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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-298512EQAO - PISA - 2022-2023 Ministry Update

EQAO Extracts: Version 6.5
The EQAO PISA report has been updated to incorporate the new 2022-2023 Ministry requirements.

PSSR-304445June OnSIS Submission XML File Missing Diploma Segment

OnSIS Secondary Submission: Version 17.5

OnSIS Night Submission: Version 9.6

OnSIS ECPP Submission: Version 4.4

The submissions listed above now generate the Diploma segment when a student transfers to a different school (other than the Graduation school) and has the Graduation school field filled in.

PSSR-302351ON16 – Status Sheet – OL Note Enhancement

Ontario Student Status: Version 8.1

The Online Learning (OL) note no longer prints for all courses earned between April and June 2020, although one such credit can be counted towards the student’s online learning requirement. The Online Learning note now prints only for online courses.

PSSR-282404Student Status Sheet - Print Student SHSM Coimplete Information

Ontario Student Status Report: Version 8.1

A second page is printed for students who completed or currently working towards an SHSM Program. The page shows the SHSM completed courses, SHSM current courses, SHSM certifications, and other SHSM related information.

PSSR-304460Student Status Sheet- Count Current Courses towards SHSM Progress

Ontario Student Status Sheet: Version 8.0

A checkbox, Count Current Courses towards SHSM Program has been added to the report run page. When selected, the SHSM current courses are applied towards the SHSM Program and the SHSM Cat (category) column indicates the category the credit fulfills. If the checkbox is not selected, only completed SHSM courses are considered for the program. The flag is selected by default.

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