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OnSIS Elementary School Submission Report


This report is for creating OnSIS files for Elementary Submissions. Use this report for OnSIS submissions in October, March and June, and the Suspensions/Expulsions submission for June. The segments included in the generated submission file vary depending on the selected submission perioUnlike other OnSIS submission reports, the Elementary School Submission is run for a selected ministry school number ([Schools]Alternate_School_Number). The XML submission file contains data from all schools in PowerSchool that have the selected ministry school number. This allows a user to create multiple schools in PowerSchool to support different scheduling schemes and have data for all of these schools reported together.

Schools for which the "Exclude From State Reporting" flag ([Schools]State_ExcludeFromReporting) is on or School is Closed is on are not included in the report.

  • The Run Demographic Snapshot process must be run at least once prior to running any OnSIS Submission report for a submission period. The snapshot process stores values of certain student demographic fields as of the OnSIS submission count dates (for a list of fields, refer to Run OnSIS Demographic Snapshot). The report extracts the fields from the snapshot tables if they exist; otherwise, the report extracts the values from the [Students] tables.

  • The OnSIS Generate Class Codes process must be run at least once prior to running any OnSIS Submission report for a submission period; this ensures that classes in the master schedule that were created after the final submission have class codes posted for the last submission period.

  • Prior to running any OnSIS Submission report, Pending Area Extract (PAE) files must be imported at least once for each submission period.

Additional Resources

See the following resources for more information on PowerSchool and OnSIS Batch File Processing.

Ontario Ministry of Education School Information System (OnSIS Core System), Batch File Specifications.

Ontario Ministry of Education School Information System (OnSIS Core System), School Data Submission Business Rules.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

Data Selection

Refer to the selection criteria for each segment for detailed information on how data is used to generate the segment.

No filtering of program enrolments is done by the school. However, a student must have a school enrolment in the school creating the submission in order for a program enrolment to be processed - the program enrolment itself can be at another school but the student must be enrolled in the current school.

Ensure that the Count dates have been set up correctly in the District Info Setup. This report does not produce any output if the Count date is not filled in.

School Selection

  • Schools with the "Exclude From State Reporting" ([Schools]State_ExcludeFromReporting) checkbox selected will not be included.

  • Any school with the same BSID but with "Exclude From State Reporting" or "School is Closed" ([S_ON_SCH_X]IsClosed_TF) checkboxes selected are not included.

  • This reporting applies only to elementary public schools.

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



Current Selection Students*

If "Selected n Students Only" is selected, the report includes, subject to other student selection, only students in the current PowerSchool student selection. Default is "All Students"

Select Alternative School Number*

Choose the school for which you want to run the submission report. The pop-up menu contains alternative school numbers (BSIDs) only for schools with grade levels K-8.

If the report is run at the school level, only the alternate school number for the current school is available. If alternate school number ([Schools]Alternate_School_Number) is undefined, the local school number ([Schools]School_Number) is shown. If multiple schools have the same BSID, the BSID appears only once in the pop-up menu.

Any school with the same selected BSID but with the "Exclude From State Reporting" or "School is Closed" checkbox selected will not be included in the report output.

Submission Type*

Select the submission type for the report: one of Public School, Private School, or 380 Private School.

Submission Period (YY/MM/DD)*

Select the submission period. Dates for each of the submission periods are based on values set in Start Page > District Setup > District Information for each of the OnSIS Reporting Dates, where:

October submission is from the October Submission Period Start Date entered on the Edit District Information page (July 1 of the current school year if undefined) until the October reporting date.

March submission is from the day after the October submission until the March reporting date.

June submission is from the day after the March submission until the June reporting date. For private schools June submissions is from a day after the October count date until the June count date.

Suspension/Expulsions submission is from the start of the current school year until the June reporting date.

Select Attendance Conversion*

If the report is run at the school level and the AM/PM attendance conversions have been set up for the school, the following options are displayed:

Period to AM/PM

Time to AM/PM

If the report is run at the school level and the AM/PM attendance conversions for the school have not been set up, the following option is displayed:

Setup Attendance Conversion

If the report is run at District-Level, the following options are displayed:

Period to AM/PM

Time to AM/PM

The user must ensure that the attendance conversions have been set up for the selected school before running the report; otherwise, the report will generate incorrect results for Days_Absent and Times_Late elements in Report_Card segment.

Co-Teaching Roles For Which To Generate Class Assignments

This is a list of roles configured as co-teacher roles.

Select the roles that should cause educator <CLASS_ASSIGNMENT> segments to be generated for non-lead teachers assigned to a homeroom class when no explicit class assignments are present for an educator in the S_ON_Assign_Class_C table.

Co-Teaching Roles To Designate As Core

This is a list of roles configured as co-teacher roles.

Select the roles that should cause educator <CORE_FLAG> to be set to "T" for non-lead teachers assigned to a homeroom class.

Co-Teaching Roles For Which To Generate Assigned Subjects

This is a list of roles configured as co-teacher roles.

Select the roles that should cause educator <ASSIGNED_SUBJECT> segments to be generated for non-lead teachers assigned to a subject class when no explicit subject assignments are present for an educator in the S_ON_SSF_ASSIGNSUBJECT_C table.

List of Alternative Schools (no selection needed)

This is a read-only list of the schools in PowerSchool that have the alternative school number selected above. Students enrolled in any of these schools are included in the XML submission file created by the report.

Only schools for which "Exclude From State Reporting" ([Schools]State_ExcludeFromReporting) and "School is Closed" ([S_ON_SCH_X]IsClosed_TF) are not selected are included in this list.

Validate XML

When this checkbox is selected, the report generates the XML and validates the students against OnSIS rules. Errors and warnings can then be viewed on the Start Page > Validation Errors Viewer > Data Views page. For further information about validation rules, refer to OnSIS Elementary School Submission Report.

Save XML

When this checkbox is selected, the report saves the XML output in tables. These tables are used to generate OnSIS Elementary School Submission Report.

A logging record for the process output is inserted to a logging file and can be viewed from the Start Page > Validation Errors Viewer > Data Views page. Select 'Save XML Process Log' option from Choose data view dropdown to view the logged records.

The following Segments are saved:

SegmentTable NameField NameComments








Boolean field

The program must be active on the Count date to set the flag ON. The flag is set to 1 if the SAL program enrolment entry date is is on or before the count date and the exit date is undefined or after the Count date.



Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

The report generated is in an XML format and the file name is "OnSIS_" + [Submission Period Type]+"_" + [Count Date] + "_" + [School BSID]

XML Version and Encoding

Data Element



<?xml version="1.0" encoding=" ISO-8859-1"?>

XML version and encoding types - required to validate a well-formed XML file



Data Element




Root node of the xml file. Required by the Ministry.


HEADER Segment

There is only one Header Segment per OnSIS Data Submission.

Data Element




Section node. Required by the Ministry.



Document version number. Must have value "1.0".



File type. Must have value "School Data Submission".



File id. Must have value "0001".



Date of report creation. Format 'YYYY/MM/DD'



Time of report creation. Format 'HH24MISS'


DATA Segment

The DATA Segment contains the data related portion of the OnSIS Data Submission.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for all data



Each submission is for a single school, therefore there will only be on SCHOOL_SUBMISSION segment.

School Selection

School will be excluded when the Section 23 Flag is on for the school.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for school data.



The academic year of the submission. Format 'YYYY-YYYY'. For example, 2011-2012

[Terms]YearId (since YearId is 2 digits, representing the year after 1990, this is displayed as a span of [Terms]YearId+1990-[Terms]YearId+1991


Submission period type. This code must be one of those specified in the OnSIS Reference Table and is set by the UI settings of Submission Type and Submission Period.

The combination of elements ACADEMIC_YEAR and SUBMISSION_PERIOD_TYPE are used to uniquely identify the submission period.


School Data Segment Submission Periods

The data segments are produced based on the submission period selected from the Report UI. The following table indicates the segments produced.

Segment Name

Submission Periods












School Educator Assignment




Instructional TM




Class Assignment




Assigned Subject




Assigned Grades




TLA (not generated starting October 2012)








Student School Enrolment




Special Education




Second Language Program




Report Card








School Incident




Literacy And Numeracy (not generated starting October 2013)




Average Report Card Grade




SCHOOL Segment

Each submission is for a single school. Therefore there will only be one SCHOOL segment.

For all CLEAR_* elements, refer to Appendix A - Batch Files Purge and Pre-Population XML Tags of the ministry OnSIS Batch Process and File Specifications document.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for all schools



The unique identifier for the school. Format: 'NNNNNN'

[Schools]Alternate_School_Number or

[Schools]School_Number if [Schools]Alternate_School_Number is 0


Flag to clear pending area. Must have value "N".



Flag to clear educator assignment data. Must have a value of 'Y'.



Flag to clear educator assigned subject data. Must have value "Y".



Flag to clear the ERS segment data. Must have value “Y”



Flag to clear student school enrolment. Must have value "Y".



Flag to class data. Must have value "Y".



Flag to clear median report card grade data. Must have value "Y". Not generated if selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".



Flag to clear average report card data. Must have value "Y". Not generated if selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".



Flag to clear report card data. Must have value "Y". Not generated if selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".



Flag to clear literacy and numeracy data. Must have value "Y". Not generated starting October 2013.


Class Segment

Selection Criteria

A class segment is created for each homeroom class ([S_ON_CRS_X]OCourse_Type = 'H') within the school that starts during the submission period, or that is present in the PAE files.

A class segment is not generated when no students are enrolled in a class as of the submission period count date, unless <STUDENT_CLASS_ENROLMENT> segments are present for the class in the submission.

If class is included in the PAE files and no changes have been made to any class information, then the XML file for the Submission will not include any school level class information.

Extract UPDATE for Class when classes are included in the PAE files and School/Class information has changed.

Extract ADD for class when classes are not in the PAE files. This Includes all classes that started between the start and end of the submission.

Extract DELETE for class when classes are included in the PAE files and the class does not exist or exists with no students enrolled.

Note for multiple schools with the same BSID number

Duplicate records are not allowed in CLASS Segments

CLASS_CODE must be unique

OnSIS allows a maximum length of 25 characters for class codes.

CLASS_CODE is created by the OnSIS Create Class Codes Report.

Course Codes are Ministry defined and are used by all schools. Boards must ensure that the section number is unique to make the class code unique.


  • Assign a group of section numbers to each school(i.e. 01-50 for one school and 51-99 to another,etc.)

  • Use a unique character as the first character(s) in each section for each school.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for all school classes.



Action to perform with this data. Must be one of: ADD, UPDATE or DELETE

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If the class, identified by CLASS_CODE exists in PowerSchool, but does not exist in the ON_CLASS table, then a <CLASS> segment will be created with the action of ADD.

If the class, identified by CLASS_CODE exists in the ON_CLASS table and in PowerSchool, then the <CLASS> segment will be generated with the action of UPDATE.

An Action of DELETE will not be generated for Class segments that exist in the PAE, if it is an eSIS Class Code. Instead, the Action will be UPDATE and the <CLASS_END_DATE> of the segment will be set to the start date of the current submission period.

Class code comparisons are case insensitive.



Class Code must uniquely define this Class segment. This value is generated by the OnSIS Create Class Codes process.

Converted to upper case.



First day of the class.

If Action is ADD, [Terms]FirstDay for term in Sections record. If [Terms]FirstDay earlier than the submission period start date, use the submission period start date.

If Action is UPDATE, [ON_Classes]Class_Start_Date


Last day of the class.

[Terms]LastDay for term in Sections record.


Class type for the class.


'R' (Regular) if undefined.

For private school submissions always set to 'NA'.


Language of instruction for the class.

OnSIS accepts (E, F, or B)

[Sections]Instruction_Lang If defined and is either E, F, or B,

if undefined then [S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang If defined and is either E, F, or B

otherwise, if [Prefs]Value = 1 where [Prefs]Name = 'ON_French_Board' use 'F; otherwise, use 'E'.


Type of classroom.


'1' (Regular) if undefined.

School Educator Assignment Segment

Starting the 2022-2023 school year this Segment and its subsegments are not included in the extract in both the March and June submissions

The Elementary School Data Submission Input File allows for the collection of Educator data.

Included segmets are: School Educator Assignment, Class Assignment segments, Assigned Subject segments, Instructional TLA segments

The following Logic is followed if the selected BSID has multiple assoicated schools:

OnSIS does not allow duplicate educator assignment. Logic combines duplicates assignment records for the same educator into a single record.

Get a list of all assignments for the educator in all schools with the selected BSID, with the same position type. Message the records as follows:

1) Group all assignments with Start Date <= Submission end date, End Date is NULL or EndDate > submission end date, no leave type

    • Group as follows:

      • start date: earliest start date

      • End date: NULL if at least one is NULL; otherwise, latest end date

      • FTE: sum of FTE

      • the rest of the information should be picked up from the latest assignment added*.

2) Leave type assignments: group assignments with start date within the submission period, leave type defined, withdraw type not defined, and End Date is NULL or End Date > submission End Date.

    • Group all with same Leave type as follows:

      • start date: earliest start date

      • End date: NULL if at least one is NULL; otherwise, latest end date

      • FTE: sum of FTE

      • the rest of the information should be picked up from the latest assignment added*.

3) Leave type assignments: group assignments with start date < the submission start date, leave type defined, withdraw type not defined and End Date is NULL or End Date > submission End Date and no new leave records from the current submission (previous step(3) return no records).

    • Group all with same Leave type as follows:

      • start date: earliest start date

      • End date: NULL if at least one is NULL; otherwise, latest end date

      • FTE: sum of FTE

      • the rest of the information should be picked up from the latest assignment added*.

4) Withdraw type assignments: Group assignments with start date within the submission period, withdraw type defined , leave type not defined and End Date is NOT NULL and within submission period, and a matching record is found in the EXSMS-0009 PAE file based on school, MEN, and position type and the FTE in the PAE record is more than in the assignment record (if combined toal FTE must be less than the FTE in the PAE record).

    • Group as follows if start date and end date overlaps and same withdraw type:

      • start date: earliest start date

      • End date: NULL if at least one is NULL; otherwise, latest end date

      • FTE: sum of FTE

      • the rest of the information should be picked up from the latest assignment added*.

5) Withdraw type assignments: Group assignments with start date < start the submission period, withdraw type defined, leave type not defined and end date within submission period.

    • Group as follows if start date and end date overlaps and same withdraw type:

      • start date: earliest start date

      • End date: latest end date

      • FTE: sum of FTE

      • the rest of the information should be picked up from the latest assignment added*.

*Latest assignment added is identified as follows:

      • if all with end dates use the record with latest end date,

      • if some with Null end dates, use the one with the latest start date and end date is NULL,

      • if multiple exists with same start date and Null end date , sort by Assignement_ID descending and use the first one.

Selection Criteria 

Starting 2023-2024 - submission period start date is Nov 1st of the previous year.

School Educator Assignment segment is generated for each educator assignment created for an educator within the school (or schools with same selected BSID), unless the assignment started and ended within the submission period (Nov1st to October 31st) and has no classes to report. 

School Educator Assignment Segments are extracted when

Teacher Assignment Record exists with a Position Type that is not empty and an Assignment Start Date that is not empty.

MEN is not empty.

School Educator Assignment Segments are extracted as ADD when

  1) An assignment exists in PowerSchool where all of the following are true:

ON_ExcludeTeacherReporting preference is  off.

Assignment start date >= submission period start date. It is assumed that an assignment with a start date on or after the submission period start date will never appear in the EXSMS-0009 PAE file.

Assignment start date <= submission period end date.

Assignment end date is undefined or > submission period end date.

2) An assignment exists in PowerSchool where all of the following are true:

ON_ExcludeTeacherReporting preference is off.

Assignment start date >= submission period start date.

Assignment start date <= submission period end date.

Assignment end date is <= submission period end date.

Withdrawal type is defined.

A matching record is found in the EXSMS-0009 PAE file based on school, MEN, and position type and the FTE in the PAE record is less than in the assignment record.

3) An assignment exists in PowerSchool where all of the following are true:

ON_ExcludeTeacherReporting preference is not on

Assignment start date < submission period start date.

Assignment end date is undefined or > submission period end date.

Leave type is defined.

A matching record is found in the EXSMS-0009 PAE file based on school, MEN, and position type. Note that the <FTE> element value should be taken from the assignment record, not the PAE record, and that <ASSIGMENT_START_DATE> should be set to the submission period start date.

The FTE in the in leave record in the database is less than that in the matching record in the EXSMS-0009 PAE file.

School Educator Assignment Segments are extracted as UPDATE when:

1) An assignment exists in PowerSchool where all of the following are true:

ON_ExcludeTeacherReporting preference is not on.

Assignment start date is < submission period start date.

Assignment end date > submission period start date.

An ADD is not generated based on 3) above.

A matching record is found in the EXSMS-0009 PAE file based on school, MEN, and position type. Note that if leave type or withdrawal type is defined in the assignment record in this case, the values are sent in the <NEW_EDUCATOR_LEAVE_TYPE> and <NEW_ASSIGNMENT_WTHD_TYPE> elements (the <EDUCATOR_LEAVE_TYPE> and <ASSIGNMENT_WTHD_TYPE> elements are valid only for ADDs).

2) An assignment exists in PowerSchool where all of the following are true:

ON_ExcludeTeacherReporting preference is not on.

An UPDATE is not generated based on 1) above.

Assignment start date is < submission period start date.

Assignment end date > submission period start date.

A matching record is found in the EXSMS-0009 PAE file based on school and MEN. Note that the <POSITION_TYPE> and <FTE> element values should be taken from the assignment record, not the PAE record.

Exclude Teacher Reporting

If the Exclude Teacher Reporting flag ([Prefs]ON_ExcludeTeacherReporting) is on for the board it is still necessary to send an educator's class assignments. Therefore when the flag is on, a 'minimal' <SCHOOL_EDUCATOR_ASSIGNMENT> segment must be generted. Educator assignments who started and ended within the submission period (Nov1st - Oct31st) will not be reported  when their no class assignments to generate for the educator. ACTION 'ADD' or 'UPDATE' is depending on whether a matching assignment is present in EXSMS-0009.

Segment with the following elements is generated:


POSITION_TYPE for ADD, 'TEA'; for UPDATE, value from EXSMS-0009


FTE only for ADD, always '1.00'


TEACHING_TYPE only for ADD, always 'T'

CORE_FLAG only for ADD, always 'T'

In this case the S_ON_SSF_Educator_Assign_C and S_ON_Assign_Class_C tables are not used to generate the segments. Instead the report determines whether the educator has been assigned to any classes in the master schedule (i.e. appears in any Sections records) and only generates the educator assignment segment and associated class assignment segments when the educator is assigned to at least one class. For elementary submissions only homeroom classes are examined. This applies both to lead teachers and to ECE co-teachers.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for all school educator assignments.



Action to perform with this data. Must be one of: ADD or UPDATE.

UPDATE Action is always generated before ADD if both exists for the same educator.



Ministry Educator Number. MEN and POSITION_TYPE are used to uniquely identify the assignment.



Position type. MEN and POSITION_TYPE are used to uniquely identify the assignment.

In the case where a match for the assignment is found in the PAE table based only on school and teacher, but not position type, the position type value from the assignment record is used. This is meant to result in an OnSIS error alerting the user to the fact that an assignment has not been correctly ended.

For Action ADD - [S_ON_SSF_Educator_Assign_C]Position_Type

For Action UPDATE - PAE [S_ON_SSF_Educator_Assign_C]Position_Type. If no match on position type is found in PAE, use [S_ON_SSF_Educator_Assign_C]Position_Type


New position type.

Not used


Educator leave type. Generated when action is ADD.

For Action ADD - [S_ON_SSF_Educator_Assign_C]Leave_Type

For Action UPDATE - Empty


New Educator leave type. Generated when action is UPDATE.

For Action ADD - Empty

For Action UPDATE - [S_ON_SSF_Educator_Assign_C]Leave_Type


Assignment withdrawal type. Generated when action is ADD.

For Action ADD - [S_ON_SSF_Educator_Assign_C]Assign_Withdrawal_Type

For Action UPDATE - Empty


New assignment withdrawal type. Generated when action is UPDATE.

For Action ADD - Empty

For Action UPDATE - PowerSchool [S_ON_SSF_Educator_Assign_C]Assign_Withdrawal_Type


Assignment start date.

For Action ADD and UPDATE - PowerSchool



Assignment end date.

For Action ADD and UPDATE - PowerSchool



Full time equivalent.

For Action ADD and UPDATE - PowerSchool


Format as 9.99 for example, .33 will extract as <FTE>0.33</FTE>


Department type.

Tag is discontinued starting 2023-2024

For Action ADD and UPDATE - PowerSchool



Board employee number.

For Action ADD and UPDATE - PowerSchool



Teaching Type.

For Action ADD and UPDATE - PowerSchool


Set to N/A for withdrawal records


Core Teacher Flag.

IF the leave type or withdrawal type in the educator assignment record is defined or if the teaching type is NOT equal to 'T' or 'B', Then set to "F"; otherwise:

Set to "T" if teacher educator assignment includes

A Class Assignment record i.e. a record exists in S_ON_Class_Assign_C table for this Educator Assignment (Teacher/Position), or

There are no S_ON_Class_Assign_C records for the educator assignment but the educator is designated (in the SectionTeacher table) as the lead teacher for a homeroom class (i.e. [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = "H") where students are enrolled, or is assigned to a homeroom class with a co-teaching role matching a Co-Teaching Roles To Designate As Core selected on the report input page.

Otherwise, set to "F"

If the segment is generated as the result of a class assignment for an ECE teacher (see below), CORE_FLAG is set to "F' unless the teacher is also the lead teacher for another class.


NTIP status type.

Not extracted if selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".

Tag is discontinued starting 2023-2024

For Action ADD and UPDATE - PowerSchool

[S_ON_SSF_Educator_Assign_C]NTIP_Status, if value exists


Educator's gender

Valid Values: M, F, N (Prefer not to disclose) and S (Prefer to Specify)

[USERSCOREFIELDS].PSCore_Legal_Gender if defined otherwise [USERSCOREFIELDS].Gender


Educator Gender description. This field is only populated when Gender is set to S for the Educator


Instructional TM Segment

Selection Criteria


There can be one or more Instructional TM segments in an educator assignment.

INSTRUCTIONAL_TM records are extracted as ADD when:

A Time Type record exists on S_ON_Instructional_TM_C table that is related to the Educator Assignment Record on S_ON_SSF_Educator_Assign_C Table.

Time Type Code does not match PAE [S_ON_Instructional_TM_C]key.

  • PowerSchool Time Type Code - [S_ON_Instructional_TM_C]Time_Type.

INSTRUCTIONAL_TM records are extracted as DELETE when:

There is no PowerSchool Time Type, [S_ON_Instructional_TM_C]Time_Type, that matches the PAE Time Type [S_ON_Instructional_TM_C]key.

This segment is not generated if <ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE> is defined for the educator assignment.

The segment is not generated if <TEACHING_TYPE> in the parent educator assignment segment is 'T' or 'N/A'.

This segment is not generated if the Exclude Teacher Reporting flag ([Prefs]ON_ExcludeTeacherReporting) is on for the board.

Data Element




Section of data for an educator's instructional time type. (Optional, Repeating)



Action to perform with this data. Must be one of: ADD or DELETE

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If an Instructional_TM exists in PowerSchool for the educator but not in S_ON_Instructional_TM_C then the <INSTRUCTIONAL_TM> is generated with ADD action.

If an Instructional_TM exists in S_ON_Instructional_TM_C for the educator but not in PowerSchool then the segment is generated with DELETE action.



Time type.

OnSIS Business Rule:

Element INSTRUCTIONAL_TM_TYPE is used to uniquely identify the educator instructional time type information.

If the Action is ADD then [S_ON_Instructional_TM_C]Time_Type

If Action is DELETE then [ON_INSTRUCTIONAL_TMS] Instructional_Tm_Type

Class Assignment Segment

Selection Criteria

The <CLASS_ASSIGNMENT>segment is not generated if Class Assignment Flag on the educator school assignement is not selected.

A <CLASS_ASSIGNMENT> segment is generated:

Only if the ASSIGNMENT_END_DATE in the parent educator assignment segment is not Null or [Prefs]ON_ExcludeTeacherReporting is on.

If there is a homeroom Class Assignments defined within the Educator Assignment that course will be exported; otherwise, homeroom courses, based on the CLASS_ASSIGNMENT ADD rules, will be extracted.

  • The Class Assignments is new to the Educator Assignment page, as of the April 2013 release.

  • Records are saved to S_ON_Class_Assign_C table with the section ID of the class taught.

  • A new view, ON_Educ_Class_Assignment, includes fields needed from the table.

The Class Assignment course should be tied to a homeroom class where [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = "H"

This segment has unique information for a given educator and does not change for each assignment.

The segment is not generated if no students are enrolled in any of the constituent classes.

CLASS_ASSIGNMENT records are extracted as ADD when:

A Class Assignment Record exists in the S_ON_Class_Assign_C table for the Educator Assignment. If [Prefs]ON_ExcludeTeacherReporting is on, the S_ON_Assign_Class_C table is not examined.

If there are no records in the S_ON_Class_Assign_C table (or if the exclude teacher reporting preference is on), the teacher is either the lead teacher for the class ([RoleDef]IsLocked = "1") or is a co-teacher with one of the Co-Teaching Roles For Which To Generate Class Assignments selected on the report input page, as of the submission period count date.

The class is taught by the educator in the current year.

Course type is H.

Students are enrolled in at least one of the constituent classes.

Class is not in PAE.

  • Course Number and Section or for combined classes, the derived minimum [sections]course_number for teacher - [Sections]Section_Number - C does not match the PAE [ON_Class_Assignments]Key.

CLASS_ASSIGNMENT records are extracted as DELETE when:

The Class is in PAE but no longer taught by the educator in PowerSchool.

None of the constituent classes have enrolled students.

CLASS_ASSIGNMENT segments are not generated if any of the following are true for the associated educator assignment:



if <TEACHING_TYPE> in the parent educator assignment segment is 'N' or 'N/A'.

Note for multiple schools with the same BSID

A list of classes from all schools with the same selected BSID should be included, based on the rules stated above.

Assumption class codes are unique across all schools.

Data Element




Section of data for an educator's class assignment. (Optional, Repeating)



Action to perform with this data. Must be one of: ADD or DELETE.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If a class identified by Class_Code exists in PowerSchool and does not exist in ON_CLASS_ASSIGNMENTS then the segment is generated with ADD action.

If the class identified by Class_Code exists in ON_CLASS_ASSIGNMENTS and does not exist in PowerSchool then the segment is generated with DELETE action.

Class code comparisons are case insensitive.



Class code. This value is generated by the OnSIS Create Class Codes process.

OnSIS Business Rules:

The Class_Code is used to uniquely identify the class.

The CLASS_CODE element format will be [sections]course_number+ '-' + [sections]section_number. This is stored in [S_ON_SEC_X]Class_Code.

Embedded spaces are removed. Converted to upper case.

If Action is ADD then [S_ON_SEC_X]Class_Code If Action is DELETE then [ON_CLASS_ASSIGNMENTS]Class_Code

Assigned Subjects Segment

Assigned Subjects will contain one or more Assigned Grade Segments.

Selection Criteria

The combination of elements ELEMENTARY_SUBJECT_TYPE, LANGUAGE_TYPE and REFERENCE_NUMBER are used to uniquely identify the educator assigned subjects. This segment is generated only if the Teaching Type in the parent School Educator Assignment segment is "B" (both teaching and non-teaching) or "T" (teaching).

Only current year courses from the S_ON_SSF_ASSIGNSUBJECT_C table are used.

If current year records are present in the S_ON_SSF_ASSIGNSUBJECT_C table, the segment is only generated for classes appearing in the table; otherwise, the segment is generated for all non-homeroom classes (i.e. [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type not 'H') and for which a subject type (i.e. [S_ON_CRS_X]Subject_Type) is defined. The segment is generated for the lead teacher for a subject class and for any teachers assigned to the class with one of the Co-Teaching Roles For Which To Generate Assigned Subjects selected on the report input page.

The segment is not generated if no students are enrolled in any of the constituent classes. Class enrolment is determined by examining student schedule [CC] records, not the value of [Sections]No_Of_Students.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for assigned subjects



This is the action associated with this submission

Value: "ADD", "UPDATE", "DELETE"

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If an assigned_subject identified by ELEMENTARY_SUBJECT_TYPE and LANGUAGE_TYPE and School and Reference Number exists in PowerSchool but does not exist in [ON_ASSIGNED_SUBJECTS] then the segment is generated with ADD action.

If an assigned_subject identified by ELEMENTARY_SUBJECT_TYPE and LANGUAGE_TYPE and School and Reference Number exists in [ON_ASSIGNED_SUBJECTS] but does not exist in PowerSchool then the segment is generated with DELETE action. All DELETE segments are generated before any ADD segments.

If an assigned_subject identified by ELEMENTARY_SUBJECT_TYPE and LANGUAGE_TYPE and School and Reference Number exists in [ON_ASSIGNED_SUBJECTS] and also exists in PowerSchool then the segment is generated with UPDATE action.



OnSIS Business Rule:

The combination of elements ELEMENTARY_SUBJECT_TYPE, LANGUAGE_TYPE and REFERENCE_NUMBER are used to uniquely identify the educator assigned subjects. Note however that REFERENCE_NUMBER is not used by the report to determine the value of ACTION.

If the action is ADD or UPDATE then [S_ON_CRS_X]Subject_Type

If the Action is DELETE then [ON_ASSIGNED_SUBJECTS]Elementary_Subject_Type


OnSIS Business Rule:

The combination of elements ELEMENTARY_SUBJECT_TYPE, LANGUAGE_TYPE and REFERENCE_NUMBER are used to uniquely identify the educator assigned subjects.

If the action is ADD or UPDATE then:

Sections]Instruction_Lang If defined and is either E, F, or B,

If undefined then [S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang if defined and is either E, F, or B

otherwise , if [Prefs]Value = 1 where [Prefs]Name = 'ON_French_Board' use 'F; otherwise, use 'E'.

If the action is DELETE then [ON_ASSIGNED_SUBJECTS]Language_Type


OnSIS Business Rules:

To allow the user to enter duplicate single subject (+ LOI) combinations with mixed grade entries, a new field is to be added to the ASSIGNED_SUBJECT table: REFERENCE_NUMBER. This field will expand the UK and allow these entries to be entered as follows:








All elementary grades





















The Reference Number field (ASSIGNED_SUBJECT.REFERENCE_NUMBER) will be automatically generated by the application to reflect the assigned grade(s).

When the ACTION of SCHOOL_EDUCATOR_ASSIGNMENT/ASSIGNED_SUBJECT is "ADD" this element must not be identified. When action is "UPDATE" or "DELETE" the element must be provided.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

<Reference_Number>, an element in <ASSIGNED_SUBJECT> has the form 'G:x,x,x..' where an occurrence of 'x' is the grade_level of students taking that subject under that educator in that language. The Grade_levels can be: JK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8. If the <Assigned_Grade> ( a sub segment of Assigned_Subject) is being generated for all the grade levels mentioned above, such as students of all grades are taking that course then the <Reference_number> is set to 'E'.

Derived from grade_levels of students taking that subject.

[Students/Reenrollments] Grade_level


OnSIS Business Rules:

Indicates the educator's assigned grades.


E - All elementary grades

S - All secondary grades

B - All elementary and secondary grades

G - Specific grades

When the ACTION of SCHOOL_EDUCATOR_ASSIGNMENT/ASSIGNED_SUBJECT is "ADD"; this element is mandatory.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

Indicates the educator's assigned grades.


E- All Elementary Grades

G- Specific Grades

Always 'G'


Number of classes.

When the ACTION of SCHOOL_EDUCATOR_ASSIGNMENT/ASSIGNED_SUBJECT is "ADD"; this element is mandatory.

Tag is discontinued starting 2023-2024

If the action is ADD or UPDATE then Derived from Sections table

If the action is DELETE then [ON_ASSIGNED_SUBJECTS]number_of_classes

Assigned Grades Segment

Selection Criteria

This is a child segment of the Assigned_Subject segment for Assigned Subject actions of ADD and UPDATE.

The combination of elements ELEMENTARY_SUBJECT_TYPE, LANGUAGE_TYPE and GRADE_TYPE are used to uniquely identify the educator assigned subjects grades.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for Assigned_Grade



This is the action associated with this submission.

Value: "ADD", "DELETE"

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If there exists an assigned_grade identified by subject_key (SUBJECT_TYPE + LANGUAGE_OF_INSTRUCTION) in PowerSchool but does not exist in ON_ASSIGNED_GRADES then the segment is generated with ADD action.

If there exists an assigned_grade identified by subject_key (SUBJECT_TYPE + LANGUAGE_OF_INSTRUCTION) in ON_ASSIGNED_GRADES but not in PowerSchool then the segment is generated with DELETE action.



OnSIS Business Rule:

The combination of elements ELEMENTARY_SUBJECT_TYPE, LANGUAGE_TYPE and GRADE_TYPE are used to uniquely identify the educator assigned subjects grades.

Note: Only applicable if "G - Specific Grades" was indicated in GRADE_FLAG in previous section.

PowerSchool Business Rule:

One <ASSIGNED_GRADE> child segment is generated for each grade level of the students taking that Subject in that language, represented in the set of classes comprising the parent <ASSIGNED_SUBJECT> segment.

When determining whether a student is enrolled in a class for the purposes of determining the grades included in the class, the student's classes that end before the submission start date are compared to the student's class enrollment start and end date. Students' classes that end on the Submission start date are ignored.

Derived from grade_levels of students taking that subject.


Temporary Letters of Authorization (TLA) Segment

Selection Criteria

Starting with the October 2012 submission, this segment is no longer generated.

There can one or more TLA segments for an Educator assignment.

Data Element




Section of data for an educator's TLA info. (Optional, Repeating)



Action to perform with this data. Must be one of: ADD or DELETE

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If a TLA exists in PowerSchool and does not exist in ON_TLAs then the segment is generated with ADD action.

If a TLA exists in S_ON_TLA_C and does not exist in PowerSchool for that educator then the segment is generated with DELETE action.



Indicates if the educator has a non-teaching TLA.

If Action is ADD then [S_ON_TLA_C]Non_Teaching_Flag

If Action is DELETE then [ON_TLAS] Non_Teaching_Flag


OnSIS Business Rules:

The combination of element MEN NON_TEACHING_FLAG and ELEMENTARY_SUBJECT_TYPE is used to uniquely identify the educator TLA.

If SCHOOL_EDUCATOR_TLA_ASGN.NON_TEACHING_FLAG = "F", this element is mandatory.

If Action is ADD then [S_ON_TLA_C]Subject_Type


Student Segment

Selection Criteria

A student without an OEN ([Students]state_studentNumber) is submitted with an OEN value of '000000000'. If an OEN is present in the pending area extract (PAE) file for a submission period but no matching OEN is found in PowerSchool, the Student segment is generated using the values from the PAE record.

Enrolment records with an exit date equal to entry date are ignored by the report, as are 'no show' enrolment records - i.e. records with an exit code of "NS".

A student is not submitted if the exclude from Provincial Reporting flag is enabled for this student.

A student is not submitted if his attendance type ([Students]EnrollmentType) is 'EX' (excluded), except if a record is present in the EXSMS-0003 PAE file (i.e. he was reported in a previous submission), in which case he is reported as a non-returning student.

A Student Segment is created if the student appears in the PAE file for the school for the current submission period.

A Student Segment is created if the Student Date of Exit from the school is after the start date of the submission period AND Student Date of Entry to the school is before or on the end date (count date) of the submission period (Note pre-registered students for the next school year and students with transfer and re-enrolment dates after the submission period end date will not be submitted, unless they were submitted in the previous submission period).

A Student Segment is submitted if the Student Date of Entry and Date of Exit to the school falls within the submission period start and end date regardless of whether there is any other data to report.

A Student Segment is submitted if a student is cross-enrolled in one or more classes in this school and if the class is in session during this submission period. Students are excluded if all cross enrolled classes does not have course type defined.

Student Segments do not have an ACTION element. Instead, it is only created if the STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT segment has an ACTION with a value of 'ADD', 'UPDATE'.

Note for multiple schools with same BSID

One record per student should be reported in the student segment.

If a student is enrolled in multiple schools with the same selected BSID, the student's information will be extracted from the student's latest school.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for student


Student OEN. Used for OEN Authentication.

Leading zeroes are included.

Non-numeric characters such as dashes and spaces are removed.



Student Legal Given Name. Used for OEN Authentication.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_First_Name (if not supplied, then [Students]first_name)


Student Legal Second Name.

Second name no longer is used as part of the validation. The XML Batch file will not change; the Second name is simply ignored.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Middle_Name (if not supplied then [Students]middle_name)


Student Legal Last Name.

Used for OEN Authentication.

[S_ON_STU_X]Legal_Last_Name (if not supplied then [Students]last_name)


Student Date of Birth. Mandatory Field.

Used for OEN Authentication.



Language first spoken

OnSIS Business Rules:


When the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD" and the STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT.MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG='F', this element is ignored. For students that have not been entered in OnSIS, the value for Language First Spoken will be set to the language of the school. If the language of the school is both "English and French", Language First Spoken of the student will be set to English.



If undefined, if [Prefs]Value = 1 where [Prefs]Name = 'ON_French_Board' use 'F; otherwise, use 'E'.

Student School Enrolment Segment

Selection Criteria

A minimum of one student enrolment record must be present. If the student enters and departs from the school multiple times during the submission period, only one student school enrolment record is required. Enrolment records with an exit date equal to entry date are ignored by the report, as are 'no show' enrolment records - i.e. records with an exit code of "NS", and enrolment records where the exit code is defined but is not mapped to a valid ministry exit code.

If a student's attendance type ([Students]EnrollmentType) is 'EX' (excluded) and the student was reported in a previous submission (i.e. appears in the PAE files), the segment is generated as if the student is non-returning; otherwise, the student is excluded from the report.

If the student left before the count date and has data (for example, report card data) to report for the submission period, the student is included regardless of the attendance type.

Note for multiple schools with same BSID

Only one student enrolment segment should be generated per student, values are taken from the latest enrollment within the submission period from the school belonging to the selected BSID.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for student school enrolment



This is the action associated with this submission

Value: "ADD" "UPDATE"

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If the student is enrolled at the start of the school term and student's exit date is beyond the count date of the current submission, the school enrolment segment is generated with the 'UPDATE' action if the student data exists in the PAE extract file (extract #003)

If the student is enrolled at the start of the school term and student's exit date is beyond the count date of the current submission, and the student data does not exist in the PAE extract file the school enrolment segment is generated with the 'ADD'

If the student is enrolled at the start of the school term and student has transferred out within the current submission, the school enrolment segment is generated with the 'UPDATE' action if the student data exists in the PAE extract file (extract #003)

If the student is enrolled at the start of the school term and student has transferred out during the current submission, and the student data does not exist in the PAE extract file the school enrolment segment is generated with the 'ADD'

If the student is enrolled during the current submission period date and transferred out before the end of the current submission period date (note the PAE extract #003 will not have data for this student), the school enrolment segment is generated with the 'ADD' action only if the student has Report Card Segments; otherwise, no school enrolment segment is generated for this student.

If there are multiple enrolments in the current submission period for this student, only one enrolment (the one with the earliest entry date) will qualify for the submission.

If the student is enrolled AFTER the start of the current submission period and remains currently enrolled at the school. (Note the PAE extract file will not have data for this student), The school enrolment segment is generated with the 'ADD' action

If a student is present in the student school enrolment PAE file (#0003) but there is no enrolment for this student between the submission period start date and count date in for this school in PowerSchool, then the school enrolment segment is created with the "UPDATE" action.

The above scenario usually indicates a data error in the previous school data submission between PowerSchool and the OnSIS system.



When the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

Valid entries are: JK, K, 1-8.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then

[ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]Grade_level if the snapshot record exists; otherwise, [Students/ReEnrollments]Grade_Level

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non-returning student then [ON_School_Enrollments]grade_type if defined; otherwise, use grade level from previous enrolment.


The CLASS_CODE is used to uniquely identify the class. This element is Mandatory. This value is generated by the OnSIS Create Class Codes process.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

the <Class_Code> tag has the following format: Trim(Courses.Course_Number) + '-' + Trim(Sections.Section_Number)

Embedded spaces are removed. Converted to upper case.

Only Classes where the Course_type is 'H' (Homeroom) are selected. The homeroom class in which the student is enrolled as of the submission period count date is reported.

For example: HRM001-05

Class_code will not be printed if the student leaves the school or dropped his homeroom class before the count date.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then [S_ON_SEC_X]Class_Code where [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = 'H'

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non-returning student then [ON_School_Enrollments].class_code


When the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

This value will be set to 'F' if the [PREFS]ON_French_Board_Flag is enabled; otherwise, set to 'E'.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then 'F' if [Prefs]Name = 'ON_French_Board_Flag' = '1'.

Set to 'B' if selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".

Otherwise, default to 'E'.


Board Residence Status

When the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD" this field is mandatory.

When Main School Flag is 'F' for non-returning students,or cross enrolled students set to '08.

When Not Main School Flag is 'T', set to '08'.

OnSIS Business Rules:

Elementary students cannot have a Board Residence Status Type = "E-Learning".

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then  [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]Brd_Res_Status.

The value is calculated by the GetStudentEnrolmentFieldBSID function, described in the Enrolment Fields Report.


The student's current country of residence.

CURRENT_RESIDENCE_COUNTRY is ignored if CURRENT_RESIDENCE_PROVINCE is populated; otherwise, CURRENT_RESIDENCE_COUNTRY is populated if Country (Current Residence) UI field is not Canada.

ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]Curr_Country if the snapshot record exists; otherwise, [S_ON_REN/STU_X]Curr_Country


The student's current province of residence.


If Country (Current Residence) and Province (Current Residence) UI fields are not populated or if Country (Current Residence) is Canada and Province (Current Residence) is not populated, CURRENT_RESIDENCE_PROVINCE is set to Ontario.

ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]Curr_Province if the snapshot record exists; otherwise, [S_ON_REN/STU_X]Curr_Province


Attendance Type

When the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

If [Students/Reenrollments]EnrollmentType is defined (i.e. there is an override), use that value.

ATTENDANCE_TYPE for Shared Students (board residence status '08') is "PT".

ATTENDANCE_TYPE for e-learning students (board residence status of '09') is "PT".

If student grade is JK or K, and the student is 6 years or older as of December 31 of that academic year, then the attendance type for that student is "FT"

ATTENDANCE_TYPE for Student between the age of 14 and 17 as of December 31 of that academic year enrolled in SAL program less than 70 minutes (SAL program 001) is 'PT'.

ATTENDANCE_TYPE for Student between the age of 14 and 17 as of December 31 of that academic year enrolled in SAL program greater than 70 minutes (SAL program 002) is 'FT'.

ATTENDANCE_TYPE for Student enrolled in an expulsion program (i.e. [S_ON_GEN_SPECPROG_X]Expulsion_Flag is true for the associated program) is 'FT'.

if Board Residence = "other student" (board residence status of '07') or 'board pupil' (board residence status of 01) and the student is enrolled only in independent study classes ([S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class flag or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class is on) at the school of primary enrolment, ATTENDANCE_TYPE is PT

Age is calculated as of December 31st of the current academic year.

Because attendance type and FTE are not pre-populated in the PAE file, for non-returning students, unless subject to the rules above, the number of minutes in the student's schedule from the previous year is used to determine these values. If a non-returning student has no schedule in the prior year (i.e., no minutes scheduled) and the student is not subject to one of the rules above, the attendance type is set to 'FT' and FTE is set to '1.00'.

When Main School Flag is 'F' for non-returning/cross enrolled students, set to 'PT'

When Not Main School Flag is 'T', Attendance Type is 'PT' and FTE is 0.00

For other students the attendance type is derived from the number of minutes to which the student is scheduled on the latest "in-session" day on or before the submission period count date, or the last day on which the student was enrolled if the student withdrew during the submission period). Minutes for courses taken at night schools ([S_ON_SCH_X]IsNightSchool is true) are excluded.

Attendance Type is set as follows:

When minutes enrolled >= 210, then 'FT'

When minutes enrolled = 0, then default to 'PT'

Otherwise, 'PT'

OnSIS Business Rules:

Where the student is Active, if Board Residence Status = Shared Student then FTE = 0.00, attendance_type = 'PT' and Main School Flag = N

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then calculated by as described to the left if [Students/Reenrollments]Attendance_Type is blank (i.e. is not overridden).

Otherwise, uses value in [Students/ReEnrollment]Attendance_Type.

The value is calculated by the GetStudentEnrolmentField function, described in the Enrolment Fields Report.



Only generated for students in grades JK and K.

OnSIS Business Rules:

When "JK/SK Timetable Type" = Other is selected, Half time Other Description (new field) must be populated. Otherwise, Half time Other Description must be display-only.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" for a returning student, then [Students/ReEnrollments] ON_TimetableType

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non-returning then [Students/ReEnrollments] ON_TimetableType; otherwise, [ON_School_Enrollments]jk_timetable_type


For Grade = JK or K, if [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X] ExtendedDayProgram is undefined, a value of 'NO' is submitted.

No value is extracted for students in grades 1 - 12 regardless of the value of [S_ON_STU_X]ExtendedDayProgram.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X] ExtendedDayProgram.



Other Half Time Description

If JK_ TIMETABLE _TYPE = "O" (other), OTHER_HALFTIME_DESC will be extracted.

Otherwise, the field will be updated to a null value.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then [Students/Reenrollments] ON_HalftimeDesc

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non-returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]other_halftype_desc


When the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD", this element is mandatory

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then Value is extracted from [ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]Residence_Status if the snapshot recor d exists; otherwise  [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X] Residence_Status

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non-returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]resident_status_type


OnSIS Business Rules:

In the case of UPDATE action, if an empty tag is provided, the field will be updated to a null value. If no tag is provided, the field will be ignored.

This element is not generated for private school submissions.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then [S_ON_STU_X]Aboriginal_Type

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non-returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]aboriginal_self_identification


Entry Code

When the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD", this element is mandatory.


If ACTION is "ADD" then [students/ReEnrollments]EntryCode - the extracted value is the ministry code ([Gen]Value2) to which the entry code has been mapped

If ACTION is "UPDATE" then always 'IA'

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non-returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]student_mobility_type

For Cross enrolled students set to '05'


Country of Entry

Not defined if STUDENT_MOBILITY_TYPE is "IA" (Internal Admission).

Only defined if STUDENT_MOBILITY_TYPE = "36" (admission from out of country).

STUDENT_MOBILITY_TYPE = "36" and Entry_Country = "CAN", the value is sent so that an OnSIS error is generated informing the user of the data inconsistency.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then

ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]Entry_Country if the snapshot record exists; otherwise, [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]Entry_Country

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]country_type


Province of Entry

Defined only if ACTION is ADD and STUDENT_MOBILITY_TYPE is "35" (Another Province/Territory).

Not defined if STUDENT_MOBILITY_TYPE is "IA" (Internal Admission).

If ACTION is "ADD" then

ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]Entry_Province if the snapshot record exists; otherwise,



Language Type Previous School.

Defined only if ACTION is ADD and STUDENT_MOBILITY_TYPE is "35" (Another Province/Territory).

Otherwise, the field will be updated to a null value.

If ACTION is "ADD" then

ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]Entry_Language if the snapshot record exists; otherwise, [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]Entry_Language

If undefined, if [Prefs]Value = 1 where [Prefs]Name = 'ON_French_Board' use 'F; otherwise, use 'E'.


Exit Code

For cross-enrolled students (i.e. <MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG> = 'F') the exit code is "64" (retirement - other).

For non-returning students, if a current year no show enrolment record is present, the report uses the exit code from the previous year enrolment record.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then [Students/Reenrollments]ExitCode - the extracted value is the ministry code ([Gen]Value2) to which the exit code has been mapped

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning then [Students/ReEnrollments]exitcode for no show record, if exists (Not used if exitcode = 'NS' or is defined but not mapped to a valid ministry exit code); otherwise, [Students/ReEnrollments]exitcode for prior year.


Country of Exit

Only extracted if the database value is not "CAN" and the associated exit code is '68' (moved outside Ontario).

For non-returning students with an exit code of NS (no show) the value is taken from the most recent enrolment record prior to the no show enrolment.


And [Students/Reenrollments]ExitCode is not empty and [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]Exit_Country not = 'CAN' then [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]Exit_Country


Province of Exit

Only extracted if the database value is not "ON" and the associated exit code is '68' (moved outside Ontario).

For non-returning students with an exit code of NS (no show) the value is taken from the most recent enrolment record prior to the no show enrolment.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" And [Students/Reenrollments]ExitCode is not empty and [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]Exit_Province not = 'ON' then [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]Exit_Province


Postal Code

Format = "AnA nAn"

Populated only if PROVINCE_CURRENT_RESIDENCE is Ontario; otherwise, null.


If [S_ON_REN/STU_X]Curr_Province is Ontario, then ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]PostalCode if the snapshot record exists; otherwise, [Students]Zip

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning and [S_ON_REN/STU_X]Curr_Province is Ontario, then [ON_School_Enrollments]postal_area_type


Country of Birth

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If the student is born in Canada, this defaults to NULL.

OnSIS Business Rules:

Both Country of birth and Province of birth cannot be identified at the same time; only one or the other can be selected. If Province of birth is present it is reported and Country of birth is not.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" and [S_ON_STU_X]Birth_Country not empty and not = 'CAN' then [S_ON_STU_X]Birth_Country

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]country_type_birth

If the value in the database is "CAN" or empty the value of the element is empty.


Province of Birth

OnSIS Business Rules:

In the case of UPDATE action, if an empty tag is provided, the field will be updated to a null value. If no tag is provided, the field will be ignored.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" and [S_ON_STU_X]Birth_Country = 'CAN' or is empty then [S_ON_STU_X]Birth_Province. If undefined then "ON".

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]province_state_type_birth


Date of entry into Canada. Format YYYY/MM

In the case of UPDATE action, if an empty tag is provided, the field will be updated to a null value. If no tag is provided, the field will be ignored.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then [S_ON_STU_X]Year_Of_Entry

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]year_of_entry_to_canada


Flag indicator if enrolled in main school

When the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

Set to F if Board Residence Status = '08' or '09' for Shared Student or E-Learning Student.

Set to F if Board Residence = "other student" (board residence status of '07') or 'board pupil' (board residence status of 01) and the student is enrolled only in independent study classes ([S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class flag or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class is on) at the school of primary enrolment.


OnSIS Business Rules:

If the student was or is currently enrolled in this school, the MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG element value is 'T'

If the student was or is cross-enrolled in this school, the MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG element value is 'F'.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then determined by business rules

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]main_school_flag


School student number.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then [Students]student_number

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]school_student_number


French admission committee approval date.

If ACTION is "ADD" and [S_ON_STU_X]French_Approval_Date not empty then [S_ON_STU_X]French_Approval_Date


Total Days absent (Year to date).

October and March submissions: Data is only calculated for students who withdrew during the submission period.

June submission: Data is calculated for all students.

The total number of absences include attendance types 'A', 'C', and 'G' (Absent, Contacted, G-Days). Days absent due to G days set at the school calendar during the period the student is enrolled at the school are also counted.

For cross enrolled students, this value is reported only from the home school. When Count Meeting attendance at another school's flag is ON, combined attendance is calculated, otherwise, only the attendance taken at the main school is calculated.



Starting 2021-2022 onwards this tag is included to collects absence during school closure.

October and March submissions: Data is only calculated for students who withdrew during the submission period.

June submission: Data is calculated for all students.

This is the number of days the student is absent due to school closure where the school calendar is set to G during the period the student is enrolled at the school.

Students cross enrolled at another school:

  • If 'Count meeting attendance at another school flag' is ON, it is the number of days the cross enrolled school have G days on the school calendar set to G during the period the student was cross enrolled at the other school.

  • if 'Count meeting attendance at another school flag' is OFF: then G days on the cross enrolled school calendar are not counted.

  • If the student moves from in person to remote or vise versa during his primary enrolment in the main school, SCHOOL_CLOSURE_DAYS_ABSENT_YTD will be the sum of G dates calculated as per the above rules for the period from the start to the end date of his school enrolment.



The number of times the student was late (Year to date).

October and March submissions: Data is only calculated for students who withdrew during the submission period.

June submission: Data is calculated for all students.

For cross enrolled students, this value is calculated based on the attendance taken at the school running the report.



Local school program flag.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If this flag is enabled, then set to 'T'; otherwise, default to NULL

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]Local_Program

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]local_school_program_flag

Not reported for Cross enrolled students.


Full Time Equivalent

Not extracted if selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".

When the ACTION of STUDENT_SCHOOL_ENROLMENT is "ADD" - public elementary / secondary school this field is mandatory.

If [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]FTE is defined (i.e. there is an override), use that value.

FTE for a student between the age of 14 and 17 as of December 31 of that academic year enrolled in SAL program less than 70 minutes (SAL program 001) is 0.5.

FTE for a student between the age of 14 and 17  as of December 31 of that academic year enrolled in SAL program greater than 70 minutes (SAL program 002) is 1.0.

FTE for a student enrolled in an expulsion program (i.e. [S_ON_GEN_SPECPROG_X]Expulsion_Flag is true for the associated program) is 1.0.

if Board Residence = "other student" (board residence status of '07') or 'board pupil' (board residence status of 01) and the student is enrolled only in independent study classes ([S_ON_SEC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class flag or [S_ON_CC_X]IsIndependentStudy_Class is on) at the school of primary enrolment. FTE is 0.0.

Otherwise, FTE is calculated based on number of minutes scheduled, either on the last "in-session" day on or before the submission period count date or the last day the student was enrolled if the student withdrew during the submission period, unless the student is a shared student (board residence status of '08) or an e-learning student (board residence status of '09') in which case report 0.0. Minutes for courses taken at night schools ([S_ON_SCH_X]IsNightSchool is true) are excluded. Minutes for independent study classes are excluded.

FTE is set as follows

If attendance type is 'FT' and minutes enrolled > 0, calculate the least of minutes enrolled/300 or 1.0

If attendance type is 'PT' calculate the least of minutes enrolled/300 or 0.4

  • unless the student is an shared student (board residence status of '08') or an e-learning student (board residence status of '09') in which case report 0.0

If minutes enrolled = 0, default to 1.0

Because attendance type and FTE are not pre-populated in the PAE file, for non-returning students, unless subject to the rules above, the number of minutes in the student's schedule from the previous year is used to determine these values. If a non-returning student has no schedule in the prior year (i.e. no minutes scheduled) and the student is not subject to one of the rules above, the attendance type is set to 'F' and FTE is set to '1.00'.

When Main School Flag is 'F' for non-returning/cross enrolled students, set to 0.0

When Not Main School Flag is 'T', FTE is 0.00'.

Maximum number of decimal places is 2.

OnSIS Business Rules:

Full time equivalency (FTE) must be within the range of 0.04 - 1.00 within the same school UNLESS BOARD RESIDENCE STATUS = SHARED STUDENT, then FTE = 0

If Elementary school and student's Attendance Type = PT, FTE must be > = 0.04 and <= 0.69. UNLESS BOARD RESIDENCE STATUS = SHARED STUDENT then FTE = 0.

If Elementary school and student's Attendance Type = FT, FTE must be > = 0.70 and <= 1.00. UNLESS BOARD RESIDENCE STATUS = SHARED STUDENT, then FTE = 0.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" use [S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]FTE if defined (i.e. FTE is overridden).

Otherwise, calculated based on the rules in the description.

The value is calculated by the GetStudentEnrolmentField function, described in the Enrolment Fields Report.


Indicates whether the student is promoted to the next grade.

OnSIS Business Rules:

This element should only be present in the June Submission period.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then if [Students] grade_level_next > [Students]grade_level, then 'T'; otherwise 'F'

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]promotion_flag


Indicates whether the student receives special education.

OnSIS Business Rules:

If the <SPECIAL_EDUCATION_FLAG> is T, then a Special Education segment must be submitted in this submission.

For a student who left the reporting school, the SPECIAL_EDUCATION_FLAG is T or F, based on whether or not the student was in the Special Education program as of the student's last day in school.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then determined if student has at least one spenrollment record where gen.spedIndicator = 1, The student must be enrolled in the special education program as of the submission period count date, or if the student withdraws from school, the student must be enrolled in the special education program as of the last day of school enrollment.

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning then [ON_School_Enrollments]special_education_flag


Student's gender

Valid values:

  • M

  • F

  • N (Prefer not to disclose)

  • S (Prefer to Specify)

[ON_OnSIS_Snapshot]Gender if the snapshot record exists; otherwise, [Students]Gender

For non-returning students and deleted students, from previous submission snapshot record if it exists; otherwise, [Students]Gender

getStudentGenderReportValues function is used to get the student's gender type from the code sets tables.


Student's gender description. This field is only populated when Gender is set to S for the student.

getStudentGenderReportValues function is used to get the student's gender desc from the code sets tables.


Enrolment start date. Format = yyyy/mm/dd

For cross-enrolled students (i.e. <MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG> = 'F') the enrolment start date is the earliest [CC]DateEnrolled that falls within the submission period from the classes that cause the cross enrollment.

OnSIS Business Rules:

For students enrolled in any previous submission at this school, the following fields are non-modifiable when pre-populated from a previous submission: Enrolment Start Date, Admission From. This business rule is applicable to student school enrolment records that were pre-populated only. In this case, the Admission From Student Mobility field is equal to Internal Admission ("IA").

If the student was enrolled in the school prior to the first day of the submission period date range (e.g. Oct submission has a date range of Nov 1, YYYY to Oct 31, YYYY + 1), then the enrolment start date equal the first day of the Student's last entry into the school (regardless of in which school year this occurred). This will identify the student as having been enrolled in the school from the beginning of the submission cycle.

If the student enrolled in the school on or after the first day of the submission period date range, the enrolment start date will equal the date the student enrolled in the school. The mobility code (Admission From) will identify where the student has come from.

If ACTION is "ADD" then [ [Students/Reenrollments]entryDate

If ACTION is "UPDATE" then [ON_School_Enrollments]enrolment_start_date


Enrolment end date. Format = yyyy/mm/dd

For cross-enrolled students (i.e. <MAIN_SCHOOL_FLAG> = 'F') the enrolment end date is the latest [CC]DateLeft that falls within the submission period from the classes that cause the cross enrollment. If the latest date left is after the end of the submission period, the student is still considered cross-enrolled and no enrolment end date is submitted.

For all submissions, if a student's withdrawal date in PowerSchool does not fall within the current submission period; no enrolment end date is submitted.

In a June submission, if the student's withdrawal date is after the last day in the school's calendar (i.e. the student was enrolled on the last day of school) then the submitted enrolment end date is empty.

In an October submission if the student appears in the PAE file (i.e. no enrolment end date was submitted in June) but the student is not enrolled for the current year and the student's last withdrawal date after the last day of previous school year but before July 1, then July 1 is submitted. Otherwise, if the student appears in the PAE file and is not enrolled for the current year and the latest withdrawal date is July 1 or later, then the withdrawal date is submitted.

OnSIS Business Rules:

If the student does not depart the school during the submission cycle, the enrolment end date and Transfer/Retirement code will remain blank.

If ACTION is "ADD" or "UPDATE" then [Students/Reenrollments]ExitDate

If ACTION is "UPDATE" for a non returning student then set end date in this order:

If Main School Flag is F or it is the October submission, set to first day of submission period

If [Students/Reenrollments]ExitDate less than [ON_School_Enrollments]enrolment_start_date, set to first day of submission

Otherwise, [Students/ReEnrollments]Exit Date


This flag is set to true:

  • If the student is in a SAL program as of the Count date.

  • If a segment exists where the Start date is earlier or on the Submission Start date and the Exit date is undefined or after the Count date.

  • For June submission set to true if the exit date is is after or on the Count date.

Student School Enrolment > Early Years Experience Segment

The OnSIS Early Years Experience (EYE) segment provides data regarding students' EYE; however, only the answers to questions 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6 are reported. This segment is only generated for Boards that are licensed for the EYE survey and applies only to the October submission for the 2018-2019 school year and higher.

Selection Criteria

Student is active as of the submission count date (school exit date is greater than count date)

Student's school enrolment start date is greater than or equal to the submission cycle start date July 1st

Student's grade is JK or K as of the count date

  • If any of the above rules are not met critical, error EY0001 is generated.

Students are reported from their main school only; the school must be the student's main school on the count date.

Must be student's first time enrolled in an elementary school and the student does not have any re-enrolment records in previous years. The following enrolments are ignored:

  • previous enrolments in the same school year

  • previous enrolments in Night or Summer school

  • future enrolments

  • no-show enrolments

  • school enrolments where entry date = exit date

  • enrollments where the entry code this year is not Beginner (37) or mapped to Beginner

Applicable to public elementary schools only. Private schools are reported as N/A.

If all the above rules are true, students are reported only when School Year Survey Completed is empty or is the same as the year for running the report (for count date October 31, 2018, School Year Survey Completed must be empty or equal to 2018-2019 for the student to be included).

Data Element




This is the outer tag for the Early Child Experience survey.


Indicates whether STU_EARLY_YR_EXPERIENCE is added or ready for deletion.

Is always set to ADD.



Indicates whether there is Early Years Experiences data to report.

Valid values: 'T', 'F'

Is set to 'F' if School Year Survey Completed ([S_ON_STU_X]YearSurveyCompleted) is not set for the student, or if it is set but there is no data to report (none of the questions are answered); otherwise, is set to 'T'. Questions 3 and 7 are ignored.

The following Segments are not generated if this field is set to F.



This is the outer tag for question "4. Have you heard about child and family centres in your community?"

This tag is not generated if question 4 is not answered.


Indicates whether STU_EARLY_YR_QUESTION is added or ready for deletion.

Is always set to ADD.



The code of the question.

Related to question 4.

Is set to EY_Q01


The answer to question 4.

Valid values:

1 - Y

0 - N

If [S_ON_STU_X]EarlyYrsKnowledgeYN is 1, Y is reported; if 0, N is reported.



This is the outer tag for childcare center header information

Question 1. "For each age period, what was the MAIN type(s) of child care for the child you are registering for kindergarten?" and

Question 2. "If the child you are registering for school participated in licensed child care in a care centre or a home, please list the name(s) of your licensed child care centre or licensed home child care agency for each age period".

This tag/Segment is not generated if the user did not answer Questions 1 and 2 and, when generated, only elements with values are reported.


Indicates whether STU_EARLY_YR_CC_PRG_HEADER is added or ready for deletion.

Question 1 and Question 2

Is always set to ADD.



The code for the child's age group.

Valid values:

010 - 0 up to 12 Months (>0 to <12 months)

020 - 12 Months to 18 Months (>=12 months to < 18 months)

030 - 18 Months to 24 Months (>= 18 months to <24 months)

040 - 24 Months to 2.5 Years (>=24 months to <2.5 years)

050 - 2.5 Years up to Present (>=2.5 years to present)



Indicates whether the participant prefers not to answer.

Valid values 'T' or 'F'.

If the user didn't answer question 1 for the age group (all checkboxes are 0), then the element is not generated; otherwise, if the question 1:"Don't Remember/Prefer Not to Answer" checkbox is selected, then T; otherwise F.



This is the outer tag for child care center detail for Early Child Experience survey.


Indicates whether STU_EARLY_YR_CC_PRG_DETAIL is added or ready for deletion.

Is always set to ADD.



The license number of the licensed childcare centre or licensed home child care agency.

If question 2 license number is not defined for the same age group, this element is not generated.

Note: Generated only if the CHILDCARE_TYPE_CODE is 004 (LicensedHome-BasedChildCareAgency) or 005 (LicensedChildCareCentre)



The type of childcare

This element is created if the next element has a value; otherwise, both elements are omitted.

Valid values:

001 - Parent Guardian Care Code

002 - UnpaidCareCode

003 - Paid Care Code

004 - Licensed Home Care Code

005 - Licensed Child Care Code

Note: If 004 or 005, the following must be populated:












The code for the childcare attendance type.

If both the Full Time checkbox and Part Time checkbox for the childcare type are selected, this is the Attendance type code for both.

If only the Full Time checkbox is selected for the childcare type, this is the Attendance type code for Full time.

If only the Part Time checkbox is selected for the child care type, this is the Attendance type code for Part time.

Valid values:

1 - Yes

0 - No












The name of the other childcare centre.

Note: generated only if the CHILDCARE_TYPE_CODE is 004 (LicensedHome-BasedChildCareAgency) or 005 (LicensedChildCareCentre)



The street address of the other childcare centre.

Note: generated only if the CHILDCARE_TYPE_CODE is 004 (LicensedHome-BasedChildCareAgency) or 005 (LicensedChildCareCentre)



The intersection of the other child care centre.

Note: This data is not collected.



The city of the other childcare centre.

Note: generated only if the CHILDCARE_TYPE_CODE is 004 (LicensedHome-BasedChildCareAgency) or 005 (LicensedChildCareCentre)



This is the outer tag for school participation.

Question "5. At each age, how often did the child who you are registering for school participate in an Ontario Early Years Child & Family Centre?"

Question "6. At each age, how often did the child you are registering for school participate in other activities in your community?"

This tag/Segment is not generated if the user did not answer question 5 and question 6.


Indicates whether STU_EARLY_YR_CC_ACTIVITY_REG is added or ready for deletion.

Always ADD.



The code for the child's age group.

010 - 0 up to 12 Months (>0 to <12 months)

020 - 12 Months to 18 Months (>=12 months to < 18 months)

030 - 18 Months to 24 Months (>= 18 months to <24 months)

040 - 24 Months to 2.5 Years (>=24 months to <2.5 years)

050 - 2.5 Years up to Present (>=2.5 years to present)



Indicates how often the child obtained care - question 5

Valid values

001 - Once or More Per Week

002 - One to Three Times a Month

003 - Several Times a Year

004 - Once Per Year

005 - Did Not Participate

099 - Prefer not to answer



Indicates how often the child participated in other activities - question 6

001 - Once or More Per Week

002 - One to Three Times a Month

003 - Several Times a Year

004 - Once Per Year

005 - Did Not Participate

099 - Prefer not to answer


Special Education Segment

Selection Criteria

  • If a student is enrolled in a special program that qualifies for a special education program ([Gen]spedindicator = 1), then the special education segment will be generated.

    • The student must be enrolled in the special program on the submission period count date.

    • If the school ends before the count date, they must be active in the program as of the last day of school enrollment.

    • If the student withdraws from school prior to the end date, they must be active in the program as of the last day of school enrollment.

  • A student may have multiple occurrences of Special Education records during any submission cycle. One, and only one, occurrence of a Special Education record with a defined Exceptionality Type per submission cycle can have the Main Exceptionality Flag selected.

  • If there is more than one exceptionality with the same exceptionality type, only the latest will be submitted.

  • This segment is not generated for private schools.

Action 'DELETE'

Student is in PAE ON_SPECIAL_EDUCATIONS table but does NOT exist in PowerSchool Special Ed Program with that Exceptionality.

  • PAE [ON_SPECIAL_EDUCATIONS]Enrollment_Key = [Students]State_studentnumber.

  • Student does NOT have a Special Education Program that is active for that exceptionality. A DELETE segment is generated if a Special Programs does not exist with the following rules:

    • PowerSchool Special Ed Program is still active as of the submission end date.

      • [spenrollments]enter_date less than or equal to Submission End Date.

      • [spenrollments]exit_date is null or 1/1/1900 or greater than Submission End Date.

    • PAE Exceptionality matches PowerSchool Exceptionality.

      • [ON_SPECIAL_EDUCATIONS]Exceptionality_type = [spenrollments] ON_EXCEPTIONALITY.

      • When [spenrollments] ON_EXCEPTIONALITY is null or has a value of 'NONIDE', the field will be compared as a space.

    • Special Education Program is associated with a Special Education Program.

      • The [spenrollments]programid is associated with a special program - [gen]spedindicator = 1 for [gen]id associated with [spenrollments]programid.

  • Note: If a student withdraws from school prior to the submission period but is enrolled in the program at the time of withdrawal, student, a DELETE is not generated.

Action 'ADD' and UPDATE'.

  • Student is enrolled in a Special Education Program that is active.

  • For 'ADD' no record exists in PAE for School/Student/Exceptionality.

  • For 'UPDATE', record in found in PAE for School/Student/Exceptionality.

    • PowerSchool Special Ed Program is still active as of the submission end date or, if the student withdraws from school prior to the end date, is active in the program as of the last day of school enrolment.

      • [spenrollments]enter_date less than or equal to Submission End Date.

      • [spenrollments]exit_date is null or 1/1/1900 or greater than Submission End Date (or the last day of school enrolment if withdrawn from school prior to the end date).

    • Special Education Program is associated with a Special Education Program.

      • The [spenrollments]programid is associated with a special program - [gen]spedindicator = 1 for [gen]id associated with [spenrollments]programid.

Note for Multiple Schools with same BSID

Student's special Education program can belong to any school of the selected BSID.

Note for Cross Enrolled Students

Special Education Segment is generated from both main and cross enrolled school

Data Element




This is the outer tag for student special education.



This is the action associated with this submission.




Field can be null. This field is conditional field. Exceptionality Type Code must be completed if the Non Identified Student Flag = "F". Exceptionality Type Code must be empty if the Non Identified Student Flag = "T".

Exceptionality type must be present if MAIN_EXCEPTIONALITY_FLAG is "T".

Element EXCEPTIONALITY_TYPE is used to uniquely identify the special education.

If Action is ADD or UPDATE then [S_ON_SEN_X]Exceptionality

A database value of "NONIDE" is reported as blank as that value is valid only for care and treatment centre facilities.



When the ACTION of SPECIAL_EDUCATION is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

If Action is ADD or UPDATE then [S_ON_SEN_X]Placement



Indicates whether the student is non-identified.

When the ACTION of SPECIAL_EDUCATION is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

If Action is ADD or UPDATE and [S_ON_SEN_X]Exceptionality does not exist then T else F

When null or 'NONIDE' then 'T'

Otherwise, 'F'



Flag indicator for Special education funding. Used to identify the prime exceptionality for a student.

When the ACTION of SPECIAL_EDUCATION is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

If Action is ADD or UPDATE then evaluate [S_ON_SEN_X]Main_Flag

When 1 then 'T'

When 0 then 'F'

Otherwise, 'F'


Identification, Placement and Review Committee date. Format = yyyy/mm/dd.

Only defined if IPRC_STUDENT_FLAG is "T".

If Action is ADD or UPDATE then [S_ON_SEN_X]IPRC_Date



Flag indicator for identification, placement and review committee.

When the ACTION of SPECIAL_EDUCATION is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

This element is automatically set to 'T' when the EXCEPTIONALITY_TYPE element is populated.

If Action is ADD or UPDATE then Set to 'T' if [S_ON_SEN_X]Exceptionality is not NULL

Otherwise, 'F'



Flag indicator for individual education plan.

When the ACTION of SPECIAL_EDUCATION is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

If Action is ADD or UPDATE then evaluate [S_ON_SEN_X]IEP_Flag

When 1 then 'T'

When 0 then 'F'

Otherwise, 'F'


Second Language Segment for ESL/EDL

Selection Criteria

The segment is generated for any ESL/ELD program enrolments.

There can be zero or more <SECOND_LANGUAGE_PROGRAM> segment for a given student.

Student should be enrolled in an ESL/ELD program i.e., [Gen]Name contains 'ESL', or 'ELD'. Only one ESL/ELD segment is generated even if a student is actively enrolled in more than one ESL/ELD program.

Student must be enrolled in the program as of the submission period count date, or if the student is withdrawn, as of the last day of enrollment in the school.

The segment is not generated for private schools.

Note for multiple schools with same BSID

The ESL/ELD Class can belong to any school of the selected BSID

Note for Cross Enrolled Students

Second Language Segment is generated from both main and cross enrolled school

Data Element




This is the outer tag for student second language program.



This is the action associated with this submission.

Value: "ADD", "DELETE"

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If Second_language_program identified by Type exists in PowerSchool but does not exist in ON_SECOND_LANGUAGES then the segment is generated with ADD action.

If the Second_Language_program identified by Type exists in ON_SECOND_LANGUAGES but does not exist in PowerSchool then the segment is generated with DELETE action.

All DELETE actions are generated before any ADD actions.



The element TYPE is used to uniquely identify the second language program.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

For a ESL/ELD programs- values can be '004' (if the program name contains "ESL"), '005'(if the program name contains "ELD")

If the Action is ADD then Type value determined [Gen] Name where [S_ON_GEN_SPECPROG_X]ESL_Flag is on.



Minutes per day of instruction.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

The <MINUTES_PER_DAY_OF_INSTRUCTIONS> is always 0 for Secondary Schools.

Regardless of Action type - this is always 0

Second Language Segment for French Language

Selection Criteria

The segment is generated for any French class enrollments or if the student is enrolled in a special program that qualifies as a French Program ([S_ON_GEN_SPECPROG_X]French_Flag = 1).

There can be at most one French <SECOND_LANGUAGE_PROGRAM> segment for a given student. These are segments where <TYPE> is one of "001", "002", "003", or "006". If a student is enrolled in classes or programs that result in more than one such segment, only the one with the highest <TYPE> value is generated.

This segment is generated if the student is enrolled in a French Class whose ministry course code i.e., Courses.alt_course_number is "FRE-10"'. Student must be enrolled in the class as of the submission period count date, or if withdrawn, as of the last day the student was enrolled in school. The segment is generated by the school at which the class is taken.

This segment is generated if the student is enrolled in a French Special Program as of the submission period count date, or if the student is withdrawn, generate if the student is enrolled in a French Special Program as of the last day of enrollment in the school.

This segment is generated if there is a PAE record for this student in ON_Second_Languages for the school being processed and there is not a French Class or Special Program enrollment for a French Program.

This segment is not generated if minutes per day of instruction are null.

Note for multiple schools with same BSID

The French Language Class can belong to any school of the selected BSID

Note for Cross Enrolled Students

Second Language Segment is generated from both main and cross enrolled school

Data Element




This is the outer tag for student second language program.



This is the action associated with this submission.

Value: "ADD", "UPDATE", "DELETE"

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If Second_Language_Program identified by Type exists in PowerSchool but does not exist in ON_SECOND_LANGUAGES then the segment is generated with ADD action.

If the Second_Language_Program identified by Type exists in ON_SECOND_LANGUAGES but does not exist in PowerSchool then the segment is generated with DELETE action.

All DELETE actions are generated before any ADD actions.



The element TYPE is used to uniquely identify the second language program.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

For elementary schools, the <Type> element can contain one of the following values: '001' (FSL - Core),' 002' (FSL - Extended), '003' (FSL - Immersion), or '006' (ICFP - Intensive Core French).

When the student is enrolled in a French special program, the value is moved from the French Program Type field located on the District Setup > Special Program Information page. This field is only visible when 'French Program' is checked.

When the student is enrolled in a French Subject class, the value of this element is derived from the [S_ON_SEC_X]Lang_Pgm_Type value for the class (use [S_ON_CRS_X]Lang_Pgm_Type if the value in the Sections table is undefined):

'001' if language program type is 'C'

'002' if language program type is 'E'

'003' if language program type is 'I'

'006' if language program type is 'N'

If the Action is ADD then Type value determined from First 3 characters of [Courses] Alt_course_number if student is enrolled in a French Subject class

Or from [Gen]value2 if student is enrolled in a French special program.


Always "030" (Private - FSL) for a private school regardless of the type of program.


Minutes per day of instruction. Format: 'NN'

PowerSchool Business Rules:

<MINUTES_PER_DAY_OF_INSTRUCTION> is derived from Minutes_Of_Instruction field in S_ON_SCH_Lang_Inst_Minutes_C table

For private schools, if the number of minutes is zero, set to "001".

Second Language Segment for Native Language

Selection Criteria

The segment is generated for any native language class enrollments or if the student is enrolled in a special program that qualifies as a Native Language Program ([S_ON_GEN_SPECPROG_X]NativeLang_Flag = 1).

There can be zero or more <SECOND_LANGUAGE_PROGRAM> segment for a given student.

This segment is generated if student is enrolled in a Native Language Class whose ministry course code i.e., Courses.alt_course_number starts with 'NLA-10'. Student must be enrolled in the class as of the submission period count date, or if withdrawn, as of the last day the student was enrolled in school. The segment is generated by the school at which the class is taken.

This segment is generated if the student is enrolled in a Native Language Special Program as of the submission period count date, or if the student is withdrawn, generate if the student is enrolled in a Native Language Special Program as of the last day of enrollment in the school. 

Only one segment is generated if the student is enrolled in a Native Special program as well as in a course for the same Native Language.

This segment is generated if there is a PAE record for this student in ON_Second_Languages for the school being processed and there is not a Native Language Class or Special Program enrollment for a Native Language Program.

This segment is not generated if minutes per day of instruction are null.

Note for multiple schools with same BSID

The Native Language class can belong to any school within the selected BSID.

Note for Cross Enrolled Students

Second Language Segment is generated from both main and cross enrolled school

Data Element




This is the outer tag for student second language program.



This is the action associated with this submission.

Value: "ADD", "UPDATE", "DELETE"

PowerSchool Business Rules:

If Second_language_program identified by Type exists in PowerSchool but does not exist in ON_SECOND_LANGUAGES then the segment is generated with ADD action.

If the Second_Language_program identified by Type exists in ON_SECOND_LANGUAGES but does not exist in PowerSchool then the segment is generated with DELETE action.

All DELETE actions are generated before any ADD actions.



The element TYPE is used to uniquely identify the second language program.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

When the student is enrolled in a Native Language special program, the value is moved from the Native Language Program Type field located on the District Setup > Special Program Information page. This field is only visible when 'Native Language Program' is checked. When the student is enrolled in a Native Language course- values can be.

'020' for Cree (where [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = 10)

'021' Ojibwe (where [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = 34)

'022' Delaware (where [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = 55)

'023' Mohawk (where [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = 33)

'024' Cayuga (where [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = 09)

'025' Oneida (where [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = 65)

'026' Oji-Cree (where [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = 64)

'027' Anything else.

'028' Inuktitut (where [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = 89)

‘029’ Algonquin (where [S_ON_SEC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = 109)

If the Action is ADD then Type value determined from First 3 characters of [Courses]Alt_course_number if student is enrolled in a Native Language Subject class

Or from [Gen]value2 if student is enrolled in a Native Language special program.

If Action is DELETE then [ON_SECOND_LANGUAGES] Type.

Always "031" (Private - Native) for a private school regardless of the type of program.


Minutes per day of instruction.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

The <MINUTES_PER_DAY_OF_INSTRUCTION> is derived from Minute_Of_Instruction field in S_ON_SCH_Lang_Inst_Minutes_C table

For private schools, if the number of minutes is zero, set to "001".

SALEP Segment

Selection Criteria

A SALEP Special Program with the [S_ON_GEN_SPECPROG_X]SAL_FLAG set to true, must be created for the District.

SALEP Segments for a student are created if the Special Education has the SAL_Program_Type field set to a value.

The segment is generated only if the SAL program enrolment entry date is on or before the count date and the SAL program enrolment exit date ([SpEnrollments]Exit_Date is after the start date of the submission period (for October submission this is value of [Prefs]Name = "ON_Oct_Start_Date" or, if undefined, July 1st - enrolments ending on the October submission start date are excluded)

When generating an ADD, the segment is generated only if the student is also enrolled in a school at the time he or she is enrolled in the SAL program.

In October and March submissions, the segment is not generated if the student enters and withdraws from the SAL program in the same submission period.

In June submissions, the segment is generated even if the student enters after the start of the submission period and withdraws in the same submission period.

SALEP Segment is not generated for cross enrolled students.

Note for Multiple Schools with same BSID

Student's SALEP special program included can belong to any school of the selected BSID.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for SALEP.

OnSIS Business Rules:

Only one occurrence can exist on file. Repeating block to allow "delete" followed by an "add" action.



This is the action associated with this submission.


DELETE segments are generated before ADD segments.



When the ACTION of SALEP is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

OnSIS Business Rules:

Note. In the case of UPDATE action, if an empty tag or no tag is provided, the field will be ignored.

The valid codes are "001" and "002"


If Action is DELETE then [ON_SAL_RECORDS]program_type


Status Type

When the ACTION of SALEP is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

Note: In the case of UPDATE action, if an empty tag or no tag is provided, the field will be ignored.



Note: In the case of UPDATE action, if an empty tag is provided, the field will be updated to a null value. If no tag is provided, the field will be ignored.

If Action is ADD or UPDATE and [Spenrollments]exit_date is on or before submission end date (for June submission, if the SAL program exit date [SpEnrollments]Exit_Date is is on or before July 1.


If Action is DELETE then [ON_SAL_RECORDS] exit_type


When the ACTION of SALEP is "ADD", this element is mandatory. Format = yyyy/mm/dd.

Note: In the case of UPDATE action, if an empty tag or no tag is provided, the field will be ignored.

If Action is ADD


If Action is UPDATE or DELETE then [ON_SAL_RECORDS]start_date


Note: In the case of UPDATE action, if an empty tag is provided, the field will be updated to a null value. If no tag is provided, the field will be ignored.

If Action is ADD or UPDATE and [Spenrollments]exit_date is on or before submission end date


No value is returned if the exit date is after the submission period count date, EXCEPT in a June submission where, if the program exit date is July 1st, END_DATE is set to July 1.

For non-returning students, if Action is UPDATE, set to <ENROLMENT_END_DATE>.

If Action is DELETE then [ON_SAL_RECORDS]end_date


This is the outer tag for SALEP/COMPONENT.

When the ACTION of SALEP is "ADD", this element is mandatory.



This is the action associated with this submission.

Value: "ADD" "DELETE"



This is the outer tag for SALEP.

OnSIS Business Rules:

Only one occurrence can exist on file. Repeating block to allow "delete" followed by an "add" action.

If Action is ADD and record exists in S_ON_SEN_SAL_Component_C table

Then [S_ON_SEN_SAL_Component_C]Component_Type

If Action is DELETE then [ON_SAL_COMPONENTS]type

Early Reading Screening (ERS)

election Criteria

School Selection

This reporting applies only to elementary public schools.

Students Selection

  • Student must be in grades SK, 1 or 2.

  • If the Enrollment_End_Date is before Sept 6 of the current year, the student is not included in the October submission.

  • Separate ERS records are created for each Test that has (ERS) in the name.

    • Student may have multiple ERS records in a submission.

  • Test Date must be on or after the submission start date and on or before the Count date.

  • Only records generated for the school running the report are included.

Test Selection

  • If any of the occurrences during the submission period has been completed with alpha score 1 or 2, only those tests are reported.

  • Otherwise the latest test in the submission period is reported, If multiple tests has the same date, the latest added is reported

Data Element




This is the outer tag for ERS.



This is the action associated with this submission.

Value: “ADD”



When the ACTION of ERS is "ADD", this element is mandatory. This is used to identify if the student has completed ERS.

PS Business Rules:

If no records exist for the student then the this flag is to N and ERS_COMPLETED_DATE and BENCHMARK_MET_FLAG is set to null.



  • ALPHASCORE is 1 or 2


  • Student has noTest records

  • ALPHASCORE is Null, NC, or any other Invalid values




Indicates if the student met the ERS benchmark

Note: If ERS_COMPLETED_FLAG is Y, this is a mandatory field on ADD.






Otherwise BENCHMARK_MET_FLAG is NULL (Empty tag)


The date indicates when the student completed ERS.

Note: If ERS_COMPLETED_FLAG is Y, this is a mandatory field on ADD.


  • ALPHASCORE is 1 or 2

Otherwise is set to NULL (EMPTY tag)

Report Card Segment

Selection Criteria

The segment is not generated if the selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".

The segment is not generated for students in JK or K.

The segment is not generated for October submissions.

The segment is not generated if Exclude Elementary Achievements from ONSIS Submissions flag is selected at District level or School level.

Progress and First Report Card Attendance End dates ([S_ON_SCH_X]PR_End_Date and [S_ON_SCH_X]R1_End_Date) must be updated to the correct values for the current academic year. Otherwise, Report Card data will not print correctly.

The segment is included for all students in Grades 1 to 8.

Enrolled Students:

  • The segment is generated for March submissions only for students who withdraw during the submission period and for which final (not progress) marks are to be reported or the Alternate Report Card Flag is set for term 1 or term 2. Students who are active as of the March count date are reported in the June submission.

  • The segment is not generated if there are no marks to report, unless the alternative report card flag ([S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]AltReportCard or AltReportCard2) is selected. For Term 1, the segment is generated if the Term 1 alternative report card flag is selected, and the student is enrolled in the school as of the first report card attendance end date ([S_ON_SCH_X]R1_End_Date). For Term 2, the segment is generated if the Term 2 alternative report card flag is selected, and the student is enrolled in the school as of the last in-session day.

Cross-Enrolled Students:

  • Segment is generted in the March submission when cross enrolled students withdrew from all their classes during the submission period and for which, final marks are to be reported or the Alternate report card is set for term 1 or term 2 and are generated in the June submission for those who are cross enrolled in classes that span the March count date.

  • The segment is not generated if there are no marks to report, unless the alternative report card flag ([S_ON_STU_X]/[S_ON_REN_X]AltReportCard or AltReportCard2) is selected. The report uses the main school enrolment that spans the student class enrolments:

    • For Term 1, the segment is generated if the Term 1 alternative report card flag is selected, and the student is cross enrolled in a class on the first report card attendance end date ([S_ON_SCH_X]R1_End_Date) of the school where the student is cross enrolled.

    • For Term 2, the segment is generated if the Term 2 alternative report card flag is selected, and the student is enrolled in a class on the last in-session day of the school where the student is cross enrolled.

Note for Multiple Schools with same BSID

Student's achievement information from all schools with the same BSID will be included.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for REPORT_CARD.


This is the action associated with this submission



The grade in which the Student will be registered the following academic year.

Grade in September is set only in the June submission.

This element is not required if the ACTION element value (see above) is 'DELETE'.

Before EOY process [Student]Sched_NextYearGrade

After EOY process [Students]Grade_Level


This is the outer tag for REPORT_CARD/TERM.

When the ACTION of REPORT_CARD is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

Report Card Term Segment

Selection Criteria

The segment is not generated if the selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".

The segment is not generated for the student If Exclude Elementary Achievements from ONSIS Submissions flag is selected at District level or School level.

The segment is only generated for the term that has marks.

If the submission period is March then only Term 1 is included (if the student has marks in Term 1).

If the submission period is June then Term 1 is included (if the student has marks in Term 1) and Term 2 is included (if the student has marks in Term 2).

Data Element




This is the outer tag for REPORT_CARD/TERM.

When the ACTION of REPORT_CARD is "ADD", this element is mandatory.


This is the action associated with this submission



Identifies the two report card terms.

Note: A term record is generated only if the student is enrolled within the term and has marks for that term.

Values: 1,2 for store codes R1 and R2 respectively.

Term 1 - Startday as [Terms] FirstDay where isyearrec=1 (StartDay of the School Year) and Lastday as [S_ON_SCH_X]R1_End_Date.

Term 2 - With Startday as [S_ON_SCH_X]R1_End_Date and Lastday as [Terms] Lastday where isyearrec =1 (Last day of the School Year)


It identifies whether the STUDENT has a non-standard REPORT_CARD.


"T" - Yes

"F" - No

When the ACTION of REPORT_CARD/TERM is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

If the value is 'T' SUBJECT_STRAND and LEARNING_SKILL segments are not generated.

Mapped from custom field

If Term is 1 [S_ON_STU_X]ALTREPORTCARD or if that is not present, from [S_ON_REN_X]ALTREPORTCARD

If Term is 2

[S_ON_STU_X]ALTREPORTCARD2 or if that is not present, from [S_ON_REN_X]ALTREPORTCARD2


Student's total days absent in TERM.

When the ACTION of REPORT_CARD/TERM is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

For the October submission, Total Days Absent and Total Times Late must both be < or = 50.

For the March submission, Total Days Absent and Total Times Late must both be < or = 140.

For the June submission, Total Days Absent and Total Times Late must both be < or = 240.

No Longer valid starting 2020-2021 academic year

Attendance Conversions are required setup to calculate AM and PM attendance.

The nightly process calculates attendance for AM and PM based on students' enrollment in courses and the bell schedule.

Depending on the report run page parameter for Period to AM/PM or Time to AM/PM, the value is calculated from views:

[PS_ADAADM_Meeting_TTOP/PS_ADAADM_Meeting_PTOP] for Days_absent

Sum(Potential_Attendancevalue) - Sum(Attendancevalue)

The DAYS_ABSENT calculations checks the board preference 'Exclude Progress Report Card Absences':

If the preference is OFF (Default value), DAYS_ABSENT calculates from the beginning of the school term to the term 1 report card end date.

If the preference is ON, DAYS_ABSENT calculates from Progress Report Card End Date plus one day to the term 1 report card end date.


Student's total times late in TERM.

When the ACTION of REPORT_CARD/TERM is "ADD", this element is mandatory.

For the October submission, Total Days Absent and Total Times Late must both be < or = 50.

For the March submission, Total Days Absent and Total Times Late must both be < or = 140.

For the June submission, Total Days Absent and Total Times Late must both be < or = 240.

No Longer valid starting 2020-2021 academic year

Attendance Codes that are to be calculated as Late must be set with a 'Tardy' category.

If [S_ON_SCH_X]AM_Tardy_Period has a period set or If [S_ON_SCH_X]PM_Tardy_Period has a period set then only that period will be looked at to determine if the student has an attendance code with a 'Tardy' category. If the Schools Tardy periods are not setup, then any student with a 'Tardy' attendance code in AM or PM will count as late. A student can be late up to two times a day.

The sum of AM and PM tardies is added together based on the Dates in the term.

The TIMES_LATE calculations checks the board preference 'Exclude Progress Report Card Absences':

If the preference is OFF (Default value), TIMES_LATE calculates from the beginning of the school term to the term 1 report card end date.

If the preference is ON, TIMES_LATE calculates from Progress Report Card End Date plus one day to the term 1 report card end date.


This is the outer tag SUBJECT_STRAND.

There must be one SUBJECT_STRAND element for each State Subject Strand the student is being graded upon.


This is the outer tag for LEARNING_SKILL.

There must be one LEARNING_SKILL segment for each State Learning Skill upon which the student is grade.

Report Card Term/Subject Strand Segment

Selection Criteria

Segment is not generated if the selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".

Segment is not generated for the student If Exclude Elementary Achievements from ONSIS Submissions flag is selected at District level or School level.

Segment is generated for every term reported.

A subject/stand segment is generated for each subject and (where applicable) strand, regardless of whether the student is actually taking the subject or stand. If the board is not a Catholic board (i.e. [Prefs]ON_Catholic_Board_Flag is off) a segment is not generated for the "REL-10" subject.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for REPORT_CARD TERM SUBJECT_STRAND.

Note: This tag must be present for Subjects prior to submitting any data for associated strands information. Strands information will be rejected if associated Subject information is not already processed successfully.


This is the action associated with this submission



Identifies Subject/Strand entry.

If Action is ADD or UPDATE


If Action is DELETE

[on_report_card_marks] subj_strand_code


Required for the Optional Subject Strand. If is not generated for any other subject or strand.

For Subject_strand_code 'OPT-30'

Custom field [S_ON_SEC_X]CLASS_NAME, if not present uses custom field [COURSES]ON_COURSE_NAME


Signifies if student has Individual Educational Plan (IEP).


"T" - Yes

"F" - No

Tag is valid only when IEP flag is applicable to Subject or Strand. It is generated only if NA_Flag is "F".

Check business rules for conditions.

Mapped from [STANDARDGRADESECTION] StandardGrade

'T' when grade is 'I' or 'EANDI'

Otherwise, 'F'


Signifies if student has Support Program. Value has to be consistent with SUBJ_PGM_TYPE table.

Tag is valid only when Support Program is applicable to Subject or Strand. It is generated only if NA_Flag is "F".

Check business rules for conditions.

Note: In the case of UPDATE action, if an empty tag is provided, the field will be updated to a null value. If no tag is provided, the field will be ignored.

Mapped from [STANDARDGRADESECTION] StandardGrade

'ESL/ELD' when grade is 'E' or 'EANDI'


Signifies if student has Second Language Program. Value has to be consistent with SCND_LANG_PGM_TYPE table.

Tag is valid only when Second Language Program is applicable to Subject or Strand. It is generated only if NA_Flag is "F".

Check business rules for conditions.

Note: In the case of UPDATE action, if an empty tag is provided, the field will be updated to a null value. If no tag is provided, the field will be ignored.

For French courses:

Mapped from custom field [S_ON_SEC_X]LANG_PGM_TYPE, or if not present use custom field [S_ON_CRS_X]LANG_PGM_TYPE.

For Native Language courses:

Mapped from [S_ON_SEC_X]Instruction_Lang or if no present use customfield [S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang

The value from the class in which the student is enrolled as of the submission period count date is used. If the student left the class prior to the end of the submission period the class with the latest exit date is used.


Indicates whether data is being reported for the subject or strand.

"T" - Yes

"F" - No

Defaults to 'F' if no value is provided

The element is generated only if it applies to the subject or strand. For a strand, the flag is set "T" if no mark is provided, and if a mark is present the flag is set "F". For a subject, the flag is set "T' if no marks are present for any of the constituent strands. If any strand for the subject has a mark the flag is set "F".

Check business rules for conditions.

Mapped from [STANDARDGRADESECTION] StandardGrade


Indicates whether the student is taking the subject or subject-strand in French

"T" - Yes

"F" - No

Defaults to 'F' if no value is provided

Tag is valid only when French flag is applicable to Subject or Strand. It is generated only if NA_Flag is "F".

Check business rules for conditions

When [S_ON_SEC_X]INSTRUCTION_LANG or, if not present, use custom field [S_ON_CRS_X]INSTRCUTION_LANG is 'F' or 'B' then set to 'T'


It can contain letter grades/percentage marks or T/F (in case of Religion Subject) for this Subject.

It has to be consistent with database table RPT_CRD_LTR_GRD_TYPE (for Grades 1-8), RPT_CRD_CONFIRM_TYPE or

Values (for Grades 7-8): 50-100.

Only final (not progress) marks are reported.

If NA_Flag is "T" this element is not generated.

Check business rules for conditions.


Report Card Term/Learning Skill Segment

Selection Criteria

Segment is not generated if the selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".

Segment is not generated for the student If Exclude Elementary Achievements from ONSIS Submissions flag is selected at District level or School level.

If data is present, one segment per learning skill.

The report looks for learning skill/work habit standards for all of a student's classes, not just the homeroom class. If more than one class has learning skill/work habit marks, the latest mark is printed.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for LEARNING_SKILL.


This is the action associated with this submission.



This is LEARNING_SKILL_ID for learning skill.

It has to be consistent with database table LEARN_SKILL_DESC_TYPE.



Measure of achievement for a learning skill.

It has to be consistent with database table LEARN_SKILL_LEVEL_TYPE.

When a student enrolls in the same standard more than once in the same school year at the same school, the latest mark is used. If the student takes the same course at different schools the mark at the corresponding school is used.

When the ACTION of REPORT_CARD/TERM/LEARNING_SKILL/ is "ADD" or 'UPDATE" than this tag is mandatory.

Mapped from [STANDARDGRADESECTION]StandardGrade

Literacy Numeracy Segment

Starting with the October 2013 submission, this segment is no longer generated.

Selection Criteria

Literacy/Numeracy Blocks are created for each elementary school.

Only grades JK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8 are pulled.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for LITERACY_AND_NUMERACY.



This is the action associated with this submission




Identifies Literacy or Numeracy block types. It has to be consistent with database table LTRC_NMRC_TYPE.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

<BLOCK_TYPE_CODE> is the value of ON_Literacy_Numeracy.user_defined_text (aliased as Type), either 'LIT' or 'NUM'



This is the outer tag for LITERACY_AND_NUMERACY grade.

When the ACTION of LITERACY_AND_NUMERACY is "ADD", this element is mandatory and must be present for all the grades starting from JK to Grade 8.

When the ACTION of LITERACY_AND_NUMERACY is "UPDATE", this element is mandatory and must be present for all the grades that need the data to be modified.



Applicable school grade.

Values have to be consistent with database table GRADE.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

<GRADE_CODE> is one of: JK, K, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, or 8. Grade level is stored in ON_Literacy_Numeracy.user_defined_integer (aliased as Grade_Level. 'JK' is stored as -1, 'K' is stored as 0.



Number representing number of blocks per week for specific grade.

The NA_FLAG tag and this tag are mutually exclusive so only of them could be submitted at a GRADE level outer tag. Either this tag or NA_FLAG tag must be present.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

<NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS> is generated only if a record exists in the ON_Literacy_Numeracy virtual table for the grade level associated with the segment. If generated, the value of the element is the value of ON_Literacy_Numeracy.user_defined_numeric (aliased as Blocks_Per_Week).



The value for number of blocks per week for specific grade is not applicable.


"T" - number of blocks not applicable

"F" - number of blocks applicable

The NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS tag and this tag are mutually exclusive so only of them could be submitted at a GRADE level outer tag. Either this tag or NUMBER_OF_BLOCKS tag must be present.

PowerSchool Business Rules:

NA_FLAG is generated only if no record exists in the ON_Literacy_Numeracy virtual table for the grade level associated with the segment. If generated, the value of the segment is 'T'.

created as a T if virtualtablesdata.user_defined_numeric is null

Average Report Card Grade Segment

Segment No longer valid starting June 2021.

Selection Criteria

Segment is not generated if the selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".

This segment is only included in the June submission.

This segment is generated for Grade 7 and Grade 8.

The segment is generated when records exist in the PAE ON_AVE_MARKS table for school and grade or average marks exists in standardgrades for grades 7 and 8.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for AVG_REPORT_CARD_GRADE

(Note: This data is not currently being collected for Private Schools.)



This is the action associated with this submission




Identifies the 2 grades that we collect report card average marks (7, 8 grade)



Data for is not available for the Grade specified above.


"T" - No Average Marks

"F" - Average Marks Available

When the ACTION is "ADD" this tag is mandatory. When Action = "ADD" and this tag is missing then the default value of "F" will be assumed to be present.

Derived by counting [STANDARDGRADESECTION]StandardGrade for school and year for identifiers setup for grades 7 and 8. When no average marks exist, then 'T'

Otherwise, 'F'


"M" - Grades are Median Marks

Set to 'M' when average marks are available.


This is the outer tag for SUBJECT_STRAND.

Average Report Card Grade/Subject Strand Segment

Selection Criteria

Segment is not generated if the selected submission type is "Private School" or "380 Private School".

Average (median) marks are extracted only for students in grades 7 and 8.

Marks for students with the Alternate Report Flag set are not included in the median calculations.

French marks are not included in the median calculation if the student is active in a French Exemption program as of the reporting end dates for R1 and R2 periods.

When a student moves from one class to another class, any flags/comments/marks are taken from the latest class if at least one flag/comment/mark is entered. If nothing was entered for the student in the latest class, then the previous class data is used. Median is calculated based on the latest data for the section.

Data Element




This is the outer tag for SUBJECT_STRAND.



This is the action associated with this submission




Identifies Subject/Strand entry. It has to be the value consistent with lookup table SUBJ_STRND_TYPE.



Represents a calculation for the reporting period 1 for all students in the school, in this grade, for this subject/strand, based on the DESCRIPTOR.

Values: 0-100



Represents a calculation for the reporting period 2, for all students in the school, in this grade, for this subject/strand, based on the DESCRIPTOR.

Values: 0-100


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