (1)

  • Before School or Lunch time (2)

  • Integrated Extended-Day Program (3)

  • Late Afternoon and Evening Program (4)

  • Weekend (5)

  • Summer (6)

Only used if not set at the section level.


Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language)

Registering Enrolments in International/Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Program

Register of Enrolment in the International/Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Program

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

IILE Register Type

Indicates whether the course is included in the International Languages Elementary register.

Valid values:

  • <blank> (default)

  • "International Languages Elementary Program"

Only used if not set at section level.


Continuing Education Registers (International/Indigenous Languages Elementary)

International/Indigenous Language

Choose a language.

Only used if not set at section level.


Continuing Education Registers (International/Indigenous Languages Elementary)

Other Language Description

When International Language is "Other (OTH)", enter the language description.


Continuing Education Registers (International/Indigenous Languages Elementary)

Time of Day Type

Enter the time of day for the IILE class


Continuing Education Registers (International/Indigenous Languages Elementary)

IILE Delivery Code

Selecta delivery code

  • After School (1)

  • Before School or Lunch time (2)

  • Integrated Extended-Day Program (3)

  • Late Afternoon and Evening Program (4)

  • Weekend (5)

  • Summer (6)

'Only used if not set at the section level.


Continuing Education Registers (International/Indigenous Languages Elementary)

Setting Up Independent Study and e-Learning

Independent Study and e-Learning

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Number of Scheduled Teacher Contact Sessions (required to complete course)

Choose a range from 10 to 30.

If not defined, the number of sessions entered at the course level is used.

[S_ON_CRS_X] IS_NumberSessionsCompleteCrs

Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils)

Duration of each Scheduled Teacher Contact session (minutes)

Requires a minimum value of 30.

If not defined, the number of minutes entered at the course level is used.


Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/Online), Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils

The product of the two values above [Number of Scheduled Teacher Contact Sessions x Duration of each Scheduled Teacher Contact session] MUST equal or exceed the value of 600 x [Courses]Credit_Hours.

Number of Work Units (required to complete course)

Choose a range from 1 to 30.

If not defined, the number of sessions entered at the course level is used.


Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/Online), Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, OnSIS Submissions

Defining Special Programs

Special Programs

Special Programs > Special Program Information

Special Programs for the following need to be setup: ESL/ELD, French Exemption, SAL, SHSM (for each SHSM program type offered), and Special Education. Others may be setup to track students in programs to be displayed on the Student Status Sheet

Click NEW to add a special program, or click on a program name to edit an existing program.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Program Name

Local program name.



OST, SHSM Record

Qualifies as special education program

T or F



OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions

Entering Provincial Special Programs Information

Ontario Provincial Information

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

ESL/ELD Program Flag

T or F



OnSIS Submissions

French Exemption Flag

T or F



Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OnSIS Submissions

French Program Flag

T or F



OnSIS Submissions

Native Language Flag

T or F



OnSIS Submissions

SHSM Program Flag

T or F



OnSIS Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, OST, Status Sheet

SAL Program Flag

T or F


[Gen]Cat= specprog

OnSIS Submissions, Enrolment Report

Expulsion Program Flag

T or F


OnSIS Submissions, Enrolment Fields Report, Enrolment Report

Available For OST/Status Sheet

T or F



OST, Status Sheet

Defining French Programs

French Program (applies only to French programs. Fields are hidden otherwise.)

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

French Program Type

Choose a program type.

Applies only to programs where the French Program Flag is on.

Refer to the French related values for Second Language Program Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Defining Native Language Programs

Native Language Program (applies only to Native Language programs. Fields are hidden otherwise.)

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Native Language Program Type

Choose a native language program type.

Applies only to programs where the Native Language Program Flag is on.

Refer to the Native Language related values (except NL-Native 027) for Second Language Program Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions

Defining SAL Programs

SAL Program (applies only to SAL programs. Fields are hidden otherwise.)

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

SAL Program Type

Choose the SAL program type.

Applies only to programs where the SAL Program Flag is on. Field is hidden otherwise.

Refer to SALEP Attendance Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



OnSIS Submissions, Enrolment Report

Defining SHSM Programs

SHSM Program (applies only to SHSM programs. Fields are hidden otherwise.)

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

SHSM Program Type

Choose a SHSM program type.

Applies only to programs where the SHSM Program Flag is on.

Refer to SHSM Program Type entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.



Secondary Report Card, SHSM Record, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, OnSIS Submissions

Number Of Optional Certificates

Applies only to programs where the SHSM Program Flag is selected.



Secondary Report Card, SHSM Record, Status Sheet

Defining SHSM Certifications

Ontario Provincial Information - SHSM Certifications (applies only to SHSM programs)

Click NEW to associate a new certification with the SHSM program, or click EDIT to edit an existing association.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Certification Type

Select a SHSM certification type.

Refer to SHSM Certification Type in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

[S_ON_GEN_SHSM_Cert_Map_C] Certification_Type

Secondary Report Card, SHSM Record, Status Sheet

Required Flag

T or F

[S_ON_GEN_SHSM_Cert_Map_C] Required_Flag

Secondary Report Card, SHSM Record, Status Sheet

Creating Entry Codes

Entry Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > EntryCode

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the entry code.

See the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet for valid values.


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions, Office Index Cards

Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the entry code description.

See the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet for valid values.


Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder

Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.


Entry Codes mapping to Ministry codes

Entry Codes > [Edit] Entry Codes

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


Display only field set on Codesets


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions, Office Index Cards

Map Code To Ministry Code

Refer to Student Mobility Type (Admission) entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Note that an entry code should only be mapped to the 'IA' ministry code if the student was previously enrolled in the same school with no intervening enrollment at another school.


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions, Office Index Cards

Previous School Value Required

Select this box to indicate on several pages that the Previous School Value field is mandatory when this entry code is used.


Sort Order

Display only field set on Codesets


Drop-down list on student data entry page.

Creating Exit Codes

Exit Codes

Start Page > District Setup > Code Sets > ExitCode

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Code set

Select the Code set type.



Enter the exit code.

See the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet for valid values.


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions, Student Transfer Report, Office Index Card

Display Value

Enter the code display value.



Enter the exit code meaning.

See the OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet for valid values.


Sort Order

Enter a sort order to determine where the code displays on the page.

[CODESET] UIDisplayOrder

Drop-down list on student data entry page

Start Date

Enter a start date to activate this code.


Exit Codes mapping to Ministry Codes

Exit Codes > [Edit] Exit Codes

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


Display only field set on Codesets


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions, Student Transfer Report, Office Index Card


Enter a brief description for the code.

Sort Order

Display only field set on Codesets


Drop-down list on student data entry page

Map Code To Ministry Code

Refer to Student Mobility Type (Retirement/Transfer) entries in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.

Two additional codes were added to the list of codes provided by the ministry. Those codes are used to indicate whether the student is transferred to a school within the same board or to a school outside of the school board:

  • 64: Internal - Transfer prior to secondary school completion - To publicly funded elementary or secondary school at this board

  • 64: External - Transfer prior to secondary school completion - To publicly funded elementary or secondary school at another


Enrolment Report, OnSIS Submissions, Student Transfer Report, Office Index Card

Receiving School Value Required

Select this box to indicate on several pages that the Receiving School Value field is mandatory when this entry code is used.


Defining District Schools

Schools/School Info

District > District Setup > Schools/School Info > Edit School

School > Special Functions > Edit School

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

School Name

Maximum of 60 characters.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Enrolment Report, OST, SHSM Record, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Office Index Card, Status Sheet, Daily Attendance Record, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language, International Languages Elementary), STIX

Is a Summer School

1 (yes) or 0 (no)


Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language)

School Address


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Office Index Card

School City


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Office Index Card

School State/Province


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Office Index Card

School Postal/Zip Code


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Office Index Card

School Phone Number


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card

School FAX Number


Secondary Report Card

School Number

The school number


OST, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, New OEN Request, New OEN Import, OEN Validation Import, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language, International Languages Elementary),STIX

Alternate School Number

If entered, used instead of school number.


OST, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, New OEN Request, New OEN Import, OEN Validation Import, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language, International Languages Elementary), STIX

Exclude from State Reporting?

1 (yes) or 0 (no)


Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language, International Languages Elementary)

School Administration Information - Principal

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


The principal name.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Continuing Education Registers

Entering Ontario Provincial School Information

Ontario Provincial Information

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Council Chair


Secondary Report Card

Alternate School Name


Enrolment Report, Office Index Card, Potential Ontario Scholar Report, Status Sheet, SHSM Record, OST, Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Is a Night (Continuing Education) School

T or F


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions, Enrolment Report, High Credit Calculations Report, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit)

Is Online school

Select to indicate if the school offers only online courses. This field is not selected by default.


OnSIS Data Validtions

Is an EQAO TIMSS School

T or F

Used to identify ministry selected schools participating in the Trends In International Mathematics And Science Study (TIMSS) assessment.


EQAO Submissions

Is an EQAO PISA School

T or F

Used to identify ministry selected schools participating in the Programme For International Student Assessment (PISA) assessment.


EQAO Submissions

Is an EQAO PIRLS School

T or F

Used to identify ministry selected schools participating in the Progress In International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) assessment.


EQAO Submissions

Is an EQAO PCAP School

T or F

Used to identify ministry selected schools participating in the Pan Canadian Assessment Program (PCAP) assessment.


EQAO Submissions

School Is Closed

1 (closed) or 0 (not closed)


Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Indigenous Language, International Languages Elementary), STIX.

Average Partial Enrollment Minutes Weekly

1 (yes) or 0 (no)


Enrolment Report (including legacy), Enrolment Fields Report, OnSIS Submissions, Day School Independent Study Register (including legacy).

Learning Preference

Select the School Learning preference. This value will be used for all students unless it is overwritten on the course/section/class enrolment level

Valid Values:

  • (01) FT In-person learning

  • (02) FT remote learning

  • (03) Combination of in-person and remote learning

EQAO Grade 9 Math Extract

Exclude Elementary Achievements From OnSIS Submissions

(Appears only for Elementary Schools)

T or F (Default- F)

Controls whether to include/exclude the student elementary achievements from the OnSIS submission for this the school

This option is for schools that are not reporting students' achievements through PowerSchool.



ONSIS Elementary School Submission

Model used for first half of school year

Select the model used by the school in the current school year. If the school is using the semester model for the whole year, this field is not required. The field is required for all other schools.

Valid values: Blank, Semester (S), Quadmester (Q), Octomester (O), Quad/Octomester (B)

Quad/Octomester (B) should be used by schools that have students enrolled/Cross enrolled in full credit courses that are scheduled in Quadmester and others in Octomester. (This is not included in Civics and Careers 0.5 credit courses)

Values of this field are stored by year based on the term selected and stored in [S_ON_SCH_SchoolModel_C]Model_FirstHalf

Enrolment Fields report, Enrolment Report, OnSIS Secondary.

Model used for second half of school year

Select the model used by the school in the current school year. If the school is using the semester model for the whole year, this field is not required. The field is required for all other schools.

Valid values: Blank, Semester (S), Quadmester (Q), Octomester (O), Quad/Octomester (B)

Quad/Octomester (B) should be used by schools that have students enrolled/Cross enrolled in full credit courses that are scheduled in Quadmester and others in Octomester. (This is not included Civics and Careers 0.5 credit courses)

Values of this field are stored by year based on the term selected and stored in [S_ON_SCH_SchoolModel_C]Model_SecondHalf

Enrolment Fields report, Enrolment Report, OnSIS Secondary.

School uses Flip Weeks

Select this flag if school is using Quad/Octomester model and uses flip weeks in the current school year.

Values of this field are stored by year based on the term selected and stored in[S_ON_SCH_SchoolModel_C]UsesFlipWeeks

Enrolment Fields report, Enrolment Report, OnSIS Secondary.

Secondary Report Card Learning Skills Data Source

(Secondary schools only)

Choose a skills data source.

Valid values:

  • Disabled (D)

  • Gradebook (G)

  • Standard Grades (S)


Secondary Report Card

Progress Report Attendance End Date

(Elementary schools only)

Enter the progress report end date to Indicate which attendance dates are used to define days absent and times late. This must be updated each year.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card

First Report Card Attendance End Date

(Elementary schools only)

Enter the first report card end date to Indicate which attendance dates are used to define days absent and times late. This must be updated each year.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card

Entering OCAS/OUAC Contact Information

OCAS/OUAC Contact Information

Only displayed for schools whose grade level range contains a grade level between 9 and 12.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


Enter the legal last name of the contact person sending the transmission.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

First Name

Enter the legal first name of the contact person sending the transmission.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Phone Number

Enter the telephone number where the contact person sending the transmission can be reached, or a message can be left.

Only digits are allowed.

Valid formats are:

  • nnnnnnnnnn

  • (nnn) nnn-nnnn, nnn-nnn-nnnn,

  • +1-nnn-nnn-nnnn, +1nnnnnnnnnn


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Phone Extension

Enter the telephone extension number where the contact person sending the transmission can be reached, or a message can be left.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Contact Email Address

The email address of the contact person sending the transmission.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Entering OCAS Transmission Information

OCAS Transmission Information

Only displayed for schools whose grade level range contains a grade level between 9 and 12.

Note: The date for each transmission below is the date on which the transmission was generated, sent, and accepted, NOT the transmission due date. Each field should remain blank until its transmission has been generated, sent, and accepted by OCAS. Populating these prematurely could cause inaccurate report results.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

OCAS October Date


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OCAS November Date


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OCAS February Date


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OCAS April Date


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OCAS July Date


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Entering OUAC Transmission Information

OUAC Transmission Information

Only displayed for schools whose grade level range contains a grade level between 9 and 12.

Note: The date for each transmission below is the date on which the transmission was generated, sent, and accepted, NOT the transmission due date. Each field should remain blank until its transmission has been generated, sent, and accepted by OCAS. Populating these pre-maturely could cause inaccurate report results.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

OUAC Transmission 1 Date


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OUAC Re-Transmission 1 Date

This date must be greater than the OUAC Transmission 1 Date


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OUAC Transmission 2 Date


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OUAC Transmission 3 Date


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OUAC Transmission 4 Date


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Setting OCAS/OUAC Transmission Flags

OCAS OUAC First Transmission Flags

Only displayed for schools in which the grade level range includes a grade level between 9 and 12.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

OCAS First Transmission Flag

Before running the first OCAS transmission for the current school year, select this checkbox.

When this checkbox is selected, the OCAS Transmissions report clears the previous year's transmission dates in the [S_ON_SCH_X] table:






After the first transmission has been successfully submitted (i.e. it is no longer necessary to run the first transmission), uncheck the checkbox so that the report does not clear the transmission dates for subsequent transmissions.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

OUAC First Transmission Flag

Before running the first OUAC transmission for the current school year, select this checkbox.

When this checkbox is selected, the OUAC Transmissions report clears the previous year's transmission dates in the [S_ON_SCH_X] table:






After the first transmission has been successfully submitted (i.e. it is no longer necessary to run the first transmission), uncheck the checkbox so that the report does not clear the transmission dates for subsequent transmissions.


OCAS/OUAC Transmissions

Defining Language Program Minutes

Language Program Minutes

Only displayed for elementary schools. To add a new entry, click the HERE link, then click NEW. To edit an existing entry, click a grade level.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Grade Level

Enter a number corresponding to the grade level.


OnSIS Submissions, Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Language Program Type

Choose a language program type.

  • FSF - Core French

  • FEF - Extended French

  • FIF - Immersion French

    • Note: When Immersion French is selected, five optional fields are displayed. See below for details.

  • NLA - Native Language

[S_ON_SCH_Lang_Inst_Minutes_C] Program_Type

OnSIS Submissions, Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Minutes Per Day Of Instruction

If the student's Language Program Type is Core French, Extended French, Immersion French or Native Language, enter the minutes per day of instruction here.

If the student's Language Program Type is Immersion French and there is more than one subject, see Options for Subjects Taught in French, below.

[S_ON_SCH_Lang_Inst_Minutes_C] Minutes_Of_Instruction

OnSIS Submissions, Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Options for Subjects Taught in French

This section displays only if the Immersion French (FIF) option is selected in the Language Program Type field. These fields are for schools that offer more than one French Immersion program. The specified minutes are used to calculate French hours for students enrolled in the different options (2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 subjects taught in French).

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Minutes Per Day of Instruction - 2 subjects

If the student is taught two subjects in French, enter the minutes per day of instruction.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Minutes Per Day of Instruction - 3 subjects

If the student is taught three subjects in French, enter the minutes per day of instruction.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Minutes Per Day of Instruction - 4 subjects

If the student is taught four subjects in French, enter the minutes per day of instruction.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Minutes Per Day of Instruction - 5 subjects

If the student is taught five subjects in French, enter the minutes per day of instruction.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Minutes Per Day of Instruction - 6 subjects

If the student is taught six subjects in French, enter the minutes per day of instruction.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Minutes Per Day of Instruction - 7 subjects

If the student is taught seven subjects in French, enter the minutes per day of instruction.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Minutes Per Day of Instruction - 8 subjects

If the student is taught eight subjects in French, enter the minutes per day of instruction.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Minutes Per Day of Instruction - 9 subjects

If the student is taught nine subjects in French, enter the minutes per day of instruction.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Minutes Per Day of Instruction - 10 subjects

If the student is taught ten subjects in French, enter the minutes per day of instruction.


Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language

Defining Literacy and Numeracy

Ontario Provincial Information - Literacy and Numeracy

Only displayed for elementary schools. To add a new entry, click the HERE link, then click NEW. To edit an existing entry, click a Literacy Numeracy type.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Literacy Numeracy Type

Choose a type.

  • L - Literacy

  • N - Numeracy

[ON_Literacy_Numeracy]user_defined_text (alias Type)

OnSIS Submissions

Grade Level

Enter a number corresponding to the grade level.

[ON_Literacy_Numeracy]user_defined_integer (alias Grade_Level)

OnSIS Submissions

Number Of Blocks Per Week

[ON_Literacy_Numeracy]user_defined_numeric (alias Blocks_Per_Week)

OnSIS Submissions

Defining Provincial Attendance Parameters

Ontario Attendance Parameters

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

AM Tardy Check Period

Enter the number (not code) of the period to be checked to determine whether a student is considered AM tardy. If undefined a student is deemed AM tardy if a tardy attendance code is found in any AM period.


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Cards, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

PM Tardy Check Period

Enter the number (not code) of the period to be checked to determine whether a student is to be considered PM tardy. If undefined a student is deemed PM tardy if a tardy attendance code is found in any PM period.


Elementary Progress Reports, Elementary Report Cards, Daily Attendance Record, OnSIS Submissions

Entering ECPPInformation


A PowerSchool school must be created for each ECPPfacility for which data is to be reported, and the "Section 23 School Flag" checkbox must be selected for those schools. Multiple PowerSchool ECPP schools can be created with the same BSID - data for all schools with the same BSID are reported in the same OnSIS ECPP School Submission file. The BSID for a school is stored in [Schools]Alternate_School_Number. [Schools]School_Number is used if an alternate school number is not defined.

You can set up an "umbrella school", where all ECPP students (belonging to different facilities) are enrolled and the different ECPP facilities are set up as schools. In this case, 'Years/Terms' setup is only required for the "umbrella school" and not for the individual schools. When the ECPPSubmission is run for a particular ECPP facility, only the the students and class enrollments for that facility are included. If the Submission is run for the "umbrella school" all the students are included, based on the student selection and class selection rules. See the OnSIS ECPP Submission Report for details about these rules.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

ECPP School Flag

T or F

Indicates whether a school is a ECPP facility.


EQAO Submissions

OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Program Type

This field is only visible for ECPP facilities.

The program type offered by the ECPP facility.

Valid Values:

  • Blank

  • Residential (1)

  • Day Treatment (2)

  • Both (3)

Note: if this field is set to Residential (1) or Both (3), PowerSchool calculates the number of days the student resided in the facility; otherwise, Null is submitted to OnSIS.


OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Designated School

Select a school from the list of opened public schools. This field is mandatory for ECPP facilities.

This list is based on the highest grade of the ECPP facilities and listed by [school number(BSID)]. Secondary public schools are displayed when the highest grade is 12 and Elementary public schools when the highest grade is 8.


  • For a school to appear in this list, ECPP School Flag and School is Closed must not be selected for the school.

  • To allow this value to be overwritten if required for some students, this field is also available at the student level, on the Student General Info tab.


OnSIS ECPP School Submission

Designated School (Elem)

Select a school from the list of opened public schools.

This field is only visible to ECPP schools with both elementary and secondary grade levels. The field is used to specify the elementary designated school. Use Designated School to specify the Secondary Designated school.



Creating Log Entries

Log Types

Log Types > Edit Log Type / Edit Subtypes

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Log Type

Set up entry for "OSR Request".



Office Index Card

Log Code

Set up entries for:

  • RCVD - Received

  • RQST - Requested

  • SENT - Sent



Office Index Card

Defining Tests

Tests > [select test]/Edit Scores

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


Click New to set up tests. Add one for English and another for French as follows:



OSSLT results are imported into one of these tests.


Secondary Report Card, OST, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Submissions

Score Name

Click New to set up a score name of "Outcome".

OSSLT results will be imported into this score in the Alpha Box.


Secondary Report Card, OST, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions, EQAO Submissions, OCAS/OUAC Submissions

Setting Up Incident Management Codes

Incident Management > Code and Subcode Setup / Incident Types

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Codes And Subcodes

The individual fields in this section will be defined in a later documentation release.

These should be loaded using the Load Codes/Subcodes link on the Edit District Info page.

The loaded configuration is described in Appendix B.

OnSIS Submissions


Add incident type "OnSIS Discipline"



OnSIS Submissions

Setting Up Graduation Plans

Graduation Planner Setup

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

The individual fields in this section will be defined in a later documentation release.

Create a graduation contract for each type of the following diplomas and certificates associated with students in the board:

OSSD - Ontario Secondary School Diploma, 1999 and later

OSSD2 - Ontario Secondary School Diploma, before 1999

SSGD - Secondary School Graduation Diploma

SSHGD - Secondary School Honours Graduation Diploma

OSSC - Ontario Secondary School Certificate

The configuration specific to each type of graduation contract is described in Appendix C.

The individual fields in this section will be defined in a later documentation release.

Secondary Report Card, OST, SHSM Record, Status Sheet, OnSIS Submissions

Defining Provincial Standards


Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


All Ontario Provincial standards must be set up for the district.

There are three sets of standards to be imported.

Elementary 1-6

Elementary 7-8

Secondary 9-12

Refer to Appendix E for more information on how to import the standards from an Excel spreadsheet.




Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, OnSIS Submissions, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/Online)

Conversion Scales

There are eleven standards conversion scales that must be set up.

  • Null

  • Yes/No (blank)

  • Learning Skills and Work Habits

  • Grades 1-6 Final Marks

  • Grades 7-8 Final Marks

  • Progress Report Grades

  • ESL/ELP/IEP Status


  • NA

  • 20 Point Scale

  • 30 Point Scale

Refer to Appendix E for more information on how to setup each conversion scale.


Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers, Continuing Education Registers (Correspondence/Self-Study/Online)

Adding Gender Values

District > CodeSets > Gender

Define the gender codes mandated by the Ministry. Valid values are M, F, N and S. and a gender description is required when S is defined for a student.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


Set the order of the values as they should appear when in the student Gender drop-down list.


OnSIS Submissions


Select the student's gender.

Valid values are:

  • F (Female)

  • M (Male)

  • N (Prefer Not to Disclose)

You can set up one or all of the following:

  • S (Prefer to Specify): If you set up this value, a gender description must be entered when this option is selected.

    • Note: Do not define this code if you want to have control over the gender descriptions reported to OnSIS. Instead, set up O (Other), as described below.

  • O (Other): If you set up this value, a description must be selected from a predefined list of descriptions. For information about creating the gender description drop-down list, refer to "Creating Gender Description Code Sets" below.

  • Any other one character code can be set up (for example, 1 (TransBoy), 2 (Transgirl),3....A,B,C...and so on). When this is the case, users do not have the option to enter or select a description; instead, the Description Value (see below) is used for reporting. Choose this option if you want new genders to be listed in the gender drop-down list.


OnSIS Submissions

Display Value

Choose the gender value to be displayed.


OnSIS Submissions


This is the long description of the Gender.

This value is reported to OnSIS when the code is not F, M, N,  or O and the reported value is S. Must not exceed 50 characters; otherwise, truncated.

  • Valid Characters:

    • a-zA-ZÀàÄäÂâÁáÈèÉéÊêËëÎîÏïÌìÔôÖöÓóÜüÙùÛûÚúÇçÿŸÑñò _:.0-9'~-

    • Accents are accepted

    • Numbers are allowed


OnSIS Submissions

Reported Value

Define a Reported Value if the value to be reported is different than the code.

Optional for gender codes F, M, N and S, mandatory for all other codes.


OnSIS Submissions


Use to exclude this gender code from being reported. When selected, the gender type and any corresponding description are not sent to OnSIS.


OnSIS Submissions

Start Date

If you want the defined gender to only be used starting on a specific date, set this date to a future date.

If the code should be immediately available for selection, leave this date blank.


OnSIS Submissions

End date

Set this to the date after which this code should no longer be used; the gender code will not be available for selection after this date.

Expired gender codes that are already assigned to students are still reported to OnSIS.


OnSIS Submissions

Creating the Gender Description Code Set Child Table

This child table must be created if you decided to define gender code O (Other). The values defined in this table will be listed for the user to select from when selecting gender O for the student.

Use the Add Code Set function to add a code set child table. Enter a name for the child Code Set (ex: Gender Description)

There is no limit to the number of descriptions you can add.

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


Use to set the order of the gender description values as they should appear in the gender description drop-down list for the Gender option O (Other).


OnSIS Submissions


The Gender Description code; for example, S1, S2, S3.


OnSIS Submissions

Display Value

Use for the Gender Short Description. This value is used on the gender description dropdown list for the Gender option O (Other).


OnSIS Submissions


Use for the Gender Long Description. This is the value to be reported to OnSIS when Gender option "O" is selected for the student.

The description must not exceed 50 characters or it will be   truncated.

  • Valid Characters:

    • a-zA-ZÀàÄäÂâÁáÈèÉéÊêËëÎîÏïÌìÔôÖöÓóÜüÙùÛûÚúÇçÿŸÑñò _:.0-9'~-

    • Accents are to be accepted

    • Numbers are allowed


OnSIS Submissions


Select if you want to exclude this gender description from OnSIS reporting


OnSIS Submissions

Start Date

If you want the description to only be used starting on a specific date, set this date to a future date.

If the description should be immediately available for selection, leave this date blank.


OnSIS Submissions

End Date

Set this to the date after which this description should no longer be used; the gender description will not be available for selection after this date.

Expired gender descriptions that are already assigned to students are still reported to OnSIS.


OnSIS Submissions

Parent Code

Set to O.


OnSIS Submissions

Parent Code Set

Select Gender


OnSIS Submissions

Adding Learning Preference Values

District > Learning Preferences

Define the Learning preferences codes mandated by the Ministry. Valid values are 01 (Full-time in-person learning), 02(Full-time remote learning),03(Combination of in-person and remote learning).

If no codes are present in this codeset, table, the values 01, 02, and 03 are automatically seeded into the table with Provincial reporting and above. Otherwise, you need to manually enter the values as per the table below

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports

Code Value

Enter the code as you want it to appear in the student Learning Preferences drop-down list. This field is required.

Valid EQAO values are:

01 (for Full-time in-person learning),

02 (for Full-time remote learning)

03 (for Combination of in-person and remote learning).



Enter a description of the code as you want it to appear in the student Learning Preferences drop-down list.


Sort Order

Enter a number to determine the order in which you want the code to appear in the student Learning Preferences drop-down list relative to other codes. The lower the sort order number, the higher the item appears on the menu.

Effective Start Date

Enter the date the code becomes valid. This field is optional.

Effective End date

Enter the date the code is no longer valid. This field is optional.

Alternate Report Code

Enter a code that can be used to send to EQAO as an alternative to Code Value. This field is optional.

If you already have codes that is different than what is valid for EQAO. Use this field to map your codes to the EQAO codes

Valid EQAO values:

01 (for Full-time in-person learning),

02 (for Full-time remote learning)

03 (for Combination of in-person and remote learning).

Set As default

Select this option to set this Code Value as the default within the code set.

Adding Language Codes

Language code set is not used by Provincial Reporting, it is available to Ontario customers for their own purposes.

District > CodeSets > Language

  1. On the start page, choose District in the main menu.

  2. Click Code Sets and choose the Language code set for which you want to add a code.

  3. Click Add Code.

  4. Add details as provided in the table below and click on Submit.

Define the Language codes

Data Element

Additional Information


Used in these Reports


Set the order of the values as they should appear when in the student language drop-down list.



The language code value is stored here. Required.


Display Value

The language value to be displayed.



The long description of the language.


Reported Value

Refers to the value used by Provincial Reporting, if populated, as an alternative to the Code value. Currently, this code set is not used by the Provincial Reporting.



Use to exclude this Language code from being reported. When selected, the Language type and any corresponding description are not sent to OnSIS.


Start Date

If you want the defined language to only be used starting on a specific date, set this date to a future date.

If the code should be immediately available for selection, leave this date blank.


End date

Set this to the date after which this code should no longer be used; the language code will not be available for selection after this date.


Parent Code

Displays Parent Code value for the selected Parent Code

Parent code Set

Reference to the Parent Code Set ID. Indexed. Null indicates this is a CodeSet Category.

Refer to the Code Sets page to manage codeset.

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