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Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language


This report outputs a PDF containing a student's record of accumulated instruction in French as a second language (also known as French Card) from Junior Kindergarten through Grade 8. The report can also be set to recalculate the student's French hours based on French classes or programs for the selected year. The report can be run at the school level or from the PowerTeacher portal. Run the report at the end of each year for all students who are enrolled till the last day of school. If you run the report after the last day of school, you will need to populate the Inactive Date Range fields with dates that include the last day of school. For a student who left the school during the year, run the report for only that student by specifying the Inactive Students Date Range on the input parameter page.

Report records can be reviewed and edited for a student on the State/Province - ON > French Card Tab. New user-defined records can also be added to the student's French Card on this tab.

Required Setup

For a student to appear on the report, the student must be enrolled in one of the following:

  • A French Class (FRE-10) with the language program type set to Core, Extended, Immersion or intensive Core on the course or section page, OR

  • A French Special Program (French Program flag is selected) with the language program type set to Core, Extended, Immersion or intensive Core, OR

  • A French Exempt Special Program (French Exemption Flag is selected).

Subjects taught in French must have the Language of instruction set to French on the Section or Course page.

  • On the District Setup page, under Schools/School Info, the Language Program Minutes for each Program Type and Grade must be defined.

  • Boards or schools offering different options for the Immersion Program can set minutes for these options, based on the number of subjects taught to the student in French

The Language Program Minutes for each Program Type and Grade must still be defined as this information is used in other reports.

Language Program Minutes are stored by school but not by year so if you are running the report for a previous year and the Language program minutes have changed, you will need to adjust the minutes before running the report.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

School Selection

This is a school level report and should not be run at the district. Run the report from elementary schools only; if run for secondary, night, or summer schools, the report is blank.

Sections Selection

When printing the subjects list, the report selects records from the [Courses] and [Sections] table based on the following criteria:

  • The Language of Instruction for the section must be set to French on the section or course.

  • Students must be enrolled in the section for one or more days.

Student Selection

The report selects records from the [Students] table based on the following criteria:

  • When run from the PowerTeacher portal, only the teacher's students are included (a student is accessible to a teacher only if the student is enrolled in a section assigned to the teacher). All or selected students are included when run from PowerSchool SIS.

  • For an active student to be included in the report, the student must be active in the current selection.

  • For an inactive student to be included, the student must have a school enrolment exit date within the Inactive Students Date range on the input parameters page.

  • The student must have a primary enrolment. Cross enrolled and no show students are not included.

  • Students with primary enrolment at the school and cross enrolled at a Learn@home school are also included in the report if Count meeting attendance recorded at another school for a student enrolled at this school flag is selected.

  • The student must be in a grade level from Junior Kindergarten to Grade 8.

  • The student must be enrolled in a French class, or in a French special Program that has a program type of Core, Immersion, Extended, or Intensive Core.

  • French Exempt students are only included if the report parameter "Include French Exempt Students" checkbox is selected.

The student is considered French Exempt if enrolled in any French Exempt program, even if the student also has a French class or a French special program.

  • The student must not have an attendance type of EX.

Report Logic

Based on the input parameters selections, the report determines the students that should be included in the report and the report mode

Generate & Print Mode

When Generate & Print Mode is selected on the report parameters page, the report processes every selected student as follows:

  1. The report determines the student's current enrolment or the enrolment that ends between the date range selected on the run page.

  2. For that enrolment, the report deletes all existing French Card records that were created during the enrolment (logic at records where classProgramStartDate OR ClassProgramEndDate-1 falls within student's entry and student's exitDate-1 of the enrollment). Locked records and user-created records are not deleted.

  3. If French Exempt students are to be included, the report determines whether the student is French Exempt as of the report run date, and creates a French Exempt record in the report.

  4. If the student is not French Exempt as of the report run date, the report determines whether the student is enrolled in a French class and, if so, the report calculates the percentage and French hours based on the student's start and end date in the class. If the student is enrolled in several French Classes for the same school enrolment (for example, the student moved sections), the report creates several records for each class in the database and then combines them, if possible, when printing the report.

  5. If the student is not French Exempt and is not enrolled in a French class, the report determines if the student is enrolled in a French Special Program and, if so the report calculates the percentage of French hours based on the student's start and end date in the program. If the student is enrolled in several French special programs for the same school enrolment (for example, the student moved programs), the report creates several records for each program in the database and then combines them, if possible, when printing on the report.

    On the French Card page, users have the option to lock report generated records for a student. Locked records are not regenerated when the report is run.

Processing students cross enrolled in another school

  • Student enrolled in a home school, cross enrolled at a remote school for the whole enrolment, minutes are calculated based on his classes at the cross enrolled school.

  • Student enrolled in a home school, for a period of time then cross enrolled at a remote school for another period, minutes are the sum of the minutes calculated based on the student's classes at the home school + minutes based on his classes at the cross enrolled school.

  • If the subjects taken at the 2 schools are different, the report will print minutes for each school on a separate record on the report.

  • Only classes that fall within the student school enrolment are considered in the calculations.

    • If the report is run from the teacher portal, the report will only include students that the teacher has access to.

    • Schools may select the virtual class (blank course type) to run the report for only students enrolled in that class ( students cross enrolled at Learn@home school ).

Processing Inactive Students

If the Inactive Students Date range is specified on the input parameter page, the report will run for only the students who left the school within that date range. The report determines the student's latest school enrolment and follows the report logic to generate the French record, as described in the previous section.

Students who are transferred out or withdrew from the school on the transfer date are processed with the other inactive students.


  • It is recommended that you run the report at the end of the year, to calculate hours for students who were in the school for the whole year.

    • The report calculates the hours based on the student enrollment in class/program; therefore, if the report is run at the beginning of the year, the hours for the whole year are inserted on the student record. if the student then leaves the class/program or school, the report runs for the student once again to recalculate the hours based on the new dates.

    • If the student moves sections/programs during the year, the report generates records for each section and combines those records on the report when possible. There is no need to run the report every time the student moves sections/programs. Generated records can be viewed and edited from the Student > Province> French Card tab.

  • When a student leaves a school, it is recommended that you run the report for the student to generate a French card record for the enrolment. Use the Inactive Students Date Range to run the report for inactive students.

  • If a student is French Exempt and moves to a French class/program during the year, enter a manual record for the French Exempt period on the French Card tab and the French hours will be calculated by the report when run at the end of the year for the student. If the student is enrolled in a French Class/Program and moves to French Exempt during the year, enter a manual record for the French hours accumulated through the first period and the French Exempt record will be generated by the report when run at the end of the year for the student.

Report Output

  • Every student is printed on a separate page.

  • The report prints all existing past and current year records for the student.

  • The report prints report-generated and user-generated records.

  • For report-generated records, the report combines and prints records for each program type where possible. When combining records, if the percentage sum is 100 or greater, the percentage is not printed.

  • Report-generated records where total hours equal zero and program type is not French Exempt are not printed.

  • The report output is sorted by school year, school enrolment entry date, French class/program entry date, and grade.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Current Selection Students

Indicate which students to include in the report by selecting one of the following options:

  • The Selected [Number] Students Only - Run the report for students in the current selection.

  • All Students - Run the report for all students in the current school or district that meet the selection criteria.

Default is All Students.

  • If running the report for a single student, or group of students, select the students prior to running report.

  • If running from the PowerTeacher portal, the teacher can only run the report for all students for which that teacher has access.

Select Course Section

From the multi-select list, use Ctrl+Click or Shift+Click to select a single section or set of sections for which to run the report.

Only students enrolled in the selected section(s) are included in the report.

Report Mode

Indicate the mode of the report output by selecting one of the following options:

  • Print - The report outputs a PDF file containing the records currently present for the selected students.

  • Generate & Print - The report clears and recalculates student records for the current school enrolment and outputs a PDF file containing the new values.

    Locked records are not overwritten.

Sort By

Sort alphabetically by the student. Students are sorted by surname, then by given name.

Inactive Students Date Range

To run the report for only students who left the school, enter the date range the students left. The report outputs information only for students who transferred out or withdrew from the school within this date range. To run the report after the school year is ended, to include students who where in the school till the last day, those fields should also be populated with a date range that includes the student's exit date for the school year.

  • The date range should be within the start date of the selected school year and the end date of the selected school year, plus one day.

  • To run the report for a single day, enter the same start and end date.

Include French Exempt Students

Select the checkbox to include students who are exempt from French language program requirements.

Board Acronym

Enter the acronym for the school board.

Avoid using special characters in the Board Acronym as some special characters are not supported.

If a Board Acronym is not specified, the district number outputs on the report.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Student's surname

The student's last name.

If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.



Given names

The student's first and middle names.

If populated, the student's legal name overrides the student's preferred name.






The student's Ontario Education Number.


School year*

* is displayed when a special comment for the school year is printed at the footer of the report.

Indicates the school year and the percentage of time the student was enrolled in the school.

If the student has several school enrolments for the same school year, there will be several records for the same year indicating the percentage for each enrolment.

% (Percent/Year) = (DaysEnrolled/TotalDays) * 100


  • If student is enrolled in French Class: Sum of in-session days from the school calendar between the French class enrolment start and end dates

  • If student enrolled in French Special Program: Sum of in-session days from the school calendar between the Special Program start and end dates

Note: if start date is less than the student school enrolment start date, then the student school enrolment start date is used. If the end date is not defined or after the student school enrolment end date then the student school enrolment end date is used.


  • Sum of in-session days from the school calendar between term first day and term last day.





School Board

The school board associated with the school in which the student was enrolled.

This is the board acronym if specified on the input parameter page; otherwise, this is the district number.




The student's grade level.





Hours of Instruction in the subject of French

This field is not populated


Hours per year of French instruction given in subjects other than French


Subjects the student took that were taught in French.

If the report parameter "Include French Exempt Students" is selected and the student is French Exempt (X), the report displays French Exempt.




[Sections]Instruction_Lang or [S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = French


This field is not populated


Total number of hours for the year

The number of hours of French instruction the student received, including both the French language and subjects taught in French for the school year. This is a calculated field and consists of the students' total days of enrolment in the school multiplied by the minutes of instruction per day defined for the student's French program. (DaysEnrolled * MinutesOfInstPerDay)/60)).

If the report parameter "Include French Exempt Students" is selected and the student is French Exempt (X), the output is 0.0.


If the student is enrolled in a French Class, DaysEnrolled is the sum of in-session days from calendar_day between the French class enrolment start and end dates

If the student is enrolled in French Special Program or French Exempt Special Program, this is the sum of in-session days from calendar_day between the Special Program start and end dates

Note: If the start date is less than the student school enrolment start date, then the student school enrolment start date is used. If the end date is not defined or is after the student school enrolment end date, the student school enrolment end date is used.


Calculated based on the student's grade level on the school enrolment and the language program type defined in the students French Class section or French Special Program

For immersion programs, the grade level and total number of subjects taught in French that are assigned to the student are used to determine the minutes. If the total number of subjects is more than 10, the minutes defined for 10 subjects are used. Note: If the minutes are not defined, the default value is used.




Total number of hours accumulated by the end of the school year

The total number of hours of French instruction the student received.


Total accumulated by the end of Grade 8

The total number of hours of French instruction the student received by the end of Grade 8.

Populated when Grade 8 hours are entered.


Report Footer

Special comments are displayed as follows:

For students with 2019-2020 record(s):

"The 2019-20 school year was impacted by school closures. The student is recognized as having met the expectations set for instructional hours."

For students with 2020-2021 record(s):

"The offering of 2020-21 French as Second-Language Programs occurred in a modified learning environment as required by provincial public health guidelines. The student is recognized as having met the expectations set for instructional hours."


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