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Student Status Sheet Report


The ON Student Status Report provides a record of the Ontario secondary school credit courses successfully completed by the student and the courses the student is currently taking. The status sheet also provides information regarding the student’s progress toward the completion of his or her diploma requirements. An additional page is generated for students enrolled in an SHSM program, providing information regarding their progress toward the completion of the SHSM certificate.

The report can run from the admin portal and the teacher portal. This report is now accessible.

Selection Criteria

Selection criteria determine which database records are used in the report. Refer to selection criteria for analysis when the report does not return the correct records.

The report selects records from the Students table based on the following criteria:

  1. The Student must have been enrolled in a school allowing Grades 8-12. The student’s Grade Level must be greater than 7. 

  2. The Student is included in the subset of currently selected students (if applicable).

  3. The Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting) must be off.

  4. If "Ignore Student Exclusion" is unchecked, a student is excluded if either the student's Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag ([Students]State_ExcludeFromReporting) is on, or if his/her attendance type (i.e. EnrollmentType field) = 'EX' (excluded) for the enrolment (i.e. Students or ReEnrollments record) associated with, in whole or in part, the run date (i.e. if there is any overlap between the enrolment start and end dates and the run date).

Records are selected from the CC and/or Storedgrades tables for Completed Courses and Current Course activities based on the selection criteria described in the Report Output section.

Only secondary courses (i.e., [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type is 'M', 'L',  'P', 'O', blank) are included in the report for secondary students and elementary grade 8 students.

The report can optionally run to include cross-enrolled students. or cross-enrolled Grade 8 students, allowing the report to be run for a Grade 8 student at either the elementary school of primary enrolment or at the secondary school at which the student is taking secondary classes.

Course Repeats 

The Report uses a common function to check for repeated credit courses. please refer to Appendix L for logic details. 

Report Input

For help with navigation and running the report, see How to Find and Generate a Report.



First Interim Store Codes

This is a display-only list of store codes with a mark type ([S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type) of "M1" (mid-term 1).

Second Interim Store Codes

This is a display-only list of store codes with a mark type ([S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type) of "M2" (mid-term 2).

Select Programs to show in Awards/Special Programs

Select one or more entries from the list of Programs or select “All Programs” (the default). Only selected programs are printed in the Awards/Special Programs section of the report. Only programs for which the "Available For OST/Status Sheet" flag is selected appear in the list.

Print SHSM Students Only

Choose whether you wish to run the report for the Students who completed or currently working on an SHSM program only or print students regardless of SHSM from the current selection of students.

The default value is set to No.

Print Options

Select which pages you want to print. Valid values are:

All pages, Credit summary Only, SHSM Summary Only

Print Even Number Of Pages

Select this option to print students individually. An even number of pages are printed for each student. A blank page is added if the student has an odd number of pages. This option should be selected if you are using duplex printing.

Sort By

Select the order in which students should appear in the report:

  • Student Name (default)

  • Student Name Within Homeroom

  • Student Name Within Distribution Period

  • Student Name Within Grade Level

If the distribution period sort is selected, the specified distribution date and period is compared to the meeting expression for each of a student's scheduled classes to determine which of his/her classes is used to define the sort key value for the student. The distribution period sort key is [Courses]Course_Number, [Sections]Section_Number, student name.

Distribution Date

This parameter applies only when the report is sorted by the distribution period. The report determines, for each student, the class that meets in the specified period on the specified date. Sorting is performed based on the course name and section number for the class. The default value is the system date.

Distribution Period

This parameter applies only when the report is sorted by the distribution period. The report determines, for each student, the class that meets in the specified period on the specified date. Sorting is performed based on the course name and section number for the class.

Current Selection Students

Choose whether you wish to run the report for the current selection of students or have the report search for students based on current school and grade level (9-12). When the current selection is selected, the grade level is still considered for inclusion in the report run. The default setting is "Selected N Students Only".

Examine ‘Exclude From GPA Flag’

If checked, the report excludes courses for which the ‘Excluded from GPA’ flag has been turned on. Note that only the flag associated with the course (i.e. Courses, not StoredGrades or Sections) is examined.

Included Dropped Classes

If checked, the report also includes dropped courses in the Completed Courses section for which a final mark is not posted. If not checked, credit courses with no final mark are excluded. Note, if the dropped course contains no marks at all (i.e. no interim or final marks), it is excluded regardless of this option.

Include Only Currently Enrolled Students

If checked, the list of students will be limited to currently active students (i.e. [Students]Enroll_Status = 0).

Ignore Student Exclusion

Indicate whether the Exclude From Provincial Reporting flag or an attendance type of "EX" (excluded) should exclude a student from the report. If unchecked (the default value), a student's flag and attendance type are examined. If checked, a student's flag and attendance type are not considered for student selection.

Included Grade 8 Students

Indicate whether the report should include Grade 8 students. If checked, Grade 8 students taking secondary classes are included (subject to other report selection criteria). If unchecked (the default value), Grade 8 students are not included. Note that including Grade 8 students causes the report to run slower. If Grade 8 students are to be included, it is suggested that the current PowerSchool student selection be set to include only Grade 8 students.

Include Cross-Enrolled Students

Select this box to include cross-enrolled students in the report. The report output for cross-enrolled students is identical to the output that is printed from their home school.

Print ECPP School on Report

Default is No. Select Yes to print the ECPP school name where the student is enrolled on the report otherwise, the designated school will be printed.

Count current courses towards SHSM progress

Select this box to count the current courses the student is taking when calculating the student's progress in the SHSM program.

Set Accessibility

Select this box to generate an accessible report.

Report Output

Each of the fields displayed in the output of the report are described below. See Understanding the Report Output Table for a definition of each column in the table.

Data Element





The student’s Preferred Name. Format: Last, First Middle




Student #

The student School Number.



The student’s Ontario Education Number.



The name of School the student is enrolled.

For grade 8 students, the elementary school is printed on the report, when the report is printed from either the elementary/secondary school

[S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name if defined, otherwise [Schools]Name

  •  [Students]ON_Graduation_School if defined

  • otherwise, the school running the report.

If the school is an ECPP School, then its name is printed if the user selects the "Print ECPP School On Report' option on the run page otherwise

  • The designated school defined on the student record

  • if not defined,  the designated school for the facility defined on the student record

  • if not defined, the designated school for the ECPP school 

  • otherwise, print the ECPP school


The date of entry to school.

From a list of continuous enrolment with a Ministry entry code of IA for this school, select the entry date from the first record

[Students]EntryDate or [Reenrollment]EntryDate formatted to


(Student’s) Address

Student’s mailing address






The student’s home phone number.



The student’s date of birth.

[Students]DOB (DD-MMM-YYYY)


The student’s gender.

Valid values:

  • M

  • F

  • N (Prefer not to disclose)

  • S (Prefer to specify)


getStudentGenderReportValues function is used to get the student's gender type from the code sets tables.

Genders that are Excluded from Reporting are not printed.

'I' is printed for invalid genders


The student’s counsellor.



The student’s homeroom.



The student’s Grade Level.

[Students]Grade_Level. Print "9" if student grade level is 8.


Only printed if distribution period sort is selected.

[Courses]Course_Number + "-" + [Sections]Section_Number + " (" + [Sections]Room + ")"

Run Date

This is the date the Report was printed.

System Date formatted to DD-MMM-YYYY

Previous School

The student’s Previous School.


If undefined, use [S_ON_SCH_X]Alt_School_Name (if defined) or [Schools]Name (if not) for the school from most recent ReEnrollments record for a school that is different than the school associated with the current enrolment.

Current Courses

This section displays courses based on the following criteria:

  • A class enrollment exists for this student in the current school year (the class enrollment can be at this school or at any other school the student is cross-enrolled at).

  • The class has no storegrade marks other than ones identified as interim marks in Final Grade Setup, or the class has no marks at all and the student is enrolled in the class as of the report run date. If [CC]DateLeft is earlier than the report run date the class is excluded.

  • If the 'Examine Exclude From GPA' option is selected, the 'Exclude From GPA' flag is not turned on for the class.

Only secondary courses (i.e. those for which [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type is 'M', 'L', or 'P') are included.

A class enrollment that has been dropped in the current year with no marks will not be displayed.

A class enrollment that has been dropped in the current year which has an interim mark will be displayed with the interim mark and the note ‘w’. If a class is dropped and the student then re-enrols in the same section of the class, it is not considered withdrawn. Except for the purpose of accumulating attendance, the class is treated as if the student has a single enrolment starting on the earliest [CC]DateEnrolled and ending on the latest [CC]DateLeft.

Repeat courses will show in a current status if [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date is checked or [Storedgrades]DateStored falls after [cc]DateEnrolled to correctly identify to which cc enrollment the mark belongs to when there are multiple enrollments for a single course in a term.

Classes are sorted by course number within term.


The Course Code–Section Number .


Deliv Type

The Delivery Type of the course.


Int 1

The First Interim Mark.

[StoredGrades]Grade where StoreCode where [S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type = "M1" (a course should have at most one of these).

If multiple M1 grades exist, the latest based on the storecode end date is printed.

Int 2

The Second Interim Mark.

[StoredGrades]Grade where StoreCode where [S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type = "M2" (a course should have at most one of these).

If multiple M2 grades exist, the latest based on the storecode end date is printed.

Potential Credit

Potential credits from current course.

If the course is a non-credit course, this will be zero. Otherwise, the potential credit will be displayed. If multiple instances of the same current course are present, the potential credit is printed only for the earliest instance (based on term).

If [S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_M = 1, potential credit in the Credit Summary section is 0.00.

Note, if the current course is an upgrade for a previously successfully completed course and the credit was awarded, the potential credit is 0.00.


If [S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_M = 1 then print "n/a".



Count of records in the [Attendance] table for the course where the associated attendance code is an absence and the date falls between the start of the school year and the report run date.

Dip Cat

Diploma Category

This number corresponds to the subject category on the Diploma Credit Summary Section

Refer to Appendix J - Assigning Credit To Diploma Categories.


If the credit for a course is not assigned to a diploma category because the requirements for all categories are fulfilled, the credit is considered optional for the purposes of this report and a value of "99" is printed.

If this is a non-credit course, the field is blank.

Blank if the student has no graduation plan.


This field identifies the school where the class is taken, whether the course is taken at another school. School Abbreviation is printed when a course does not belong to the students’ main school.


The following notes described in the Legend are used in the Current Courses section

Values of '1' or 'T for the Transcript Notes (Transcript_x) flags are considered "true", and values of '0' and 'F' are considered "false".



Set if [cc]dateleft is earlier than [TERM]lastday


Repeated course

Set when a storedgrade with final mark exists for this course, but for a different class enrollment.


Current year failure

Set when Interim 1 or Interim 2 mark is < 50. If both marks are shown, Interim 2 mark is used.


Special Indicator noting that the student’s performance in a Grade 11 or 12 course or an OAC was affected by extraordinary circumstances.

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_S=1 [S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_S = 1


Interdisciplinary Studies.

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_I = 1 or [S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_I = 1 or [Courses]Alt_Course_Number starts with ID


Course taught in French in a Core, Extended, or Immersion program.

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_F = 1 or [S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_F = 1 or [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_F = 1 or [S_ON_SEC_X]Lang_Pgm_Type = C,E,I or N or [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F or [S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = F


Cooperative Education.

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_C = 1 or [S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_C = 1 or [S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type = 4


Substitution for a compulsory credit course .

[GpNode]SortOrder < 99 and [ON_Student_GradPlan]isDiplomaGroupsSubstitution> 0


Indicates that the credit for the course has been used to fulfill a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) course requirement for the student for the student's 'primary' SHSM program enrolment. The SHSM enrolment records for a student are sorted by entry date desc, exit date desc, dcid desc. The first such record is the 'primary' enrolment and all other enrolments are 'secondary'

If the course is completed after the student has met the requirements for the SHSM program or the student has exited from the program, the course is not flagged as a SHSM course.

If a SHSM course is repeated, the H note is printed only for the instance with the highest mark.

Set to 'H' if the course is returned by GetStudentSHSMCourses function using the logic described in Appendix H.

The logic is based on the student's enrollment in a SHSM program as of the report run date and the course requirements established for the graduation set associated with that program.

'H' is printed if the course fulfills a requirement for both the 'primary' and a 'secondary' SHSM program enrolment.


Indicates that the credit for the course has been used to fulfill a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) course requirement for a student's 'secondary' SHSM program enrolment

'H*' is printed only if the course fulfills a requirement for a 'secondary' SHSM program enrolment but not the primary enrolment.


Credit earned at an inspected Private school by a student registered in a publicly funded school.

[S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_P = 1


Modified curriculum expectations that do not lead to a credit.

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_M = 1 or [S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_M = 1


Alternative expectations, which do not lead to a credit.

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_A = 1 or [S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_A = 1


Team-taught dual credit.

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_T = 1 or [S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_T = 1 or [S_ON_CC_X]Credit_Type = 8 or 9, or [S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type = 12 or 13, or [S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type = 12 or 13


Online Graduation course credit

This note will be printed only for e-learning courses where:

  • [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Type = 11 or 12 if not defined the

  • Sections

    • [S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type = 18 or 19

    • and

    • Course Offering = 12 if not defined then Courses > Course Offering = 12  

Diploma Credit Summary

If the student has a graduation plan selected, this section shows a summary of credits earned towards the students plan progress.

If the student has no graduation plan selected this section will appear blank.

If the student has more than one graduation plans, the first plan in the grad plan selection order will be used. ([GPStudentPlan]SortOrder = 1)

Credit from courses where [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromTranscripts = 1 are not included in this section.

For Diploma

This section totals the credits applied to both compulsory and optional columns.


Total compulsory and optional required credits.


Previous Earned

Total compulsory and optional previous Earned credits.


Previous Scholar

Total compulsory and optional previous earned credits for potential scholars courses.


Potential Earned

Total compulsory and optional potential earned credits.


Potential Scholar

Total compulsory and optional earned credits for potential scholars courses.



This section totals the credits applied to subject categories that is not ‘Optional Credits’.           


Calculated as the sum of the required credits for Compulsory.


Previous Earned

Calculated as the sum of the previous earned credits for Compulsory.


Previous Scholar

Calculated as the sum of the previous scholars credits for Compulsory.


Potential Earned

Calculated as the sum of the potential earned credits for Compulsory.


Potential Scholar

Calculated as the sum of the potential scholar credits for Compulsory.


Optional Credits

This section totals the credits applied to ‘Optional Credits’


Total Required credits for optional credits.


Previous Earned

Total Previous Earned credits for optional credits.


Previous Scholar

Total Previous Earned credits for Potential Scholars Courses that are optional credits.


Potential Earned

Total Potential Earned credits for optional credits.


Potential Scholar

Total Potential Earned credits for Potential Scholars courses that are optional credits.


Diploma Category

This section displays the breakdown of credits applied to each subject category in this student’s graduation plan progress. Refer to Appendix J - Assigning Credit To Diploma Categories.

The number of credits in the Completed Courses section must add up to the totals in this section for each corresponding subject category number for Previous Credits earned.

The number of credits in the Completed Courses and Current Courses sections must add up to the totals in this section for each corresponding subject category number for Potential Credits earned.

If the credit type for a course is blank or does not match any of the credit strategies in the student graduation plan, the credit is considered optional for the purposes of this report and a value of “99” is assigned

If the credit for a course is not assigned to a diploma category because the credits required based on the student’s graduation plan credit strategy are fulfilled, the credit is considered optional for the purposes of this report and a value of "99" is assigned.


A numeric ordering based on the order of the graduation planner, subject categories as they appear in the student’s grad plan progress. This number is used to cross-reference credit earned in the Current Courses and the Completed Courses sections of the Student Status Sheet

Note: ‘Optional Credits’ will default to 99.


Category Name

The Subject Category Name.



Required credits for this category.


Previous Earned

Previous Earned credits for this category.

Calculated. See notes in this section.

Previous Scholar

Previous Earned credits for Potential Scholars courses.

Calculated. See notes in this section.

Potential Earned

Potential Earned credits for this category.

Calculated. See notes in this section.

Potential Scholar

Potential Earned credits for Potential Scholars courses.

Calculated. See notes in this section.

Credits to date

This section summarizes the credits required, previous earned, previous Scholar, potential earned and potential Scholars for all the diploma categories above.

Equivalent Credits Granted

This section will appear if this student has any equivalent credits applied to this student’s graduation plan. An equivalent credit is a mark with a PLAR Type of (2, 5, or 7) or a ministry course code of  ‘PLE99’ ‘QEV1W’, ‘QEE99’, ‘QMA99’, ‘QAP99’, and ‘QSE99’. The credit will be applied to the graduation plan if the credit type is associated to a credit strategy for this student graduation plan progress.

Note: Equivalent credits will be included in the totals for earned credits in the Diploma Category section as well as in this section.

Completed Courses

The report selects final or full-disclosure mark records from the Storedgrades table based on the following criteria:

  • The record is not identified by the store codes designated as First or Second Interim (i.e. Midterm) marks, and

  • The record is a final mark with potential credits that is greater than zero, or

  • The record is an equivalent mark with PLAR type (2, 5, or 7) or a ministry course code of  ‘PLE99’ ‘QEV1W’, ‘QEE99’, ‘QMA99’, ‘QAP99’, and ‘QSE99’, or

  • The record is a zero-credit mark with a [Storedgrade]grade that is non-blank, and

  • The Exclude From GPA flag for the associated course ([Courses]ExcludeFromGPA) is not set, when the Examine ‘Exclude From GPA Flag’ is enabled in the Report UI at runtime.

  • Check all course codes for a student that have a 4th and 5th character of 4T or 4Y (these will account for all dual credit courses) as well as course codes beginning with AMX3M and AMX4M (these are the external music credits) to see how many credits a student has earned in these courses. If the student has earned more than four credits, count the four with the highest credit followed by highest marks, and print 'e' if the course is excluded from counting (even if the "display on transcript" flag is not set). Print 'PC' if only a portion of the course's credit is counted towards diploma.

The report excludes PLAR courses for which credit earned = 0. These include:

  • PLE99 courses

  • Qxx courses

  • QEV1W courses

  • Other courses where PLAR type is one of: 2, 5, or 7

Only secondary courses (i.e. those for which [S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type is 'M', 'L', or 'P') are included.

There can be a situation where the course information is repeated more than once. This will occur if the credit for the course has been split between 2 or more subject categories. When this is the case, each line describes the amount of credit allocated to the subject category.

If the Include Dropped Courses option is enabled in the Report UI at runtime, courses that have been dropped, but have a final mark or full-disclosure mark with earned credit = 0 with a potential credit > 0 will be shown in this section. Dropped courses that have no marks at all, or only marks associated with the First or Second Interim marks will continue to be excluded.

Courses in this section are sorted by Credit_Date.


The Course Code.




For a credit course the mark from the [StoredGrades] record in which PotentialCrHrs  is > 0 is used. For a non-credit course the mark from the "latest" [StoredGrades] record (based on Credit_Date or if undefined DateStored) is used.



Date completed formatted as YYYY/MM.

If [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date is defined use that value.

If [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit is undefined and there is an associated CC record, use the calendar day immediately prior to [CC]DateLeft.

If [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date is undefined and there is no associated CC record and [StoredGrades]TermId is defined (i.e. non-zero), use [Terms]LastDay for the associated term.

If [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Date is undefined and there is no associated CC record and [StoredGrades]TermId is undefined, use [StoredGrades]DateStored (TermID should never be undefined).

Credit Earned

Credit Earned

Note, if the credit for this mark was applied to more than one diploma categories, separate lines will be created showing the credit applied to each diploma category.

If [S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_M = 1, potential credit in the Credit Summary section is 0.00.

[StoredGrades] EarnedCrHrs

If [Courses]Credit_Hours = 0, then credit earned is set to 0 regardless of the value in the StoredGrades record.

If [S_ON_CC_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_M = 1 then print "n/a".

Dip Cat

Diploma Category Cross reference number from the Diploma Summary Section.

A common function, based on the logic described in Appendix J - Assigning Credit To Diploma Categories, is used to determine the diploma category to which the credit for a course is assigned. The function excludes courses where [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromTranscripts is on.


If no credit is earned, blank is printed.

Blank if the student has no graduation plan.

Blank if [StoredGrades]ExcludeFromTranscripts = 1.


Notes may contain any of the symbols from the Legend.





Not printed if class is also flagged as withdrawn (i.e. if a note of "w" is printed).

Not printed if class is designated as alternative or modified curriculum - i.e. [S_ON_CRS_X]/[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_A or Transcript_M flag is on. If so designated the student is deemed to have passed the class regardless of mark or credit earned.

[Courses]credit_hours > 0 AND [StoredGrades]earnedcrhrs = 0 AND [StoredGrades]potentialCrhrs > 0 AND [StoredGrades]StoreCode IS NOT (First Iterim or Second Iterim storecodes)


[Courses]credit_hours = 0 AND [StoredGrades]earnedcrhrs = 0 AND [StoredGrades]grade < 50 AND [StoredGrades]StoreCode IS NOT (First Iterim or Second Iterim storecodes)


Current year failure.

Not printed if class is designated as alternative or modified curriculum - i.e. [S_ON_SGR_X]/[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_A or Transcript_M flag is on. If so designated the student is deemed to have passed the class regardless of mark or credit earned.

[Terms]yearid= SelectedYear – 1991 (current year course)

[Courses]credit_hours > 0 AND [StoredGrades]earnedcrhrs = 0 AND [StoredGrades]potentialCrhrs >0 AND [StoredGrades]grade is not null


Repeated course (lower mark).

Numeric marks in [StoredGrades]Grade are converted to numbers for the purposes of determining which instance contains the highest mark.

The report uses a common function to mark a course as repeat. Refer to Appendix L for details

For a non-credit course, [Courses]PotentialCrHrs = 0 it is the latest [StoredGrades] record in a term that is not identified as an Interim mark store code.

If a full disclosure record (i.e. Transcript_W is on) is present for a course and the full disclosure mark is the highest mark, that record is not considered to have the highest for the purpose of determining whether to print an "r".

A course with a mark of "EQV" is not shown as repeated.



Repeated course (higher mark).

Numeric marks in [StoredGrades]Grade are converted to numbers for the purposes of determining which instance contains the highest mark.

Credit is counted only for the instance of a repeated course based on the following rules:

  • If non-zero credit is earned, the one with the highest credit should be counted. 

  • If more than one class has the 'highest' credit value, then the one with the highest mark should be counted.

  • If more than one class has the same 'highest' credit and 'highest' mark, then the earliest should be counted.

If a full disclosure record (i.e. Transcript_W is on) is present for this course and the mark is the highest mark, then this record is not considered to have the higher mark.




[StoredGrades]Grade = W or [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_W = 1



[StoredGrades]ExcludeFromTranscripts = 1 or

when dual credit/external music credit is not counted.


Partially Counted

dual credit/external music courses when only partial credit is counted.

Notes column may contain one or more of the following Transcript Note flags. Values of '1' or 'T for the Transcript Notes (Transcript_x) flags are considered "true", and values of '0' and 'F' are considered "false".


Special Indicator noting that the student’s performance in a Grade 11 or 12 course or an OAC was affected by extraordinary circumstances.

 [S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_S = 1 or [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_S = 1


Interdisciplinary Studies.

 [S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_I = 1 or [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_I = 1 or [Courses]Alt_Course_Number starts with ID


Course taught in French in a Core, Extended, or Immersion program.

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_F = 1 or [S_ON_CC_X]Transcript_F = 1 or [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_F = 1 or [S_ON_SEC_X]Lang_Pgm_Type = C,E,I or N or [Sections]Instruction_Lang = F or [S_ON_CRS_X]Instruction_Lang = F


Cooperative Education.

 [S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_C = 1 or [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_C = 1 or [S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type = 4


Substitution for a compulsory credit course .

[GpNode]SortOrder < 99 and [ON_Student_GradPlan]isDiplomaGroupsSubstitution> 0


Indicates that the credit for the course has been used to fulfill a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) course requirement for the student for the student's 'primary' SHSM program enrolment. The SHSM enrolment records for a student are sorted by entry date desc, exit date desc, dcid desc. The first such record is the 'primary' enrolment and all other enrolments are 'secondary'.

If the course is completed after the student has met the requirements for the SHSM program or the student has exited from the program, the course is not flagged as a SHSM course.

If a SHSM course is repeated, the H note is printed only for the instance with the highest mark.

Set to 'H' if the course is returned by GetStudentSHSMCourses function using the logic described in Appendix H.

The logic is based on the student's enrollment in a SHSM program as of the report run date and the course requirements established for the graduation set associated with that program.

'H' is printed if the course fulfills a requirement for both the 'primary' and a 'secondary' SHSM program enrolment.


Indicates that the credit for the course has been used to fulfill a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) course requirement for a student's 'secondary' SHSM program enrolment

'H*' is printed only if the course fulfills a requirement for a 'secondary' SHSM program enrolment but not the primary enrolment.


Credit earned at an inspected Private school by a student registered in a publicly funded school.

[S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_P = 1


Modified curriculum expectations that do not lead to a credit

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_M = 1 or [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_M = 1


Alternative expectations that do not lead to a credit

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_A = 1 or [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_A = 1


Team-taught dual credit.

[S_ON_CRS_X]Transcript_T = 1 or [S_ON_SGR_X]Transcript_T = 1 or [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Type = 8 or 9, or [S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type = 12 or 13, or [S_ON_SGR_X]Delivery_Type = 12 or 13


Online Graduation Course Credit

This not will be printed only for e-learning courses where:

  • [S_ON_SGR_X]Credit_Type = 11 or 12 if not defined the

  • Sections

    • [S_ON_SEC_X]Delivery_Type = 18 or 19

    • and

    • Course Offering = 12 if not defined then Courses > Course Offering = 12

Diploma Type

Diploma Type:

The type of Diploma the student is enrolled on.


Diploma Date:

The Date the Diploma was awarded.

This field reflects the result of auto-calculation as described above.

[S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Date formatted to


Ontario Scholar: Yes/No

Whether the student has been awarded an Ontario Scholarship and the Date awarded.

[S_ON_STU_X]Scholarship_Date formatted to DD-MMM-YYYY


The student’s Cohort

[S_ON_STU_X]Cohort_Year and if empty get the year from [S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date if populated

This field uses GetStudentOnlineLearningRequirment function

Mature Student

Yes if the student is a Mature student otherwise No


Entered OSSD after grade 9

Yes if the students entered OSSD after grade 9

No, if Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board ([S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date) is populated for the student or there is a current/previous enrolment record where grade = 09

Otherwise Yes.

Blank for grade 08 students

OYAP Program

Yes if the student is in the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program otherwise No


Community Involvement Hours                                                      

Community Involvement Hours

Number of Community Involvement Hours completed.

If the student is not working towards the OSSD diploma, then “Not Applicable” is printed.


where [S_ON_STU_Community_Hours_C]ForeignKey = [Students]ID

formatted to zzz9.99.

If [S_ON_STU_X]Diploma_Type is not "1" or "4" then "Not Applicable" is printed.

Ontario School Literacy Req.                                                          

Whether the Ontario School Literacy Requirement has been completed. Displays one of the following Comments. Refer to Appendix F - Literacy Requirement for a description of the values returned by the [PSSR_ON_Common]LiteracyRequirement function referenced below.

Successfully completed in both English and French

Ontario School Literacy Requirement has been successfully completed in both English and French.

= B

Successfully completed in English

Ontario School Literacy Requirement has been successfully completed in English.

= E

Successfully completed in French

Ontario School Literacy Requirement has been successfully completed in French.

= F

Not reported

Ontario School Literacy Requirement has not been reported.

= N

Not applicable

Ontario School Literacy Requirement is not applicable.

= X

Not completed

Ontario School Literacy Requirement has not been completed.

is blank

Online Learning Grad. Req:  one of the following values will be printed for the student

Opted Out

Value is printed if the student has opted out of the requirement. students with UI "Opted Out of Online Learning Graduation Requirement flag" selected

PSSR_ON_COMMON.StudentOnlineLearningRequirement is used

Not Applicable

Value is printed if any of the following is true:

  1. Students who are not assigned an OSSD (1) or OSSD/SHSM(4) diploma.

  2. Students with Cohort < 2020, students. i.e any of the following is true:

    1. Cohort year ([S_ON_STU_X]CohortYear) < 2020

    2. If cohort year is not defined, then if Date Entered Grade 9 At Other Ontario Board ([S_ON_STU_X]Gr_Nine_Enroll_Date) < 2020

    3. If both fields are not defined, then if the earliest date from grade 9 enrolment < 2020

PSSR_ON_COMMON.StudentOnlineLearningRequirement is used

Requirement Met

Value is printed if the student earned 2 online learning credits or earned one online credit and any other credit in the period between April 1, 2021, and June 30, 2021 and the student is not Opt Out or The requirement is not applicable to the students.

PSSR_ON_COMMON.StudentOnlineLearningRequirement is used, EarnedToDate = 2


Nothing is printed if the online graduation requirement is applicable to the student and the student did not Opt Out and the student did not meet the requirement.

Awards/Special Programs

Awards/Special Programs are displayed here according to the ‘Select Programs to show in Awards/Special Programs’ parameter selection.

Awards/Special Programs

A list of Awards/Special Programs the student has been enrolled on.

Only programs selected by the user on the report input page are included in this section. If a student is enrolled in the same included program more than once, the program is only printed once.

If a program enrolment does not begin until after the report run date (i.e., is in the future) it is not included. Expired programs are also not printed.

If a SHSM program enrolment ended on or prior to the report run date and [S_ON_SEN_X]SHSM_Program_Date is not defined (i.e. the student did not meet all the requirements and the program is no longer in progress), the program is not printed.

[Gen]Cat = specprog and selected ‘Awards/Special Programs’ parameter = [SpEnrollments]ProgramID

SHSM programs [S_ON_GEN_SPECPROG_X]SHSM_Flag is on) are printed. If [S_ON_SEN_X]SHSM_Program_Date is not defined, "(in progress)" is appended to the printed program name.

If a SHSM program is a 'secondary' program for the student, "(secondary)" is appended to the printed program name. The SHSM enrolment records for a student are sorted by entry date desc, exit date desc, dcid desc. The first such record is the 'primary' enrolment and all other enrolments are 'secondary'.

A SHSM program is printed only if it is in progress or if all requirements have been met (i.e. where [S_ON_SEN_X]Program_Date is defined).

Course Selection

Future courses that have been requested are displayed here where [ScheduleRequests]YearID/100) >= (selectedYear - 1991). If the Examine ‘Exclude From GPA Flag’ parameter is checked at Report run time, then classes where [Courses]ExcludeFromGPA is set are not printed.


Future Course request.



Potential Credit from Future Course.


Total Potential Credits

Total Potential Credits from Future Courses.

Total of [Courses]Credit_Hours

SHSM Progress page

 This page is only generated if the student is working towards an active SHSM program or if the student completed an SHSM program(All Requirement Met Date is defined). if there is more than one program, the information related to the latest program is printed.

Dropped programs where the Exit date is populated are ignored.

Only programs included on the run page are considered.

Current Courses

This is the list of current courses (in progress Courses) that will fulfill SHSM requirements. 





Identical to page one.

Current courses

List of Courses that can be used to fulfill a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) course requirement for the student's 'primary' SHSM program enrolment.

It is the list of current courses on page 1 that has the H note.

Courses with H* note that only fulfill a secondary SHSM program will not be listed. Those courses will only be listed on Page )one


The Course Code–Section Number.


Deliv Type

The Delivery Type of the course.


Int 1

The First Interim Mark.

[StoredGrades]Grade where StoreCode where [S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type = "M1" (a course should have at most one of these).

Int 2

The Second Interim Mark.

[StoredGrades]Grade where StoreCode where [S_ON_TRB_X]Mark_Type = "M2" (a course should have at most one of these).

Potential Credit

Potential credits from the current course.




Count of records in the [Attendance] table for the course where the associated attendance code is an absence and the date falls between the start of the school year and the report run date.


SHSM Category

The number corresponds to the SHSM requirement category in the SHSM credit summary section that the course will potentially fulfill.

Best Fit Logic is used to determine this value


School where the course is taken, if the course is taken at another school


Completed Courses

Only courses which are used to fulfill a Specialist High Skills Major (SHSM) requirement for the student's 'primary' SHSM program enrolment are listed here.





Course code



Course mark



Date course completed formatted as YYYY/MM.

Credit Earned

Credit earned

Note, if the credit for this mark was applied to more than one diploma category, separate lines will be created showing the credit applied to each diploma category.


SHSM Category

The number corresponds to the SHSM requirement category in the SHSM credit summary section that will be fulfilled by this course


Best Fit Logic is used to determine this value

SHSM Credit Summary




For SHSM Program


Total required credits to earn the SHSM program.

Total Prerequisite Hours


Total earned credits.


SHSM Requirements

List of Requirements that applies to the Student’s Primary SHSM Program as defined on the Graduation Sets and displayed in the same sort order.


Required credit to fulfill the requirement, as defined in the program graduation set.



Credit completed to fulfill the requirement.

Certifications Summary





Total number of required Certifications that are mandatory to complete.

Certificates with the required flag selected.


Total number of required certifications that are earned to date.

Total number of the required certificates ( required flag is ON) that applies to the SHSM program printed, the students earned to date ( completed date <= today’s date).


Total number of optional Certifications that are mandatory to complete.

Number of Optional certificates.


Total number of optional certifications that are earned to date.

Total optional certificates that applies to the SHSM program.

SHSM Certifications

This is a list of certificates completed and applies to the student's primary SHSM program. 




Certification Type

Certificate name


Date completed

Date the certificate is completed

EXPIRED is printed for expired certificates. A certificate is expired if the 

Exit Date is on or before the System date or All Requirment Met Date if defined 

DUPLICATE is printed for duplicate certificates with the latest completion dates



Number of hours achieved



column indicates if the certificate is Required or Optional

[S_ON_GEN_SHSM_Cert_Map_C] Required_Flag

Valid Values: Req, Opt

More Details displayed on the left side of the page




SHSM Program

The name of the student's Primary SHSM program

Entry Date

Primary program entry date


Exit Date

Primary program exit date


Earned Date

Primary program earned date


SHSM Component

SHSM Component


OSP Date

Only displayed if the SHSM Component selected is OSP



Only displayed if the SHSM Component selected is SPC

Print Yes if selected otherwise No


Innovation, Creativity 

Only displayed if the SHSM Component selected is SPC

Print Yes if selected otherwise No


Mathematical Literacy

Only displayed if the SHSM Component selected is SPC

Print Yes if selected otherwise No


SHSM Reach Ahead 

Print Yes if date is defined otherwise No


Experiential Learning Activity

(Activity can be added if possible)

Print Yes if date is defined otherwise No



student pathway


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