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Staff Setup


The following data elements are required for provincial reporting.

To navigate to the Staff Member page:

To add a new staff member: On the Start Page in the left panel, click New Staff Entry. The New Staff Member page appears.


To edit an existing staff member record: On the Start Page, click the Staff tab and search for the staff member. If the Select A Staff Member page appears, choose a staff member from the list. The Staff page appears.

The following information describes the setup required for Provincial Reporting. For information about general staff setup, refer Help, System Help.

Editing Staff Information

Edit Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Name (last, first MI)



EQAO Submissions, Elementary Progress Report, Elementary Report Card, Secondary Report Card, Enrolment Report, Daily Attendance Record, Daily Absence Report, Independent Study and e-Learning Register for Day School Pupils, Continuing Education Registers (Summer School, Correspondence/Self-Study/Online, Adult Credit, Literacy & Numeracy, Adult Native Language,  International Languages Elementary)

Legal Name (Last, first, middle, suffix)

Staff Legal Name

Max character allowed for the fields as defined in database

Following special characters are allowed

  • a-zA-ZÀàÄäÂâÁáÈèÉéÊêËëÎîÏïÌìÔôÖöÓóÜüÙùÛûÚúÇçÿŸÑñò _:.'~

  • Accents are to be accepted.





EQAO Extracts


Staff Gender

Valid Values M & F


OnSIS Submissions.

Legal Gender

Staff Legal Gender

Valid Values are M(Male), F(Female), N (Prefer not to Disclose), and S(Prefer to Specify)

If S is selected a text box is displayed to specify the gender identity. 

OnSIS Submissions.

Entering Provincial Staff Information

Ontario Provincial Information

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Ministry Educator Number

Dashes and other non-numeric characters will be removed and the value zero-filled when saved.


OnSIS Submissions

Board Employee Number


OnSIS Submissions

Exclude From Provincial Reporting Flag

T or F

If checked OnSIS submissions will not generate <School_Educator_Assignment> segment or child segments.


OnSIS Submissions

Creating Staff Assignments

Ontario Provincial Information - Assignments

Click NEW to add a new assignment, or click on a position type to edit an existing assignment. Only assignments associated with the logged in school can be edit. If the selected assignment is not associated with the logged in school the date can be viewed but not modified or deleted. If logged into the district office assignments can be edited regardless of school.

When logged into the district office, the assignments for all schools are listed. When logged into a particular school only the assignments for that school are listed.

Assignments are sorted descending by assignment end date within assignment start date (ascending or descending as specified by the user).

The data entry page checks for duplicate assignments based on School, MEN, Position Type, Educator Leave Type,  Assignment Withdrawal Type, Assignment Start Date, and Assignment End Date.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Position Type

Choose an option from the pop-up menu.


Refer to Position Type entries in ministry OnSIS reference spreadsheet.

Value is used in check for duplicate records.


OnSIS Submissions

Full Time Equivalent



OnSIS Submissions

Teaching Type

Choose an option from the pop-up menu.


Refer to Teaching Type entries in ministry OnSIS reference spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Assignment Start Date


Value is used in check for duplicate records (i.e. an assignment with matching Position Type, Educator Leave Type and Assignment Withdrawal Type cannot have an overlapping time frame).


OnSIS Submissions

Department Type

Choose an option from the pop-up menu.

Refer to Department Type entries in ministry OnSIS reference spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Letter Of Permission Number


OnSIS Submissions

Temporary Letter Approval

This data is used starting with the October 2012 submission.


OnSIS Submissions

NTIP Status Type

Choose an option from the pop-up menu.

Refer to NTIP Status Type entries in ministry OnSIS reference spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Educator Leave Type

Choose an option from the pop-up menu.

Refer to Educator Leave Type entries in ministry OnSIS reference spreadsheet.

Value is used in check for duplicate records.


OnSIS Submissions

Assignment Withdrawal Type

Choose an option from the pop-up menu.

Refer to Assignment Withdrawal Type entries in ministry OnSIS reference spreadsheet.

Value is used in check for duplicate records.


OnSIS Submissions

Assignment End Date

Enter the date the assignment ends.

Value is used in check for duplicate records (i.e. an assignment with matching Position Type, Educator Leave Type and Assignment Withdrawal Type cannot have an overlapping time frame).


OnSIS Submissions

Class Assignment Flag

If this flag is off, OnSIS school educator class assignment segments are not generated.


OnSIS Submissions

Creating Class Assignments

Ontario Provincial Information - Assignments – Class Assignments.

Only classes that meet during the currently selected PowerSchool term are shown in the list of class assignments.

Click NEW to add a new Class Assignment, or click on a Course Name to edit an existing Class Assignment.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Course Name (Section Number) (Term)

Choose an option from the pop-up menu.

Only classes that occur during this assignment period and during the currently selected term at the assignment school will display. If the year long term is selected, all of the teacher's classes that meet at any time during the year are included.

For secondary schools, all classes with which the teacher is associated (either as lead teacher or as co-teacher) are available.

Placeholder classes ([S_ON_CRS_X]Course_Type = "P") are not included.

For elementary schools, only homeroom classes with which the teacher is associated (either as lead teacher or as co-teacher) will be available.

The grade level associated with a class ([Sections]Grade_Level) is not considered when determining the list of available classes.


OnSIS Submissions

Creating Subject Assignments

Ontario Provincial Information - Assignments – Subjects

Click NEW to add a new Subject, or click on a Course Name to edit an existing Subject.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Course Name (Section Number) (Term)

Choose an option from the pop-up menu.

Only classes that occur during this assignment period and during the currently selected term at the assignment school will display. If the year long term is selected, all of the teacher's classes that meet at any time during the year are included.

For elementary schools only, only non-homeroom classes with which the teacher is associated (either as lead teacher or as co-teacher) will be available.

Not available for secondary schools.


OnSiS Submissions

Defining Instructional Time Type

Ontario Provincial Information - Assignments - Instructional Time Type

Click NEW to add a new instructional time type, or click on a type to edit an existing type.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Time Type

Choose an option from the pop-up menu.

Refer to Instructional Time Type entries in ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Defining Educator Roles

Ontario Provincial Information - Assignments - Roles

Click NEW to add a new role, or click on a role to edit an existing role.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Role Type

Choose an option from the pop-up menu.


Refer to Eductor Role Types entries in Appendix A - Codes and Specifications.


Organizational Chart


Cannot be greater than the FTE entered for the parent educator assignment record.


Organization Chart

Start Date

Must fall within the date range for the parent educator assignment record.


Organization Chart

End Date

Must fall within the date range for the parent educator assignment record.


Organization Chart

Entering Temporary Letters of Authorization

Ontario Provincial Information - Assignments - Temporary Letters Of Authorization

Note: This data is no longer used starting with the October 2012 submission.

Data Element

Additional Information

[Table] Field Name


Used in these Reports

Subject Type

Choose an option from the pop-up menu.

Refer to Elementary Subject Type (for elementary school courses) and Secondary Subject Type Code (for secondary school courses) entries in ministry OnSIS Reference Table Spreadsheet.


OnSIS Submissions

Non-Teacher Flag

T or F


OnSIS Submissions

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