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Completed Lessons/Work Units Report


This report prints the number of lessons marked (for correspondence/self study/e-learning classes) and completed work units (for independent study classes) for students. At the user's option, the report also shows the specific lessons marked / work units completed within each class.

Selection Criteria

Class Selection

  • Only classes with a scheduling term associated with the same year as the currently selected PowerSchool term are included.

  • If the Include Independent Study Classes option is selected, the report includes classes, regardless of year, for which the independent study flag ([S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class) is true, or for which a student is enrolled as an independent study student (i.e. [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class flag is on).

  • If the Include Correspondence/Self Study/E-Learning Classes option is selected, the report includes classes, regardless of year, for which the delivery type ([S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type) is one of: '2' (independent study), '3' (private study), '16' (correspondence/self study), '18' (e-learning not through LMS), or '19' (e-learning through provincial LMS). Only correspondence/self-study/online classes taken at a school for which the summer school flag ([Schools]IsSummerSchool) or the night school flag ([S_ON_SCH_X]IsNightSchool) is on are included; day school CE classes are not included.

Student Selection

  • Subject to the class selection above, the report includes students enrolled in correspondence/self study/e-learning and/or independent study classes, regardless of year.

Note: When run through PowerTeacher, the "Current Selection Students" option is removed, and the report includes only classes and associated students for which the logged in teacher has access.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.

Note:  This report is also available on PowerTeacher - Reports - Additional tab - under Registers.



Current Selection Students

If 'All Students' (the default) is selected, the report includes all students subject to the rules associated with the other report parameters. If 'Selected n Students Only' is selected, the rules associated with the other report parameters are applied only to students in the current PowerSchool student selection. The default selection is all students.

Include Independent Study Classes

If checked (the default), classes for which [S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class is true are included in the report. If unchecked, these classes are excluded.

Include Correspondence/Self Study/E-Learning Classes

If checked (the default), classes for which [S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type is one of: '2', '3', '16', '18', or '19' are included in the report. If unchecked, these classes are excluded.

Print Lesson Detail

If unchecked (the default), the report prints a class detail line for each included class enrolment for a student showing the number of completed lessons/work units. If checked, an additional lesson detail line is printed for each lesson for which a mark (S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C]Mark) is posted for a class enrolment.

Group Report By

If "Student" is selected, the report contains a detail group for each included student listing the included classes for the student. If "Class" is selected, the report contains a detail group for each included class listing the included students for the class. Default is "Student".

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element



Student Name

Student’s name



Student’s OEN


Student Number

Student’s number


Grade Level

Student’s grade level


Class Type

Class type

'IS' for independent study or 'CE' for correspondence/self-study/online

When [S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class = 1 then ‘IS’

When [Sections] ON_Delivery_Type in (‘2’, ‘3’, ‘16’, ‘18’, ‘19’) then 'CE'

Else Blank

Delivery Type

Delivery type

[ps_common_code]code where [ps_common_code]ps_group = ‘ON_DropDown_Section’ and [ps_common_code]category = 'Delivery_Type' and [ps_common_code]code = [Sections] ON_Delivery_Type

Date Entered

The date the student was enrolled in the class

[CC]DateEnrolled with format MM/DD/YYYY

Date Left

The date the student exited the class

[CC]DateLeft with format MM/DD/YYYY

Course Section

Course number – Section number

[CC]Course_Number + ‘-‘ + [Sections]Section_Number


Lead teacher

[Users]LastFirst where [Teachers]ID = [SectionTeacher]teacherID and [SectionTeacher]SectionID = [Sections]ID and [RoleDef]ID = [SectionTeacher]RoleID and [RoleDef]IsLocked = 1

Mid Mark

Mid-term mark

[StoredGrades]Grade where [StoredGrades]TermID = [TermBins]TermID and [StoredGrades]StoreCode = [TermBins]StoreCode and [TermBins]SchoolID = [CC]SchoolID and [s_on_trb_x]TermBinsDCID = [TermBins]DCID and [s_on_trb_x]Mark_Type in (‘M1’,’M2’)

If both an "M1" and "M2 mark is present for a class, the "M2" mark is used. If more than one such record is present, the one with the latest [StoredGrades]DateStored is used.

Final Mark

Final mark

[StoredGrades]Grade where [StoredGrades]TermID = [TermBins]TermID and [StoredGrades]StoreCode = [TermBins]StoreCode and [TermBins]SchoolID = [CC]SchoolID and [s_on_trb_x]TermBinsDCID = [TermBins]DCID and [s_on_trb_x]Mark_Type = ‘F’

If more than on such record is present for a class, the one with the latest [StoredGrades]DateStored is used.

Marks Entered

Number of lessons/work units for which marks have been entered by the teacher.

The logic uses the SectionTeacher start and end dates and Mark Date Entered to determine which marks were entered by the teacher. If Mark Date Entered is not defined, the lesson will be counted for the current teacher (in the case when more that one teacher taught the class)

Count [S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C]mark 

where [S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C]ccdcid =[CC]dcid

and (

[S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C]Date_Marked between [SectionTeacher]Start_Date and [SectionTeacher]End_Date

OR [S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C]Date_Marked is NULL and [SectionTeacher]Start_Date = Last [SectionTeacher]Start_Date for [Sections]id


Lessons/Work Units Completed

Number of completed lessons/work units manually entered as an override.



Course Continued Flag

When [S_ON_CC_X]Previous_Year_Class = 1 or [S_ON_SEC_x]Previous_Year_Class = 1 THEN ‘Y’

Else Blank

Lesson/Work Unit

Lesson or Work Unit number

[S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C]Lesson_Number where [S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C]ccdcid = [CC]dcid



[S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C]Mark where [S_ON_CC_WKUNOLM_C]ccdcid = [CC]dcid

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