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Appendix K - EYE Licensed Child Care Facilities Import

Early Years Experiences Licensed Child Care Facilities Import Instructions

Following are the Instructions for importing Licensed Child Care Facilities.

Download and Save Licensed Child Care Facilities File

To ensure your current and future data is not negatively impacted, ensure you save the Licensed Child Care Facilities file in the format Text (Tab delimited).

Do not save the child care list file in Excel format. Excel might treat the license number field as a number and remove the leading zeros, which will cause serious issues with your existing and future data.

  1. Go to The Licensed child care facilities in Ontario webpage opens.
  2. Download the Licensed Child Care Facilities file.
  3. In Excel, use Format Cells to change the format of Original Issue Date (Col  I) and Closure or Terminate date (Col K) to Date - MM/DD/YY.
  4. Click File > Save as and save the file in Text (Tab delimited) format. 


Delete Records from the [S_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S] Table

The existing records in the table [S_ON_EYE_CareCenter_S] must be deleted before you import the Early Years Experiences Child Care Facilities file.

IMPORTANT: Make sure this table is empty before you import a new file; failure to do so will result in the generation of duplicate records.

There are two ways to delete all rows from the [S_ON_EYE_CareCenter_S] table.

  1. Have your IT department run the script file on your server.
  2. Use PowerSchool Importing and Exporting to delete to data.

Note for hosted clients: Hosted customers must either follow method 2 to delete the records or contact support.

Method 1 - Run Script File to Delete Existing data

The purpose of the script file is to delete all records from the S_ON_EYE_CareCenter_S] table.
Note: This procedure must be performed by your IT department.

  1. Download and save the script file DeleteAll_ON_EYE_CareCenter_S.sq
  2. Run the script file to delete all records from the [S_ON_EYE_CareCenter_S] table.

Method 2 - Use PowerSchool Importing and Exporting to Delete Existing Data

The purpose of exporting the existing IDs and then importing them with no other data is to delete records from the [S_ON_EYE_CareCenter_S] table.

Export the existing IDs:
  1. Sign in to the PowerSchool Admin portal.
  2. On the Start Page, under Functions, click Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
  3. Click Importing & Exporting. The Importing & Exporting page appears.
  4. Under Data Export, click Data Export Manager. The Data Export Manager page appears.In the Select Columns to Export section:
    1. Choose Database Extensions from the Category pop-up menu.
    2. Choose S_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S from the Export From pop-up menu.
    3. Select the ID field [Data Source] checkbox.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the Select/Edit Records to Export from [Data Source] section, select Export All Rows.
  7. Click Next.
  8. In the Export Summary and Output Options field, choose Export.
  9. Save the IDs file.
Add the header row to the IDs file:
  1. Open the IDs file in a text editor.
  2. Download and open the header row file S_ON_EYE_CareCenter_Header.txt, which lists every column in the table.
  3. Copy and paste the header row into the IDs file.
  4. Save the IDs file.

Note: Row 1 will show every column title  as Tab Delimited. All other rows contain the exported IDs.

Import to delete the records:
  1. Sign in to the PowerSchool Admin portal.
  2. Choose District from the School pop-up menu in the navigation toolbar.
  3. On the Start Page, under Functions, choose Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
  4. Click Importing & Exporting. The Importing & Exporting page appears.

  5. Click Data Import Manager. The Data Import Manager page appears.




    Enter the file path and name of the file that you saved above, with the list of ID's to be deleted, and click Open.

    Import Into


    Field Delimiter

    Set to Tab

    Character Set

    Use the pop-up menu to choose the character set for the import file. This selection is specific to the operating system where the import file was created. Options are:

    • Unicode
    • Windows ANSI (Windows)
    • Mac Roman (Mac)
    • ISO 8859-1 (Unix)
  6. Click Next or click the Map Columns header.

  7. Use the following table to enter information in the Map Columns fields:

    Import Field ColumnsPowerSchool Fields
  8. Click Next or the Select Options header.

  9. Select Check to exclude the first row.

  10. Select Update existing record.
  11. Select Check to confirm that records should be deleted if blank rows exist in the import file....
  12. Click Import. The Import Results page displays "All rows have been deleted" in the Imported field.

Import Records into [S_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S]

The purpose of this import is to insert the licensed childcare facilities from the file downloaded from the ministry site into the [S_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S] table.

  1. Sign in to the PowerSchool Admin portal.
  2. Choose District from the School pop-up menu in the navigation toolbar.
  3. On the Start Page, under Functions, choose Special Functions. The Special Functions page appears.
  4. Click Importing & Exporting. The Importing & Exporting page appears
  5. Click Data Import Manager. The Data Import Manager page appears. Complete the fields as follows:




    Enter the file path and name of the file to import or click Choose the text File: and choose the file you downloaded from the ministry site and saved as text.
    Click Open.

    Import Into


    Field Delimiter

    Set to Tab

    Character Set

    Use the pop-up menu to choose the character set for the import file. This selection is specific to the operating system where the import file was created. Options are:

    • Unicode
    • Windows ANSI (Windows)
    • Mac Roman (Mac)
    • ISO 8859-1 (Unix)
  6. Click Next or click the Map Columns header.
    Note: The Next button and the Map Columns header appear shaded until the Source and Import Into are populated.
  7. Use the following table to enter information in the Map Columns fields:

    Import Field ColumnsPowerSchool Fields
    Report Snapshot Dateleave blank
    Licensee NameS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.licenseeName
    Program Type DescS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.programTyp
    Region Display NameS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.Region
    License NumberS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.licenseNumber
    Program OptionS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.programOption
    Original Issue DateS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.originalIssueDate
    Licence StatusS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.licenseStatus
    Closure or Termination DateS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.closureTerminationDate
    Language of Service Descleave blank
    Street NumberS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.streetNumber
    Street NameS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.streetName
    Street TypeS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.streetType
    Postal CodeS_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S.postalCode

    Note: You can save the mapping information into a template for future use. For information about templates, see PowerSchool Help > System Help.

  8. Click Next or the Select Options header. Note: The Next button and the Select Options header appear shaded until at least one column is mapped or an identifier (required field) is mapped. The same primary column is not mapped more than once.
  9. Select Check to exclude the first row.
  10. Select Do not process record, 
  11. Deselect the Check to confirm that records should be deleted if blank rows exist in the import file... checkbox to retain all data in the specified column.
  12. Click Import. The Import Results page displays a summary of the processed records. Select "Refresh" periodically until all records have been imported. 
    Note: The total number of records in the table after successful import should be equal to the total number of records in the S_ON_EYE_CareCenter_Header.txt file.

IMPORTANT: If errors are encountered and you need to re-import the file, you must first delete the records from the S_ON_EYE_CARECENTER_S table; failure to do so will result in the generation of duplicate records.

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