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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 State Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-225600Data Entry - New SHSM Certification Type

A new SHSM Certification type (Code: 331, Description: Mental Health Awareness, Start Date: 1-Jul-18) is added to the Certification Type drop-down list on the following pages:

  • Start Page > District Setup > Special Programs > Special Program Information > New & Edit SHSM Certification.
  • Start Page > Student Selection > Ontario Provincial Information > SHSM Certifications > New & Edit SHSM. Certification.
PSSR-227134Data Validation Tool and Viewer Enhancements

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 14.8
Data Validation: Version 2.1
The following changes are made to the Validation Errors Viewer Page:

  • The columns Student OEN and Student No are combined into one column: Student OEN/No.
  • The column Validation Source is renamed Source.
  • The column Action displays on the page.
  • The data validation tool allows the user to add more student-specific information to the Action message.
  • Errors MADEN0024 and MCE0068 are enhanced to include the student's courses that have the error in the action message.
PSSR-222824Enhance Report to Include Country (Current Residence) and Province (Current Residence) From Snapshot

OnSIS Elementary: Version 13.1
OnSIS Secondary: Version 14.7
The report is enhanced to check snapshot data for Country of Current Residence and Province of Current Residence. If records exist, the report prints the snapshot values; otherwise, values are pulled from the student's enrolment records.

PSSR-220619OnSIS Night - Residence Status Does Not Appear When Student is Enrolled in School with Same BSID

OnSIS Night Submission: Version 8.4
In some cases, certain school enrollment fields did not print (especially snapshot fields such as Residence status), even though snapshot records existed for the student at another school with the same BSID. The report now pulls the snapshot values if they exist at any school with the same BSID for students in the given school year.

PSSR-222396OnSIS Secondary Submission: XML Validation - New Rules

Additional Reference: PSSR-222399
OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 14.8
The OnSIS Secondary School Submission - XML Validation - is enhanced to include the following validation rules:

  • MOC0038 - Credit type must be "15 - Co-op" for DCO3O.
  • MCE0100 - Course delivery type must be "4 – Co-op" for DCO3O.
PSSR-221220OnSIS Summer - Postal Code Should Not be Reported for Students Outside of Ontario

OnSIS Summer Submission: Version 6.0
The report generates a POSTAL_AREA_TYPE value only when CURRENT_RESIDENCE_PROVINCE is ON.

PSSR-217902OnSIS Summer School Submission - Ministry Update 2019-2020

OnSIS Summer Submission: Version 6.0
Starting 2019-20, the Summer Submission report generates RESIDENCE_STATUS_TYPE and POSTAL_AREA_TYPE fields under the STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT segment.

PSSR-217814Ontario Data Status - Page Enhanced to Include EXSMS-0038.00 - Transition Dates PAE File

The following changes are made to the Ontario Data Status page:

  • A new tab is created for the EXSMS-0038.00 - Transition Dates PAE file.
  • Delete buttons now delete records as expected.
  • All tabs are enhanced to show the correct School BSID and not the SchoolID.
PSSR-227137Status Sheet - Report Not Behaving as Expected When the Graduation Planner is Reordered

Ontario Student Transcript: Version 6.3
OCAS Transmission: Version 7.5
OUAC Transmission: Version 7.5
Secondary Report Cards - GradeBook: Version 5.9
OnSIS CTCC Submission: Version 3.2
OnSIS Night School Submission: Version 8.5
OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 14.8
OnSIS Summer School Submission: Version 6.1
Ontario Student Status: Version 6.7
It is a Graduation Planner Setup requirement to create the subject groups in a specific order, as explained in the Ontario Online Help. If the Subject Groups were created in a different order and then reordered on the page, the Student Status Sheet report did not recognize the new order and did not count credits toward the correct diploma categories. The Ontario function ON_Student_GradPlan.getDiplomaSubjects is now updated to recognize the order in which categories are displayed under Start Page > District Setup > Graduation Planner Setup > Edit Graduation Plan Version.

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