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Provincial Reporting Release Notes

A release announcement will be posted on PowerSchool Community when the installer is available for download. Refer to 2023 Province Reporting Releases for release dates.



Release Note


All States/Provinces: Student Incident Profile Report Updates

Incident Profile Report: Version 1.4

Additional Reference: PSSR-314728, PSSR-313105

The following updates have been made to the Incident Profile report:

  • The report will now return incidents with the correct action (or actions) when it is run for specific action(s).

  • The report will now return the expected incidents when it is run for actions that happened during a specific date range.

  • The report will now return incidents with the correct behavior (or behaviors) when it is run for specific behavior(s).


All States/Provinces: The Closing Bracket Is Missing In The Name Of Some Downloaded Reports

Section Attendance Status: Version 1.1
Electronic Attendance Audit Report: Version 1.1
Electronic Attendance Audit Report (PowerTeacher Single User): Version 1.1
Attendance Change History Report: Version 1.3

Section Attendance Statu: Version 1.2
Attendance Audit Report: Version 1.7
Attendance Audit Report (PowerTeacher Single User): Version 1.5

Attendance All Present Audit Report: Version 1.1.0


Activity Description Size Increased in Community Hours Page

Activity Description text field in New & Edit of community hours page will now allow users to put up to 400 characters.


Data Validation Report- Students Who Met the SHSM Requirement are Incorrectly Getting Error MDI0016

OnSIS Data Validation: Version 3.0

The report is enhanced to only generate MDI0016 for students when all SHSM Programs assigned to the student have the All Requirement Met Date greater than the student Diploma Met Date or when the All Requirement Met Date is not defined for all student’s SHSM programs.


Diploma Category on Edit Historical Grades Page Shows All Options in View Only Mode

Diploma Category on the Edit Historical Grades page shows all dropdown options for users with view-only access. Only the selected value should be displayed. This issue has been resolved.


Fixes to the Enhanced User Interface

Educator Assignments and students’ General Information pages are updated to resolve some UI navigation and display issues. These changes apply only to the new User Interface.


IILE Summary. Details Reports – Report Output Filenames No Longer Supports () Characters

International & Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Summary Report: Version 2.0

International & Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Details Report: Version 1.9

The brackets ( ) in the report output file name are no longer supported. Removed the brackets and replaced them with dashes.


ON Staff UI Performance Improvement - Incorrectly Using UPPER(NAME) on Prefs Table

Performance improvement changes to read from the pref table. Changed UPPER(NAME) to Lower(NAME) based on indexes already present.


OnSIS Elementary & Secondary Submission Report Is Failing if XML Validation Option Is ON

OnSIS Secondary School Submission: Version 18.1

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 16.1

Report is enhanced to handle multiple attribute sub codes. The REPORTED_TO_POLICE_FLAG tag is set to T, if at least one of the subcode field Provincially Reportable is set to true. This change resolves the issue.


OnSIS Elementary 0 Report Generating Duplicate Native Second Language Segments

OnSIS Elementary School Submission: Version 16.1

Report is enhanced to eliminate duplicate Second_Language_Program when the student is enrolled in a Native Special Program and is also enrolled in a native language class.


OST – Print Earned SHSM Award Only if the Student Earned the OSSD Diploma

Ontario Student Transcript: Version 8.1

SHSM Program is only printed if both the All Requirement Met Date and Diploma Date is defined for a student.


  Reports Performance Improvement

Additional Reference PSSR-318698, PSSR-318583

International & Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Summary Report: Version 2.0
International & Indigenous Languages Elementary (IILE) Details Report: Version 1.9
OCAS Transmission: Version 8.9
OUAC Transmission: Version 9.0
Potential Ontario Scholars: Version 3.4
OnSIS October Board Report: Version 1.2

Secondary Report Cards - GradeBook: Version 7.0

Secondary Report Cards - (LEGACY): Version 5.0

Secondary Report Cards - GradeBook - (LEGACY): Version 6.4

Kindergarten Communication of Learning Initial Observations: Version 2.5

Kindergarten Communication of Learning Report Card: Version 3.4

Performance improvement by changing the SQL using UPPER(NAME) on the Prefs table to LOWER(name) based on the indexes.


Update Reports To Support Class Codes of Upto 25 Characters

OnSIS Verification - Summary Report: Version 2.2

OnSIS Verification - Details Report: Version 2.0

Reports are updated to support Class codes of up to 25 characters.

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