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OnSIS Verification Summary - Section B

Section B - Enrolment by Grade and Gender

The Section B (Enrolment by Grade and Gender Summary) report collects aggregate figures for all students by grade and gender, and who have an Active status as of the count date of the submission. You can run this report for either elementary or secondary schools.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

School Selection

  • Schools with the "Exclude From State Reporting" ([Schools]State_ExcludeFromReporting) checkbox selected will not be included.

Student Selection

  • The select student from the school enrolment permanent table (where S_ON_STU_XML_SCHOOL_ENROL_C.Stu_Brd_Res_Stat_Type <> 08 ( Shared) and <> 09 ( e-learning ). Shared and E-learning students are excluded from the report.
  • The report must include only Active Students: Students must not have an Enrolment End Date prior to or on the Count Date for the submission period. The student is active when:

    • Enrolment_End_Date = null or greater than the count date. 

    • All other students are considered to be Inactive and are to be ignored.

Regular Students Vs Special Education Students

Students counted under the Special Education Section are:

  • Students with records are in S_ON_STU_XML_SPED_C and
  • Students whose Special Education Placement Type = Fully Self-Contained (“F”) or Partially Integrated (“P”) and
  • Special Education Placement Type is based on the Main exceptionality or the Non-identified student (Special_Education.MAIN_EXCEPTIONALITY_FLAG = “T” OR Special_Education.NON_IDENTIFIED_STUDENT_FLAG = “T”)
  • For students with multiple special education records, the student is included once in the report. And displayed under the special education section:
    • when multiple records are found, the report must display the student under the special education section, based on the SPED record whethe S_ON_STU_XML_SPED_C .MAIN_EXCEPTIONALITY_FLAG = “T” and has at least one placement type in ('F','P')
    • Or based on the SPED record where the S_ON_STU_XML_SPED_C .NON_IDENTIFIED_STUDENT_FLAG = “T” and has at least one placement type in ('F','P').
    • Otherwise the student should be counted under Regular students.

Report Output

See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Board Number and NameThe name and Board School identification (BSID) number of the school board.

[Prefs]Value where [Prefs]name is districtnumber, districtname

School Number and NameThe school's name and Board School identification (BSID) number.

[Schools]Alternate_School_Number. If undefined, [Schools]School_Number

[Schools]Name where [Schools]school_number 
OR [Schools]alternate_school_number is equal to the alternative school number selected on the report run page.

Academic YearThe academic year for which the report is run; the report is associated with the OnSIS Reporting Dates entered in District Setup. Format ‘YYYY-YYYY’. For example, 2012-2013.Derived from [Terms]YearId
Submission Period TypeThe submission period type selected on the report run page.Defined at report run time.
GradeThe student's grade.S_ON_STU_XML_SCHOOL_ENROL_C.GADE_TYPE

Total number of students with gender = M according to the grade group indicated on the row.



FTotal number of students with gender = F according to the grade group indicated on the row.



NTotal number of students with gender = N according to the grade group indicated on the row.



STotal number of students with gender = S according to the grade group indicated on the row.




Total number of students by grade, and gender for each type ( regular/SPED).

Grand TotalThe total number of students listed in the report.Calculated
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