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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2022 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-298308Added New Field Attendance Type to Database and Save from Enrolment Fields Report

Enrolment Fields Report: Version 4.7
The Enrolment Fields Report has been modified to save the Attendance Type value to the new field 'attendance_type' of ON_High_Credit.

PSSR-298003EQAO - Grade 10 OSSLT - 2022-2023 Ministry Updates

EQAO Extracts: Version 6.2
Report logic has been updated to incorporate 2022-2023 Ministry Updates.

PSSR-295410EQAO Extracts Grade 9 Math Spring Pulling Different Teacher Names in Same Section

EQAO Extracts: Version 6.2
Reports logic has been updated to pull the correct teacher for all students of the same section.

PSSR-289632EQAO Extracts Not Pulling All Students

EQAO Extracts: Version 6.2
EQAO Grade 3 and 6, Grade 09, and Grade 10 OSSLT extracts are not pulling students with residence status Indigenous Ancestry (17). Reports have been updated to pull those students and set the StatusInCanada to 6 (none of the above) when the residence status of a student is not acceptable by EQAO.

PSSR-276013New OEN Request and OEN Validation Request Reports – Several Updates

New OEN Request: Version 2.3
OEN Validation Request: Version 2.0

  • Added All School option, to run the report for all schools from the district office.
  • Updated Select Schools option to exclude closed schools and schools excluded from state reporting. Added validation to limit the number of schools selected to 999 schools.
PSSR-298307New Report 'Enrolment Register and FTE Snapshot'

Enrolment Register and FTE Snapshot: Version 1.0

This is a new reportn which saves the Student’s FTE data to the ON_High_Credit table. It saves the results of the Enrolment fields report to the database. This report does not generate a PDF output, the enrolment fields report should be used to print the output.

PSSR-298535OnSIS Create Class Codes Report – Replaced Custom Fields to Direct Access to Extended Tables

OnSIS Create Class Codes: Version 2.6

Custom fields have been replaced. The report is also enhanced to update whocreated, whencreated, whomodified and whenmodified fields on the s_on_sec_x table with the report name and system date, when the report updates/creates class codes.

PSSR-290354OnSIS Create Class Codes Report – Updates

OnSIS Create Class Codes: Version 2.6

  • Added All School option to run the report for all schools from the district office.
  • Updated Select Schools option to exclude closed schools and schools excluded from state reporting from the list. Added validation to limit the number of schools selected to 999.
  • Updated Select Terms to Print option to print only Term IDs when the report is run from the district, and Term Abbreviation, name, and ID when run from the school. This update is to accommodate large boards.
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