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This view returns all of the contacts that can be selected for a student for association with an enrollment in a literacy and numeracy class - i.e. Mother, Father, Guardian, and all Contacts for which the association = "LNPG".

If the "ON_LNPG_Contacts_Only" preference is present and has the value "1", the view returns only rows from the S_CONTACTS_S table (i.e. Contact_Table_Source = 'S_CONTACTS_S'). If the preference is undefined, or has a value of null, the view returns rows from both the STUDENTS and S_CONTACTS_S tables (i.e. Contact_Table_Source = 'STUDENTS' and 'S_CONTACTS_S').

The view is used by class enrollment data entry pages, the continuing education literacy and numeracy register, and the OnSIS night school and summer school submissions.

The view is defined as follows:




Literacy and Numeracy Parent/Guardian Reference. One of:

  • If source is [Students]Mother
    • set to "M" and [Students]ID
  • If source is [Students]Father
    • set to "F " and [Students]ID
  • If source is [Students]Guardian_LN, Guardian_FN and Guardian_MN
    • set to "G" and [Students]ID
  • If source is [S_Contacts_S]Last_Name, First_Name and Middle_Name
    • set to "C" + [S_Contacts_S]ID


Contact Name. One of:

  • [Students]Mother when not empty
  • [Students] Father when not empty
  • [Students]Guardian_LN + ", " + Guardian_FN + " " + Guardian_MN when any of the fields is not empty
  • [S_Contacts_S]Last_Name + ", " + First_Name + " " + Middle_Name for contacts associated with the student via a [S_Contact_Relationship_C] record that have [S_Contact_Relationship_C]Association = "LNPG"


Foreign key reference to the table containing the contact information. One of:

  • [Students]ID
  • [S_Contacts_S]ID


Name of the table containing the contact information. One of:



OnSIS Parent Number. [Students]State_StudentNumber + LNPG_Reference as defined above


Student ID. [Students]ID


Sort Order. One of:

  • If source is [Students]Mother then set to 1
  • If source is [Students]Father then set to 2
  • If source is [Students]Guardian_LN, Guardian_FN and Guardian_MN then set to 3
  • If source is [S_Contacts_S]Last_Name, First_Name and Middle_Name then set to 4 concatenated with [S_Contacts_S]ID
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