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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-246504EQAO Grade 9 - MathClassWhen field Calc Logic Ministry Updates 2020-2021

EQAO Extracts: Version 4.9

Report is updated to output 'MathClassWhen' field value based on the term the Math course is offered at.

Valid Values are:

  • 1 - First semester
  • 2 - Second semester
  • 3 - Full year
  • A - First quadmester
  • B - Second quadmester
  • C - Third quadmester
  • D - Fourth quadmester
  • E - First octomester
  • F - Second octomester
  • G - Third octomester
  • H - Fourth octomester
  • I - Fifth octomester
  • J - Sixth octomester
  • K - Seventh octomester
  • L - Eighth octomester
  • M - First hexamester
  • N - second hexamester
  • O - Third hexamester
  • P - Fourth hexamester
  • Q - Fifth hexamester
  • R - Sixth hexamester
PSSR-248783EQAO Grade 9 Math – Enhancements to Report Selection Criteria and File Name – Ministry Update 2020–20201

EQAO Extracts: Version 4.9

Updated file name to include 9A instead of 9W. Updated report to also include students doing full-time remote learning only if the user selects 'Include FT Remote Learning' option on the report run page.

PSSR-246509EQAO Grade 9 Transmission - Enhance Program Field Logic - Ministry updates 2020-2021

EQAO Extracts: Version 4.9

The report has been updated to output the Program field value based on the Math class type (Applied or Academic) and Learning Preference value defined for the school and if not defined based on the Instruction Mode defined for the student on the Math class enrolment, the Math section or the Math Course. If the learning preference or the Instruction Mode could not be identified, the report will default to Full-time in-person learning.

Program valid values are:

  • 1 - Applied (Full-time in-person learning)
  • 2 - Academic (Full-time in-person learning)
  • 3 - Applied (Full-time remote learning)
  • 4 - Academic (Full-time remote learning)
  • 5 - Applied (Combination of in-person and remote learning)
  • 6 - Academic (Combination of in-person and remote learning)
PSSR-246182EQAO Grade 9 Transmission - New Parameter Added to Report Run Page - Ministry Updates 2020-2021

EQAO Extracts: Version 4.9

Due to the new Quadmester, Hexamester and Octomester models used in the 2020-2021 school year, testing for Grade 9 Math will need to be done more frequently and students need to be able to write the assessment at or near the end of the course. A new 'Include Courses Ending between' parameter is added to the run page. This date range is used by the report to pick up only students enrolled in Math classes that have finished during this date range.

PSSR-246506New 'Instruction Mode' Field on Class Enrolment, Sections and Courses Pages

A new field 'Instruction Mode' is added to the following pages:

  • Start Page > [Select Student] > All Enrollments > Edit Enrolment
  • [Select School] > School > Sections > [Select Section] > (New/Edit): page
  • District Office > District > Courses > [Select Course] > Edit Course page

This field is used from the school year 2020-2021 onwards by the EQAO - Grade 9 transmission report to calculate the program field. This is not a required field and should only be used if the school learning preference is not defined.The report will use the value on the student class enrolment if defined, otherwise will use the value on the Math section and if not defined will use the value on the Math course. if the Math Instruction Mode is not identified the he report will default to Full-time in-person learning.

The field options are:

  • (01) FT in-person learning
  • (02) FT remote learning
  • (03) Combination of in-person and remote learning
PSSR-246505New 'Learning Preferences' Field on Edit School Pages

A new 'Learning Preferences' field is added to District Office> School/School info> [select school] edit school page and [Select School] > Special functions> Edit School page. This field is used from the school year 2020-2021 onwards by the EQAO - Grade 9 transmission report to calculate the program field.. This is not a required field. This field should be defined if the value selected apply to all students. If left blank, the report will use the Instruction Mode field on the Student class enrolment, Section or Course level.

The field options are:

  • (01) FT in-person learning
  • (02) FT remote learning
  • (03) Combination of in-person and remote learning
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