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OnSIS Reports

The report description table includes the following elements:

  • Report Name – Name of the report as seen in PowerSchool.
  • Description – The purpose of the report.
  • Due Date / Cycle – The timeframe during which the report is submitted to the province.

Report Name


Due Date / Cycle

OnSIS Pending Area Extract Import

Imports one or more CSV files downloaded from the OnSIS pending data area into temporary PowerSchool tables for subsequent use by OnSIS extractions.

Once at the start of each OnSIS submission period

Ontario Data Status: Viewing Summaries of OnSIS-Related Data

Displays a summary of snapshot dates and record counts for schools that have imported PAE data.

As needed.

OnSIS Create Class Codes

Generates and stores a unique class code value for each class in the master schedule regardless of whether the class is a combined class or not, regardless of the number of students enrolled in the class, and independently of any particular submission period. If a class already has a stored class code, a new code is not generated.

Once at the start of the October submission period and once before the start of subsequent submissions if classes have been added to the master schedule.

Run OnSIS Demographic Snapshot

Stores the values of select student demographic fields whose values must be reported as of a submission period count date rather than their current values.

Once on each submission period count date.

OnSIS Elementary School Submission Report

Creates an XML file for submission to the ministry of education's OnSIS system containing student information for elementary schools. The June submission supports the separate expulsion/suspension reporting.

October, March, June

Schedule is published by the ministry each year.

OnSIS Secondary School Submission Report

Creates an XML file for submission to the ministry of education's OnSIS system containing student information for secondary schools. The June submission supports the separate expulsion/suspension reporting.

October, March, June

Schedule is published by the ministry each year.

OnSIS June Suspension/Expulsion Submission ReportGenerated using either the OnSIS Elementary School Submission or OnSIS Secondary School Submission report depending on the school for which the report is run.  When the June Suspensions/Expulsions submission period is selected, the submission file is generated with School Incident (and child segments). These segments are not generated for other submission periods.

October, March, June

Schedule is published by the ministry each year.

OnSIS Summer School Submission Report

Creates an XML file for submission to the ministry of education's OnSIS system containing student information for the summer school session just completed.

Once per year.

Due the end of September for the previous year.

OnSIS Night School Submission Report

Creates an XML file for submission to the ministry of education's OnSIS system containing student information for night and continuing education schools. Information is sent for the entire school year. A single submission file contain data associated with a single ministry school number which may include multiple schools in PowerSchool.

Once per year.

Due the end of September for the previous year.

OnSIS CTCC School Submission

Creates OnSIS files for the CTCC School Submission at the end of each school year.

Submission period is from Sept 1 to Aug 31

OnSIS Student ADE Report

This report, similar in content and format to the OnSIS VFSCH-0067D.00 Average Daily Enrolment - Detail report, shows student ADE values for continuing education classes reported in OnSIS Night School and Summer School submissions. The report creates both a PDF version and a CSV version.

Once per year.

Due the end of September for the previous year

OnSIS Verification ReportsThe OnSIS verification reports are a set of summary and details reports which allow you to verify the aggregation of OnSIS information for funding sections. You can run these reports for the different submissions (October, March, and June) for elementary and secondary schools. As needed.
International & Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Summary ReportProvides summary data of language classes offered and student participation in them.As needed.
International & Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Details ReportProvides detailed information on students in an International Language for a CampusAs needed.
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