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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2021 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-257645All States/Provinces: Office Visit Clinic Log Update for Multi-Select Fields in PowerSchool 21.4

Office Visit Clinic Log Report: Version 1.1
As the fields listed were changed to multi-select in PowerSchool version 21.4, the Office Visit Clinic Log is updated to handle multiple saved values for the Outcome field.
The report works as expected for districts that upgrade to PowerSchool version 21.4 as well as previously supported versions of PowerSchool.

  • Assessment
  • Visit Reason
  • Visit outcome
  • Procedure
  • Treatment
PSSR-256312Data Validation Tool - More Rules Added

Additional References: PSSR-256313, PSSR-247339
OnSIS Data Validation: Version 2.6
The report is enhanced to include the following validation rules:
MDI0012: Student Diploma = OSSD2, Literacy Status must be Not Applicable.
MDI0027: Student Diploma = Diploma/ Certificate type = SSGD or OSSD2; age, as of December 31 of the current academic year, must be greater than or equal to 18.
MDI0016: To be awarded an OSSD/SHSM Diploma, the student must have an SHSM Program record with the All Requirements Met Date <= to the Diploma Date of Issuance.

PSSR-250197French Cards UI Page Stop Working When a School Name Contains an Apostrophe

List boxes on the following pages were empty when any of the schools in the district had an apostrophe in the school name. Pages are enhanced to display properly.

  • Start Page > Student Selection > Ontario Provincial Information > French Card > Edit French Card
  • Start Page > Student Selection > Ontario Provincial Information > French Card > New French Card
PSSR-257238OnSIS CTCC Submission

OnSIS CTCC Submission: Version 3.9
GRADE_TYPE and DESIGNATED_SCHOOL_NUMBER are now generated from non returning students.

PSSR-250882OnSIS CTCC Submission Is Missing the Leading 0 in the DESIGNATED_SCHOOL_NUMBER Value

OnSIS CTCC Submission: Version 3.9
The report logic is updated to add a leading 0 in the DESIGNATED_SCHOOL_NUMBER value, if the Alternate School Number is less than 6 digits.

PSSR-258159OnSIS Elementary- Save XML – Duplicate Records Created for Students Causing Duplication of Students in Some Verification Reports

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 14.3
Save XML logic enhanced to prevent student duplication. The issue was occurring when the SUBMISSION PERIOD TYPE value change.

PSSR-259515OnSIS Secondary - Adjust March Information for Students Left Prior to October Count Date and Who Had FTE to Report

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 16.2
Quad/Octomester Models - Students who left prior to the October count date and had October FTE to report, were sent with no ENROLMENT_END_DATE in the October submission. March or June submission logic enhanced for those non-returning students to populate the following fields from the PAE file:
STUDENT_MOBILITY_TYPE_EXIT is populated from the latest enrolment.

PSSR-260110OnSIS Secondary - Discontinue Course Calendar and Option Sheet Collections - Ministry 2020-2021 Changes

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 16.2
For March submission, SUBMISSION_PERIOD_TYPE is now MARSEC2.
Starting March 2020-2021 onwards, the following segments are no longer generated:

  • COURSE_CALENDAR Segment and sub-segments Course_Calendar_Course Segment will not be generated
  • E_OPTION_SHEET Segment and sub-segments E Option Sheet Course Segment will not be generated
PSSR-256311OnSIS Secondary - Validate XML - More Validation Rules Added

Additional References: PSSR-247343, PSSR-247344, PSSR-247345
OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 16.2
The report is enhanced to include the following validation rule:

  • MCE0082: Invalid Course Delivery Type for MDC or LDC
  • MDI0028: If diploma data is reported with diploma type = OSSD, OSSD/SHSM, OSSD2, or SSGD, then student transfer & retirement code, if reported, must be “Received OSSD or equivalent” Or ”Deceased”.
  • MDI0030: If diploma data is reported with certificate type = COA, then student transfer & retirement code, if reported, must be “Received C of A”.
  • MDI0029: If diploma data is reported with certificate type = OSSC, then student transfer & retirement code, if reported, must be “Received OSSC”.
PSSR-261174OnSIS Secondary School Submission – Not Generating French Language Segment for Octomester Setup

Additional Reference: PSSR-261158
OnSIS Secondary submission: Version 16.2
Secondary Submission enhanced to generate the second language program for Quad/Octo schools when the French course is completed and has a final mark. A DELETE is generated for the second language program sent in the previous submission if the course is dropped as of the count date.
Also under this ticket, the report is enhanced, to not generate duplicate STUDENT segments for March and June submissions, when a student has all classes starting and ending in the submission period.

PSSR-260413OnSIS Secondary – March/June – Future Cross Enrolled Students

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 16.2
For Quad/Octomester Models, in the March submission, the ENROLMENT_END_DATE is set to a value for future cross enrolled students. This issue is now fixed and the ENROLMENT_END_DATE is output as blank.

PSSR-258653OnSIS Summer School Submission RESIDENCE_STATUS_TYPE Blank for Some Students

OnSIS Summer School Submission: Version 6.5
Report fixed to find the proper snapshot record when the student is remote enrolled in summer school and to use the latest school enrolments when the student is cross enrolled and there is no school enrolment for the current year.

PSSR-254266OnSIS Verification Report - Create Section N (Enrolment by Class - Elementary Only) Detail Report

OnSIS Verification - Details Report: Version 1.4

Section N - Enrolment by Class - Detail Report.
This report contains a detailed report of Enrolment by Class Students.
To print the report, select the report in the input parameter page. The OnSIS Verification Details Report can be run at the district and school level. It runs for different submissions (October, March, and June), for elementary schools.

It is required to save OnSIS XML prior to running this report. Refer to the Online Help for details.

PSSR-254265OnSIS Verification Report- Create Section N (Enrolment by Class - Elementary Only) Summary Report

OnSIS Verification - Summary Report: Version 1.4

Section N - Enrolment by Class - Summary Report.
Section N is added to the OnSIS Verification Summary report. This report now shows the summary of Enrolment by Class. The OnSIS Verification Summary Report can be run at the district and school level. It runs for different submissions (October, March, and June), for elementary schools.

It is required to save OnSIS XML prior to running this report. Refer to the Online Help for details.

PSSR-260286OnSIS Verification Report - Section U - Enhance Number of Ontario Scholars Column Calculation

OnSIS Verification - Summary Report: Version 1.4
OnSIS Verification - Details Report: Version 1.4
Verification Report - Section U is enhanced, not to calculate Ontario Scholars, for non-identified students.


Enrolment Report (Secondary Quad/Octomester Only) - Enhancements

Additional References: PSSR-257718, PSSR-257719

Enrolment Registers (Secondary Quad/Octomester Only) Version 1.3
Minor enhancements to the report:

  • October/March Explanation messages displayed were appropriate
  • Transition is shown when a student has no FTE to report in semester 2.
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