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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-245912Enhanced OCAS, OUAC Transmission to Report New Gender Values

OCAS Transmission: Version 7.7
OUAS Transmission: Version 7.7
The reports are enhanced to use the get gender values common function, PSSR_ON_Common.GetStudentGenderReportValues, to report new Gender Codes.

PSSR-242894New OEN Request - Enhance Report to Print New Genders.

New OEN Request: Version 2.2
The enhanced report now uses the common function, PSSR_ON_Common.GetStudentGenderReportValues to print the new gender values. This function returns valid gender values M, F, N, or S. The student's gender is printed Blank if Exclude from Reporting is selected, and I is printed for Invalid gender values.

PSSR-243059OCAS/OUAC – Report Enhancement for Final Mark Calculation

OCAS Transmission: Version 7.7
OUAS Transmission: Version 7.7
The Enhanced Final Mark Calculation flag is removed from the report's input parameter page.
The reports are enhanced to only use the enhanced Final Mark Calculation logic. Refer to online help for logic details.

PSSR-240739OnSIS Details Verification Reports Input Parameters Page -New Parameters

OnSIS Verification - Details Report: Version 1.1
The two new options Sections to Print and Sort By have been added to the report input page:
Sections to Print enables to select one or multiple sections to print.
Sort By enables to sort by Student Name or by OEN.

PSSR-237596OnSIS Secondary - No Gender Changes for Non-Returning Students

OnSIS Secondary Submission Report version: 15.6
Description: GENDER_TYPE and GENDER_DESC tags are not generated for non-returning students or students who are no longer enrolled in the school but appear in PAE. This is to avoid updating the gender of students who are no longer associated with the school, in the OnSIS System.

PSSR-237070OnSIS Snapshot Report - Prevent Duplicate Records

Run Demographic Snapshot: Version 2.3
The enhanced Run Demographic Snapshot prevents duplicate records in the database, even if the report is scheduled to run multiple times on the same date and time.

PSSR-239382OnSIS Verification Details - Create Section E (Enrolled by Year of Entry into Canada) Details Report

OnSIS Verification - Details Report: Version 1.1
Section E - Enrolled by Year of Entry into Canada - Detail Report.
This report contains a detailed report of students who entered Canada in the past four years. To print the report, select the report in the input parameter page. The OnSIS Verification Summary Report can be run at the district and school level. It runs for different submissions (October, March, and June), for elementary and secondary schools.
Note: It is required to save OnSIS XML prior to running this report. Refer to the Online Help for details.

PSSR-239378OnSIS Verification Summary - Create Section E (Enrolled by Year of Entry into Canada) Summary Report

OnSIS Verification - Summary Report: Version 1.1
Section E - Enrolled by Year of Entry into Canada - Summary Report.
Section E report has been added to the OnSIS Verification Summary report. This report now shows the summary of students who entered Canada in the past four years. The report is printed following Section C1 Summary Report.
The OnSIS Verification Summary Report can be run at the district and school level. It runs for different submissions (October, March, and June), for elementary and secondary schools.

Note: It is required to save OnSIS XML prior to running this report. Refer to the Online Help for details.

PSSR-239881Ontario Student Transcript: Course/Grade Level for International Languages

Ontario Student Transcript: Version 6.8
The grade or level for language courses are enhanced to calculate based on the fourth character of the alternative course number (if the course number is not defined) and the year when the course was completed.
For 20152016 and earlier, the calculation is as follows:

  • If the fourth character is A, B, C, or D then Grade/Level is 1, 2, 3, or 4 respectively. For E to Z the Grade/Level is 5

For 20162017 and later, the calculation is as follows:

  • If the fourth character is A or B, then Grade/Level is 1.
  • If the fourth character is C or D, then Grade/Level is 2 or 3 respectively.
  • For E to Z the Grade/Level is 4.
PSSR-238747SHSM Certifications Displayed Incorrect Completed Date

This issue of the SHSM Certifications page displaying an incorrect Completed Date has been fixed. The Completed Date now displays correctly on the SHSM Certifications page.

PSSR-236047SHSM Student Data Report - New Gender Columns Added

SHSM Student Data Report: Version 1.7

New columns are added for the new gender values. The enhanced report now uses the common function PSSR_ON_Common.GetStudentGenderReportValues, to retrieve the student gender. This function returns the valid gender values, M, F, N, or S. If a student’s gender is not identified, then the student is not counted in the report.

PSSR-229452Student Public Health Unit (STIX) Data Extract – New Gender Values

Student Public Health Unit (STIX) Data Extract: 2.5

The Gender selection on the Code Sets page displays the new gender values. The enhanced report uses the common function PSSR_ON_Common.GetStudentGenderReportValues to print gender value. This function returns the valid values M, F, N, or S. Blank is printed if the student's gender is Exclude from Reporting. "I" is printed for Invalid gender values.

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