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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates. 



Release Note

PSSR-307430 Elementary Progress Report Card (1-6, 7-8) Parameters Can Be Submitted Without A Store Code Selected

Elementary Progress Report (1-6) - Gradebook: Version 4.8

Elementary Progress Report (7-8) - Gradebook: Version 4.5

The reports are enhanced to display an error message when running the reports from the district office.

PSSR-314465OnSIS Verification Section C1 Details and Summary Report Count is Incorrect

OnSIS Verification - Details Report: Version 1.9

OnSIS Verification - Summary Report: Version 2.1

Students who changed to a different SHSM program are no longer reported twice in the OnSIS Summary and Detailed Verification reports.

PSSR-310013Ontario Staus Sheet – Print Designated School Instead of ECPP School on Report

Ontario Student Status: Version 8.5

The report is enhanced to print the designated school name when printing the report from an ECPP school. Also, a new report parameter 'Print ECPP School on Report' has been added to the report run page to allow the user to Print the ECPP school instead.

PSSR-313128Select Category Option Added to STIX Report

Student Public Health Unit (STIX) Data Extract: Version 2.8

The report’s UI is enhanced to have a ‘Select Category’ field that lists the different categories based on the ‘School Category’ codeset, for example, Elementary or Secondary. After the category is selected, the ‘Select Multiple schools’ under the ‘Schools to Include’ dropdown lists the schools belonging to that category. If a category is not selected, then all schools are listed under ‘Select Multiple schools’.

PSSR-315792SHSM All Requirements Met Date Calculation New Report

SHSM All Requirements Met Date Calculation: Version 1.0

This new report calculates whether a student in an SHSM program has fulfilled all SHSM requirements. Once the student has met the requirements, the SHSM All Requirements Met Date can be populated automatically for the student.

PSSR-315133Students Not Populating on OnSIS Summer School Submission Report

OnSIS Summer School Submission: Version7.2

The report is now fixed to generate the expected output when the school’s Alternate School Number is different from the School_Number.

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