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OnSIS Pending Area Extract Import


This import reads one or more files provided by the ministry that contain the content of the OnSIS pending data area. The files are downloaded at the start of each OnSIS submission period in preparation for running the OnSIS extract reports for that submission period. The import places data in a number of custom tables (as described in Pending Area Extract (PAE) Tables) for use by the OnSIS extract reports. The import  also creates an HTML results page showing the number of records of each type that were imported. The results page is saved for subsequent viewing by the Pending Area Extract Import Results page. To determine if there is currently OnSIS pending data for any of the custom fields, refer to Ontario Data Status: Viewing Summaries Of OnSIS Related Data.

Please turn "Enable PAE Import School Parameter" flag ON only for K-12 school PAE Imports. This flag should be OFF for all other school imports.

Currently, the import will process the following extract files:

  • Extract #001: Class List Extract

  • Extract #002: Course Segment Extract

  • Extract #003: Student School Enrolment Extract

  • Extract #004: Student Class Enrolment Extract

  • Extract #005: Special Education Extract

  • Extract #007: Second Language Program Extract

  • Extract #009: School Educator Assignment

  • Extract #010: School Educator Assigned Classes

  • Extract #011: School Educator Assigned Subjects Extract

  • Extract #012: School Educator TLA Information Extract

  • Extract #013: School Incident Extract

  • Extract #014: Infractions Extract

  • Extract #015: School Student Involved in the Incident - Outcomes Extract

  • Extract #019: Course Calendar Extract

  • Extract #020: Average Mark Extract

  • Extract #021: Literacy Numeracy Extract

  • Extract #022: Report Card Extract

  • Extract #023: Option Sheet Extract

  • Extract #024: Report Card Marks Extract

  • Extract #025: Report Card Learning Skills Extract

  • Extract #026: Student Diploma Certificate

  • Extract #027: SALEP Extract

  • Extract #028: SHSM Program

  • Extract #029: SHSM Courses

  • Extract #032: Suspension Expulsion Program


To locate the PAE import in PowerSchool, go to: Start Page > Special Functions > Import Ontario Data Files

Report Input



Select School To Import PAEs

Select the "Enable PAE Import School Parameter" checkbox only for K-12 school PAE Imports. This checkbox should not be selected for all other school imports.

The drop-down list is only displayed if the preference [Prefs]ON_PAE_Import_School_Flag is defined and has the value "1". If displayed, the drop-down list contains an entry for each school in the database for which [Schools]State_ExcludeFromReporting is not 1. Schools in the list are ordered ascending by school name.

If a school is selected, all records in the imported PAE files are associated with the selected school. This allows a school  - with students in both elementary and secondary grade levels that has a single ministry BSID number (for example, a school that contains grades 5 - 12), but is set up in PowerSchool as two separate schools for the purposes of scheduling -  to associate PAE records with the correct PowerSchool school. The import process assumes that all records in an import file are associated with one school. You must divide a PAE file containing records for more than one school into separate files.

The [Schools]school_number is imported into the BSID field of the PAE tables.

If the BSID in an import record does not match the BSID of the selected school, an error is generated (and appears in the import results) and the record is not imported. When this option is enabled, the Alternate School Number ([Schools]Alternate_School_Number must be defined with the school's BSID, even if it is the same as the School Number ([Schools]School_Number).

If a school is not selected, records are not imported.

File To Import

Click Browse to navigate and select a file provided by the ministry. At least one import file must be specified.

If your browser supports it, a multi-file selection window is displayed and more than one file can be selected for importing at one time.

If your browser does not support multi- file selection, click the "+" , and then click Browse for each additional file to be imported.

As files are selected, the import page indicates which of the above extract file types are currently selected for processing (by showing the extract file type in bold) and whether any of those files contain no detail records (by showing in the extract file type in blue).

The maximum file size, if using multi-file selection, is 2Mb per file. If an import file is larger than 2Mb it must be imported in single file selection mode, which can be accessed by clicking the link for single file import. Any such extracts are highlighted in yellow.

If unsupported extract files are included, the corresponding file names are listed at the bottom of the page, in red, and are not included in the import.

Import Results

Refer to Import Results in Provincial Reports.

During the import, if the imported extract data exists for the school in the Pending Area Extract (PAE) tables in the database, the existing data is deleted before the import occurs. This deletion occurs regardless of whether the import file for the table contains detail records.

The data from the imported files is placed into the custom tables as described in the Appendix section Pending Area Extract (PAE) Tables.

Note: If the "Select School To Import PAEs" option is enabled, results are associated with the selected school and, therefore, you must be signed into that school (or the district office) to see the results.

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