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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2020 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note

PSSR-237981 Elementary Report Cards (7-8) - Gradebook Taking A Long Time To Run

Elementary Report Cards7-8: Version 5.5
The report is taking too long for some districts to complete due to a query that does median calculations. The query is enhanced so that report performance improves and completes successfully.

PSSR-234087Enroll New Student, Exclude Weekends & Holidays Flag Should Stay Enabled When Residence Type=1,3, 4

On the Enrol New Student page, the Exclude Weekends & Holidays flag is enabled when Residence Type = 01(Attend/reside in facility), 03(Loc sch/reside in facility), or 04 (Reside in fac/not attend sch).

PSSR-236491French Cards – Enhance Report to Print Special Comments for 2019–2020 School Year Records

Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language: Version 1.4

The following message is printed at the bottom of the French Card only for students with 2019-2020 record(s) on the report.

"The 2019-20 school year was impacted by school closures. The student is recognized as having met the expectations set for instructional hours."

PSSR-237073French Cards – Report Fails When Print Option Is Selected

Student Record of Accumulated Instruction in French As a Second Language: Version 1.4
The report fails with an Oracle message when the Print option is selected. The issue has been fixed.

PSSR-233434New Log Feature for Save XML OnSIS Elementary and Secondary Function

A new logging feature is added to the OnSIS Elementary and Secondary Save XML function. Success and failure messages are saved and can be viewed from the Error Validation Viewer page by selecting the Save XML Process Log from the Choose data view field. This will display information on when the Save XML process was last run (date & time), who ran it, and if the process was successful or failed (includes the error message).

is added to the Choose data view field on the Error Validation Viewer. When selected,

PSSR-240606OnSIS CTCC – OTHER_CREDIT Segment Fails to Print When School Has Elementary Grades

OnSIS Night submission: Version 8.9
OnSIS CTCC submission: Version 3.6
OnSIS Secondary submission: Version 15.4

For K-12 CTCC school implemented as a single school in PowerSchool, the reports print OTHER_CREDIT Segment for secondary students when applicable.

PSSR-242566OnSIS Secondary - "Segment" segment should not be generated with Action = UPDATE for private schools

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 15.5
The report does not generate "Segment" segment with Action = UPDATE for private schools.

PSSR-230315Script to Identify Course Repeats Differences

Review a newly available script to get a list of students who have repeated courses when matched on the first five characters of the alt course number.  The script will not consider a course as 'repeated' if it matches the complete course number.

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