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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download from PowerSource.

For release dates, refer to 2020 Provincial Reporting Releases.

ReferenceSummaryRelease Note
PSSR-222855ConEd Registers Reports - Cancelled Sessions Prior to Student Enrollment Date Should Be Funded

Register of Enrolment in the International & Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Program Version 3.7
Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in Continuing Education Credit Courses Version 3.9
Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in Adult Indigenous Language Instruction Version 3.4
Continuing Education: Register of Enrolment in the Literacy and Numeracy Program Version 3.7
Continuing Education: Summer School Register Version 4.1

Cancelled sessions are counted for funding purposes, even if the cancelled session was before the student starts the course. C is now displayed for cancelled sessions before the student's first attendance in class and during the student's enrollment in the class.

PSSR-223870Enhance New Educator Assignment page behaviour on Chrome

When adding but not saving a new Educator Assignment in Chrome, if the Back button is clicked the values are no longer incorrectly saved, and a new Educator Assignment page appears with blank fields. The page behavior is now also correct in other browsers.

PSSR-226612EQAO - EQAO 3-6: Data Elements Name Issue

EQAO Extracts: Version 4.6
The labels AccAudioResponseRead, AccAudioResponseWrite and AccAudioResponseMath columns were mixed up with the labels AccAudioVersionRead, AccAudioVersionWrite, and AccAudioVersionMath. This issue is corrected.

PSSR-217900OnSIS CTCC Submission, OnSIS Night School Submission and OnSIS Summer School Submission: Extract Other Course Information Type - Ministry Updates 2019-2020

OnSIS CTCC Submission: Version 3.1
OnSIS Night School Submission: Version 8.4
OnSIS Summer School Submission: Version 6.0

A new segment, OTHER_COURSE_INFO, is now generated under STUDENT_CLASS_ENROLMENT and OTHER_CREDIT segment to send the other course information related to the course taken by the student. This segment has ACTION Tag and TYPE tag with valid values of 1 ( Credit Recovery) or 2 (Ministry Developed Content).

PSSR-220703OnSIS Night, Summer: NON_CREDIT_AVERAGE_DAILY_ENROLMENT, START TIME Does Not Always Output Correctly

OnSIS Night Submission version 8.3
OnSIS Summer Submission version 6.0
The START_TIME field under the NON_CREDIT_AVERAGE_DAILY_ENROLLMENT segment was not always generated correctly. The report has been fixed to consistently generate the correct values for START_TIME.

PSSR-206503OnSIS Secondary Submission: XML Validation - New Rule

Additional References: PSSR-202211, PSSR-206588
OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 14.7
The OnSIS Secondary School Submission - XML Validation - is enhanced to include the following validation rules:
MSE0145 - If OYAP flag is checked, then student must have at least one class enrolment or Other Credits record in the current submission.
MPL0028 - PLAR Status = Unsuccessful, Total Credit Value must be 0.
MCE0050a - Dual Credit applies only to Grade 10, 11 and 12 students.

PSSR-214905OnSIS Secondary: ADE Adjustments for SAL Fultime Students

Enrolment Fields Report: Version 3.7
OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 14.7

The report is updated so that it does not report ADE in the March submission if the student is an IS student and is fulltime SAL as of the October and the March count dates.

PSSR-221710OnSIS Summer and Night - Duplicate NON_CREDIT_AVERAGE_DAILY_ENROLMENT segment

OnSIS Night Submission version 8.3
OnSIS Summer Submission version 6.0
The NON_CREDIT_AVERAGE_DAILY_ENROLMENT segment was generated multiple times when the student re-enrolled in the same section.The report is updated to generate a single segment when a student enrolls in the same section with the earliest start date as PROGRAM_START_DATE and latest exit date as PROGRAM_END_DATE.

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