OnSIS Segment Generation
One school incident segment (<School_Incident>) is generated for each incident for which there exists at least one associated behavior (i.e. a behavior attached to an offender participant) where the state reporting flag is on.
For a reported incident, one student incident segment (<Student_Incident>) is generated for each student with a reported behavior (i.e. a behavior attached to an offender participant) for the incident. Note the fields related to appeals are taken from the appeal action – e.g. 'ON-Appeal' - (if any) for the student; thus only one such appeal action should be posted for a student for an incident.
For a reported student for a reported incident, one student infraction segment (<Student_Infraction>) is generated for each reported behavior (incident type) for the student. Note that the suspension/expulsion flag ('E' or 'S') is derived from the behavior state aggregate report code – 'ON-Infraction-Expel' or 'ON-Infraction-Susp'.
For a reported student for a reported incident, one student outcome segment (<Student_Outcome>) is generated for each penalty action for the student where the state reporting flag is on. Note that the infraction outcome type (expulsion from school, expulsion from board, or suspension) is derived from the penalty action category and that the infraction outcome authority (board or principal) is taken from the sub-category.
For a reported student for a reported incident, one suspension expulsion program segment (<Suspension_Expulsion_Program>) is generated if the student has an 'ON-Pgm-Type' action attribute defined for the associated penalty action. Note that program status is taken from the 'ON-Pgm-Status' action attribute associated with the penalty action.
For a reported student for a reported incident, one non-academic program segment (<Non_Academic_Program>) is generated for each 'ON-NonAcad-xxxxxx' action attribute for which the value is 'Yes', provided the 'ON-Pgm-Type' action attribute in the same penalty action record is set to 'Both Academic/Non-Academic' or to 'Non-Academic Only' (recall that only one of the penalty action records should have the OnSIS action attributes set).