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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 Provincial Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Attendance Profile Report Cannot be Run Successfully For More Than 1000 Students

Attendance Profile Report Version: 1.7

The Attendance Profile now has a maximum limit of 200 students per report run.


  All States/Provinces: CRDC School Submission File Update

If a school has no out-of-school suspensions to report, the following columns will be populated with a value of zero:





All States/Provinces: Immunization Rules Engine Update

The immunization rules engine can now compare immunization dose dates and the number of doses a student has received to date fields in Core and extended tables (Student.EntryDate, for example)

Note: Immunization rules must be updated to utilize this new functionality.


All States/Provinces: Null Pointer Exception Error When Saving Vaccine Dose Data

Student dose data is now saved now in the Nightly Batch process. This will prevent users from receiving the null pointer exception error when entering (and saving) vaccination dose data.


Attendance Profile Report - Apply the Latest Changes to the Province Copy

Attendance Profile: Version 1.7

The Attendance Profile Report displayed under Province reports and in PTP now includes the latest changes made to the same report under System Reports.


Configure Page Permissions Error When Province Is Set to Ontario

When on PowerSchool 23.5.x, an error message is displayed when trying to access Configure Page Permission page. This issue has been fixed.


EQAO Extracts – Performance Improvement – Incorrectly Using UPPER(NAME) on Prefs Table

EQAO Extracts: Version 6.9

Improved Performance by replacing UPPER(NAME) with LOWER(NAME) so indexes are used.


Graduation Cohort Incorrectly Populating Cohort Field

Graduation Cohort (Diploma Completion) Processing: Version 1.5

Report incorrectly populating the cohort year for students coming from another province or country. This issue has been fixed by enhancing the report to include a new group (Students belonging to a cohort at another Province/Country) for students coming from another country or another province in Ontario. A new report parameter, Include Students with Outside of Province/Country Cohort is added to optionally include those students in the report.


New School Type - Online school

A new checkbox field “Is Online school” has been added on the Edit School pages to indicate the school is an online school.

  • Schools/School Info, Select School, Edit School

  • Select School, Special Functions, Edit School


OnSIS Night - Adjustments to ADE Calculations

OnSIS Night School Submission: Version 10.3

Modified the report to set ADE to Zero to match the Correspondence/Self-Study/Online Courses Register for students who are FT in October, PT in March, enrolled in a year-long online section, left class on the first day of semester 2 and work unites entered in the override Lessons/Work Units Completed field or entered with no Date Marked.


OnSIS Secondary New validation Rules

Additional References: PSSR-274956

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 18.5

New rules added to OnSIS Validate XML.

  • For non-enrolled students, if Diploma = OSSD or OSSD/SHSM, then Community Involvement Hours must be greater than or equal to 40 unless the Diploma/Certificate Date is greater than September 5, 2019 and less than September 5, 2022 or student’s age, as of August 31st of the current academic year, must be greater than or equal to 18 (mature student) otherwise error MDI0006a is generated for the student.

  • For non-enrolled students, if Diploma = OSSD or OSSD/SHSM and the Diploma/Certificate Date is greater than September 5, 2020 and less than September 5, 2022, then Community Involvement Hours must be greater than or equal to 20 or student’s age, as of August 31st of the current academic year, must be greater than or equal to 18 (mature student) otherwise error MDI0006c is generated for the student.


Rename - Board Residence Status Values

Renamed the Board Residence status drop-down value from E-Learning student (09) to Online Student (09) as per the ministry guidelines.

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