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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2024 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


OnSIS Elementary Submission Pulling Incorrect Second Language Type

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 17.1

In some cases, the SECOND_LANGUAGE_PROGRAM had an incorrect type when the student moves from Core to French Immersion with no gap in enrollment. The SECOND_LANGUAGE_PROGRAM is updated for French courses to pick the French courses for the correct semester.


Student Mature Flag Added to Student Demographic Snapshot Report

Run Demographic Snapshot: Version 2.9

The report is enhanced to save the student’s Mature Flag value on the snapshot record when the report runs on the count date. If the report is run/rerun on a date after the count date, the report saves the student’s Mature flag value only if the student’s age on August 31st of the current school year is 18 years or more. Otherwise, the mature flag value is not saved.

Navigation: Select Student, Province, Snapshot

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