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Continuing Education - Report Summary Page

Report Output

If the "Print Summary Pages" is selected on the report input page, the following summary group report output is printed at the end of each Continuing Education Report. Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report is described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data ElementDescriptionTable/Field Name
School Group Header at the top of the page
School NameThe School Name as defined on the included registers.See register
BSIDThe BSID number for the school.


If undefined use [Schools]School_Number

Detail Line for each School Group
Course Offering

The description for the associated course offering is followed by the course offering code in parentheses.

  • For the ILE register, the description associated with the register code is used.
  • Missing Course Offering title is added to group courses with no course offering.
[PS_Common_Code]Description ([S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_SEC_X]Course_Offering)
Number of Students

A distinct count of the students included in all of the printed registers included in the course offering for the group.

Note: If a student appears on more than one register, s/he is included only once in the count.

Total ADE September to June Pupils of the Board

The sum of the Equivalent ADE values printed on each register for the course offering for the group from September to June for Pupils of the Board.

Note: This field is not printed for the ILE register because it does not print ADE.

Total ADE September to June Other Pupils

The sum of the Equivalent ADE values printed on each register for the course offering for the group from September to June for Other Pupils.

Note: This field is not printed for the ILE register because it does not print ADE.

Total ADE by Course Offering Summer Pupils of the Board

The sum of the Equivalent ADE values printed on each register for the course offering for the group for Summer for Pupils of the Board.

Note: This field is not printed for the ILE register because it does not print ADE.

Total ADE by Course Offering Summer Other Pupils

The sum of the Equivalent ADE values printed on each register for the course offering for the group for Summer for Other Pupils.

Note: This field is not printed for the ILE register because it does not print ADE.

School Group Footer Line

Total Continuing Ed ADE For School plus BSIDText "Total Continuing Ed ADE For School" + BSID
Distinct Total of Students

This is not the sum of the Number Of Students values for the group because a student may appear on more than one register in the group.

Total for each of the 4 Equivalent ADE Columns from Above

A total (sum) for each of the 4 Equivalent ADE columns from above.

Note: It does not apply to the ILE register

If the "Print Summary Pages" and the "Print Course Detail" boxes are checked in the report input, the above summary group report output is printed at the end of each Continuing Education Report along with this Course Detail summary.

Data ElementDescriptionTable/Field Name
Course Offering Group
CourseCourse Number, Section Number, and Course Name as printed under the Register Title on the corresponding printed register.
Number of StudentsA distinct count of the students included on the corresponding printed register.
Equivalent ADE

The equivalent ADE as printed on the corresponding register.

Note: This field is not printed for the ILE register because it does not print ADE.

Final Overall Report Footer

Total Continuing Ed ADE For Board plus

District Number

Text "Total Continuing Ed ADE For Board" + District Number[Prefs]Name = "DISTRICTNUMBER"

Distinct Total of Students

The distinct total of students in the report.

Note: This is not the sum of the Number Of Students values for the school group footers,

because a student may appear on more than one register in the report.

Total for Each of the Four Equivalent ADE

Columns from the School Group Footers

A total (sum) for each of the 4 Equivalent ADE columns from the school group footers.

Note: Does not apply to the ILE register.

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