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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Clock In/Clock Out Report Enhanced to Include Attendance Code

Clock In/Clock Out Report: Version 1.2

The Clock In/Clock Out report has been updated to include a new column: Attendance Code. The newly added column will display the associated attendance code for each student's record.


All States/Provinces: Discipline Incident Letters Report Display Issue Fix

Discipline Incident Letters Report: Version 1.2

The Discipline Incident Letters report has been updated to display the state and ZIP code with a space, removing extra periods from addresses, and the carat displaying in the 'smart pronoun' tag has been fixed.


All States/Provinces: Hepatitis B Vaccine Compliance Issue Fix

The compliance logic has been updated and will now correctly evaluate the student as compliant if the 3rd dose was given 24 weeks after the student's DOB.


All States/Provinces: Student Screen Access checkboxes removal from Group Security

The Student Screen Access checkboxes have been removed from the Group Security settings page in PowerSchool version 24.5.0. Due to this change, Compliance pages have been updated and page permissions will be automatically created or updated based on the existing settings on the group.

Refer to the Deprecation of studentscreenaccess DAT in SIS article in Community for more information.


All States/Provinces: Security Groups: Accessible Incident Types

Security Groups: Accessible Incident Types will now have only Incident Types as defined in District Management → Incident Type Setup

User to rerun the District Info, Load Incident Code/Subcode to load the Incident Type


 ConED Summer School Register Print 0 ADE for Non-Pupil of the Board

Continuing Education: Summer School Register: Version 4.8

Coned Summer School Register is updated to calculate ADE for OP students to align with OnSIS Summer Submission.


Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in Continuing Education Credit Courses - ConEd Register Missing One Day For Courses

Additional References: PSSR-343630

Continuing Education - Summer School Register: Version 4.7

Continuing Education - Register of Enrolment in Adult Credit Courses Taken for Diploma Purposes: Version 4.6

Continuing Education - Register of Enrolment in the Literacy and Numeracy Program: Version 4.4

Continuing Education - Register of Enrolment in Adult Native Language Instruction Program: Version 4.1

Continuing Education - Register of Enrolment in International Languages Elementary (ILE) Program: Version 4.3

In response to reported issues from some customers experiencing discrepancies in the number of sessions recognized for funding count and to ensure accurate funding calculations, we have revised and enhanced the logic used to calculate the number of sessions recognized for funding in reports.


  Course Repeat Logic Enhancement for Some Courses

Additional References: PSSR-342942

Ontario Student Status: Version 9.2
Ontario Student Transcript: Version 8.7
Potential Ontario Scholars: Version 3.5
Secondary Report Cards - GradeBook: Version 7.5
OCAS - Electronic Transcript: Version 2.8
OCAS Transmission: Version 9.3
OUAC Transmission: Version 9.5
Specialist High Skills Major Record: Version 4.4

As per the ministry guidelines, we have enhanced the course repeat function logic to better reflect the students' achievements in specific course pairs (GLS1O/GLE1O, BTT1O/BTT2O, HFN1O/HFN2O, HIF1O/HIF2O, BBI1O/BBI2O). Previously, both courses in each pair were displayed on the reports with credits earned, which was not in accordance with the guidelines. With this enhancement, only one credit will be earned for each course pair, and the other will be considered a repeat ensuring accurate representation of student achievement on the reports.

Changes Made:

  • The course repeat function logic has been updated to identify the specific course pairs mentioned above.

  • If a student has taken both 1O and 2O versions of a course from any of the pairs, only the course with the higher credit/mark is considered and the other is considered a repeat.

  • On the Ontario Student Transcript reports only one course is displayed with credits earned, the repeated course is no longer included. Both courses are printed on the Ontario Status Sheet report and an R note is displayed on the repeated course.


New Course Offering – Ministry Updates 2023–2024

A new value, (23) - Summer Learning Program (K-6) has been added to the course offering list in the courses and sections pages. This option will be used to report summer courses offered to elementary students grades kindergarten through sixth in the OnSIS Summer Submission reporting.


New Field Added: Scholarship Approved by Another Board

A new flag, Scholarship Approved By Another Board has been added to the General Information page, This flag will be used to indicate that the scholarship has been approved by another board and should not be reported by this board.

Navigation; Student, General Information page


OnSIS Data Validation Report – MSE0033 Error Incorrectly Showing for a Student

OnSIS Data Validation: Version 3.5

MSE0033 error shows for students who transferred between schools and the student’s original school enrollment has Previous Country populated. The report rule has been enhanced to consider the student enrolment record where the count date falls.


OnSIS Save Log Error Validation Comments Fixes.

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 19.9
OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 16.9
Update OnSIS Save XML comments to have consistent comment formating to improve the clarity of the comments.


OnSIS Sec, Night and ECPP - Scholarship Date Excluded if Approved by Another Board

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 19.8
OnSIS Night School Submission: Version 11.0
OnSIS ECPP Submission: Version 5.2

OnSIS Secondary, Night, and ECPP reports are enhanced to exclude Scholarship Date if the Scholarship is approved by another board.


OnSIS Secondary - Private Schools - Update June submission - Ministry Updates 2023-2024

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 19.8

The report has been updated for the private schools - June submission to report student data from the October count date + 1 to the June count date.


OnSIS Secondary and Elementary - Incorrect Exit Date Reported in SALEP Segment in June Submission

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 16.8

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 19.8

OnSIS SALEP segment for June submission has been updated to correctly generate the program Exit Date for students where the program Exit Date is between the last day of school and July 1.


OnSIS Snapshot Report - Provide an Option to Rerun the Report

OnSIS Snapshot Report: Version 2.6

In this version, the report has been enhanced to include the ability to rerun snapshot for any selected count date on the report. This new functionality allows users to rerun count dates that were previously run or could not be run through the regular process.

 Important Considerations:

Please exercise caution when using this option as it is not reversible. Additionally, it is important to note that certain student data, such as gender and postal code, are not date-stamped. Therefore, the data collected during the rerun will reflect the data as of the rerun date, rather than the original count date. This may result in inaccurate OnSIS reporting.


OnSIS Snapshot Report - Report Validations Added

OnSIS Snapshot report: Version 2.6

A restriction is added to prevent the selection of conflicting report parameters while running the report. If the Repopulate OnSIS Independent Study work units option is selected then the Re-run Snapshot option cannot be selected and vice versa.


OnSIS Summer Report - STU_BRD_RES_STAT_TYPE Incorrectly Reported In Some Cases

OnSIS Summer School Submission: Version 8.2

OnSIS Summer, the board residence status was always reported from the latest school enrollment for cross-enrolled students when no snapshot data exists for the student, which in some cases is a future school enrolment. This issue has been resolved. The report now considers the latest school enrollment that falls within the same academic year as the CC enrollment. This ensures the board residence status information is based on the most relevant and up-to-date data.


Validation Added to the Diploma Certificate Requirements Met Date Field

Validation has been added where Diploma Certificate Requirements Met Date becomes a required field if Graduation School is selected.

Navigation: Student, General Information page

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