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OnSIS ECPP Submission Report


Use this report to create OnSIS files for ECPP School Submissions at the end of each school year. This report includes both elementary and secondary students.

The report can be run at the School level or at the District level. At the District level, the report can only be run for a selected school.

Unlike other OnSIS submission reports, the ECPP School Submission is run for a selected ministry school number ([Schools]Alternate_School_Number). The XML submission file contains data from all schools in PowerSchool that have the selected ministry school number. This feature allows a user to create multiple schools in PowerSchool to support different scheduling schemes and have data for all of these schools reported together. The submission period is from September 1 to September 6 of the next year.


  • The Run Demographic Snapshot process must be run at least once prior to running the OnSIS ECPP report.

  • Pending Area Extract (PAE) files must be imported at least once prior to running the OnSIS ECPP report.

Additional Resources

See the following resources for more information about PowerSchool and OnSIS Batch File Processing.

  • Ontario Ministry of Education School Information System (OnSIS Core System), Batch File Specifications.

  • Ontario Ministry of Education School Information System (OnSIS Core System), School Data Submission Business Rules.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Data Selection

  • Refer to the selection criteria for each segment for detailed information on how data is used to generate the segment.

  • Ensure that the count dates have been set up correctly in the District Info Setup. This report will not produce any output if the count date is not filled in.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, refer to How to Find and Generate a Report.



Current Selection Students

If "Selected n Students Only" is selected, the report includes, subject to other student selection, only students in the current PowerSchool student selection. Default is "All Students"

Select ECPP Facility

Select the ECPP Facility for which you want to run the report.

The drop-down list contains only BSIDs for schools where the ECPP school flag ([S_ON_SCH_X]Section23_Flag) is selected. If the alternate school number ([Schools]Alternate_School_Number) is undefined, the local school number ([Schools]School_Number) is shown. If two schools have the same BSID, the BSID appears only once in the drop-down list.

For information about Year/Term setup for ECPP Facility schools, see OnSIS ECPP Submission Report.

List Of Alternative Schools

This is a view-only list of the schools in PowerSchool SIS for which the ECPP school flag ([S_ON_SCH_X]Section23_Flag) is selected.

If the report is run at the district level, students enrolled in any of these alternative schools are included in the XML submission file created by the report. If the report is run at the school level, only students enrolled in the current school are included in the submission file.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. Refer to Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

XML Version and Encoding

Data Element



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=" ISO-8859-1"?>

XML version and encoding types - required to validate a well-formed XML file



Data Element




Root node of the xml file. Required by the Ministry.


HEADER Segment

There is only one Header Segment per OnSIS Data Submission.

Data Element




Section node. Required by the Ministry.



Document version number. Must have value "1.0".



File type. Must have value "ECPP Data Submission".



File ID. Must have value "0001".



Date of report creation. Format 'YYYY/MM/DD'



Time of report creation. Format 'HH24MISS'


DATA Segment

The DATA Segment contains the data related portion of the OnSIS Data Submission.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for all data



Because each submission is for a single school, there is only one SCHOOL_SUBMISSION segment.

Note: The submission start date is set to September 1, regardless of whether or not the school has terms set.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for school data.



The academic year of the submission. Format 'YYYY-YYYY'. For example, 2018-2019

[Terms]YearId (since YearId is 2 digits, representing the year after 1990, this is displayed as a span of [Terms]YearId+1990-[Terms]YearId+1991


This code must be one of those specified in the ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet and will be set by the UI settings of Submission Type and Submission Period.

The combination of element ACADEMIC_YEAR and SUBMISSION_PERIOD_TYPE is used to uniquely identify submission period.

Value: ECPP

SCHOOL Segment

Because each submission is for a single school, there is only one SCHOOL segment.

More than one school can have the same Alternate School Number; all schools with the same alternate school number are processed as one ECPP school.

For all CLEAR_* elements, refer to Appendix A - Batch Files Purge and Pre-Population XML Tags of the ministry OnSIS Batch Process and File Specifications document.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for all schools.



The unique identifier for the school. Format: 'NNNNNN'

[Schools]Alternate_School_Number or

[Schools]School_Number if [Schools]Alternate_School_Number is 0


Flag to clear pending area. Must have value "Y".


Student Segment

Selection Criteria

  • Students in all grade levels are included.

  • [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]CTCC_SchoolsDCID is defined and the BSID of the associated school matches the BSID selected on the report input page.

  • [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]CTCC_SchoolsDCID is undefined and the BSID of the school in which the student is enrolled matches the BSID selected on the report input page.

  • The student is enrolled in a class for which all of the following are true:

    • If a student changes ECPP facilities during the submission period, he or she must be withdrawn and reenrolled with [S_ON_STU_X]CTCC_SchoolsDCID set to that of the new ECPP facility.

    • A student is included if there is included data for any school with an alternate school number (BSID) matching that selected on the report input page. Only one <STUDENT> segment is generated for a student, but child segments (e.g. <STUDENT_CLASS_ENROLLMENT>) may include data from more than one school.

    • A student without an OEN ([Students]state_studentNumber) is submitted with an OEN value of '000000000'.

  • A student is not submitted if the exclude from Provincial Reporting flag is enabled for this student.

  • Enrolment records with an exit date equal to entry date are ignored by the report, as are 'no show' enrolment records - that is, records with an exit code of "NS".

  • A Student Segment is submitted if the Student Date of Entry in and Date of Exit to the School falls within the submission period start and end date AND this student has one or more class enrolments (with final marks) or Diploma.

  • A Student Segment is submitted if a student is cross-enrolled in one or more classes in this school and if the class is in session during this submission period. If a student has a primary enrolment at the school for a period of time and is cross-enrolled at the school for another period of time, only one <STUDENT> segment is generated.

  • A Student Segment does not have an ACTION element. Instead, it is only created if the STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT segment has an ACTION with a value of 'ADD'.

    • If the student is enrolled and cross-enrolled during the submission year, only one student record should be submitted. Use the minimum entry date from the enrolment or cross-enrolment and get the rest of the elements based on the enrolment or cross-enrolment with the latest exit date.

    • The class is associated with a school for which the ECPP School flag is on.

    • The class completion date (see below) falls within the range of dates for the student's school enrolment which associates the student with the BSID selected on the report input page.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for student.



The student's OEN. Used for OEN Authentication.

Leading zeroes are included.

Non-numeric characters such as dashes and spaces are removed.



The student's legal given name. Used for OEN Authentication.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name (if not supplied, then [Students]first_name)


The student's legal second name.

Second name no longer is used as part of the validation. The XML Batch file will not change; the Second name is simply ignored.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name (if not supplied then [Students]middle_name)


The student's legal last name.

Used for OEN Authentication.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name (if not supplied then [Students]last_name)


The student's date of birth. Mandatory field.

Used for OEN Authentication.



Language first spoken

OnSIS Business Rules:




If undefined, if [Prefs]Value = 1 where [Prefs]Name = 'ON_French_Board' use 'F, otherwise use 'E'.


Student MIN

This field is No longer applicable on count date >= April 1, 2020 and is no longer included in the file



Student's designated school.

The value of this element must be consistent with database SCHOOL_BSID_SCHOOL_NUMBER.

A leading 0 is added if the school BSID is less than 6 digits

OnSIS rules:

This field is Mandatory

If [S_ON_STU/REN_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID is defined, the element is set to the BSID for the associated school
If [S_ON_STU/REN_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID is undefined, the element is set to the BSID identified by S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID for the school for which the report is run (if more than one PowerSchool school has the BSID selected on the report input page, the element is set using the school with the lowest School_Name)

  • Note: For schools with both elementary and secondary grades
    [S_ON_SCH_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID - is used to identify secondary designated school
    [S_ON_SCH_X]Desig_SchoolsDCIDElem - is used to identify elementary designated school

If both student and school level values are undefined, and the student's primary enrollment is not at a ECPP school, the element is set to the BSID associated with school of primary enrolment
If both student and school level values are undefined, and the student's primary enrolment is at a ECPP school, the element is
Set empty.


When the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

Valid values: JK, K, 1-12

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then,

[ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]Grade_Level if the snapshot record exists; otherwise,

[Students/ReEnrollments] Grade_Level from the latest enrolment within the submission period from the school belonging to the selected BSID.

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non-returning student then [ON_School_Enrollments]Grade_Type if defined; otherwise, grade level from previous enrolment is used.


The student's gender

Valid values:

  • M

  • F

  • N (Prefer not to disclose)

  • S (Prefer to specify)

[ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]Gender if the snapshot record exists; otherwise, [Students]Gender

getStudentGenderReportValues function is used to get the student's gender type from the code sets tables.

GENDER_TYPE tag is not sent for non-returning students


The student's gender description. This field is only required when Gender is set to S for the student.

getStudentGenderReportValues function is used to get the student's gender desc from the code sets tables.


Student's online learning graduation requirement status.

Valid Values:

1- Successfully completed

2 - Not applicable

Student School Enrolment Segment

Students can have school enrolments in ECPP schools with or without class assignments. If the student has class assignments, assignments dates must fall within the school enrolments dates.

Selection Criteria

  • A minimum of one student enrolment record must be present. If the student enters and departs from the school multiple times during the submission period, only one student school enrolment record is required. Enrolment records with an exit date equal to entry date are ignored by the report as are 'no show' enrolment records - that is, records with an exit code of "NS".

  • A student is excluded if the attendance type ([Students]EnrollmentType) is 'EX' (excluded), and he or she is enrolled in the school (or class for cross-enrolled students) as of the submission period count date.

  • If the student left before the count date and has marks to report for the submission period, the student is included regardless of the attendance type.

Data Element




The outer tag for student school enrolment.



The action associated with this submission.

Value: "ADD", UPDATE

ECPP schools can report students as active at the end of a submission period. After a board imports the Student School Enrolment Segment data, the report uses the PAE data to generate the STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT segment. The logic is as follows:

If the student does not exist in the PAE extract file, the student school enrolment segment is generated with 'ADD' otherwise the segment is generated with 'UPDATE for non-returning and returning students.



Literacy status type.

Not applicable for elementary students and grade 9 secondary students

PowerSchool Business Rules:

Refer to the ON Derived Fields document.

Derived from [Test]name 'OSSLT-E' and 'OSSLT-F' and [StudentTestScore]AlphaScore.


Tag removed 2019-2020 onwards

Residence status type

This element is mandatory.



Indigenous Type



Postal Code. Format = "AnA nAn"

When the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD" - this field is mandatory.



Country of Birth

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If the student is born in Canada, this defaults to NULL.

OnSIS Business Rules:

Both Country of birth and Province of birth cannot be identified at the same time; only one or the other can be selected. If Province of birth is present it is reported and Country of birth is not.


If the value in the database is "CAN" or empty the value of the element is empty.


Province of Birth

[S_ON_STU_X]Birth_Province. If undefined then "ON".

If YEAR_OF_ENTRY_TO_CANADA is defined then blank.


Tag removed 2019-2020 onwards.

Year of Entry into Canada. Format YYYY/MM



Flag indicator if enrolled in main school.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

  • If the latest enrolment of the student falling in the submission period has the Not_MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG ON then MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG = 'F'

  • If the student is enrolled at this school in this submission period, then MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG = 'T' and is not cross-enrolled at the school at any time during the submission period. If the student is cross-enrolled at this school at any time in the submission period, then MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG = 'F'.

  • MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG = 'F' when:

  • The student is enrolled in a school where the ECPP School flag is not selected but has ECPP facility filled in and/or has class enrolments at a ECPP school that are within the student's school enrolment period.

    • Board Residence Status = Shared Student (08)

    • OR Board Residence Status = e-Learning (09). An e-learning student is identified as a student where all their student enrolment courses are marked as e-Learning courses.

    • OR Board Residence Status = Other Student (07) OR (01) AND the student is enrolled only in Independent Study Classes. Independent Study courses are identified by the independent study flag from the sections extension table ( [S_ON_SEC_X] IsIndependentStudy_Class) and [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class).

OnSIS Business Rules:

This element is mandatory when action = "ADD"

determined by business rules





School student number.



Ontario Scholarship Approval.

Flag indicating if student is recommended for an Ontario scholarship

Set to F if Scholarship approved by another board.

Not applicable for elementary students

Set to 'T' if [S_ON_STU_X]Scholarship_Date has a valid date. Otherwise set to 'F'.

If [S_ON_STU_X]OtherBrdScholarshipFlg = 1 then ONTARIO_SCHOLARSHIP_FLAG is set to F


Ontario scholarship approval date of student.

No value is extracted for cross-enrolled students (that is, for students where MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG = F).

Not extracted if Scholarship approved by another board.

Not applicable for elementary students

Only extracted if the date falls within the current submission period 


If ONTARIO_SCHOLARSHIP_FLAG is set F then this field is not extracted


Community Involvement Accumulated Hours to Date.

No value is extracted for cross-enrolled students (that is, for students where MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG = F).

Not applicable for elementary students

OnSIS Business Rules:

Community Involvement Hours should not exceed 999 hours.

If student has no community involvement hours recorded, set to 0.

Calculated from [S_ON_STU_COMMUNITY_HOURS_C]Number_Of_Hours


Enrolment start date. Format = yyyy/mm/dd.

Note: If a new student enrolls before September 1 of the current year, the student'st ENROLMENT_START_DATE is set to September 1.


The earliest of ([Students]/[ReEnrollments]EntryDate) for the student's primary enrolment.or the earliest [CC]DateEnrolled that falls within the submission period from the classes in which the student is enrolled at the school.


  • ENROLMENT_START_DATE = [ON_School_Enrollments]Enrolment_Start_Date


Enrolment end date. Format = yyyy/mm/dd


  • If the student is active until the last day of school, the ENROLMENT_END_DATE is blank.

  • If the student has transferred out during the current submission, the ENROLMENT_END_DATE is reported.

    • The latest of ([Students]/[ReEnrollments]ExitDate) for the student's primary enrolment or latest [CC]DateLeft that falls within the submission period from the classes in which the student is enrolled at the school.


Non-Returning Students -

If the student is not enrolled in the current school year, the student school enrolment segment is generated with an 'UPDATE', and the ENROLMENT_END_DATE is set to Sept 1st,

Returning Students -

If the student is enrolled in the current school year, the school enrolment segment is generated with an 'UPDATE' and

    • If the student is active until the last day of school, the ENROLMENT_END_DATE is blank.

    • If the student has transferred out during the current submission, the ENROLMENT_END_DATE is reported.

      • The latest of ([Students]/[ReEnrollments]ExitDate) for the student's primary enrolment or latest [CC]DateLeft that falls within the submission period from the classes in which the student is enrolled at the school.


Flag indicating if student is a Mature Student with regards to PLAR (T/F). Not applicable for elementary students

OnSIS Business Rules:

June 2008++ Submission Periods

This element is optional. If the Mature Student Flag value and/or tag is not identified when the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD", the Mature Student Flag will be assigned a value of "F".


From 2023-2024 submission onwards the following logic applies:

If [ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]STUMATURE =1 then T, if 0/Null then F is reported. This is if a snapshot record exists for the submission. Otherwise, if [S_ON_STU_X]Mature_Student = 1 then T. Otherwise, F.

The following logic applies for before 2023-2024 submission:

[When [S_ON_STU_X]Mature_Student = 1 Then 'T' Otherwise 'F'


Flag indicating whether the student is enrolled in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (T/F).

Extracted from (2014-2015) to (2018-2019) school year - the year associated with the currently selected PowerSchool term is equal to or greater than the year associated with the 2014-2015 year long term.

If MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG = "F" then extract "F", otherwise [S_ON_STU_X]OYAP


The student's designated school number.

The value of this element must be consistent with database SCHOOL_BSID_SCHOOL_NUMBER.

[S_ON_SCH_X]Section23_Flag is true The BSID for the referenced school is reported to OnSIS as the designated school number.

Only used if the value of [S_ON_STU_X]Designated_SchoolsDCID is undefined for a ECPP student.


The rationale for granting more than 10 Grade 11 and 12 credits through the challenge and equivalency processes.

Valid values:

  • Blank

  • 010 - College diploma

  • 020 - University degree

  • 030 - Certificate of Apprenticeship and/or Qualification

This field is included only if MATURE_STUDENT_FLAG is T.


Student School Enrolment Segment > Transition Date Segment

  • A least one Transition Date segment is created for the student for the current submission period.

  • The first Admission/Program Start Date is the first day the student began the program in the current academic year. This date is based on the student's school enrolment EntryDate or the student's CC enrolment, whichever is earliest.

  • The last Discharge/Program End date is the last day the student attended the program in the current academic year. This date is based on the student's school enrolment Extdate or the student's CC enrolment, whichever is the latest.

  • If there are multiple enrolments for a student in the school in the current academic year, a segment is generated for each of the student's enrolments.

  • If the student leaves and rejoins the school on the same day, a single segment is generated to represent continuous enrolment in the school.

  • A transition segment is also created for non returning students with Admission and Discharge equal to the submission start date.

Data Element




The outer tag for the Transition Date Segment



The action associated with this submission.

Value: "ADD", 'DELETE'



The first date the child/youth is accessing services, programs or resources from the ECPP program within the current submission period

OnSIS Rules:

For ADD action, Student's first ADMISSION date must match the student's ENROLMENT_START_DATE in the STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT section.

Note: For ECPP schools that start before the submission start date, if the Student School Enrolment Segment is an ADD, the first Admission date is set to September 1 (the submission start date).

Admission date must be greater than or equal to the previous Discharge date.


or [CC]DateEnrolled


The last date the child/youth is accessing services, programs or resources from the ECPP program within the current submission period.

Discharge date must be greater than or equal to the previous Admission date.


or [CC]Dateleft


The number of days a student resided in the facility during the period of time the student was enrolled in the school.

This value is calculated as follows:

One School, One BSID

  • If the school Program Type is Day Treatment or undefined , the Number of Days Resided in Facility field is blank.

  • If the school Program Type is Residential or Both, the Number of Days Resided in Facility is calculated as follows:

    • If the student Resident Type ([Students]/[ReEnrollments]ResidentType) is "Attend/Not reside in facility(2)", the Number of Days Resided in Facility is set to zero

    • The Number of Days Resided in Facility is set to the override field [Students]/[ReEnrollments]Number_Days_Resided if it is not Blank.

    • Otherwise.

      • The Number of Days Resided in Facility is the total number of days between the admission and discharge days. Both the admission and discharge days are included in the count.

        • If the Exclude weekends and holidays flag ([Students]/[ReEnrollments]Exclude_Weekends) is selected, only the in-session days are used for the calculation.

For Multiple Sites (schools) with the same BSID

    • If all sites have the same Program Type, then calculations will be as listed above (One School, One BSID)

    • If sites have different Program Types, then the Program Type will be considered as "Both" for this school BSID, and the Number of Days Resided in Facility is calculated as follows:

      • If the student is enrolled only in "Day Treatment" sites within the same BSID, the Number of Days Resided in Facility is zero.

      • If the student is enrolled in more than one site but only one transition record is created to represent continuous enrolment, the total number of days in Day Treatment site(s) (if any) is subtracted from the total number of days calculated for the whole period.

      • Otherwise,

        • The Number of Days Resided in Facility is calculated as listed above (One School, One BSID).

Cross-Enrolled Students

If a student is cross-enrolled in a ECPP site (that is, the student has cc enrolments without school enrolments), the cc enrolment dates may be used to determine the admission/discharge dates, but are not included in the calculation of the Number of Days Resided in Facility.


  • The Program Type is for the ECPP facility, if defined; otherwise, it is for the school the enrolment belongs to (the umbrella school).

  • For students cross-enrolled from a day school, the Program Type is for the ECPP facility where the classes are taken.

  • If the report cannot identify the Program Type, the ECPP facility is considered a "Day Treatment" and the Number of Days Resided in Facility is NULL.

Override field [Students]/[ReEnrollments]Number_Days_Resided

Student Class Enrolment Segment

Selection Criteria

  • This segment is not applicable for elementary students.

  • A Class Enrolment segment is submitted if the class started within the submission period date range (on or after the start date or on or before the end date) and must be within ENROLMENT_START_DATE and ENROLMENT_END_DATE

  • Classes where the class start date and class end date are the same are not submitted.

  • A Class Enrolment segment is submitted if the student withdraws from the class prior to the submission period end date and there is a final mark or a full disclosure mark to be reported. A final mark is one where, for credit courses, [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs is > 0 and, for non-credit courses the latest mark posted for the course. A full disclosure mark is one where [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W is on.

  • If the student transferred out, but subsequently transferred back to this school within the same submission period and resumed a previous class enrolment, only one Class Enrollment segment is submitted, and the enrolment period of the class will be displayed as if the student had not transferred out mid-session.

  • If a student is enrolled in class for only one day, the segment is not generated. If the student is enrolled for more than one day, but drops the class prior to class completion, the segment is generated with the appropriate withdrawal date.

  • If a student enrolls in and withdraws from the class within the same submission period, but no marks are to be reported, the segment is not generated.

  • Classes where the Ministry Defined Course Code starts with PLE, QEE, QSE, QMA, QAP are not submitted.

  • A Student Class Enrolment segment looks at the final mark, and not just the latest stored grade record when selecting which segments to report.

  • If the student is enrolled in the class until the last day or second last day of the term (either dropped or active) and there is no stored grades record, a <STUDENT_CLASS_ENROLMENT> record is generated with the following values:



    • FINAL_MARK is 0

Data Element




The outer tag for student class enrolment.



The action associated with this submission.

Value: "ADD" "UPDATE"



Ministry Defined Course Code.

[Courses]Alt_Course_Number if [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = 'M'


Institution (College or University) - used to identify the Dual Credit Course.



Locally Developed Course Code.

[Courses]Alt_Course_Number if [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = 'L'


The number of the campus.

The following characters can be included in the Campus number as per OnSIS
• a-zA-Z0-9ÀàÄäÂâÁáÈèÉéÊêËëÎîÏïÌìÔôÖöÓóÜüÙùÛûÚúÇçÿŸ/,""';:=_.`~!@#%-$&^{}[](|)*+?\
• Accents are to be accepted.

The following characters are not to be included:
• < and >
• Control characters (ESC, CTRL, Alt, TAB, Page Up, Page Down, Space, Insert)



Segment language of instruction (English or French).

This element is mandatory.

[Sections]Instruction_Lang. If undefined, [Courses]Instruction_Lang.

If still undefined, if [Prefs]Value = 1 where [Prefs]Name = 'ON_French_Board' use 'F, otherwise use 'E'.


Course Delivery Type

This element is mandatory.


'1' (Regular Day) if undefined.


The Outer Tag of the Other Course Information Segment.


The action associated with this submission.

Value: "ADD"

Action of ADD is generated for new values.


Valid values:

  • 1 - Credit Recovery

  • 2 - Ministry Developed Content

  • 3 - Upgrading Credit Course

  • 4 - Online

if not defined [S_ON_SEC_X]OtheCrsInfo__Cred_Recovery

if not defined

if not defined

if not defined


Not Used



Course Scheduling Indicator.

This element is mandatory.

As described in the ON Derived Fields Document.

Derived from [Terms]Portion


Not Used



If the student has withdrawn from this course during the current submission period. If the withdrawal occurs after the end of the submission period, then the submitted withdrawal type is NULL (empty).

If the student has completed the course (that is, the student has a final mark posted) and withdraws prior to the end of the class, the Withdrawal Type is not set.

If the course is not complete and is an ESL/ELD or credit recovery course, withdrawal type is set to "D" even if the full disclosure flag is on and the course is a grade 11 or 12 course.

ESL/ELD courses are those where the first 3 characters of the ministry course code ([Courses]Alternate_Course_Number) are 'ESL' or 'ELD'.

Credit recovery courses are those where ANY of the following are true:

  • [S_ON_SEC_X]Class_Type = 'RCR'

  • [S_ON_SEC_X]OthCrsInfo_Cred_Recovery = 1

  • [S_ON_SGR_X]OthCrsInfo_Cred_Recovery = 1

PowerSchool Business Rules:

'W' if the student withdrew from this class.

'D' if the student dropped this class.

If [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = 1 then 'W'. If [CC]DateLeft < [terms]lastDay and [StoredGrades]grade is null then 'D'


Withdrawal date. Format = yyyy/mm/dd

Withdrawal date is only submitted if it falls within the current submission period.

OnSIS Rule:

If a student withdraws from a course, both the course end date and the withdrawal date must be set to the same date

For Withdrawn Courses:

If [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = 1 then <COURSE_END_DATE>

For Dropped courses:

If [CC]DateLeft < [terms]lastDay and [StoredGrades]grade is null [CC]DateLeft


Course Start date Format = yyyy/mm/dd

Note: Classes in the current year that start before the submission period start date of September 1 are generated with a course start date of September 1.



Course End date Format = yyyy/mm/dd



Credit value earned.

[StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs where [StoredGrades] grade is not null

When [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = 1, then '0.00'


Credit hours for the course.



Not Used



Final Mark

PowerSchool Business Rules:

The final mark must have a value (even if 0) if the course is complete (AND course is not an equivalent credit course), if the withdrawal_type = 'W,' or if it is the end of the academic year for the school.

Set to "0" if [StoredGrades]Grade is null or non-numeric.

Set to "0" if <WITHDRAWAL_TYPE> is "D" (dropped).

[StoredGrades]grade where [StoredGrades]PotentialCrHrs = [Courses]credit_hours


Indicates if this course is a substitution.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

A course substitution occurs when the credit in a StoredGrades record is associated with a different diploma category (other than 'Optional Credits) than one that is normally associated with the course for the StoredGrades record. For example, a student may be exempt from taking French classes and is permitted to take another class (e.g. a PE class) to fulfill the French credit requirement. Courses for which [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromTranscripts is on are not considered when determining the diploma category for a course's credit.

StoredGrades records containing equivalent credit cannot be used for substitutions.

Set to 'T' or 'F'


Flag indicating this course is complete.

OnSIS Business Rules:

Only one of <COURSE_COMPLETE_FLAG> and <COURSE_INCOMPLETE_FLAG> can be 'T', but not both.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

'F' if [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = 1

'T' if [cc]dateleft < [terms]lastday, [StoredGrades]grade is not null and not equal to 'W' and

Either [StoredGrades]potentialCrHrs and [courses]credit_hours > 0 or [courses]credit_hours = 0 for the [StoredGrades]course_number

'T' if [cc]dateleft >= [terms]lastday

Otherwise 'F'

Set to 'T' or 'F'


Flag indicating this course is a repeated course

Regardless of the submission period, the course repeat flag for the first (earliest) instance of a course is "F". The flag is "T" for all subsequent instances.

When a student has multiple enrolments in the same class in a term, the report considers these as one enrolment and the COURSE_REPEAT_FLAG will be "F".

Refer to Appendix L for details on Course Repeat Logic.

Set to 'T' or 'F'


If any of the credit for a course reported in a <Student_Class_Enrolment> segment is considered compulsory, set the <Compulsory_Course_Flag> element to 'T.' Otherwise, set the element empty.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

A credit is considered compulsory if it is assigned to a diploma category other than 'Optional Credits'. This determination is made using the logic described in OnSIS ECPP Submission Report.

Set to 'T' or 'F'


Flag indicating this course is incomplete.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

'T' if [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = 1

'F' If [CC]DateLeft > [Terms]LastDay

'T' if [cc]dateleft < [terms]lastday, [courses]credit_hours > 0, and [StoredGrades]grade is null or W

Otherwise 'F'

Set to 'T' or 'F'


Flag indicating the course is continued from the previous year (T/F).

Extracted starting with the 2014-2015 school year - that is, the year associated with the currently selected PowerSchool term is equal to or greater than the year associated with the 2014-2015 year long term.

Set to "T" if either [S_ON_CC_X]Previous_Year_Class or [S_ON_SEC_X]Previous_Year_Class is true, otherwise set to "F"

Diploma Segment

Selection Criteria

  • This segment is not applicable for elementary students.

  • A diploma segment is not generated if the [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type = 99 (SSHGD)

  • A diploma segment is only generated if the [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is defined on or before the submission period end date, or if the PAE for Diploma has an entry for this student. (See the "ADD" field for additional criteria on when "ADD", "UPDATE", "DELETE", or "DELETE" followed by "ADD" are determined.)

  • If a student has school enrolments at different schools at different times, and a diploma is granted within a gap between the enrolments, the diploma segment is generated by the school the student was enrolled in before the diploma issue date.

  • If the value for Graduation school is populated, this value will be identified as the school granting the diploma. If the graduation school entered doesn't have any student enrolments related in the past, the diploma won't be reported at all.

  • If the Graduation School is empty, the following applies (note summer school enrolments are ignored when determing the school granting the diploma):

    • if diploma earned date falls between the entry date and departure date of one school (eg School A). this school will be identified as he school granting the diploma

    • If diploma earned date falls between the departure date of one school (eg School A) and the entry date of another (eg School B), then the earlier school (School A) will be identified as the school granting the diploma.

    • If the diploma date falls after the student's departure date, and he is not enrolled into any other school, the last school will be identified as the school granting the diploma.

  • In the case of umbrella setup, Diploma Segment is generated at the ECPP facility the student belongs to.

Data Element




The outer tag for student diploma

Note: Only one occurrence can exist on file. Repeating block to allow "delete" followed by an "ADD" action.



The action associated with this submission.


"DELETE" if [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is null or [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is null.

"ADD" if [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is not null and [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type <> 99 and [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is not null and [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is in this school year and [ON_Diplomas]Enrollment_Key is null,

"UPDATE" if [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is not equal to [ON_Diplomas]certificate_issued and [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date is in this school year and [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is equal to [ON_Diplomas]type.

"DELETE" then "ADD" if [ON_Diplomas]type is not equal to [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type.



Element Type is used to uniquely identify the diplomas/certificates.


For Action DELETE

[ON_Diplomas] type


Diploma Certificate issuance date. Format = yyyy/mm/dd

When the ACTION of DIPLOMA is "ADD", this element is mandatory.


For Action DELETE

[ON_Diplomas] certificate_issued

Other Credit Segment

This Segment will be valid for school year 2016-2017 school year and forward, and is invalid for previous years.

Selection Criteria

  • Only stored grade records with a valid CREDIT_TYPE. However, other Credits segments are NOT created if the [S_ON_SGR_X]PLAR_TYPE is set.

  • Stored grade records where the CREDIT_DATE falls within the submission date range will be submitted.

  • OTHER_CREDIT segments are submitted only by the school which posted the credit (as indicated by [S_ON_SGR_X]School_Number). The value in [S_ON_SGR_X]School_Number is compared to [Schools]Alternate_School_Number (that is, the Ministry BSID number). If alternate school number is not defined, the StoredGrades value is compared to [Schools]Id. If The value in [S_ON_SGR_X]School_Number is not defined, this segment will be reported under [StoredGrades]SchoolID.

  • One <OTHER_CREDIT> segment is generated for each StoredGrades record that has a unique [Courses]alt_course_number, [S_ON_CRS_X]Institution and [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date.

  • If in PowerSchool the user has entered multiple stored grade records for the same CREDIT_TYPE, [courses]alt_courseNumber, [S_ON_CRS_X]Instutition, and [S_ON_SGR_X]CREDIT_DATE, generate a <OTHER_CREDIT> segment for each of the records found.

  • Other credit segments are not created for classes for which the student is currently enrolled in at the school (If the stored grade record is associated with a non-zero sectionID, then that record will not be submitted as an <OTHER_CREDIT> segment).

Data Element




This is the outer tag for student Other Credits.



This is the action associated with this submission.

Only ADD action is submitted.



Ministry defined course code.

Only MINISTRY_DFND_CRS (including INSTITUTION_TYPE for Dual Credit Course) or LOCAL_DEV_CRS can have values not both.

The combination of element MINISTRY_DFND_CRS (including INSTITUTION_TYPE for Dual Credit Course) or LOCAL_DEV_CRS (mutually exclusive) and COURSE_COMPLETE_DATE (or NEW_COURSE_COMPLETE_DATE) is used to uniquely identify the Other Credit.

If [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = 'M' then [Courses]Alt_Course_Number. Otherwise blank


Institution (College or University) - used to identify the Dual Credit Course.

If [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = 'M' then [S_ON_CRS_X]Institution. Otherwise blank


Locally Developed Course Code.

Only MINISTRY_DFND_CRS (including INSTITUTION_TYPE for Dual Credit Course) or LOCAL_DEV_CRS can have values not both.

The combination of element MINISTRY_DFND_CRS (including INSTITUTION_TYPE for Dual Credit Course) or LOCAL_DEV_CRS (mutually exclusive) and COURSE_COMPLETE_DATE (or NEW_COURSE_COMPLETE_DATE) is used to uniquely identify the Other Credit.

If [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = 'L' then [Courses]Alt_Course_Number. Otherwise blank


The date when the other credit course was completed.

Format = yyyy/mm/dd



The revised date when the other credit course was completed.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

This element is not submitted.



Uniquely identifies the Other Credit type.

When the ACTION of OTHER_CREDIT is "ADD", this element is mandatory.



The Outer Tag of the Other Course Information Segment.


The action associated with this submission.

Value: "ADD"

Action of ADD is generated for new values.


Valid values:

  • 1 - Credit Recovery

  • 2 - Ministry Developed Content




Earned Credit Value.

When the ACTION of OTHER_CREDIT is "ADD", this element is mandatory.



Final Mark.

When the ACTION of OTHER_CREDIT is "ADD", this element is mandatory.


PLAR Segment

Selection Criteria

  • This segment is not applicable for elementary students.

  • PLAR courses completed by ECPP students during the school year are reported only when the "BSID # Course Completed At" is a ECPP facility. If the "BSID Completed At" field is not defined (that is, [S_ON_SGR_X]School_Number is null), the report will look at [StoredGrades]SchoolID and generate the PLAR segment if the student has an enrolment in the [StoredGrades]SchoolID for the ECPP facility at the time of course completion.

  • When one ECPP facility is set up as an "umbrella school", with ECPP students in different facilities, the "BSID# Course Completed At" value is mandatory for the PLAR segment to be created under the proper ECPP Facility school.

  • One <PLAR> segment is generated for each PLAR_TYPE, ([Courses]Alt_course_number + [S_ON_CRS_X]Institution).

  • Certain ministry defined course codes are used to identify PLAR and equivalent credit types. These are: PLE99, QEV1W, QEE99, QMA99, QAP99, QSE99.

  • If the user has entered multiple stored grade records for the same PLAR_TYPE and [S_ON_SGR_X]CREDIT_DATE, only one <PLAR> segment is generated using the latest completion date from that set of records to define <DATE_APPROVED>.

  • The Secondary School Batch submission will submit only stored grade records where the CREDIT_DATE falls between the submission start date and the submission end date.

  • The course type in [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type is 'M'.

  • The Secondary School Batch submission will submit only stored grade records with a non-blank PLAR_TYPE.

  • A PLAR segment is not created for classes for which the student is currently enrolled. (If the stored grade record is associated with a non-zero sectionID, then that record will not be submitted as a <PLAR> segment.)

  • PLAR segments are created even if the stored grade has the CREDIT_TYPE set for 'Other Credits'.

Note for multiple schools with same BSID

  • Student's PLAR credit can belong to any school of the selected BSID.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for student PLAR.



This is the action associated with this submission


PowerSchool Business Rules:

The only action supported is "ADD"

Always "ADD"


PLAR Information - PLAR Type

Uniquely identifies the Prior Learning Assessment Recognition type.

The combination of elements TYPE, MINISTRY_DFND_CRS and DATE_APPROVED (or NEW_DATE_APPROVED) is used to identify the PLAR.



Ministry Defined Course Code

OnSIS Business Rules:

The combination of elements TYPE, MINISTRY_DFND_CRS and DATE_APPROVED (or NEW_DATE_APPROVED) is used to identify the PLAR.

If [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = 'M' then [Courses]Alt_Course_Number. Otherwise blank


PLAR Information - Status Type

When the ACTION of PLAR is "ADD", this element is mandatory.



The Prior Learning Assessment Recognition total credit value.

When the ACTION of PLAR is "ADD", this element is mandatory.



The Prior Learning Assessment Recognition compulsory credit value.

This value will never exceed the value of CREDIT. It represents the number of credits (as reported by CREDIT) which are considered compulsory based on the diploma categories to which the credits included in the segment are assigned. Diploma categories other than 99 (optional) are considered compulsory.

[StoredGrades]EarnedCrHrs, for those courses included in the segment which are deemed compulsory as determined by the getClassCreditXRef common function, described in Appendix J - Assigning Credit To Diploma Categories


Date completed. (Other Credit Information - Date Completed) Format = yyyy/mm/dd.

The latest completion date for the set of records included in the segment is used.

OnSIS Business Rules:

The combination of elements TYPE, MINISTRY_DFND_CRS and DATE_APPROVED (or NEW_DATE_APPROVED) is used to uniquely identify the PLAR.



The revised date of approval for Prior Learning Assessment Recognition. Format = yyyy/mm/dd

PowerSchool Business Rules:

This element is not used

Always blank

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